
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Tranh châm biếm
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436 Chs

Racism is unacceptable!

Every year, the World Government holds a meeting in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise with the Celestial Dragons. Unlike the Reverie, where representatives from over fifty World Government member nations participate, this meeting involves representatives from over two hundred member countries. These representatives bring the Heavenly Tribute, a tax paid to the Celestial Dragons, to Mary Geoise. This is the only major event that the Celestial Dragons attend.

This grand event attracts the attention of all Celestial Dragons. During this opulent feast, they will receive wealth beyond what ordinary people can imagine. In addition to money, there will be rare birds and beasts from the four seas and the Grand Line, priceless treasures, and exquisite beauties. On this day, most of the world's scarce resources will be lavishly enjoyed by the Celestial Dragons.

As the time for the Heavenly Tribute approaches, to ensure the smooth distribution of benefits, the Celestial Dragons and even the World Government have dispatched their forces to escort the ships carrying the tribute from various countries. The Marine is also required to allocate part of its forces for this purpose.

Due to these demands and the troops needed for Roger's execution, the Marine's strength is somewhat stretched thin. If circumstances allowed, Sengoku would prefer to eliminate the pirates coming to witness Roger's execution rather than escort the Heavenly Tribute. He knows that many of these pirates will become future destabilizing factors in the seas. However, he is also aware that the World Government would never agree to this. In their eyes, the attitudes of the Celestial Dragons are far more important than dealing with pirates.

The annual payment of the Heavenly Tribute is crucial—so crucial that the World Government does not permit any mishaps.


In the New World, on a desolate island near the Red Line, Nicholas and Dragon met with their visitors.

"Heavenly Tribute, huh..." Fisher Tiger spoke. He had come to meet Nicholas and Dragon representing Fish-Man Island.

As a former member nation of the World Government, Fish-Man Island was naturally included in the nations required to pay the Heavenly Tribute. However, after announcing their withdrawal from the World Government, Fish-Man Island no longer had to pay the tribute or attend the World Conference every four years.

Fisher Tiger came to discuss with Nicholas about liberating Fish-Man slaves in the Holy Land of Mary Geoise. It was ironic that despite paying large sums of Heavenly Tribute, Fish-Man Island had the highest number of slaves in Mary Geoise. Most fish-men and mermaids captured by the slave traders in Sabaody Archipelago ended up as property of the Celestial Dragons.

"I never thought Neptune would choose to leave the World Government," Nicholas said with a smile.

Jinbe, standing nearby, explained, "King Neptune made the decision for the sake of Fish-Man Island. After our agreement, the use of energy steroids and Sea Kings greatly increased Ryugu Kingdom's strength. While we can't oppose the World Government, we can certainly protect ourselves. With this self-defense capability, King Neptune sought to secure rights for Fish-Man Island but was harshly rejected by the World Government. From that moment, he lost all hope in them. He realized that relying on the World Government would never grant Fish-Man Island the right to live freely under the sun."

In the past, Neptune compromised to ensure the survival and future of Fish-Man Island's citizens. Most residents were relatively safe despite a few unfortunate ones being captured by slave traders. But with newfound strength and an alliance with Nicholas, there was no longer a need to compromise with the World Government. Neptune decided to make Fish-Man Island an integral part of Nicholas's plan.

"I understand the situation. But are you sure you want to come with us? This isn't a sightseeing tour—it's dangerous, and you could die," Nicholas warned Fisher Tiger and Jinbe seriously.

"Hey, who are you talking to? Mere humans…" Arlong interrupted before Fisher Tiger could respond.

"Arlong, shut up!" Jinbe immediately scolded, knowing that while Fish-Man Island could now defend itself, they were in no position to challenge someone of Nicholas's stature.

"Oh, mere humans?" Nicholas said coldly, glaring at the shark-faced Arlong.

Seeing Nicholas's reaction, Dragon also turned his gaze towards the sawshark fish-man.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Nicholas. Arlong, apologize!" Fisher Tiger demanded harshly.

"Brother Tiger, why should we apologize to lower species?" Arlong protested, but Jinbe quickly stepped forward and slapped him down, then pinned him to the ground, pummeling him.

"Blu... blu... blu..."

As Nicholas watched the scene, his den den mushi suddenly rang. He took it out, and though he hadn't answered, he could guess it was a call from June. Only a few people had this number.


Nicholas answered the call.

"Nicholas, is it convenient to talk?" June's voice came through the pink den den mushi.

"It is."

Nicholas glanced at the fish-men and then spoke softly into the receiver.

"Whitebeard has engaged Kaido. Kaido is currently at a disadvantage. Should we help him?"

"No need. Leave Wano with Vista and our forces. If Whitebeard wants the Kozuki clan to rule Wano again, let him have it."


June's surprised voice came through the den den mushi.

Dragon, while surprised, remained silent as this was an internal matter of Nicholas's crew.

"June, if someone who was once impoverished suddenly lives a good life and then someone tries to take it all away, what do you think they'll do?"

"I understand."

They chatted for a while longer before hanging up.

"Alright, Jinbe, you can stop. Your little brother will die if you continue."

Nicholas told Jinbe, who then stopped, leaving Arlong bloodied on the ground.

"Always going on about inferior races. If humans were truly inferior, fish-men would be ruling the world," Nicholas said disdainfully to Arlong.

"Also, Tiger, please relay a message to Neptune for me: Racism is unacceptable. Even if Fish-Man Island returns to the surface, it will inevitably clash with humans again if this mentality persists. Of course, if some humans don't know their place, you can beat them up—as long as the stance is justified."

"I understand, Mr. Nicholas," Tiger replied respectfully, aware that some fish-men held extreme racist views.

He also knew Nicholas was right. If racism continued, Fish-Man Island would face endless strife, something he, Neptune, Queen Otohime, and others who wished for peace did not want.

Dragon quietly took out a notebook and started jotting down notes, "Racism is unacceptable."

While he didn't fully grasp the context, he understood from Nicholas's words that if the Revolutionary Army wanted to overthrow the World Government and establish a new order, they had to consider all races, including fish-men, mink, longarm, giant, and other humanoid races.