
One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template

Akira crossed over to the world of One Piece! However, not only did Akira have reincarnated in this world, he got Uchiha Itachi's template fused with him at the beginning. ... Facing the Mangekyo Sharingan, Sakazuki Akainu said: "My magma that can burn even the flame itself, it is getting burned out by Akira!" Sengoku said: "Sengoku the Buddha?! Hmph... It turns out that you are the real Buddha!" Fujitora: "How could your meteor be bigger than mine?!" White Beard: "Akira's punch can destroy the world!" -------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/UVKWf6WC ___________________________ Author: Limitless Pirates Translator: 1stX_Z ------------------------------------------- Working days: 5/7 ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System.-patreon.com/HaOlu 2- HP: The legendary Successor System.-patreon.com/Zainal_BL 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- One piece: Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Tranh châm biếm
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169 Chs

Task Completed! Fusing the Two Template!

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

You can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone in Webnovel on my patre@n:




Akainu got frustrated at Sengoku's words and exclaimed, protesting.

He couldn't understand why the world government doesn't deal with Akira as a considerable threat?!

From Akainu's point of view, Akira has already started looking for talented individuals to form his crew.

As far as he knew, Robin, the Devil Child, has already joined the Akatsuki Pirates. If they don't stop him now right away, more dangerous people will definitely join him in the future.

However, only recalling that the three vice-admirals had lost him makes Akainu feel crazy.

He had slaughtered navy soldiers, cut off Kizaru's right arm.

He also seriously injured Aokiji in the Florian Triangle. And what makes him go primarily mad is that Akira also suppressed him so badly!

He still feels a dull tingling pain in his left arm when he thinks about what happened at the Florian Triangle.

However, Akainu resisted the anger in his heart and asked Sengoku:

"Then what does it take for the World Government to decide to deal with Akira more seriously?"

Sengoku shook his head. Unlike Akainu, who upheld absolute justice, he always advocated for a real purpose in making serious decisions. Since the World Government was unwilling to deal with Akira's very seriously, there was no need for the Navy to act seriously.

Although Akira has blown the face of the Navy, it is not enough to make the World Government take serious steps in dealing with Akira.

"As long as Akira hasn't done any harm to the Celestial Dragons, the world government will not deal with him seriously."

After a pause, he continued:

"Not only that, but the world government also intends to give him the position of a Shichibukai."

Hearing this, Akainu couldn't hold his anger anymore; he entered the Elementalization state immediately, and the magma began to flow under his feet. After a while, Akainu quietly opened his eyes as he tried to suppress his anger; then he said solemnly:

"In that case, in three months, let Borsalino go with me to the Sabaody Archipelago."

Sengoku hesitated slightly and then said:

"This matter is still uncertain. You also know that the situation in the new world has just stabilized. We don't want to go through unnecessary battles."

"Then why did you call me here?!"

Akainu smashed the desk in front of Sengoku with a magma fist, directly burning the desk to ashes.

"Don't worry. You will indeed be in the Sabaody Archipelago in three months with your troops!"

Sengoku felt how desperate Akainu was right now and did not say a word to his rude behavior; he raised his two fingers and continued:

"There are two purposes. The first one is if Akira is defeated, arrest him and take him to Impel Down. But, if he wins..."

"You think he could win against that monster Kaido?!" Akainu interrupted him.

Sengoku shook his head and continued:

"If he wins, let him go to the New World and make chaos there."

After a pause, he continued:

"The second purpose, the battle between Akira and Kaido will inevitably destroy some areas of the Sabaody Archipelago. Your responsibility is to capture all the pirates that will try to escape from there."

After hearing his words, Akainu began to think; He lit a cigar in his mouth and said indifferently:

"Alright, but there is one thing I want to make clear. I hope you understand if I kill Akira. By then, there will be no reason for the world government to make him Shichibukai? After all, there is no way for a dead person to become Shichibukai."


Water 7 city, Tom's shipyard.

Akira was standing before his almost complete Black Pearl ship and was satisfied with it.

Black Pearl's building speed was far beyond Akira's expectations.

However, Doflamingo played a significant role in the building; he has he speeding the building process by using his relations and power in the underworld. He has brought many skilled shipwrights to contribute to shipbuilding.

Of course, Akira did not mind and accepted his help with his insistence.

Meantime, the system's reminder voice rang in Akira's mind:

[The third primary task has been completed.]

[The System is processing your reward.]

[The task reward has been issued, please draw it!]

Akira was happy to hear the voice that he was eagerly waiting for a while; he turned and looked at the busy shipwrights, and then he directly used the Flying Raijin Jutsu to come to the deserted island.

After sitting on the root of a giant cedar tree, Akira ordered the system in his mind:

''Show me the reward!"

Suddenly, a golden card appeared in his hand.

It was the system's reward, the template fusion card.

[The Template Fusion Card: Fuses different character templates into one. It also modifies the abilities and skills of the fused templates.]

After receiving the reward, the system prompt sounded again in Chen Mu's mind:

[The host's current number of templates is: 2.]

[The character templates are Uchiha Itachi and Namikaze Minato."

[The host meets the fusion requirements, do you want to fuse the templates now?]

Akira pondered for a moment and then directly ordered the system:

"Begin the fusion!"

Following his order, he felt icy energy begin to pour out from his body.

Then he discovered that he could no longer use his current templates.

However, Akira was not surprised by this. He was looking at the two semi-transparent energy spheres floating in front of him. One was golden and the other one black. Akira understood that the system had directly extracted his two-character templates to fuse them.

The Template fusion card slowly turned into strange energy and began to wrap the template spheres of Itachi and Minato.

After a while, a dark golden sphere appeared in front of Akira.

[The template fusion is successfully done!]

[Please name the newly formed template.]

"Well..... let's name it the Hokage template."

Akira, who had no talent in naming, thought that Uchiha Itachi and Minato Namikaze both held the spirit of a true Hokage in Naruto's world, so he named the newly formed template with something common between the two characters.

[The naming is successful, and the Hokage template has been fused with the host's body.]

[Please check your new template panel!]

After hearing this, Akira immediately opened the panel:

[Host: Akira]

[Haki: Armament Haki]

[Devil Fruit: Glint-Glint Devil Fruit]

[Character template: The Hokage Template]

[Weapons: Flying Raijin Kunai, Sushui]

[Spirit Weapons: Totsuka Sword, Yata Mirror]

[Swordsmanship: Leaf-Style Sword Art (Minato Namikaze) + Uchiha's Swordsmanship.]

[Ninjutsu: Katon: Great Fireball, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Flying Raijin Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Giant Rasengan, the Sage-Mode.]

[Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan]

[Dojutsu: Left Eye (Tsukuyomi), Right Eye (Amaterasu), Both Eyes (Susanoo, Izanami, Izanagi, Yasaka Magatama), Genjutsu: Rotation of Heaven and Earth]

"Huh! so many abilities have disappeared!"

Looking at the new template panel, Akira exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

However, after checking it for a while and thinking it over many times, he found that what happened was logical. After all, the panel can't hold on to all ninjutsu(s) and abilities in one panel.