
One Piece: Reign

Embark on a swashbuckling adventure like no other in the world of One Piece with Gale D Magnus, the most audacious pirate to ever sail the Grand Line! Inheritor of the enigmatic Will of D, Magnus is no ordinary pirate. Feared by even the lofty Celestial Dragons themselves, his exploits make the legendary Pirate King seem tame in comparison! But Magnus isn't just in it for the plunder and glory. No, he's on a mission to defy the very gods themselves! Escaping the depths of Impel Down's Level Six, he's determined to challenge the World Government and snatch their prized possessions right from under their noses. And what's more prized to the gods than their own women? Join Magnus as he builds his own harem of fearless beauties, plundering not just gold and riches but the hearts of the wives of supposed deities! From daring heists on celestial palaces to steamy encounters with divine consorts, Magnus proves that he's not just a pirate – he's a legend in the making.

True_Seeker · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


The stench of molten stone, laced with the acrid tang of venom, hung heavy in the air. Cavern walls glistened with a sickly sheen, testament to the warden's corrosive touch. Magnus and Magellan faced off, the tension crackling between them.

"So, this is the one you betray your duty for!" Magellan growled, his voice a guttural rumble laced with venomous fury. "A criminal!"

Sadi's breath hitched. This wasn't a mere clash of authority. A flicker of something far deeper contorted Magellan's usually stoic face, a flicker of betrayal and hurt.

"He was personally hurt by my actions!?" she thought, stunned.

At that moment, the chamber trembled as guards escorting recaptured escapees rounded the corner. The sight of the sadistic guard – Sadi – with the unfamiliar crimson-clad figure sent shivers down their spines. Who didn't know her and the whip that came with the reputation?

But then bewilderment and fear emerged as they saw Sadi seemingly seeking refuge behind the enigmatic figure. The warden glared at the two with naked hatred. The situation was baffling.

"What's happening here?!" a guard stammered, eyes darting between the imposing warden and the crimson-clad enigma.

"Why is she with him?" another whispered, confusion etched on his face.

The prisoners reacted differently.

A nervous chuckle, "Looks like fancy-pants is in for a rough time!" Then a scoff, "That's the one thing we can all agree on!" Misery, after all, loves company.

Ignoring the commotion, Magnus locked eyes with Magellan, his gaze unwavering. "Why ask the question you already know the answer to?" he replied in a low hum that vibrated through the chamber.

"I didn't ask you, criminal!" Magellan, enraged by the defiance, lunged. His massive fist contorted into a grotesque serpent head, its emerald scales glinting wickedly. A monstrous "Hydra" erupted from his arm, its maw dripping with a lethal concoction of venom, aimed straight at Magnus's heart.

But Magnus was ready as if anticipating the attack. With a flick of his wrist, a shimmering shield of telekinetic energy materialized around him, deflecting the Hydra with a sickening snap. The serpent writhed in mid-air before dissolving into a harmless mist.

A collective gasp filled the chamber. The recaptured prisoners, accustomed to the warden's dominance, watched in disbelief as their fearsome captor was thwarted with such ease. Whispers broke out: "What… what was that?" "He… he controlled the air!"

A lone guard, however, tried to reason. "No! It was because the warden has been exhausted!"

He knew just how hard the warden has tried to stop Luffy, Ivankov, Crocodile, and others from escaping some time ago, only to fail due to bad luck.

"Don't give excuses for your loser boss!" A confident prisoner remarked wickedly.


The prisoners clung to the hope that the crimson-clad figure was strong, a potential key to their second escape or at least, entertainment in his defeat.

Unfazed by the audience, Magnus unleashed his own attack. He raised his hand, palm outstretched towards the ceiling. The air crackled with crackling energy, then solidified into a colossal, translucent fist – a construct of pure telekinetic force.

With a deafening boom, the telekinetic fist slammed into Magellan, sending him crashing against the opposite wall with a sickening thud. Bricks crumbled under the impact, showering him with debris.

Magellan roared in fury, his hulking form contorted and dripping with venom. He lunged again, but this time Magnus was prepared. With a flick of wrist, a ripple of invisible force slammed into the ceiling with bone-jarring impact.

The shockwave resonated through the cavern, dislodging massive chunks of stone that rained down on Magellan, forcing him to retreat under a makeshift shield of his own venom.

But the assault didn't end there. Magnus raised both hands, focusing his telekinetic power on the fallen debris. With a mental command, the rubble converged in mid-air, forming a colossal, jagged sphere of stone. He hurled the projectile towards Magellan with a roar, the air itself groaning under the immense weight.

Magellan, his movements sluggish with venom-induced pain, barely managed to conjure a spectral dragon head to intercept the projectile. The impact was earth-shattering. The cavern floor trembled violently as the telekinetic sphere clashed with the Hydra, its sheer mass shattering the serpent creature into a million poisonous droplets. The force of the collision, however, reverberated through the chamber, causing hairline cracks to snake across the slick, damp floor.

"Damn it!"


One shout after another erupted amidst the chaos. A few unfortunate souls were crushed by the shockwaves.

The tremors intensified, growing into a sustained shudder. Dust rained down from the ceiling in thick plumes, choking the air and blurring vision. Prisoners and guards alike scrambled for cover, their panicked yells swallowed by the growing roar of impending disaster.

Sadi watched in horror as the floor beneath Magnus gave way in a deafening groan. He plummeted into the abyss, a scream ripped from his throat that was quickly lost in the cavern's rumble.

"NOOOO!" Sadi's world blurred, a wave of nausea washing over her.

Had Magnus just… fallen? No. He couldn't have.

Not after coming so far.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a low rumble echoed from the unseen depths. Then, a figure flew out from the darkness below, coughing and covered in dust. It was Magnus, his crimson-accented outfit torn and singed, but otherwise seemingly unharmed.

A cheer erupted from the group of convicts, their earlier fear replaced by a newfound respect. "We might actually get outta here after all!" one shouted, hope flickering in his voice.

"Only if we are not crushed to death by his actions!" another countered, the ever-present cynicism returning.

Magnus fixed his gaze on the tired warden, his face etched with a grim determination. He could sense that the warden wasn't fighting at full capacity, but exhaustion gnawed at him as well.

A pirate wouldn't show pity anyways.

"This ends now, Magellan," Magnus said, his voice hoarse but firm. He made a clenching motion, and Magellan felt a vice tighten around his heart, forcing his blood to roil.

Magellan, however, wasn't finished yet. Suppressing the pain, with a final, desperate growl, he unleashed his ultimate attack – the "Venom Demon." Or at least, the weakened version his condition allowed.

A monstrous crimson entity, a grotesque reflection of Magellan himself, materialized from his venom. It roared, a sound that seemed to claw at the very fabric of reality, and charged towards Magnus.

"Think again, Warden," Magnus remarked, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

With a flick of his wrist, a telekinetic vortex tore open in the air, pulsating with a raw, primal energy. The vortex grew larger with each passing second.

"Maelstrom!" Magnus roared. The vortex slammed into the oncoming Venom Demon, tearing at its form with an unholy screech.

The demon, a creature of pure venom, fought back, tendrils of its poisonous essence lashing out at the maelstrom. But for every tendril it destroyed, two more materialized from the swirling vortex.

The battle between the two forces of chaos raged on, consuming the cavern in a blinding dance of light and dark. The remaining guards and prisoners watched in terrified awe, shielding their eyes from the raw power surging through the chamber.

Suddenly, with a deafening crack that echoed through the entire prison, a colossal support pillar holding up the cavern's ceiling gave way. The pillar, weakened by Magellan's earlier attacks and the sheer force of their battle, crumbled under the strain.

A horrifying realization dawned on Magellan – the floor above them was collapsing. In a desperate last act, Magnus amplified his maelstrom, engulfing the entire Venom Demon in a torrent of invisible force.

The demon screeched in agony, its form dissolving into a swirling vortex of toxic mist, just before it and Magnus were consumed by a cascading deluge of stone and debris.

The weight of the collapsing floor slammed into Level III, causing a chain reaction of tremors that reverberated through the entire prison. The remaining guards and prisoners clung desperately to whatever they could find, bracing themselves for the inevitable impact.

** **

When the dust settled, the cavern that once housed Sadi and the battle between Magnus and Magellan was no more. In its place, a gaping chasm led directly into the fiery inferno of Level IV, The Blazing Hell.

In mid-air, Sadi surveyed the scene – a desolate wasteland of shattered stone and twisted metal. And with trembling gaze, she looked at the one holding her in mid-air.


He had stopped pouring energy in the attack when the floor started collapsing and grabbed Sadi, and shielded themselves in a force field.

A low groan echoed from the newly formed chasm below. Squinting through the smoke and grime, Sadi saw a figure dangling precariously in the Blazing Hell.


Magellan's once powerful body lay broken and bloody on the ground, barely recognizable under a thick layer of sweat and gore. He grasped at a jagged piece of metal protruding from his gut, his eyes darting back and forth between Magnus and Sadi with seething hatred.

"Oh, so it was jealousy at play!"

Despite his exhaustion and pain, Magnus' eyes gleamed with realization and a twisted smirk formed on his face.

With a cruel glint in his eye, he pulled down Sadi's dress, exposing her bare breasts to the shocked onlookers.

The two remaining guards stood frozen in shock as Magnus leered at Sadi, playfully teasing and fondling her nipples while she moaned uncontrollably.

"You've done well guarding my treasure," Magnus said with gratitude. "I will make sure to enjoy her in ways you never could."

"@#$%" Magellan let out an agonized scream, unable to bear the torment of seeing Sadi willingly submitting to Magnus' depraved desires.

And as Magnus continued his assault, something unexpected began to happen - his tired features began to rejuvenate and he seemed to grow even stronger with each passing moment.

Sadi stood stunned by the public display, her face flushed with both shock and embarrassment as all eyes were on her exposed chest.

She had willingly accepted being Magnus' plaything, but this level of humiliation was beyond anything she could have imagined.

As pleasure mixed with shame inside her, she couldn't help but wonder what terrifying power was fueling Magnus' rejuvenation...

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