
One Piece: Servants Summoner [EN]

"Hey, buddy, do you know? The title of the world's greatest swordsman has been taken away by someone else?" "What? Is that so? Who is the greatest swordsman in the world now?" "Oh, the person who replaced the previous title's owner is Miyamoto Musashi. Not only that, I have more interesting news." "The title 'The strongest creature alive' has also been taken by someone else, and that person is the queen named Scathach." "..." "Garp, the old man from another generation, has also been defeated by an old man named Li Shuwen." "So many strong people have sprung up!? Where did all those people come from?" "They all come from a group called 'Blueplanet,' by the way, Miyamoto Musashi and Scathach are my partners." "Really... no, wait! Who are you?!" "I am the leader of the Blueplanet group!" The protagonist said with a smile. This story is the story of a protagonist with a Summoner System, summoning powerful two-dimensional characters while sailing on a beautiful vast ocean. *** Advanced chapters available on; patréon.com/Mizuki77

Mizuki77 · Tranh châm biếm
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148 Chs

Chapter 127

"If that's your wish, then don't regret it. I will put an end to your outdated legend today!" Vermillion smiled grimly.

"Shihahaha, do you think you can do it? Not only did half your friends scatter, but the Navy and Red Hair Pirates surrounded you!" Golden Lion burst out laughing.

"I never thought the opportunity to kill you would come so quickly. I will destroy you today! Garp, Shanks, what do you think? Together, let's eliminate this insolent brat!"

"Perhaps you have misunderstood; we come to support Marshal Blue, not the other way around." Shanks raised his hand, "If you want to fight him, I will be your enemy."

Hearing this, Golden Lion's laughter stopped, "Shanks, are you serious? You know them?" He asked incredulously.

"Sorry, Golden Lion. As I said earlier, we will become your enemies if you want to fight Marshal Blue. It would be better if you give up your intention." Shanks' Emperor Haki flared up, and in the blink of an eye, his figure had appeared in front of Golden Lion.

"Damn you, Shanks!" Golden Lion hurriedly protected his body with Armament Haki. At the same time, the island's ground shook violently following Golden Lion's counterattack.

"If you are his ally, then sink with him! Manacing Lion!" Shiki shouted. Instantly, the entire island shook violently!

Responding to the Golden Lion's attack, Vermillion spread his arms. Telekinetic power immediately stabilized the island without much hindrance.

"I won't let you destroy the island I just got." Vermillion.

Receiving resistance, Golden Lion exerted all his strength; however, no matter how hard he tried, the island remained silent as if nothing had happened.

"What the hell?!" Able to negate his abilities, Shiki frowned, "Whatever, if you can control the land, then I want to see if you can also control the waves and islands falling towards you! Shanks, since you are with him, then die together!"

"Damn you, Shiki! Dare to drop an island on our soldiers after wanting cooperation!" Garp shouted.

"I indeed want to cooperate; if you can, quickly move your unconscious soldiers before these islands and waves hit them, shihahaha!" Golden Lion laughed.

"You madman, I'll put you back in Impel Down!" For a man who dared to attack the Navy base, break into Impel Down, and fight Marshal Blue and the Red Hair Pirates simultaneously, Golden Lion deserved the nickname of a madman!

However, a bright light suddenly dazzled his eyes before he could drop it onto the island. Unconsciously, Shiki stopped.

The light shone beneath Semiramis' feet, sending her flying into the sky. At the same time, the light continued to expand.

"Let me show you the heavenly castle that no human can touch, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon! Fuhahahaha!" When the light faded, a giant fortress suddenly appeared floating in the sky!

"Grrr!" Shiki fired his attack towards the fort.

"Turn into ashes, Fuhahaha!" A light cannon shoots the Golden Lion's island and waves into nothingness.

"Wh-what is that?!" The Navy officers who witnessed the appearance of the giant fortress were shocked, not even realizing when the cigars they were smoking fell out of their mouths.

"Could it be one of the Ancient Weapons?" Zephyr was shocked, "How can that woman control the entire flying island? Wait, earlier she said she is a queen... could it be that her people are also inside the fortress?!"

"What's more, how did that thing suddenly appear?" Shanks was astonished, "Now I understand, even without our help, they can solve their own problems." He shook his head.