
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Tranh châm biếm
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46 Chs


Three bodies in an abandoned warehouse. None dead, but all in a critical condition stating that they might be if they were not given suitable medical treatment.

Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin , rescued all three and admitted them in the lodge. He knew little about healing, so Shizune had to do most of the work.

Additionally, on top of the three patients, Roronoa Zoro was also one. After fighting with Orochimaru and winning with the help of Roger, he became exhausted, his body covered with injuries from head to toe.

With the days passing by, we come to learn that Tsunade recovers first, with Raiden and Naruto following close behind.

Raiden, now grateful to Naruto, and partly Tsunade too, deeply apologises for the kidnapping. His heart was no longer burdened with revenge, but lightened with the hopes of a new beginning. After paying respects, and after expressing regret for the millionth time, he set back to to the town where Shinju awaited him. He had to make amends for her. Oh, he was desperate by now to say sorry to her. How harsh and coldly he had treated her all of these days…

Zoro lay on his hospital bed unconscious, without having any knowledge on the matter. And Tsunade, who neither had the patience nor the courtesy to tell about that, tended to him for another day, before he regained consciousness.

Jiraiya and Tsunade sat in the bar, the same bar in which Zoro had first met her.

Having a gentle sip, Jiraiya spoke. "It has been a wild set of days, huh? We need to keep an eye on that knuckle-head, or he's gonna get into some or the other sort of trouble again. Anyways, I assume that you're still up for being the Hokage?"

"Yeah, I wanna do it. It was all Naruto who made me agree, and you know it, Jiraiya. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be having this conversation and drinking saké together. Not to mention Zoro, who was just a random swordsman who just fell outta the sky for no reason. Oh I don't even wanna come near a hundred paces of asking him why. All he tells are a bunch of made-up sentences good for writing a manga plot. And, strange guy with cracks across his face rescued him. Can you believe that he went and fought against Orochimaru? What a fool. And apparently he babbles a story that the person who rescued him also defeated Orochi in a single slash. I mean, exaggeration or not, there are less than a hundred people stronger than him, as much as I hate to say it." After speaking, she gulped down a mug of saké and ordered for more.

" Ah, not that I don't agree with you…" said Jiraiya, as he swallowed his his own liquor. "A strange lot, that story. I would like to meet that Zoro, and the one that rescued him, later.

An extremely bizarre story he gives, one even more than the one Raiden gave. Man, was that hard to believe? Bro implies that he was searching for a sixty year granny for almost ten years. And failed to find out. Like, how can you fail to find out the location of a person even after a decade? He can give all the excuses that he can, that rage blinded him and other things, but the fact that he failed does not change."

Tsunade started when her fellow shinobi called her a 'granny'. "Hey! You do not have any rights to call me a granny! For one, you are as old as I am, and you are the one who looks old enough to be my uncle…."

The shoutings continued for a while, and then all fell into a melancholic silence. Both sat there drinking silently without speaking, with only the sounds of slurping and refilling reverberating in the air.

It was morning, and during mornings, almost nobody drank alcohol. All the partying and the drinking takes place during the night. Sunlight streaked lazily through the gaps between strips of cloth which hung in the entrance of the tavern. A warm sunshiny day, with just enough to give a good feel to your face. Not too muggy, and just the perfect amount of stuffy.

Tsunade broke the silence with a sigh, and spoke, "Though that Naruto is certainly something, eh? He was able to master the rasengan in a week… Even you took a while to learn it, if i'm not wrong. It's said that the fourth took three whole years to make and perfect it. What were you thinking of to teach an A-ranked jutsu to a genin?"

Jiraiya gave a somewhat pretension hesitation, and responded, " He is Minato's son. Whenever I see him, I only get remembered of him. An almost exact likeliness, except for the shape of his hair. It just felt right that I should teach him the rasengan. Moreover, the boy severely lacks in chakra control, and has almost no hostile techniques. So I thought that I should teach him, and I had belief that he will be able to learn it. The rasengan helps you in kneading and shaping your chakra, so your chakra control increases vividly. Of course, there was the risk of his rock-filled-head to use it in an inefficient manner, but that was a risk worth taking."

" You threw the dice without any precautions, but all goes with the flow of time. It is called a gamble for a reason, and it seems that we lot have an affinity to it for some reason." A thin smile appeared on her elegant mouth.

Then after they both spoke on various matters and such, each having a nice satisfying conversation after weeks. Some hearty laughs, and a good many chuckles, that day brought back nostalgia for them both. If only for Orochimaru.

Suddenly, Shizune entered in through the drapes, carrying Tonton beneath her arm.

"Tsunade-sama, Zoro is not there in the lodge where we left him to recover. I thought you might have an idea to where he might be, so I came here. I… I want to at least say a good bye to him before he leaves to wherever he wishes."

It had seemed for a moment that she had developed a kind of interest towards him.

Tsunade jerked and started, "That idiot! I told him not to leave anywhere. If those wounds reopen… Shizune, I will also accompany you. We'll both go there and find him… For real, that goat-brained moss-hea—"

Jiraiya cut in. " I will pay for the drinks, Tsunade. Hmmm…Perhaps I should also come with you to see this Zoro. Yes, I will. If you'll wait for me for a minute?"

"Yeah fine make it fast. And thanks for paying." Her face looked flustered and flushed at the same time, mysteriously.

She and Shizune stood outside, while Tsunade continued to lament on Zoro's injuries and his brain filled with 'ear-wax'. Again, Jiraiya felt pity for the pink pig. A fine animal it was, with a symmetrical round nose and smooth skin covering it from nose to sole.

The Toad-Sage payed the cash and wiped his mouth. Lifting up the cloth enclosing the bar, he stepped out, shrinking as the afternoon sun burned his eyes.

" Oi oi, hurry on out, Jiraiya. We don't have time to be dawdling around here. I know where he is ; I bet he's went to meet that man who saved his life, Gold Roger. Well, that may be a gamble, but that's the only lead we got, unless he's drunk in a tavern in some part of the town… C'mon, it's just a one or two miles from here, yonder" She said, as she pointed vaguely towards the road running away from the heart of the small town.

All three of the seasoned shinobi ran, faster than any average man could, their hands flying in the opposite direction of their destination.

When they reached the orchid plantation where the duo were supposed to be, all three gradually drew rein and stopped.

Gol. D. Roger, the Pirate King, laid under a nutmeg tree, though it was a wonder that tree grew in this part of the country. He who is king of the seas, master of the oceans, rested under the cool shade, and was eating an apple when he noticed the three ninja arriving.

Roronoa Zoro, in the meantime, sat cross-legged beside Roger, and was speaking something, argumentatively. As he turned back, to see who had come to interrupt his speaking, his eyes widened.

Tsunade burst out as soon as she saw him. "What is wrong with you, y-you cow-headed grass haired hog!? You might die if those wounds reopen. You men, at least have a little common sense before going off to do your duties and other things… What good will it do you, or for the ones that mean you good, if you you go forward and give up your life?" And then she paused, slowly taking in what she said. " Uh, I'm sorry, I should not have said what I had. After all, I technically do not even know you…"

" You treated him when he was dying, Tsunade. Of course a little 'advice' on his health is not improper enough to defile you." Implied Roger. His eyes were cringed, and his face was painted with frustration, though his voice was warm as always.

Zoro uttered then, " It's alright, Tsunade. I know that you mean well for me… It's just that… Uh, I'm just gonna say that, Roger here, his son is going to get executed very soon. So we have to move fast and rescue him before he gets killed… So back down a bit so that we can focus."

Roger's face darkened, and thunderclouds seemed bright in comparison. "Yes, Tsunade. What he says is true. Please, we gotta leave as soon as possible…"

Tsunade became worried, and she spoke with haste, " Oh! I did not know that… Zoro didn't inform me of this… Is there any way I can help?? How do ya'll mean to travel? Not by walk, surely…"

Zoro replied hesitantly. "There is no need of that. We've already decided it."

"What is it?" Inquired Shizune with curiosity and regret.

Zoro opened his left eye, and flexed his ultimate Rinnegan.

Tsunade and Jiraiya both jerked at the sight of it, as the great chakra of it rolled over them in waves. Shizune almost fainted after seeing it, but managed to stay on her feet.

Jiraiya bespoke thus, " Is… Impossible. Is that the Rinnegan?"

"Yes, it is. And we, are going to use it to go to Marineford."