
One Piece: Tales of Freedom

After enduring the worst atrocities of life head-on, Georges, an orphan, uneducated, poor, and above all, homeless, finds himself, after a heroic and particularly cliché action, transmigrated into the world of his favorite manga, One Piece. To escape the atrocities of his past life, he takes matters into his own hands by starting with a change of name and rising to the heights of the pirate world. He will encounter numerous powerful and famous pirates along the way. But in the end, who will be able to stand in the way of his freedom?

Death_Side · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs

Let the adventure begin!

Spoiler alert: This work contains spoilers, if you are not up to date with the One Piece anime, it would be better not to continue from here.


Still in the bar's restroom, Georges, now going by the name Lynx, pondered on how to go about achieving his goals.

"Since there's no system here, I'll have to rely on my knowledge of this world to level up. By the way, it got me thinking, at what point am I in the anime? I should be able to figure it out easily once I step out.

I don't know the basics of Haki, and I have no idea how to master it, but I should still give it a shot. But either way, the best way for me to get stronger is to eat a Devil Fruit, preferably a powerful one. The only question is: where am I going to find one?

Anyway, I don't have a choice; I have to set sail and..."

- Hey! Get the hell out of the toilet, I need to take a dump. Interrupted a voice full of hostility.

- Yeah, yeah!

He then exited under the judgmental gazes of the long line outside the door.

Once out of the bar, he immediately started gathering information.

He noticed a man, done reading his newspaper, who placed it on the bench before standing up.

With the newspaper in hand, he instantly knew what he wanted to find out.

In the newspaper was written:

"Here are the names of the four new Emperors of the Sea:

* 'Red-Haired' Shanks

* 'The Bombastic Clown' Buggy

* 'Blackbeard' Teach

* 'Straw Hat' Luffy"

"Sheesh! So Luffy's already an Emperor, with Gear 5, talk about power. If I want to stand among these guys... No, if I want to have no equals, not even Luffy, I shouldn't hold back.

Ahhh, I can't stand being stuck here on this island; I need to get out of here."

As soon as he said that, he saw the pirate from earlier boarding his ship. It was an excellent opportunity for him to start his adventure. So he hurried to approach the captain.

- Ahem! Excuse me, can I ask you a favor?

- Ah, it's the loser I saw earlier. The pirate replied, laughing. "What's up?"

- I'd like to come aboard with you.

- Huh?!

- I want to get on your ship and leave Foosha.

- Well, I didn't expect that at all.

- I know, but I really need to get out of here.

- And why should I take you on my ship?

- You have nothing to lose. I can serve as a crew member for as long as I'm on your ship.

- And why wouldn't you just stay by my side indefinitely?

- That's a possibility. Lynx shrugged.

- Alright, I'll take you on, you can come aboard.

He then boarded the ship, and they left the port of Foosha.

He's fooling himself. I didn't come to this world to be a subordinate. I'll build my own crew after I've used this one up to the bone.


The small village of Foosha was barely visible from afar when the ship's captain decided to give a speech.

"ASSEMBLE!" shouted a burly guy standing to the right of the captain.

All the crew members, about twenty of them, gathered on the deck. Lynx simply went along with the crowd.

"First of all, let's all welcome our new crew member, whose name is... uh... who cares."

At these words, Lynx glared furiously at the captain, who, without understanding why, began to feel an odd sense of insecurity as a man next to Lynx collapsed onto the floor for no apparent reason. Lynx himself hadn't yet realized the incredible thing that had just happened.

"Ahem... uh... yeah, I was saying, welcome to our new member.

As you all know, we're here to establish our dominance over East Blue. We have the potential for it. Don't forget that the greatest pirates come from here; it's a great honor for us to dominate..."

- Hmmm! Captain? Lynx interrupted.

- Rahhh! Who dares interrupt my emotionally charged speech?

- I just wanted to know. Aren't you planning on heading to Grand Line?

The whole crew turned their heads towards him, staring intensely, and amidst the commotion, one could hear: "Is this guy crazy? Where did the captain find such a nutcase? We should throw him overboard."

- You want us all to die? The captain replied, looking at Lynx.

- ???

'Are they so afraid of Grand Line?' he wondered in astonishment.

- We may be great pirates, but we're don't have the level for Grand Line.

- Oh yeah, I forgot that low-level pirates are all scared of the Grand Line... Oops, I said that out loud.

- What did you say, you little shit? The captain snapped, descending onto the ship's deck to approach the impertinent. "I'll show you who's the low-level pirate."

He then delivered a powerful punch to Lynx. Lynx, who staggered slightly, was grabbed by some guys and immobilized before receiving several more blows from the captain.

Satisfied with his strength, he turned around and ordered:

"Chain him up in the hold."

As he was being taken to the hold and while the captain uttered these last words, Lynx had a broad smile of satisfaction. He had just heard words that warmed his heart. The captain had said to his crew:

"Forget about that little shit; we have a mission to accomplish. Our client is waiting for us in Loguetown to sell him the Devil Fruit in our possession. I know it's an unlisted fruit and that it's worth much more than what we've been offered, but 500,000,000 Berries is not something to turn down."

The smile grew wider and wider on Lynx's face as he heard the captain's words:

'An unlisted Devil Fruit valued at 500,000,000 Berries. What idiot would part with such a sum for a crappy fruit whose identity he doesn't even know?

These petty pirates are being extorted, and they don't even realize it.

My instinct tells me that this fruit must be an excellent one. And it's somewhere on this ship. I absolutely must find it. But well, my situation isn't very favorable. Anyway... It shouldn't be that complicated.

When this dude was hitting me with his girly punches, I discovered something incredible:

Mastering Haki isn't actually that complicated.

I'm going to smoke them all!'
