
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Tranh châm biếm
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195 Chs

I Against The World VI


Chapter 187: I Against The World VI


The already broken Red Line broke again, somehow, and Yovan didn't stop there as a few even more destructive bursts into the sky sent him flying downward with the giant hammer.

[Irrational Survivor: 81%]

The others really tried, they really tried to stop him, but they were stopped by the dead, specifically by Jack who rose as one of the dead, and with him rose several others.

The level of the war was way above most pirates around, which is why most of them were already dead. Hell, some of the strong died in the crossfire, and they arose again.

The dead allowed Yovan to bring down the gigantic frosty hammer upon Kaido with so much force it sent an ever-destructive shockwave through the Red Line.

If before, only a small part of the Red Line was broken, now the destruction spread far and wide, reaching the entirety of Reverse Mountain.

And now as Yovan brought the gigantic hammer upon Kaido, the other Emperors could only watch the insanity of Yovan, a monster who seemed quite unkillable to them.

No one even had a sliver of hope that Kaido would survive the overwhelming attack, not when the hammer was infused with Yovan's Haki and Hasshoken to a ridiculous degree.

The thought of escaping surfaced in the minds of some of the Emperors. In fact, Big Mom and her surviving children already started escaping, not even the overwhelming desire for the One Piece could keep them there.

How could Yovan allow them to escape? He had some obsessions despite losing his reason. Those obsessions were the only reason why the sane Yovan would allow himself to lose it.

One of such obsessions was that none shall escape. The battlefield shall turn to the graveyard of all those who came here.

"M... Mama," Suddenly, Katakuri stopped midair as he murmured with trembling lips, shaking all over, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"WhAT Did You See???!" Big Mom screamed as she also stopped, realizing that Katakuri had seen something that made even him despair, halting their escape, "Tal...!!!"

Whatever the frightened Big Mom had to say came to a halt as several doors opened around from which numerous golden-eyed crows appeared, all brimming with a golden radiance.

None could react, not exactly because they couldn't react fast enough but because they found themselves to be slow, too slow, as if time was being slowed.

The Big Mom who was the closest to the incident location felt it more clearly. She felt as if she was trying to walk through a swamp, and the root cause seemed to be one of the crows.

She could see a crow, barely hidden in one of the doors, a crow whose eyes shone green, eyeing her carefully, and that's all she could see before all the crows self-destructed.

All the crows were part of Sunny, all possessing the power of the sun, and all that power accumulated within them was released upon the World.

Flames, golden flames, and even more flames. The sky was painted golden as Yovan's flames devoured all it could reach.

So much destructive power, those who survived realized the horror of Yovan, truly fitting of the title of the demon king, but they at least hoped he'd be exhausted.

They, perhaps, more than even Yovan, realize just how much he went through in this unbelievable war... His body was barely stuck together for it wasn't just the Emperors who attacked him so far but also their underlings.

It's just that he didn't take them as seriously, but he still suffered nonetheless, yet he still lived, and the survivors would very much like to believe that the monster, the devil, has limits.

Yovan was most certainly exhausted, but somehow, his exhaustion still didn't stop him from ending the Big Mom who survived the explosion, albeit it can barely be called survival.

She was left in such a state that she was basically powerless, allowing Yovan to cleanly slit her throat, and with a smile at that.

That fatal blow, however, came at the cost of having to receive some attacks, something he'd gladly do any day of the week as the frosty hammer showed itself again.

It fell upon him, albeit a bit too late as Big Mom already lost all signs of life, unable to show what she has in store.

The gigantic hammer's collision with Yovan was heard by all that survived, clearly hearing the sound of bones breaking. Honestly, they were surprised that there were still bones unbroken in Yovan's body.

The hammer drove him downwards with such speed he could barely react, for it drove him towards a few things that were awaiting him.

It drove him towards a saber that almost went through his head if he didn't slightly lean it sideways only for several Haki-infused punches to fall upon his face, making him a little bit dizzy.

Just not dizzy enough to not act quickly as Shanks' eyes widened. Looking down, he found Yovan's blade nailed through his heart just as Yovan scattered, looking like a broken zombie.

Shanks' Haki didn't warn him, or couldn't as it was distorted, but still calmly grasped the edge of the blade, pulling it out forcefully as to make sure it doesn't deal any more damage.

The blade struggled in his hand, but it couldn't escape, and Yovan who stood behind him did nothing but zone out.

Shanks could swear he saw a trace of reason in Yovan's eyes as he turned around, albeit fleeting reason. Hell, even a sane Yovan is more insane than the majority of people in the World.

Regardless, Shanks simply wished to try to stop Yovan no matter how nigh impossible that is. Failure is also success in his mind... That's something he realized after figuring out a few things.

The other individual who attacked Yovan wasn't being paid even a sliver of attention for the rain of punches was the last thing he could do before life left him.

It was none other than Katakuri who barely survived, although not for long, only being able to deliver a few punches before crossing to the afterlife.

Yovan blinked as he regained his focus, turning his attention to Shanks, eyeing him with a gentle smile that gave Shanks the illusion that Yovan regained his sanity, although his eyes told a different story.

[Irrational Survivor: 84%]

The flames vanished, and the battlefield turned quiet, eerily quiet as a frosty air enveloped the surroundings, and it wasn't coming from the frosty hammer.

In fact, the hammer tried to break the atmosphere as it fell upon Yovan, only to meet his hand, and it could move no longer as Yovan stood there like an unmoveable barrier.

A golden force surrounded the hammer, seemingly negating movement, not allowing the hammer to move any longer.

Yovan glanced in a certain direction with a strange look before allowing the hammer free, and fleeing it did, disappearing into the horizon. That single glance scared the owner of the hammer away.

Yovan turned his attention to Shanks, releasing a strange smile as the two eyed each other, and so, it happened.

Time passed, and someone found himself to have arrived a bit too late, arriving at the maniacal battlefield, a place that told a mythical story of pure insanity.

The late arrival may have been fortunate to most but not to this person as he found death all around, and he trembled as he reached the center of the battlefield, above the wreckage of the Red Line... There was a head, a red-haired head.