
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 8: Rest

"Ah! Finally, some peace and comfort. Those navy pests were hounding us like dogs, but they've finally given up," sighed a pirate, submerging his body in the soothing hot spring, his head and arms exposed. Members of the Whitebeard Pirates surrounded him, sharing in the relaxation.

"For three long months, they've been a constant annoyance, interrupting our voyages. What a drag," another pirate proclaimed.

Teach closed his eyes, basking in the warm embrace of the hot spring. Ever since the failed operation, the navy sought to restore their reputation, they had been relentlessly pursuing the Whitebeard Pirates for three whole months. Nearly a hundred clashes occurred between the two factions, with the navy persistently chasing after each escape.

The eyes of the entire New World were fixed on the conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy. During this period, major battles in the New World subsided, temporarily allowing other powerful pirates like the Golden Lion, Big Mom, and Kaido to maneuver through their respective territories. Three-way and four-way clashes became more frequent.

As the Whitebeard Pirates traveled, fatigue plagued their ranks both physically and mentally, prompting them to temporarily suspend their operations and return to their home territory. However, this absence allowed opportunistic individuals to eye their vulnerable holdings, creating minor disturbances within their domain.

Upon their return, it took nearly a month to cleanse their territory of these troublemakers, crushing two pirate groups and finally restoring stability. Although Teach may not hold as much influence as others, he too felt the weariness and the need to unwind.

This particular island belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates, known for its famous hot springs in the New World. Several active volcanoes dotted the island, though they hadn't erupted in decades. Countless tourists flocked here each year to indulge in the rejuvenating waters.

For Teach, it had been a while since he felt this at ease. The Moby Dick, the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, was docked at the port. The local islanders, usually audacious, now treaded cautiously, not daring to disturb the pirates. Such was the presence of the Whitebeard Pirates, a force that commanded respect.

The grand hot springs on the island had been reserved exclusively for the Whitebeard Pirates. With most of the main members present, they spent the day in relaxation, looking forward to an evening party.

However, the next day would bring the responsibility of guarding their territory. Though not vast, the Whitebeard Pirates' domain required vigilance. Their power had yet to reach its zenith, and defense remained a priority. Certain members were assigned to patrol the seas, thwarting any potential intruders. Guarding a territory was no simple task.

Anyways, Teach had made significant progress over the past few months. Mastery over swordsmanship and Haki, had become second nature. Alongside his physical physique had become enhanced.

Though Teach possessed the ability to toggle Conquer Haki and control its range, the finesse of precise targeting and evading allies still bothered him. It was an aspect that demanded dedicated training.

With the acquisition of his twin guns, Teach's marksmanship had flourished remarkably. As the saying goes, "guns embody the romance of men," an experience previously unattainable in his former life. The sensation of firing a gun, accompanied by the resonating "bang" of the shot, thrilled him. While the firearms in this world lagged behind their counterparts in his previous life, they packed a mightier punch. Teach appreciate its long-range capabilities. Coupled with Haki-infused bullets, their destructive force became truly formidable.

While his progress with Busoshoku Haki was impressive, Teach's Kenbunshoku Haki, the ability to foresee the future among other various abilities, started to lack behind a bit. Expanding the scope of his Haki required continuous training, as for honing his ability to anticipate future events. This skill could only be truly understood and developed through practical experience in battle. Which he wasn't getting much in these few past months.

Time flew by, and a smile graced Teach's face as he gazed at a nearby hot spring. His pops and comrades were all present, and the atmosphere was joyous.

His gaze then fell on Oden, current know as Guangyue Mitian.

The more Teach spent time with Oden, the more he felt pity for him. Oden possessed an extraordinarily broad-mindedness, capable of encompassing all things. He wielded monstrous strength, yet his fate would lead him to a crippled demise. Misplaced trust in his opponent and manipulation from within, would orchestrate the downfall of this heroic figure, resulting in a execution by Kaidou.

It was a pity to see someone like him perish so easily. Altering this history event would be fulfilling for Teach.

With these thoughts in mind, Teach stood up and made his way toward the hot spring. "Hey, Teach, join us for a bath," Jozu beckoned, his future self know as Diamond Jozu. With an extraordinary and unique power to transform any part of his body into diamond.

"Haha, I've had my fill," Teach replied, his gaze shifting to Whitebeard. "Father, I don't think we'll have any major undertakings for now."

"Well, we could use some rest. What's on your mind?" Whitebeard inquired. Upon hearing Teach's words, he had an inkling of what Teach intended. Teach smiled and looked at Oden by his side. "When we visit Wano, I plan to find the finest craftsmen in the country to repair my three swords. I'll also have the chance to taste authentic sake."

Teach's affection for his swords went beyond superficial appreciation. While Purgatory had received proper maintenance from his teacher, Thunder Teeth had endured significant damage. After all, it had not been wielded it for decades. Although it boasted high quality, centuries of existence necessitated restoration and upkeep.

"Toki, since I'm going there, I can handle anything for you if you want. Just let me know, and I'll take care of it," Teach said earnestly. Toki, aka oden's wife, face lit up upon hearing this. "Thank you, Teach. There's a lot for me to consider. Give me a moment, I'll write a letter and you can deliver it for me later." She was filled with anticipation, wondering how Wano Country had fared after three years.

"Dad, how does Wano look like?" Momonosuke, Oden's son, asked, curious about his origins.

"Yes, it's a beautiful place. Once we've explored more of the world, I'll take you there," Oden replied, embracing Momo- short term for his long name, with a sparkle in his eyes.

Concerned, Marco asked, "Teach, are you sure you'll be fine on your own?" Teach chuckled and reassured him, "Don't underestimate me, Marco. I'm not a landlubber like you. I've heard that the entrance to Wano Country is a massive waterfall. I've become proficient in Moon Step, so getting up there won't be a problem."

Marco had consumed the Phoenix Zoan Devil Fruit, granting him the abilities of a mythical bird. It was a stroke of luck when he stumbled upon an unknown Devil Fruit and consumed it. The fruit turned out to be an extremely rare Zoan-type Devil Fruit, granting him the powers of a mythical creature known as a Phoenix. The entire Whitebeard Pirates, were amazed by this revelation. Marco's strength had skyrocketed with this newfound power, making him practically invincible with his resilience, flight, and regenerative abilities.

"Grararara!, Teach, this will be a good test for you,"

Toki couldn't contain her excitement any longer. Finding a quiet place, she began to write earnestly. Before the party commenced, she carefully placed the pages filled with words into an envelope and handed it to Teach. As night fell, the atmosphere was lively, with everyone enjoying wine, food, and jovial conversations. In the midst of it all, Marco and Jozu were particularly intoxicated, dancing an unknown dance together, occasionally adding some synchronized movements that amused the onlookers.

Teach, remained on the sidelines. Vista took a sip of alcohol and approached Teach with a wide smile. "Teach, won't you join in? Everyone is having a great time." Teach's face was slightly red, but his gaze remained clear. "I must say, Marco's dancing is a bit unflattering," he chuckled, seemingly lost in thought. With a mischievous grin, he pulled out a camera from seemingly nowhere and quickly snapped three photos of Marco and Jozu.

"Haha, just wait until Marco becomes famous in the future and rises as a powerful figure in the New World. I'll distribute these photos, you see," Teach said excitedly, a slightly wicked gleam in his eyes. He imagined Marco's reaction upon seeing those photos, and a chill ran down his spine. "It's rather devious," he thought, contemplating the potential consequences. Vista burst into laughter. "Save one for me too! I want to keep it as a souvenir," he exclaimed, caught up in the excitement. Other nearby pirates overheard the conversation and approached Teach and his group. "Teach, can I have one too?" they asked eagerly. Teach nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll make a copies for everyone."

Little did Marco know that these seemingly innocent photos would come back to haunt him in the future, forever altering his reputation and dignity.

As the banquet continued, joy and laughter filled the air, momentarily overshadowing any sinister undertones.






Note: Got like 5 comments last chapter, the most so far for this fanfic, so had to upload a extra chapter today lol