
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Tranh châm biếm
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103 Chs

Kyuka Island

"What the hell happened out there, Kai?!" Kid asked in surprise while approaching his brother.

"I ate a Devil Fruit" Kai responded while looking at his hands and body, he instinctively knew that he could summon and use clouds at will. When he focused, his hands started turning to white clouds.

"Devil Fruits are supposed to be rare, even here in the Grand Line. How the hell did you get your hands on one?" Krieg asked in surprise.

"Is that smoke?" Killer questioned, looking intrigued by his captain's new power.

"It's clouds…" Kai stated, before he created a small thunder cloud around his fist, allowing the lightning to wrap around it before he punched the air, releasing the lightning as a bolt.



"So, you could manipulate clouds? That's sick" Bonney remarked.

"Hell yeah! My little brother got a devil fruit power, now I'm not the only who'll receive swimming jokes" Kid exclaimed with a smirk as he tried to slap Kai's back, but to his surprise his hand went right through his body "What—What the hell was that?!!"

Everyone looked surprised before Kid swiftly retorted his hand back.

"It went through your body…"

"I must have eaten a Logia Fruit" Kai stated, it was only logical for him to think so.

"A Logia Fruit?"

"Yeah, Devil Fruits could be divided to three categories. Zoan, which allows a user to transform into an animal as well as an animal hybrid…" Kai explained "...Logia, which grants a user the power to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element; and Paramecia, which offers any of a vast array of strange abilities that do not fit into the other two categories."

"You seem pretty informed about them" Bonney said.

"I have my own ways of getting information…Anyway, because Logia users can transform into elements they usually won't be affected by normal physical attacks, that's why Kid's hands went through my body"

"Aren't you basically invincible?" Kid questioned.

"Not at all, I'm far from being invincible."

"*GRIN*…It's been a while since we spar, let's go for a few rounds, get you used to your new powers" Kid said while grinning excitedly before the two stepped out of the ship.

"You're gonna need some seastone for that"




"That bastard was holding back that much in our fight, he didn't even take me seriously…" Krieg remarked while clenching his fists from anger and frustration "…I thought he was the only one strong enough to beat me, how can his brother be that strong as well?" he questioned while standing on the deck beside the crew and watching the brothers spar in disbelief.

"Kid won't stand a chance now that Kai has eaten a Devil Fruit" Bonney remarked.

"They've been like this since they were children, always trying to best each other and surpass their limits., Kai might be ahead right now, but knowing Kid he'll catch up to him soon" Killer stated.

3 Days Later…

[Kyuka Island, Paradise],

The Victoria Punk slowly approached the Island's shores, ready to dock at the port. The crew spent a couple of days in that uninhabited island before they followed the Log Pose to this location.

Kyuka Island is a tropical island with several buildings, including hotels. On the mountain in the center of the island, there is a large tree with an umbrella-shaped cup and a building on top. The islands architecture features many archways, balconies, and swimming pools.

Kai shouted out orders to lower the anchor, and with practiced coordination, the crew secured the Victoria Punk to the harbor. The gangplank was lowered, and one by one, the pirates disembarked onto the island. The town's residents and visitors glanced at the crew with intimidation.

The news of Kita Island getting ransacked by the Eustass, the defeat of Don Krieg and his fleet by their hands and their clash with the Strongest Swordsman in the World Hawk-Eyes Mihawk has already reached many islands in Paradise, so they were wary of them in fear of something like that happening.

Kai took the lead, strolling confidently along the wooden plank and onto the cobbled streets of Kyuka Island. The town's architecture was a blend of traditional and modern, with stalls selling a variety of goods.

Kid's eyes gleamed as he observed the island's hustle and bustle. "Looks like this place has some life in it," he remarked to Kai, who grinned in response.

"This would make a good place for a vacation" Kai said.

"There are a lot of swimming pools around here, let's visit one" Bonney suggested.

"Devil fruit users can't swim, why bother?" Kid asked here.

"You don't necessary need to swim, we could just sunbath"

"The mighty Don Krieg…In a swimming pool? don't make me laugh. I'm going to find a tavern to have some drinks like a real pirate, Gin are you with me?" Krieg turned to Gin.

"I suppose I'll keep you company"

"You know where to find me if you need help" Krieg said as he walked away.

"Boring" Bonney commented on Krieg's attitude.

"Faffaffa! I suppose we could enjoy our time while we're here, there will be a long journey ahead of us" Killer said.

"Let's go"

A few hours later…

A Marine ship could be seen docking on the island's port and a few dozen marines disembarked.

"How unlucky, looks like pirates are here as well" Said a skinny, Sandy Blonde haired man wearing flamboyant clothes and red, heart-shaped glasses. He's Jango the Turncoat.

"Guess Hina has to take care of them before enjoying a vacation" said a slim woman with dark brown eyes and straight, waist-length pink hair worn in a middle part. She's wearing dark red lipstick and smoking a cigarette.

She's Marine Captain, 'Black Cage' Hina.

"Let's ask the people around, they surely would know where they are" Marine Lieutenant Commander 'Double Ironfist' Fullbody suggested. A muscular man with well-combed pink hair and a scar under his right eye and bolts attached to his knuckles.

"That flag…the Eustass Pirates" Hina stated, as she glanced at the Victoria Punk and the Jolly Roger flying.

"You mean the pirate crew lead by the Eustass brothers, the most wanted pirate captains in South Blue?" Jango asked.

"They were in Kita Island a few days ago and clashed with the Krieg Pirates and Hawk-Eyes…to think they survived and made it here, they're dangerous as the rumors say" Hina stated "Let's go greet them"

Hina and the rest proceeded to walk through the town's streets before they asked about information from civilians and started searching the place after that.

"Fullbody and Jango, you take some men and search every bar, inn and restaurant in the town while we look in hotels and resorts!" Hina gave orders.

"Yes Ma'am!"


Under the radiant sun of Kyuka Island, the crew found themselves in a moment of relaxation, basking by the side of a luxurious swimming pool at a nearby resort. The sparkling azure water shimmered invitingly under the clear sky, and the tropical breeze carried the scent of exotic flowers.

Kai, wearing sunglasses and dressed in swim trunks floated lazily on an inflatable pineapple-shaped float, his arms resting on the sides. "This is the life" he declared with a contented sigh. He didn't have the luxury to do things like this often in his past life, so he was making the most of it.

Killer couldn't resist the temptation and proceeded to cannonball into the crystal-clear pool. The splash drenched Kid, who was busy sipping on a tropical cocktail under a colorful beach umbrella. He sputtered in surprise, glaring at Killer.

"Watch it, you maniac!" Kid snapped, shaking off the water. "I'm enjoying my drink here."

"What? jealous you can't swim?" Killer teased.

"Hahahaha!" Kai who was still floating in the pool burst out laughing before he took a sip from his panaché.

Bonney, wearing a bikini and reclining on a nearby lounge chair, chuckled at their antics. She adjusted her sunglasses and took a sip from her own drink. "I do…But I guess the power I got is well worth the tradeoff"

Kid, showing a rare moment of relaxation, lounged on a reclining chair, sipping a tropical drink adorned with a tiny umbrella. "Whatever" he mused, enjoying the tranquility.

Heat and Wire had set up a makeshift barbecue station nearby, with the tantalizing scent of grilled meat wafting over the pool area. They were contently flipping burgers and sausages, clearly in their element.

Just when it seemed like the perfect day, the peace was shattered by the blaring sound of whistles. And dozens of Marine officers and soldiers led by a certain female captain stormed onto the scene. her expression was intensified by the tropical heat, and she eyed the Eustass Pirates with a mix of irritation and confidence.

"By the order of the Marines, you are all under arrest!" a marine soldier declared, the rest proceeded to draw their weapons, pointing them at Kai and the rest of the crew. But to their surprise they didn't even bother to pay attention to them and continued with their activities like normal.

"Oh Jesus…can't we enjoy our vacation without getting interrupted?" Kai said while glancing at the visitors.

"Too bad for you, marines are here" a feminine voice spoke.

"And who the fuck are you?" Kai asked, but he obviously recognized her as Hina, a Marine Captain and Smoker's friend "Are you lost? We're just a several normal people enjoying our time and having fun"

"Hina came here for a vacation as well but since you showed up here as well, Hina is gonna have to capture you…you better calmly turn yourselves in pirates before Hina sink you" She declared in confidence before taking another puff from her cigar.

"Why bother? It's not like we're terrorizing the town or something"

"The Eustass brothers, you made quite a name for yourselves"

"You want a signature or something?" Kid questioned with cocky grin.

"You crazy bastards caused serious destruction to Kita Island, killing the king of a government affiliated country and ransacking it is a serious crime" Hina stated with a serious face.

"Crazy? You're not the only one who thinks that" Bonney said.

"Crazy you say…" Kai adjusted his glasses before he spoke "…Crazy people don't know they are crazy. I know I am crazy. Therefore, I am not crazy. Isn't that crazy?" Everyone eyed Kai in confusion.

"Yep, you're crazy" Bonney noted.

"Hina don't have time to play games with you kid" she said, blowing smoke from her mouth.

"Did you know smoking cause cancer?" Kai stated while still chilling and enjoying his drink.

"Huh?" Hina raised an eyebrow at that statement, thought she doesn't seem to understand it at all.

"Whatever, you're gonna die here anyway" Kai said before he cracked a sinister grin. Upon hearing those words, the marines aimed their rifles at Kai before one of them shot him in the forehead.

But to their shock, the bullet went through his head leaving a massive hole before it returned to normal like nothing happened.

"How rude"

"You have a Logia fruit?!" Hina remarked in shock, her facial expression became more stoic and serious than before "My info states than only Eustass 'Captain' Kid and Jewelry Bonney are Devil Fruit users. You must have eaten one recently"

*CLICK*-*GUN-SHOT* Without a notice Kid appeared beside the marine who fired at Kai, and he used his pistole to shoot him in the head, ending his life on the spot.

"You bastard…" Hina looked at the scene in rage before she gave orders to the marines to attack.

"I hope you can entertain me for a bit" Kid immediately used his magnetic powers to attract their weapons and disarm them.

"What's going on?!"

"Our weapons are flying towards him!"

"Be careful, this guy ate the Jiki Jiki no Mi and became a magnet man" Hina informed her subordinates.

Kai proceeded to stretch his arm ahead and then summoned a few small thunder clouds that floated on top of the marines.

"What's that?" A Marine pointed at the clouds floating on top of them.

"Move it--!!" Hina shouted at her man, but it was too late.

*Lightning*-*Lightning*-*Thunder* In a split second several lightning struck down the marines, burning some of them to death while knocking out others.

When Hina saw that, she immediately utilized her Cage Cage fruit to attack Kai by creating a fence-like cage to trap him "Kimono Sleeve Cage!"

"I'm your opponent!" Kid proceeded to attract the metals around and used them to make a giant makeshift arm before he blocked her attack and then punch her away.

BAAAM! CRASH!! The two crashed out of the building.

"Tsk…annoying brats"

"Beheading Claw!" Killer swiftly left the pool, equipped his punishers and took care of the rest of the lower ranking marines.

Hungry Granger Tavern,

Krieg and Gin were having some drinks before Fullbody, Jango and at least a dozen marines showed up interrupting them.

"I heard they are some pirates hanging out in this place…" Fullbody said while he and Jango walked around the Tavern and scanned every person inside before their eyes landed on Krieg and Gin who stood out among the people "…it must be you"

Everyone eyed the marines warily without speaking.

Krieg proceeded to finish his drink before replied "*Gulp*-*Gulp*-*THUD*...Blahh!...and who the hell is looking for us?" he asked before he turned back and glanced at the one speaking "Some bitch ass marine I see"

"You…I recognize your faces from the wanted posters, you're Foul-Play Krieg, the Admiral of the Krieg Pirates and Gin the 'Man-Demon'" Jango stated in shock "Or should I say a previous Admiral of the Krieg Pirates? your whole fleet was destroyed at Kita Island just a week after entering the Grand Line, I guess numbers don't make strength"

[Don Krieg, Dead or Alive 17,000,000 Berries]

[Gin, Dead or Alive 12,000,000 Berries]

"You know me? I can't say that I'm surprised" Krieg said with a grin, his armor that was destroyed in his fight against Kai previously was already repaired.

"You must be here after Captain Kai and Captain Kid, if that's the case…then I'll have to stop you right here and now!" Gin declared while pulling out his weapons and getting in a fighting stance.

"Relax Gin, these shithead weaklings can't do a thing" Krieg said to him with a relaxed expression

"Captain Kai and Captain Kid? That's surprising…I can't believe the Ruler of East Blue is working for someone else now. You don't strike as that kind of man" Fullbody remarked.

"I can't believe that either" Krieg slowly stood from his chair while gazing at the marines in hostility before he approached Fullbody and glared at him "I don't like your face… why don't drop dead for me?"


*GUN-SHOT*-*GUN-SHOT* Without a notice, Krieg pulled out two pistoles while revealing the gun-barrels under his shoulder before he fired at Fullbody and the marines.