
One Piece: Pirate Of Darkness

"hahaha! I've waited for this moment for so long, and they arrived." Teach gazed in awe at the colossal pirate ship emerging on the coastline, resembling a majestic whale. He raised his telescope to his eye, capturing a glimpse of the flying pirate flag in the distance. It was none other than the legendary Whitebeard Pirate Ship, renowned as one of the most formidable pirate crews in the world. ….. Yo there, editing from MTL cuz why not, rip my brain cells. Cover not mine, got it from Pinterest.

Shadoudia · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 10: On the island

After navigating the sea alone for an entire day and night, Teach finally caught sight of the island. Gradually, the boat drew closer and eventually docked at a small port.

The port housed a myriad of vessels, ranging from pirate ships to merchant ships, although the majority seemed to be of the pirate variety. Teach observed the town, noting its remarkable orderliness. It was far superior to the lawless and chaotic places encountered on a daily base in the New World. Clearly, this island was under some form of control, suggesting it had been occupied.

Teach found himself intrigued by the individuals managing this island. Maintaining order brought forth a steady stream of benefits, unlike the foolish pursuit of wealth amid chaos. This was knowledge he had gained from personal experiences. People came and went at the port, and Teach's arrival garnered attention from both onlookers and pirates. While most pirates paid little mind, a few keen eyes gleamed brightly. Surviving alone on a small ship amidst the treacherous weather of the new world required strength and resilience—qualities not possessed by the weak.

"Hello there, please pay a fee of five hundred Berry before entering the island," a pirate guarding the port approached Teach and informed him.

Impressed by the pirate's respectful demeanor, Teach grew increasingly curious about the pirate ruling the island.

Teach wasn't displeased by the fee. Five hundred Berry wasn't an exorbitant price, and any average person could afford it. With a smile, he retrieved the sum and placed the coins in the guard's palm. Glancing at his boat, Teach couldn't resist a jest. "Does my boat require protection payment?"

The pirates at the port were responsible for safeguarding these vessels against theft. The island's well-ordered appearance indicated that the ruling pirates managed the territory efficiently and had earned a reputable standing. Moreover, their strength was considerable; without it, such audacious pirates would have proven difficult to subdue.

In a short span of time, Teach absorbed many observations.

"Oh, no, and I don't think anyone would dare steal your boat," the pirate before him retorted with a wry smile. "Rest assured, we will keep a watchful eye on the ships in the harbor, we are pretty strong."

Teach couldn't help but sense a vague pressure in his mind when the pirate gazed at him.

"Consider another five hundred Berry as payment for protecting my ship," Teach said, handing over the coins and passing by the guard as he made his way into the town.

What immediately caught his eye was the prominent pirate banner fluttering high above. A silver sword skewered the skull, with a white bird positioned above the skull's left side.

The town boasted well-maintained facilities, and the number of residents on the streets appeared sparse, mostly comprising of pubs. This street was seemingly reserved for pirates, while the town's remaining inhabitants likely resided in other areas. Teach deduced that the pirates employed such measures.

The streets were remarkably clean, with very little litter in sight. The majority of trash had been collected that morning, and fresh blood stains hinted at unrestricted pirate skirmishes. It seemed that sparing was allowed on the island, but the streets were diligently cleaned.

These were all observations and deductions made by Teach. At times, he couldn't help but feel like a detective. Maybe he was wrong about many things, but oh well, who cares.

Teach entered a bar that wasn't particularly crowded and approached the counter. "A bottle of rum, three servings of fried rice, and two sauces," he ordered. Rum was Teach's preferred beverage, often associated with pirates, boasting a charming and rich aroma.

"Sure, please wait a moment," the bar owner nodded in acknowledgment, skillfully retrieving a bottle of rum. He uncapped it and placed it before Teach. Unrushed, Teach grasped the bottle with one hand, raised it to his lips, and indulged in a sip.

"Haha, it's delicious. The taste is quite unique. Did you brew this rum yourself in your tavern?" He inquired, savoring the mellow flavor accompanied by a subtle sweetness, his eyes brightening as he turned to the bar owner.

"Mhm, you guessed right," the tavern owner smiled and affirmed. He was a middle-aged man towering over two meters in height. Teach sensed his strength, realizing that running a tavern in a pirate-infested island necessitated a certain level of power—either possessed by the owner himself or backed by a someone with power.

Teach perceived the scars adorning the tavern owner's body, particularly the missing finger on his left hand. The severed digit and the scars that traversed his face hinted at a past marked by ruthlessness. Having spent considerable time on the ocean, the tavern owner was undoubtedly a man with a tale to tell. The vast sea concealed numerous formidable individuals, and even within the territory of the Whitebeard, Teach had encountered a few of them.

"Let's me have another bottle, and please prepare two more for me before I depart," Teach casually requested, opting to avoid delving into the tavern owner's personal history.

"Of course, coming right up. Here's your fried rice and sauces," the door behind the counter slid open, revealing a young girl with short, curly green hair. She carried a sizable bowl of fried rice and a plate of sauces. Her tone was curt, and she glanced dismissively at Teach. Catching her gaze, he offered her a smile, but she paid him no mind. Adorned with a red rose tattoo on her neck and purple teardrops beneath her left eye, she bore the appearance of a troublemaker.

With the door closing, the tavern owner, Doyle, had already placed the fried rice and sauces in front of Teach. He smiled and explained, "That's my niece, Loya. She has a feisty personality. Her parents fell victim to pirates, and it left her with a grudge against them. Nevertheless, she still possesses a good heart."

"Well, I find this little girl quite adorable, haha," Teach remarked, picking up a spoon and preparing to savor the fried rice. He lifted a spoonful, guiding the steaming grains into his mouth, and deeply inhaled the aroma. "Wow, it smells amazing. My appetite is truly awakened."

"Haha, that's no surprise. Loya possesses remarkable culinary talent, and her cooking skills have surpassed mine. She's quite renowned locally," Doyle beamed, pleased by Teach's praise for Loya.

"It truly is delicious, remarkably so," Teach complimented, his eyes shining with enthusiasm as he continued to eat and converse.

"I kinda want to invite her to join my pirate crew as a chef," Teach mentioned casually. "Haha, I have no objections. It ultimately depends on her own aspirations. Kids will always grow up," Doyle responded with a laugh.

Teach and Doyle enjoyed engaged in lively conversation. From the kitchen in the background, the girl named Loya listened to their banter, there laughter echoing. The sounds of vegetables being chopped grew louder, accompanied by playful thuds. Teach and Doyle exchanged smiles. "She's still just a little girl," they thought to themselves. Teach found his interaction with Doyle quite enjoyable, realizing that he was different from the other pirates he had encountered. Moreover, he sensed a subtle hint of threat emanating from his presence, making him even more different from the rest.

Loya couldn't help but furrow her brow, her feelings evident on her face as she listened to Teach's conversation with her uncle, Doyle. Images of Teach's face filled her mind, causing a slight unease in her heart. She felt the urge to deliver a couple of punches to his face.


Meanwhile, on the island, the resident and core members of the Shiratori Pirates were gathered in the central clearing, where several figures engaged in combat while their crewmates watched.

"White Bird Flow Swordsmanship·Air Cut!" A swordsman in white clothes, currently fending off two opponents, suddenly smiled. His aura surged, becoming incredibly formidable, and his swift slash resembled a soaring eagle with silver wings radiating a chilling light.

The sharpness and speed of his swordsmanship reached the pinnacle. "Brother, let's join forces to defend against this attack,"

Having fought together countless times, the brothers executed their machete techniques. "Armament: Slash and Ground Cleaver!" Their machetes were simple and straightforward, brimming with power and weight. The armed machetes appeared fearsome, as if imbued with the very essence of the earth. Their technique was straightforward—to strike the enemy at the opportune moment. The combined strength of the brothers was formidable, often leaving their captain astonished. With a resounding blast, Hardman and Hardnor collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, bearing multiple sword wounds.

"Haha, it seems our captain's strength continues to grow," Hardman chuckled, unfazed by his injuries. Slowly rising to his feet, he hadn't sustained significant harm. After all, their sparring was not meant to be life-threatening. Nonetheless, they were both somewhat surprised. They had unleashed almost all their power, yet they still couldn't fully withstand the captain's attack.

The wounds on their bodies resembled lacerations caused by something sharp, a testament to the power of the wind and the airflow within most strong swordsmen's techniques.

"Hardman, Hardnor, you've both grown stronger during this period," the white-clad swordsman smiled, approaching them slowly.

Adorned with pale silver hair and enormous diamond-studded earrings, he possessed slender arms and held a silver sword. His right thumb, index finger, and ring finger each boasted a sapphire, ruby, and emerald ring, respectively. Wearing a white cloak, he possessed silver irises, stood at a height of two meters, and exuded an imposing presence.

He was Mostima, the captain of the Shiratori Pirate Group, a pirate who had emerged in recent years. Not only was he a formidable swordsman, but he also possessed wisdom surpassing that of ordinary individuals, enabling him to establish a foothold in the chaotic new world and maintain a stable territory.

"Haha, Captain, you're growing stronger by the day. I feel like we could conquer several islands, or even attack a few more," the ever-energetic Hardman exclaimed, lacking any worries.

Mostima shook his head in response. "Hardman, don't forget the clash between the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates." A hint of terror flashed in his eyes as memories of that battle resurfaced. The world seemed to change colors, thunder and lightning danced wildly, and the winds howled incessantly during the seven-day-long confrontation. Mostima, just seventeen at the time. He and the acquainted Hardman and Hardner were traveling on the sea, it was then, that they encountered a deserted island where the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates we're engaging in a battle.

The battle primarily involved Roger and Golden Lion, two legendary figures. From a distance, they watched the clash and witnessed the power of the world's peak individuals. It was a battle between monsters that lasted for days and nights. The remnants of that battle were etched into the deserted island, leaving behind only a reef as evidence. The traces left behind hinted at the horrors of that encounter.

Nevertheless, they didn't lose heart. They had gained invaluable experiences, after all they witnessed confrontations of the world's most powerful beings. Mostima and the others after that realized the need to keep a low profile.

Mostima understood the importance of biding his time. Although they resided on the island, they hadn't given up on their training. They kept a close eye on the news circulating on the seas. Mostima keenly sensed the evolving landscape, with the new world gradually taking shape. He knew that if his Shiratori Pirates were to make rash moves, they would be crushed by the ensuing impact.

"Uh!" Hardnor and Hardman couldn't help but feel fear wash over them upon hearing Mostima's words. "How can we deal with such monsters?" Hardnor muttered, his voice heavy. "Compared to those real monsters, we're so far behind." Mostima's words sobered the brothers up, like a bucket of cold water poured over their heads, snapping them out of their inflated confidence.

"But we're still young. With the captain's guidance, we'll undoubtedly surpass those monsters in the future," Hardnor voiced his determination. Mostima smiled from hearing this. Reaching that level would be difficult, but he had confidence in becoming one of the top powerhouses in the new world, even if he couldn't rival those true monsters.

"Patience is key. When young new pirate crew emerges, one with monster-level potential, we'll follow them and reach the pinnacle together. If that fails, we can join the 'Golden Lion' fleet. They're currently expanding their power and actively recruiting in the new world. Their strength, coupled with their ambitious vision, makes them a worthy group to follow," Mostima concluded.




Note: This was a longer chapter than usual, so let me know if there was any mistake.