
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Tranh châm biếm
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195 Chs

I Against The World III


Chapter 184: I Against The World III


Blackbeard clearly felt that misfortune was solely concentrated on him as Yovan seemed focused only on him, and even the other Emperor's attack would occasionally fall upon him... Actually by accident. He was miserable.

"Field of Darkness!" That's only one of the reasons why Blackbeard lived through Yovan's rampage. The most notable reason is the numerous strong enemies about.

They never not once stopped attacking, and if it means delivering on his rampage, Yovan would usually allows himself to be hit, any hit he can survive is a hit he would take if it means delivering a deadly hit of his own.

And he almost succeeded if not for the massive storm of lightning of fire that overwhelmed him, bringing him down for a second, and in such a battle, even a split second matter.

The storm was so deadly that it almost killed off Blackbeard. It's after all the combination of Kaido's dragonic powers and Big Mom's Devil Fruit powers.

Big Mom's Devil Fruit is special as it intruded into the field of souls, an abstract concept.

It's the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to manifest peoples' souls as an ethereal substance that she can grab hold of, so long as the intended victim feels fear.

She can then use those souls by infusing them into objects to give them life, turning them into beings called homies, which act as her servants.

However, what attacked Yovan weren't just normal Homies but quite the special ones, as Big Mom can use fragments of her own soul to create "special homies", which are far more powerful than regular homies due to being made from fragments of her own incredibly powerful soul.

So Yovan found himself being attacked by Zeus and Prometheus, a thundercloud, and a sun with ridiculous attacking power.

The brunt of the attacks of not only the Emperors but also of their forces about forced Yovan down to the ground... Only to stand up again, even amidst the non-stop attacks.

Yovan didn't teleport nor did he need to as he became the luminous sun amidst the darkness, darkness brought about by Blackbeard that took away Yovan's sight.

The darkness didn't seem to affect anyone else other than Yovan. Then again, Yovan barely opened his eyes since the beginning of the war. He wasn't using his eyes to see nor was he using his observation Haki.

If he was using his Observation Haki, he would've noticed it being suppressed, but he couldn't use it since long ago, since he let himself go, since irrationality started taking over his mind.

Remember that Observation Haki needs a calm mind to function effectively, and Yovan's mind currently was certainly not calm, so Blackbeard's field of darkness was basically worthless.

Yovan could neither see, sense nor even smell as he shut off his senses. He simply acted based on the voice that can not be heard, the Voice Of All Things.

[Voice Of All Things: 1766/∞]

He could hear the voices, the instincts of all those around them. It was almost like acting by instinct, one that allowed him to hear the hound Blackbeard lunging at him.

Yovan heard danger, he felt danger for the hound's fangs held ridiculous amounts of concentrated vibrations within, the full power of Gura Gura No Mi, or at least the most Blackbeard can show.

The burning heat released by Yovan was of no inconvenience to Blackbeard as one of his two remaining heads grasped him, his fangs going through him.

Black wouldn't think even in his wildest dreams that Yovan had sensed all of his actions yet still allowed himself to be devoured.

Yovan's Devil Fruit powers were canceled out as Blackbeard's darkness powers took effect, and less than a split second later, the full force of Gura Gura No Mi was released.

The concept of sound cracked, broken into unheard pieces, like a piece of glass breaking apart yet no sound was heard, and the cracks released by Blackbeard spread far and wide, enveloping that entire part of the Red Line.

There were numerous casualties, many and many pirates died but none cared, certainly not the Emperors.

Those strong enough survived the shattering, but the force that reached them wasn't even a speck of what Yovan suffered, the full brunt of the attack.

"Zehhahahaahha! Zehha!" Just when Blackbeard started laughing maniacally in celebration, he heard a cough coming from nearby, so nearby it frightened him.

Yovan's body was supposed to be shattered, broken to pieces of flesh waiting to be devoured by the hound of hell, yet he still lay in Blackbeard's monstrous mouth, his body cracked like a mirror yet he could speak.

"Ahh," Yovan released a breath, speaking the last words his mind could utter before completely losing it, "So much pain that I regained bits of clarity... No more."

[Irrational Survivor: 44%] The last bit of clarity in his mind was lost as he spread his hand by instinct, forcefully opening Blackbeard's hound mouth with his broken body.

And instead of escaping away, he dived in, "WHa?" Blackbeard was understandably horrified, and so was everyone around as they felt danger, speechless at the lunacy of what they were seeing.

It was like a Deja Vu as a second shattering happened before anyone can comprehend the insanity of Yovan's action.

Blackbeard's eyes widened, nearly popping out a he felt his body shattering, and he knew that it was just the start... He could feel the ludicrous sphere of vibrations far above anything he can do, and he has the Devil Fruit of vibrations for christ's sake.

What can he do? Is his fate set in stone? Blackbeard was afraid. He felt the emotion of fear, after acquiring arguably the two strongest Devil Fruits in the World, perhaps only second to Im's Sea Fruit, he thought he'd be invincible, and he genuinely believed that.

Alas, someone was basically ignoring the power of Gura Gura No Mi which has been said to be capable of destroying the World, suffering only cracks and bleeding ink due to its destructive force.

All of which mended in seconds before it happened, the second shattering, a force of Hasshoken so concentrated it broke space tens of miles about.

The fractures were dark, and they were permanent fractures in space that shall become a sign of the ancient past.

Blackbeard's vibrations actually manage to cause some cracks on the once said to be indestructible Red Line... Yovan shattered it in its entirety, this specific part of the Red Line that's.

Hell, the fractures reached even the giant Ships still far away, and very few had the luxury of thinking about the horrifying situation and the hopelessness of what they were dealing with.

"Mama... We should escape," One of which was none other than Katakuri, a trace of fear apparent on his face, and strangely, Big Mom didn't respond.

Normally, she would've at least punished him for making such a suggestion but she was eerily silent... Even she was hesitant to fight such insanity.

If Katakuri sought to convince her more, he didn't get the chance as what happened next did the convincing for him.

Yovan emerged from Blackbeard's truly fragmented body, all bloody, but even all that blood couldn't mask the golden within him, the burning golden flames running through his veins, and his burning golden hair.

He looked like a Sun God, his dark wings seeming luminous with a golden holy light, but he was anything but holy as he lunged at his next victim.

The destruction of this part of the Red Line made a lot of pirates lose their footing, even if it's for a second, that's a second too much, a second which declared the fate of one of the All-Stars, Jack the Drought.

Jack the Drought, whose body was like that of a mammoth due to his Devil Fruit simply couldn't react as just some normal human teeth lunged at his throat, but they were Yovan's teeth.

The sound of flesh being snatched away from him made Jack freeze for a split second before he decided. No, he had to transform into his beast form... Too late.