
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Tranh châm biếm
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626 Chs

Saving The Tontatta Tribe!

"It seems Doflamingo's plan for Dressrosa wasn't an impromptu decision. Could he also be targeting the Tontatta tribe in Green Bit? If so, where would they be..." Nicolas's eyes scanned the town of Dressrosa.

Under Doflamingo's rule, Dressrosa's prosperity was largely due to their enslavement of the Tontatta tribe, exploiting them to amass wealth.

After a moment, Nicolas extended his Observation Haki and electromagnetic field to cover the entire Dressrosa.

"Found them," he announced, his gaze fixed on the underground port near the Royal Plateau.

"Fuffuffuffuffu, it's truly unbelievable that the Thunder God Nicolas and the Revolutionary Army leader Dragon would appear in Dressrosa together," Doflamingo's signature laugh suddenly echoed from the other side of the street.

Looking towards the sound, they saw Doflamingo strutting forward arrogantly, surrounded by his Donquixote family officers.

"Hey, isn't this Little Don? Only a few days and you've fallen so low? Bringing so many people — are you afraid of getting killed?" Nicolas taunted, smiling.

"Fuffuffu, I can't compare to monsters like you. After all, not many people can raid Mary Geoise twice and escape unscathed, Nicolas," Doflamingo replied, smiling, but the fear behind his sunglasses was evident. He knew where the attack that had severely wounded Nicolas came from, and the fact that Nicolas survived that attack was enough to shock him for a hundred years. Understanding the power behind that attack made Nicolas's survival seem miraculous.

To Doflamingo, while he aimed to wreak havoc on the world to spite the Celestial Dragons, he knew that overthrowing them was impossible. Knowing the monsters the Celestial Dragons commanded, including the Five Elders who served under that figure, he understood his limitations.

Seeing Doflamingo and his officers, Nicolas and Dragon remained calm, while the women were confused, unaware that the man before them was the one responsible for Dressrosa's hellish state. Scarlett and Viola, however, shifted from confusion to rage.

"Where are our father and Kyros? What have you done to them?" Scarlett demanded, momentarily forgetting her fear in her anger.

[AN- When Nicholas met viola and scarlett, scarlett told Kyros to return to protect the king as soon as possible. While Nicholas and the group continued to chat about the state of Current Dressrosa, Kyros reached Dressrosa before the birdcage and met the king. Its a minor plot hole]

Doflamingo looked at her with a puzzled expression. He genuinely did not recognize her as the princess of Dressrosa, as she and Viola had escaped during their initial assault.

"Oh, those two? The young one lost a leg and an arm, and the old one is imprisoned. Traitors to their master must be punished," Doflamingo responded indifferently.

"You bastard! It was you who invaded Dressrosa!" Viola shouted angrily.

"Hahahahaha, invaded? Eight hundred years ago, when the Donquixote family moved to Mary Geoise, they didn't appoint anyone as the new royalty of Dressrosa. A bunch of slaves electing a king dare call themselves royalty?" Doflamingo laughed uproariously.

"Dragon, can I leave this to you?" Nicolas asked, clearly uninterested in the historical feud between the Donquixote family and the Riku family.

"No problem," Dragon replied.

Nicolas vanished instantly. Doflamingo spun around, his eyes narrowing as he looked towards the underground port. He considered pursuing but decided against it, feeling the imposing aura emanating from Dragon. Turning his back on a monster was not a wise move.


In the underground port, a clap of thunder sounded.

Giolla, Gladius, and Rosinante turned towards the source of the thunder.

Inside the iron cages, the tiny members of the Tontatta tribe looked in amazement at Nicolas, who had suddenly appeared before their cages, their mouths agape.

As a tribe, their physical capabilities far exceeded those of humans, so Nicolas's sudden appearance without any detectable trace was astonishing. It was as if he had materialized out of thin air.

Faced with the sudden appearance of Nicolas, the atmosphere in the underground port became palpably tense.

However, Nicolas paid no attention to the alarm and fear among Giolla and the others. He quickly scanned the iron cages, his gaze pausing briefly on the bloodied figure of the Tontatta tribe's King, Gancho, lying inside one of them. Not finding his intended target, he continued looking elsewhere.

"Hey, who the hell are you?" A voice rang out as other members of the Donquixote family guarding the port noticed Nicolas and began questioning him loudly.

At the same time, Giolla and Gladius's expressions changed dramatically. Rosinante, who had been contemplating a plan with a cigarette in his mouth, widened his eyes in shock.

Rosinante had heard Sengoku speak of Nicolas before, describing him as a lawless individual. Though a pirate, his actions did not follow typical pirate behavior, being more capricious. Rosinante was aware of Nicolas's recent attack and murder of several Celestial Dragons, making him extremely tense at Nicolas's appearance.

"I'm in a really bad mood right now, so..." Nicolas looked at the armed Donquixote members around him and said calmly, "Why should I tell you?"

Before he finished speaking, a flash of light filled the underground port. The chests of the Donquixote family members suddenly spurted fountains of blood as if they had been slashed.


Gladius looked down in shock at the sudden, bleeding wound on his chest.

The Donquixote members were equally bewildered, looking at their comrades' bleeding wounds and then back at Nicolas, who appeared not to have moved. Their minds were filled with confusion.

"When did this..."

Thud, thud...

The sound of Donquixote family members collapsing echoed through the port.

A second later, the only ones left standing were Nicolas, who looked calm, and Rosinante, whose face was grim.

Inside the iron cages, the Tontatta tribe members were all dumbfounded by what they had just witnessed.

What just happened? In the blink of an eye, those guarding the port had all fallen.

As Rosinante opened his mouth to speak, Nicolas's words made his face change dramatically.

"A Whale in the Sky"

 [AN-code used by Sengoku to confirm Corazon's identity]