
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: Blood Blade Patton Strikes

Bonus Chapter from Review!




"Needless to say, you guys yourselfs have been working hard," Annie said with a smile.

"Annie's kindness will never be forgotten!" Mobius said with conviction.

Being a mixed-race individual, Mobius had experienced rejection, hatred, and bullying since childhood. Annie was the first person to show him genuine care and warmth, alongside others who were also orphans.

"Our purpose is..." Mobius shouted, raising his right index finger to the sky, "...Annie's safety. Until the end, we will never allow anyone to harm Sister Annie!" they declared in unison.

"Alright, now that we've had our emotional moment, I'm ready to go. Just follow me from a distance, don't disturb me," Annie said, turning to Teach. "Teach, let's go."

"We'll head to the playground for a while." Teach nodded with a smile, following Annie's lead. He relished this feeling, the rare moment of physical and mental relaxation amidst the demanding tasks he usually faced.

As they reached the amusement park, a bustling tourist attraction on Seth Island, people were coming and going. It was a place that seemed to magically thrive each day, drawing in profits. The entry tickets were reasonably priced, but once inside, every ride required an additional fee. It seemed affordable at first, but the costs added up after playing several attractions.

Annie eagerly rushed in, her first destination being the renowned "Spinning Giant Bowl."

The Spinning Giant Bowl featured two seats within a large spinning bowl. By rotating a disc in the middle, the bowl would rotate at a speed determined by the disc's movement.

"Ahaha, it's so fast!" Annie exclaimed as she took control of the disc, causing the giant bowl to spin rapidly. The surroundings became a blur, and her face lit up with excitement.

Teach, although accustomed to high speeds, found this toy novel and fun. He couldn't help but smile as he watched Annie's exhilaration.

"Hey, Teach, join in too!" Annie paused her movements, looked at him, and excitedly invited him. The speed of the giant bowl began to slow down. "Annie, are you sure?" Teach wore a smile, looking at Annie.

"Yes, I want you to join. Today, I'm the queen, and you have to listen to me!" Annie smiled, brimming with excitement.

"Alright, since you put it that way," Teach agreed, placing his hands on the disc. He glanced at Annie and playfully warned her, "But let me give you a spin first, and you better be careful, my queen. Hold on tight and be prepared because..."

Before he finished his sentence, Teach swiftly spun the disc, causing the giant bowl to accelerate dramatically. The sudden speed caught the attention of others in the vicinity, turning their heads in surprise as they watched the bowl's unpredictable rotation.



Annie's body soared into the sky, propelled by the incredible speed of the spinning giant bowl.

"What kind of speed is this? It's too fast!" Mobius, along with the others who had been observing Annie and Teach, stood there in astonishment. Their eyes widened, and their mouths hung open in disbelief.

Having visited amusement parks countless times as children, they were accustomed to thrilling rides and considered Annie's speed to be normal. They had seen many people engage in exhilarating and crazy rides at similar speeds. However, this time, the velocity was beyond their expectations. It surpassed what the naked eye could comprehend, making it impossible to clearly perceive the human figure within. Anyone else would beinjured or even dead by now… but hey is anime logic!

As Annie soared through the air, fear gripped her, causing her to tightly shut her eyes and let out a piercing scream.

But in an instant, she felt a firm grasp around her waist. Opening her eyes, she found herself staring into the familiar face of Teach.

"Haha, how was that!," Titch grinned, his presence instilling a sense of security within Annie. She instinctively wrapped her arms around Teach's neck, holding on tightly.

"Get ready, we're going down," Teach said as they flew down from mid air.

Annie's body descended rapidly, the rushing wind brushing against her face. Once again, she closed her eyes, surrendering to the exhilarating sensation.

With a soft thud, they landed gracefully. Annie opened her eyes, finding herself still cradled in Teach's arms, resembling a princess being carried.

Blushing slightly, Annie released her grip and Teach gently placed her on the ground, ensuring her feet touched the floor first.

Exhaling deeply, Annie pressed a hand against her chest. "That was intense! It felt dangerous, but it was also incredibly thrilling, that feeling of weightlessness."

"Alright, let's move on to the next ride," Annie declared with a wide smile, eager to continue their adventure.

Over the next two hours, Teach accompanied Annie as they explored nearly every corner of the playground. Exhausted from the excitement, they sought respite in a bustling food court at the heart of Seth Island.

Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Anthony, in charge of the naval branch on the island, clutched a Den Den Mushi in his hand, intently listening to the message on the other end. "Bump!" Anthony's brows furrowed, his palm slamming angrily on the table. "What's going on? How did such crucial information reach us only now?"

"Blood Blade Patton, a notorious pirate with a bounty of 700 million, is leading a large fleet straight to Seth. Their target is clear: Seth itself."

Anthony sighed, rubbing his temples to ease the headache that began to form. "Forget it. We're too late to intercept them at sea. Mobilize the navy and evacuate the coastal residents. They'll likely make their way to the port. Treat it as a battlefield."

The naval branch's power paled in comparison to the might of the Blood Blade Pirates led by "Blood Blade" Patton. The support they awaited from the navy headquarters seemed distant and unlikely to arrive in time to aid them in battle.

Deep within Anthony's heart, he harbored the realization that their chances of victory were slim. He kept this thought to himself, donning the cloak of justice as he resolved to fight to the death. He had a reason to fight—a reason embodied by two figures: his family.

Meanwhile, in the waters of the New World, a colossal three-masted ship surged towards Seth Island. Accompanying it were four smaller pirate vessels.

Emblazoned on the towering Jolly Roger, behind the white skull, was a massive blood sickle positioned diagonally. This was the insignia of the Blood Blade Pirate Group.

On the main ship stood a brawny figure wearing a captain's hat, a black coat, and a black goggle covering his right eye.

Whipping a sailor on the deck, he bellowed, "Move faster, you imbeciles! If any of you dare to waste even a minute of my time, I'll toss you into the sea to feed the fish."

This man was none other than "Blood Blade" Patton, the fearsome captain of the Blood Blade Pirates. Endowed with the powers of the Sickle Fruit, he boasted a hefty bounty of over 700 million. Known for his unparalleled cruelty, every town he captured witnessed a gruesome festival, with countless lives sacrificed to appease his sadistic desires. Under his command, his crew numbered over three thousand.

"Hehehe, this time, there shall be a massacre to quench my wrath," Patton chuckled, baring his chest and revealing his wicked grin. An intense fury gripped him, and he continued, "Damn the navy for daring to provoke me! I recall there's a naval branch stationed on Seth Island. I shall annihilate every last navy soldier on that island, hahaha!"

Earlier, two navy lieutenants from the headquarters in the New World had devised a plan to encircle and suppress "Blood Blade" Patton, only to meet their demise at his hands.

But he had also lost many men, which caused him to rage with fury.

"Damn it! The maniac known as Blood Blade is attacking Seth Island," a navy men exclaimed, his voice laced with a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Haha! That **** actually dares to assault Seth Island. He's truly insane! It appears that our previous attempts to encircle and suppress him only fueled his rage. This time, the navy won't let him slip away. Everyone, run for your lives! Leave the island now!" A captain grinned with a mixture of dark humor and urgency, yelling the civilians to run.

"Unleash a barrage of cannon fire! Don't let anyone escape!" Patton bellowed with ruthless determination.

Thick smoke soon enveloped the area, as artillery shells mercilessly bombarded the once-thriving port. The landscape quickly transformed into a ruinous inferno, littered with the lifeless bodies of countless navy men and innocent civilians. The air resounded with wails of anguish and despair.

"Damn it, they arrived much faster than anticipated," Anthony growled through gritted teeth. Patton's swift arrival had caught them off guard, leaving even the civilians with no time to flee. The scene unfolding at the port was a horrifying spectacle beyond imagination.

"Patton, you arrogant fool! How dare you attack Seth Island, guarded by our navy? Gather all naval forces! Arm yourselves and head to the port! Spare no pirate!" a naval officer roared, his voice charged with fury.

"Vice Admiral Anthony, the entire navy is ready for action," a soldier reported.

"Very well. Prioritize the rescue of injured civilians. Then, join me in confronting the Blood Blade pirates," Anthony declared, issuing the order. Stepping purposefully onto the moonlit street, he raced towards the port, his determination unyielding.

Meanwhile, on the bustling central street of Seth Island, Teach and Annie strolled together, savoring the vibrant atmosphere. Annie gleefully clutched two strings of three-color meatballs in her hand, relishing the island's delectable delights.

Annie reveled in the joyous moments they shared but couldn't shake a tinge of sadness. She turned her head to gaze at him. "Teach, are you leaving soon?"

A warm smile graced Teach's face as he replied, "Yes, Annie. I have my own path to follow."

"Oh, I see," Annie murmured, a hint of disappointment evident in her voice. Though accepting the reality, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she cherished their remaining time together.


Suddenly, a series of thunderous explosions shattered the tranquility of the island. Chaos erupted as panicked cries and disordered footsteps filled the air, compelling people to scatter in a desperate bid for safety.