
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 13: Loya's decision

Looking at the mess on the ground, Teach couldn't help but touch his head and turned to Doyle, feeling embarrassed. "Haha, Doyle, I'm sorry. It seems I made things hard for your business."

"It's alright, Teach. I want to thank you for helping me resolve this trouble," Doyle replied with a smile, shaking his head as he wiped the floor with a rag.

"In that case, I'll take my leave now. I'll come back for a drink another time," Teach said, heading towards the exit. By this time, most of the people had already left, understanding that the matter was over. They also didn't want to encounter a man who could dispose of Schiller in an instant.

Today's events had left a significant impact on them, resulting in plenty of post-dinner gossip.

As Teach's departing figure receded, Loya seemed to have something to say, but the words didn't come out. Teach had disappeared outside the door, and Loya sighed, lowering her head involuntarily.

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached her ears, and her eyes widened with surprise. She lifted her head and saw a familiar face. Teach head poked out from the left side of the door, and he exclaimed, "Loya the offer of joining my crew still stands. And I for sure will come back again for that fried rice!" Teach waved his hand, laughed, and left once again.

This time, Teach didn't look back, and Loya's heart suddenly relaxed. She wiped the tears from her eyes and couldn't help but smile. She wasn't sure why she was smiling.

"What's the matter? Did his showcase of power not only defeat those pirates but your stone heart as well?" Doyle teased in her ear. As he bent down, wiping the spilled wine from the floor and carefully picking up the broken glass shards, throwing them into the trash can.

Loya blushed at his remark. "All wrong! wrong wrong wrong!!," she spams wrong. "Haha, whatever you say," Doyle said. As he observed his niece's shy expression, a sense of happiness washed over him. It had been a long time since he had seen her like this, and he couldn't help but admire Teach.

Loya expression turned serious. Although she didn't give a verbal response, she had already made up her mind. Teach's tenderness had shattered the coldness in her heart, and his formidable strength had brought her warmth.

Lost in her thoughts, Loya clenched her fists and gazed ahead. Suddenly, she was taken aback by the sight before her. Right in front of her, behind the window, sat a dark green fruit. It resembled a green cantaloupe, but its surface was rough and uneven.

"This... is this?" Loya recognized it immediately. As a resident of the New World, she understand the significance of such a fruit. But how could something so precious appear here?

"You're talking about the Devil Fruit," Doyle smiled, turning to observe Loya's surprised expression. Teach left that behind, we were talking about it to, something about investing in a possible crew mate. What a interesting fellow! He's treating you well by leaving behind such a precious gift. I'm curious to see what unfolds, is in your hands what to do with it, sell it for possibly millions of berry, or eat it for yourself!" Doyle placed the wine-soaked rag on the container, twisted it tightly, and let the liquid drip into the container before continuing to wipe the floor.

"It's too precious. I can't eat it. Let's return it," Loya shook her head, declining the offer.

Doyle listened and couldn't help but smile. "Are you sure? Teach left this for you. He even said if you don't eat it, you can feed it to a dog."

"Feed it to a what?!" Loya was taken aback, and an image flashed through her mind. Although she didn't know the specific powers of the fruit, she was aware of various abilities possessed by the users, in the New World.

In her mind, she pictured a giant golden retriever floating in the air, holding a knife between its front paws. With the ability to sweep through the air and earth, it could also transform into a massive dog, pouncing and biting ferociously. Another image appeared of a large white dog with a black moon-shaped mustache under its nose. Opening its large mouth, it would generate a silver-white energy circle in the air, biting the ground with an "earthquake," biting the sea with a "sea shock," and biting the air with an "empty shock." In these images, people kneeled before the powerful dog, crying out "Father, Father!" as it proclaimed itself the strongest dog in the world.

Frightened by her own thoughts, Loya's body involuntarily shivered, and a tingling sensation ran up her scalp.

Observing Loya's reaction, Doyle grew curious, wondering what thoughts were racing through her mind. He also worried a bit, knowing that if anyone else discovered the fruit, Luoya would likely be in danger.

After regaining her composure, Loya made up her mind. She reached out, picked up the Devil Fruit, stared at it for a moment, closed her eyes, clenched her teeth, brought the fruit to her face, opened her mouth, and took a bite. Despite the repulsive taste, she forced herself to swallow mouthful after mouthful until the fruit was entirely consumed.

"It's really unpalatable." Loya couldn't help but kneel on the ground, her face turning towards the floor. "Cough!" She coughed incessantly, as if trying to expel something from her mouth.

"Loya, let me tell you a secret," Doyle said, looking at her in that state, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Huh?" Loya was intrigued and stood up. "What's the secret?"

"Actually, just one bite of the Devil Fruit is enough," Doyle chuckled.

Loya's expression changed, and her body trembled. She instinctively clutched her stomach. "Just one bite... just one bite..." The words echoed in her mind. "Why didn't you warn me before I ate it?" Loya exclaimed, anger evident as she reached for the kitchen knife from the ground.

"Haha! I was just about to warn you, but you ate it too quickly," Doyle laughed, though he had another thought in his mind: Why would I tell you? Where's the fun in that?

Loya didn't dwell on it for too long.

As she thought about Teach and her wide cap of power from him, her expression turned serious, and she looked at Doyle, her uncle, saying, "Uncle, teach me how to become stronger." She was determined to grow stronger, knowing full well of her uncle's powerful strength. It wasn't something ordinary pirates could handle. Many pirates who caused trouble in the shop were dealt with by Doyle himself, often stripped of their clothes and thrown out.

Listening to Loya's request, Doyle's expression turned serious. "Loya, are you sure? My training methods are demanding, and I won't go easy on you." At that moment, Doyle's demeanor shifted, becoming more solemn, reminiscent of his past teacher.

"Yes, I want to become stronger," Loya affirmed firmly.

Looking into Loya's eyes, Doyle smiled faintly. "Alright, starting from tomorrow evening, I'll create a training regimen for you. We'll focus on enhancing your physical strength, teaching you swordsmanship, physical techniques, marksmanship, and tailor a training routine to your talents and preferences. Additionally, you'll need to dedicate time to developing your Devil Fruit ability. That will be the foundation of your strength. I can offer some suggestions, but the rest is up to you."



Teach strolled through the streets, observing various facilities catered to pirates such as casinos, restaurants, pubs, and clothing shops. Even an arena existed.

The town was named White Sand Town due to the crystal white sand covering the beach. Although it held no inherent value, the sand was often crafted into exquisite trinkets and sold at a modest price, making it the island's specialty.

Teach's eyes wandered around, taking in the sights and colors. The shops, pubs, bars, and restaurants were all relatively new. In his eyes, they appeared no older than a few years. The residents around him seemed content and carefree, indicating that their lives were going well.

Out of curiosity, Teach inquired about the former Island, which was a lawless place and a haven for pirates. However, since the Shiratori Pirates took control of the island, everything had changed for the better. Originally, the island had a population of roughly 20,000, consisting of residents, merchants, and pirates who had relocated from neighboring islands.

In just three years, the entire island transformed. Such a change couldn't be solely attributed to strength or sheer intelligence. With a smile on his face, Teach felt an increasing anticipation to meet the captain of the Shiratori Pirate Group.

He had a strong hunch that they would meet soon.

He even felt three formidable auras back at the Tavern, with the strongest surpassing even the one who had provoked him. It was mostly likely them.

"Oh, they have cherry pie here. Boss, give me one and three more to go," Teach exclaimed, his eyes lighting up as he ran over. It was a bakery, and the air was filled with a delightful aroma. Teach's attention was captivated by the beautiful cherry pie displayed upfront. He salivated, imagining the sweet and tangy taste.

"Alright, here's your cherry pie," the boss smiled. "That'll be two hundred berry." Teach paid, receiving a box of cherry pies. Holding one in his hand, he took a bite. "Hmm!" His eyes gleamed with delight as he couldn't help but praise. "this cherry pie is delicious!"

Teach had always loved cherry pie, he couldn't resist its delicious taste and made a habit of enjoying it whenever possible.

The taste of cherry pie was truly exceptional. Although it had numerous admirers in the sea, Teach couldn't understand why Luffy disliked it. He guessed it might be due to the sourness.

Continuing his walk, Teach arrived at a bridge. On the other side, a massive building resembling a palace stood. It served as the Shiratori Pirates' headquarters on the island, with their pirate flag fluttering at the highest point.

The structure was a renovated castle, built using the island's white sand. The bright white exterior shimmered under the sunlight, captivating the eye. Teach noticed someone, someone with a familiar aura was already standing on the bridge, facing him. The two silently observed each other.

"I've been waiting for you," the swordsman on the opposite side spoke first, a smile gracing his face. Behind him stood the members of the Shiratori Pirate Group, including Hardnor and Hardman, their gaze fixed on Teach, ready to fight.

Witnessing Teach's strength firsthand, they understood his terrifying power. Therefore were prepared to fight to the death, unsure if they could consider Teach a friend.

"How did you know I would come?" Teach asked, a smile playing on his lips. " I've been wanting to meet you for a long time by the way!"