
One piece: Sekai Saikyo (Strongest in the world)

Yukihara Sato, A young man living in a modern world, Died in his sleep. After Dying, He woke up in a familiar world in an unfamiliar body, A world he knew all too well. The One piece world, A world with many wonderful and wacky phenomenons, one where people and creatures exist that could wipe out entire cities within seconds, a cruel world filled with murderers and hypocrites. Now Transmigrated into the body of a child with all his memories and knowledge of the future intact, Will he survive? Will he ever get strong enough to stand atop this world? Will he live to experience happiness? This is his conquest, His Quest to be the Strongest. {Warning!!! The story is a bit dark and gruesome at the start, Stroud has a lot of Blood and Gore.}

Aces_BigDaddy · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

First Fight and emergence of a maniac

Erik Swinged the flint spear from side to side as the spear sliced the winds, creating a swish sound. Erik jabbed the spear in the direction of a tree as the spear dug right into the tree, Erik flawlessly pulled it back with little effort and continued training to perfect his skill with the spear.

He stopped swinging the spear once he started sweating profusely. He put the spear down on the ground as he drank water from the river.

"Nothing is as refreshing as good old water." Erik said as he wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt.

He dove down under the water and started swimming around.

He always swam when it was around noon since it was the hottest time of the day, he was on a tropical island with a lot of heat so swimming kept him cool. If he ever wanted to accomplish his goals then he must learn to swim since he was most likely going out to sail in the seas in the near future.

An hour later, he imerged from the water, his fingers were all wrinkled from being in the water. He put on his clothes and picked up his spear.

"I still have a few hours of daylight left, I should go and explore the area around the camp for some time." Erik said to himself as he went into the thick forest weilding his spear.

"This area does not seem to be explored by people yet." He said as he walked through the thick forest, the trees were relatively big compared to the trees back on modern earth. In the distance, he saw a few rabbits hopping around around a thick bush.

'It is better if I catch some rabbits, Their meat is really delicious.' He thought mentally as he approached the bunnies as sneakily as possible, hiding behind trees and tiptoeing, getting closer and closer.

After getting close enough to the rabbits without them noticing, he swung his spear with enough strength to drop one rabbit dead, the weak spot of rabbits is the head like many other mammals so hitting the bunny on the head should be enough to kill him, if not he can still pierce the rabbit and kill it.


Teh spear cleanly pierced the rabbit as it didn't have time to run away, as soon as he got hit by the sharp flint spear, his fate was sealed.

The other rabbits sprinted as far away from the range of the spear as fast as possible after seeing their kin drop dead.

"Quite heavily for a Rabbit." Erik commented as he held the rabbit from its hind legs. He bobbed it up and down to confirm its weight.

After confirming the weight of the rabbit, he fastened the rabbit to his pants using a root fibre rope.

Erik walked a few more meters before hearing something running towards him at very high speeds. The bushes Infront of him shook because of the creature comming towards it as Erik put the rabbit down and held the spear Infront of himself, Readying himself to kill the creature as soon as it shows itself.


A boar just as tall as Erik showed itself, running towards the boy at neck breaking speeds. The boar stopped midway and looked at Erik holding a spear defensively, seeing the unusual creature, the boar rubbed it's front hoof in the ground, preparing to dash at the human Infront of him.

"A wild boar." Erik said as his anxiety started creeping inside his mind. The Wild boar charged at Erik once more as Erik swiftly dodged the attempt at harming him.

"Hey, Hey, Hey... we don't have to fight cal-" Erik tried calming the creature down but it failed as the boat leaped towards Erik, Erik was rammed by the boar, it's tusks almost pierced Erik's got, thankfully Erik put the spear protectively ahead of himself beforehand.

"Hehe, Your a tough guy aren't you." Erik said in pain as a grin made it's way to his face, seeing the opportunity to make distance between himself and the boar, Erik kicked the wild beast away.

The beast was kicked in the gut and looked to be in pain as Erik approached him with the flint spear in one hand and the other clutching his gut. Erik plunged the Spear into he boar's body as the boar got angry and trashed around trying to hit Erik.

The spear was still imbedded into the boar's back, so Erik tried jabbing the spear further in but his plan backfired as he was left defenceless.

This time, the boar got a good hit on him, Erik was thrown several meters back and he was coughing blood, all while Grinning like a psychopath.

"Hahahaha.... Hahahah" Erik started laughing maniacally as he leaped at the boar with all his strength. Killing intent rushed as the boar as Erik's face got shadowd, only his crimson red eyes could be seen. He held the two tusks of the boar on both of his hand while madly laughing.

"How about this." Erik said as he plunged two fingers into the boar's eyes, the boar screached in pain as Erik grabbed the spear on the boar's back and managed to shove the spear deep enough that it pierced the boar's lung. The boar trashed around till it was all out of air and it's lungs were filled with blood.

The boar lost consciousness as Erik held the eyeball of the boar in his hand, all while Grinning like a madman.


So how was the chapter, I plan on Erik being a madman during life or death battles, His character development will be of him gradually being able to control his killing intent and Maniacal urges during battle.

Don't worry he will be a calm head otherwise, he is only a maniac during when his life is in danger, he will learn to control his savageness in the future. It is mostly because of Erik's traumatic childhood and he will grow past that phase when Sato accepts Erik's past and identity as his own past and identity in the future.