
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Tranh châm biếm
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213 Chs

Grandpa Garp

"L-luffy. D-do you even know who your grandpa is?!" Nami stuttered her question. Luffy laughed.

" Of course I know! He's my grandpa for goodness sake!! He's a legend in the Marines!! He's one hell of a taskmaster. But without him and his teachings, I wouldn't be here standing with you all right now!!" Luffy replied proudly. Garp laughed and patted his back hard, so hard that it made everyone wince. But Luffy didn't even feel any pain. He is a rubber man after all.

"Wait, he trained you?!" Sanji shouted. Luffy nodded.

"Bwahahahahaha!!! This brat would keep shouting about how he would be King of The Pirates with my training! I kinda miss it now to be honest! " Garp grinned at Luffy's crew.

"But do you know it all started with him meeting Red Haired? This straw hat here, he promised him he's going to give it back to him when he becomes the Pirate King and surpasses Roger." Garp explained. Everyone was even more shocked.

" R-red Haired?! You mean Red Haired Shanks!! Luffy knows him!?" Sanji shouted in shock.

"Bwahahahahaha!!! He didn't tell you guys that?!" Garp laughed at their shocked faces. Robin smiled a little.

"Luffy is such an influential man, isn't he Nami?" Robin whispered to Nami who nodded back in response.

"Huh? Is that Moss Head?" Sanji pointed at Zoro who was running towards the platoon of Marines with two extremely bloody and bruised people guiding him.

"Thanks for showing me the way! Later!!" Zoro nodded at them and continued running.

"It's Three Sword Style Zoro!!! The one with a 165 million Belly bounty on his head!! " One of the Marines shouted. Garp looked at Zoro and grinned.

" I see, Luffy's vice captain. He seems to be doing good. Well guys, try to stop him!! " Garp ordered his subordinates. Suddenly, they all saw Tashigi appearing in front of Zoro.

They were shocked to see her there. "Where did she come from?" Nami wondered as Tashigi started clashing with Zoro. Luffy dashed towards Zoro.

"Chill out, Zoro! We're not here to fight!!" Luffy shouted and gritted his teeth and jumped back to dodge a kick from Koby.

Smoker appeared behind Luffy and swung his Seastone jitte at him. Luffy casually sidestepped it and leaped towards Zoro who did the same.

The two pirates were back to back while facing the three Marines. Smoker imbued his jitte with Armament Haki with Tashigi doing the same with her katana, Shigure. Koby raised his fists and hardened them with Haki.

"Ho? Armament Haki!?" Luffy grinned and hardened his fists with Armament Haki with Zoro doing the same with her two katanas. Zoro suddenly appeared in front of Tashigi, shocking the Marine with her speed. Zoro swung her katana and disarmed her in the blink of an eye.

Luffy appeared between Smoker and Koby while swinging his arms at them.


Luffy clotheslined the two, sending them crashing onto the ground. Luffy looked down at them seriously.

Zoro was pointing Wado Ichimonji at Tashigi's neck while Luffy unsheathed his cutlass and pointed it at Koby and stepped his Haki coated foot onto Smoker's chest.

The Marines watching the fight were in shock as they tried to step in and help. Garp started laughing, stopping them from doing so.

"Bwahahahahaha!!! You three are no match for them at all!!!" Garp taunted as Luffy and Zoro stepped back and sheathed their separate weapons.

"Amazing!! You guys have gotten so strong!!" Koby shouted as he stood up with Smoker and Tashigi doing the same.

Koby dusted himself off and looked at Luffy. "Luffy-san, Zoro-san. Long time no see? Do you know who I am?" Koby asked them. The two pirates smiled at him.

"How can we forget about what your pink hair looks like. You're the crybaby Koby. " Luffy grinned at him. Koby laughed.

" Yup! That's me! "

" How did you end up in the Grand Line? " Zoro asked while having a gentle smile on his face.

"Well, I'm not a Marine Officer yet. I'm just a Chief Petty Officer. But when I heard you two were nearby, I just have to meet you guys! I'm here now thanks to you!! " Koby saluted Luffy and Zoro who smiled wider and nodded back.

"A lot of things have happened, and now me, Smoker-san and Tashigi-san are now being trained by Vice Admiral Garp in the headquarters." Koby explained.

" I see, but there should be a limit about how fast one can grow in height. Not that I can talk, I was 5"1(156cm) when I was just nine." Luffy grinned sheepishly. Zoro looked at Smoker and Tashigi.

" So how did you get picked by Vice Admiral Garp?" Zoro asked them.

" Bwahahahahaha!! I recognize potential when I see it! These three have the talent, work ethic and drive that so few in this world have." Garp gently patted Koby and Smoker in the back. He then ruffled Tashigi's hair, messing it up. Tashigi blushed in embarrassment and quickly tidied it up.

"Well then, you guys go fix up this wall!" Garp ordered his men to repair the wall he damaged.

"Ehh? How can you be so selfish?" One of the men complained.

"Why did you break it in the first place if we ended up having to fix it? " Another argued with Garp who crossed his arms.

" Because it's cool to enter the scene like that!! " Garp answered seriously, making Luffy laugh.

" Don't break things with such a ridiculous reason! We'll fix it, but you'd better help us!! " Another protested at Garp.

"Ehhhhh??????.... Okay. "



Garp started repairing the wall with his men helping him. The old Marine was picking his nose with his pinky finger while hammering a nail into a wood plank.

Luffy was sitting beside Garp while picking his nose too. He decided to help his grandpa because he had nothing else to do.

The Straw Hats were looking at Garp warily. Luffy and Garp noticed their cautious stares and they decided to deal with it later.

"By the way, Luffy. I heard you met Dragon in Loguetown." Garp pointed out. Luffy nodded.

"I did."

"How is he?" Garp asked him, making Luffy smile.

" He's mysterious as always, gramps." Luffy answered, making Garp laugh and flick away a booger.

"So he's doing great then. I heard Sabo is his second in command now." Garp revealed. Luffy smirked.

"So Sabo's making a name for himself too, huh? Man, I really have to catch up." Luffy whispered.

"I hope you and your crew have been training, Luffy. They sure don't look like much." Garp looked back at the Straw Hats who narrowed their eyes at him.

"Do you guys even know what Haki is yet?" Garp asked Luffy who nodded.

"They sure do. Me, Usopp, Zoro and Sanji have Armament and Observation Haki. The others are getting there. " Luffy explained. Garp nodded, feeling impressed.

" Good, that's going to be a game changer here in Paradise. Not in the New World though, these two types of Haki are extremely common there. Every cannon fodder has it. " Garp advised them.

" What really is the game changer there is advanced Armament, advanced Observation Haki and Conqueror's Haki." Garp added and looked at Luffy.

" I want you and those in your crew who have Armament Haki to learn Emission right now. You all have garnered the World Government's full attention and to be honest, you guys aren't ready for it in the slightest. " Garp said bluntly. No one was offended by his words, they knew it was true. Luffy snorted.

"Easy for you to say, gramps! We all have been trying to figure it out for a long time now and it's no use!" Luffy grumbled and crossed his arms.

" It's so easy! Just let your Haki flow out of your body! You've heard of the thing called inner flow right? That's basically what Emission is. " Garp explained simply, making Luffy palm his face.

"Like I said, it's easy for you to say." He grumbled. Garp then grinned at him.

"So, do you you have a girlfriend now? You have lots of pretty girls in you crew! I'm sure you like one of them right?! " Garp asked, not even caring that the beautiful girls he mentioned were right beside him too.

The girls except for Kaya blushed at the Vice Admiral mentioning them. Luffy sighed and looked at Garp seriously.

"Gramps, I'm sorry to say this but I like all of them. Except for Kaya though, because she's Usopp's girl." Luffy revealed.

" Usopp? The 'Sniper King'? " Garp looked at Usopp who grinned nervously back at Garp.

"Oi, brat! How many pushups can you do right now!?" Garp asked him.

"1000 sir!" Usopp shouted back confidently.

" Not good enough!! Make it 2000 by the end of the week! When I was your age, I could do pushups with a Marine battleship tied to my back!!!" Garp shouted, scaring the life out of Usopp. Garp laughed at Usopp's reaction and looked back at Luffy.

"So anyways, back to what we were talking about. You like all of them except for the Kaya girl?" Garp looked at the girls for a while.

"I must say brat, you have nice taste in women!! Bwahahahahaha!!!!" Garp laughed and patted Luffy's back. Luffy could only grin back at him. Garp sighed and threw the hammer he was holding away.

"I'm hungry!!!!" Garp shouted as his stomach growled loudly. Luffy's stomach growled too. Luffy looked at Sanji and grinned.

"Sanji!! Please cook some food for us!!!!" Luffy shouted. Sanji smiled a little and nodded, blowing smoke out of his cigarette.

"Alright alright. Just wait for a second, it's gonna take a while cooking for the crew and for your grandpa. " Sanji replied. Garp crossed his arms.

" I can wait! I'm a patient man!" Garp replied to him, making Sanji chuckle to himself. That was the same answer Luffy gave whenever he told him the cooking was going to take a while.

They really are grandpa and grandson.

To be continued...