
One Piece : Roger Is My Vice Captain

MC has the power of resurrection. He first resurrect Pirate King then WhiteBeard, Rock , Golden Lion and finally complete his crew. MC is mostly op. Read as Mc sail in the world of One Piece with the re-alive Characters.

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83 Chs

Chapter 66 - Doflamingo! !

Liu Feng, Roger, and Golden Lion walked out from the depths of the jungle, talking and laughing.

With a painful face, the golden lion took out a few crumpled banknotes that were no different from pickles and handed them to Liu Feng and Roger with trembling hands.

Liu Feng and Roger just wanted to reach out to pick them up, but they found that the two banknotes could not be drawn out.

Roger was not happy now.

"Hey, hey, hey, Goldy, would you like to accept the bet but don't want to lose? You're already an old man; how come you don't even have the courage?"

A stern blackness quickly covered his arm, and then, at an amazing speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, he pulled out the 50 Bailey note from the golden lion's hand.

Doflamingo saw black lines all over his head.

'This, bro, are you kidding me!?'

'Is this pirate legend so shameless for the mere 50 Bailey?'

Even the advanced armament haki and the top melee-grabbing skills have been used.

You want money. I have a lot of money here, the kind you can't use up in your life.

As the king of the underworld, Doflamingo is secretly the largest intermediary in the underground world trading market. All arms and transactions through his hands will be taken away from a large part of the profits as protection fees.

Without middlemen making the difference, that would be impossible.

It can be said without hesitation that Doflamingo's personal wealth can definitely easily surpass the treasuries of some large countries, even far beyond!

He is definitely one of the richest men in this world.

But he didn't dare to say it.

The ghost knows that these idiots who are in front of him and fight for hundreds or dozens of Baileys will say that he was insulting them and then kill him to rob his money.

These people are super-ruthless pirates.

Even the Navy Buster Call Order and the world government's CP0 team cannot directly kill the fierce people.

Seeing that the 50 Bailey note in his hand was snatched away by Roger, the golden lion showed a distressed expression on his face, and finally he reluctantly handed the remaining 100 Bailey note to Liu Feng.

He was really poor.

All these years, he has been staying in the underwater prison. After entering the palace for the second time, the wealth collected in the first half of his life has been turned over to the national treasury by the navy.

The remaining one hundred and fifty Baileys he managed to hide in the crotch of his pants reluctantly stayed there for a while.

Liu Feng and Roger took the banknotes happily, and then Roger looked at Doflamingo's feet hovering in the air and suddenly asked a question in doubt.

"You were taking a step on him..So, continue."


Roger's words were very bland, and there was no emotion in them.

But it was these words that made Doflamingo and Law both have a sad expression on their faces at the same time.

Brother Doflamingo was embarrassed. He really wants to step on Law and kill him. If they hadn't suddenly come over to watch the play, Law's grave grass would be three inches tall, okay?

All of you devil kings suddenly appeared; the ghost knows if you are coming to save Law! ?

Well, very good, very conscious, very self-aware.

Brother Doflaming also knows that he has done too many sinister things, and Liu Feng and the others will never stand by him.

On the other hand, Law's expression was even richer, as if he wanted to curse but couldn't say it, and he almost vomited blood.

'You bastards, why did you show up if you didn't come to save me! ?'

'Can't you just watch it from a distance?'

'Want to see it up close of my dying body?'

Originally, when he saw Liu Feng and the three of them appearing, he thought that there was suddenly life in the desperate situation, but now Roger's words have suddenly wiped out all his remaining hope.

But he was pushing him into a corner mercilessly again.

'Forget it; I'll just close my eyes and wait to die.'

"That...then I stepped on him?"

Brother Doflamingo brewed his emotions and tentatively moved his feet down, but he kept staring at Liu Feng and others from the corner of his eyes, daring not to take it lightly.

No response.


'They really don't care?'

Doflamingo was even more puzzled.

He moved his foot down again, tentatively.

Still no response.

The three Liu Feng just stood there obediently, folded their arms, and stared at him with smiles.

But the calmer it is, the more threatening it is for a suspicious guy like Doflamingo.

Needless to say, he thought too much.

His feet moved down again.

This move was fine, and it rubbed directly against Law's nose.

Law suddenly opened his eyes and roared angrily.

"Fucking Doflaming!! Kill me if you want!!"

"Don't take your foot and rub it left and right on my face!"

'Do you have an athlete's foot? Don't you have a point? ! ?'

'I can die, but I don't want this humiliation.'

'Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!'

Law also gave up.

Especially the pointed-toed peas shoes that Doflamingo wore, which were simply the most powerful weapons in the world, were at the level of mobile biochemical weapons.

Coupled with his sunglasses and pink feather coat, he looked like a simple spiritual boy!

Brother Doflamingo was scolded by Law like this, and blue veins bulged on his forehead, but at this moment of shock, he raised his feet up a little bit again.

The posture is back to being the same as before.

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.