
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Tranh châm biếm
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195 Chs

Age Of Chaos VI

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Chapter 144: Age Of Chaos VI


Yovan vanished and appeared from that feather right before his target, a Poneglyph, quite the special Poneglyph it was, a red Poneglyph.

That is a very special type of Ponyglyphs called Road Poneglyphs which contains information that, when combined with the information on the other three Road Poneglyphs, will reveal the location of Laugh Tale.

And Laugh Tale is the island at the end of the New World which supposedly holds the treasure One Piece, the goal of most pirates.

Basically, whoever gets the One Piece will be the pirate king, but Yovan isn't interested in being a pirate king, not at all... He wants the Road Peneglyphs for a different reason.

Or rather a copy of the Road Poneglyph as written on it is numerous lines of text, written in an ancient script. This writing system was apparently unique to the civilization that carved its history onto the Poneglyphs.

The ancient text consisted of numerous complex symbols inscribed on one side of the Poneglyph, making it apparent that one can use methods such as rubbing to copy the symbols.

Yovan had a way of achieving just about the same thing as he scattered into a bunch of feathers, each sticking to a symbol, very quickly taking its shape.

Even the feathers' calamus changed shape, taking the form of numbers, each corresponding to the order of its said symbol so he can have a perfect replica of the Poneglyph.

Even more interesting was the fact that there were two more Poneglyphs in the treasury, albeit these ones were blue which as far as Yovan knows contains historic information though he also knows that some contain information about the three ancient weapons.

Yovan copied them all before vanishing, having enough time to safely do so as the treasury chamber was vacant, and it was quite an isolated place.

Still, he remained wary because some with great mastery over Observation Haki can sense others through walls, so he stayed in his crow form, and what a special form it was.

Since long ago, he found out that it's extremely difficult for those with Observation Haki to sense him in this form.

In fact, Enel was only able to clearly sense him when he got close, and that mostly had something to do with his Devil Fruit.

That uniqueness, however, is completely useless against those with future sight like Kaido.

The moment he finished copying the symbols, he vanished, leaving nothing behind, not a single feather.

He appeared in his chamber in his human form, all of his feathers hidden beneath his cape, making most of the Strangers confused about where he has been or what he has done.

If something was clear, however, it was that he got what he wanted, the gentle smile on his face said as much as he murmured, "The second has been acquired."

Indeed, this was the second Road Poneglyph he has copied for his first visit to kaido's base wasn't only for a fight, but also for the Road Poneglyph he knows he has.

His battle with Yamato resulted in the destruction of Onigashima, and the Poneglyph was on the said Island, so when it showed itself, Yovan took the opportunity to copy it.

"Second what?" Reiju questioned curiously.

"Hmm, well... Hahah hahah yahahaa," Chuckle after a chuckle, Yovan couldn't hold it back, not when he knows that very very soon, the third and the fourth will be in his hands as well.

And if the Strangers weren't confused enough, they were even more confused by the morning as Big Mom sent someone to introduce Yovan's 'Fiance' to him.

"She's twelve," Laffitte remarked.

"Eleven," Kalifa corrected.

"Probably ten," Robin corrected.

"I'm fourteen," Tha little girl they were speaking about gently corrected, barely able to hide her anger.

"Oh, so nine?" Laffitte concluded.

"Fourteen," The girl corrected.

"Is that a problem? Too lazy to deal with it, so deal with it yourself," The one who introduced her, Charlotte Smoothie said before walking away.

"My name is Charlotte Pudding, husband," The girl said with a gentle smile. She had to basically break her neck to lock up at the giant that is Yovan.

In contrast to most other Big Mom pirates who are mostly very tall, the teenage was very short, reaching only 5.4 in height, and Yovan is almost two times taller than her.

She had round, reddish brown eyes, and light brown hair styled with pigtails in the back and side-swept bangs in the front. She was attired in a simple white dress.

"I'm sure Antarisa is having fun, so let's have some fun of our own, let's tour the city and get us some sweets," Yovan completely ignored her and said to the Strangers.

The Strangers also quickly forgot about her as they started having fun, as much fun as they can with Katakuri watching as he naturally followed them everywhere.

"Hey hey! Hey! Do you hear me??!"

"Hm?" Yovan turned his head but saw no one. he looked down to see Pudding, still following after them with her expression barely holding onto a smile, "What?"

"I know a great place for sweets! My café! I can even make you the best chocolate sweets in the land!" Pudding promised happily.

"Sure," Viola was the one to respond, and the group didn't say much. She, after all, can see through people's lies, so Pudding wasn't just boasting.

She led them to her café, and like all buildings in sweet city, it was made in the shape of sweets, a chocolate cake to be specific.

It was her café, so naturally, the little girl took over, sending everyone else out before making them sweets herself.

"What's your goal here? I don't get it?" Robin asked with confusion.

"I already got what I came here for, my painting and the other things," Yovan shrugged, "I'm just thinking of how I should finish my new painting. Any ideas?"

"Wouldn't you know better?" Viola remarked, and everyone else agreed, He somehow always comes up with crazier ideas, the likes of which even Laffitte's brain can not cook up.

"I do have an idea, but I don't know if it's viable," Yovan murmured, "But I also want something else... The painting completion might have to be halted."

They didn't talk too much about private things, not when Katakuri was watching them from afar. Perhaps they didn't want to incriminate themselves? Nah, they never ever cared about that, so why would they start now?

"Here, Chocolate lava cake, Chocolate truffle cake, chocolate ganache, and lastly! My café's signature sweet, Chocolate Biscuits with jam fillings!" Pudding introduced her sweets one by one as the waiters gracefully placed them on the large table.

"Husband, let me help you," She took the liberty of picking a spoon of chocolate ganache, and feeding it to Yovan, all while the latter eyed her weirdly.

"Mmm, you're such a weirdo," Yovan remarked as he took the spoon from her hand, his eyes starting to sparkle as he took another spoon of chocolate... It was too good.

"Weirdo? Then I guess we fit quite well," The teenager nodded with a happy smile though she didn't quite understand what he meant.

"MMM,mnnsjakmmmkkKmm," Laffitte nodded agreeing.

"Hammnammahnnnn," Viola also agreed, noticing the strangeness of the little girl.

"Hummannn mmmnm," Kalifa just enjoyed her chocolate as she took a rest on Yovan's lap, right before Pudding.

"Huh? Wh-what are you doing?" Pudding asked, her face twitching.

"Mmnnhnmmmmm," Well, Pudding was seriously too good, captivating the crew with the wonderful sweets and cakes she had prepared, thus shouldn't quite understand what Kalifa said.

"Mmmmfmmymm," Yovan also nodded, agreeing with Kalifa as she helped him with a spoon of chocolate truffle, a spoon that was just in her mouth.

"Please get off him," Pudding said as gently as possible.

"Mmshmm wnahs to kill you," Viola pointed out with a giggle.

"Um, she hates us both. I can feel her disgust," Yovan noted as he lightly stroked the startled Pudding's hair before moving the bangs of her hair to the side much to her surprise.

"Oh, so that's what I was sensing," Yovan remarked as his meticulous Observation Haki sensed strange movement on her forehead.

"Wahh, a third eye," Reiju said in wonder, and indeed, there was a third eye on her forehead.

"Stop!" Pudding responded violently, slapping his hand away before quickly hiding the third eye with her hair.

"Sure sure," Yovan shrugged before asking Robin, "Have you ever seen or read anything about this?"

"I heard of such a race, Three-Eye Tribe. That's it though, I don't know much about them at all," Robin shook her head.

"Hm, having three eyes sounds cool," Yovan remarked, stroking his chin.

"Does it?" Robin questioned with confusion.

"Yeah, I mean, if I had three eyes, I would still have two eyes now. It'd be much harder for me to go blind, you know?" Yovan explained.

"Makes sense, does that matter though? You like, lost most of your flesh against Kaido," Laffitte pointed out, "I'm sure you'll lose it anyway."

"Agreed," Kalifa nodded, "I feel like having extra eyes would only make you more reckless. Who knows what you would lose if so."

"Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense," Yovan agreed, "But Imagine me with a third eye, but that third eye is golden, like fiery golden, wouldn't I look cool?"

"Huh, that does sound cool," Kaku nodded.

"It does, so does that mean I can dissect her? Like, I can transfer her third eye to you. I don't know how but I can try," Laffitte suggested with a bright excited smile.

"Huh???Huh?????Huhhhhhh????????" Pudding was speechless and even scared, and just like anyone would, she wondered what the fuck are these maniacs saying?

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