
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Tranh châm biếm
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626 Chs

Fishman Island

After the battle, those who could reach Basque Island could be considered major players in the pirate world.

The sommeliers from the Boozer's Club, relying on their tasting experience, quickly found the location of the Wine God in a remote valley.

Once the treasure was found, it was time for the division of benefits. Soon, the large pool of Wine God was divided among them, and the surrounding forces seemed to have an unspoken agreement, each giving a third of their share to the swordsman who had fought with Nicholas earlier.

Nicholas ignored these dirty transactions and opened a barrel, beginning to drink directly.

Nature was indeed miraculous; at least this wine was no less impressive than the top wines on the high seas, with a unique flavor due to special fermentation methods.

After receiving his share of the reward, Nicholas bid farewell to Kallet. He had many things to prepare for.


In an unknown village in the East Blue, Nicholas was playing with a falcon that had already grown some feathers.

Vista continuously chopped wood in the yard, while Simon and Katie were fighting with wooden sticks, more like chickens pecking at each other.

Stussy lay on a lounge chair, flipping through medical books while sunbathing.

"When are we leaving?" Stussy put down the book and asked Nicholas.

"The day after tomorrow. They've already started urging us. The Navy's strategists and Sengoku's plans have caused heavy losses to the captain and the others."

Now, almost all eyes in the world were focused on the New World to see whether the World Government, which had been entrenched for over 800 years, or Rocks, the newly crowned ruler of the sea, could shake the world order.

"How do you plan to go to the New World alone? The sea areas of the New World are unpredictable; many places have climates that can destroy fleets."

After hearing Stussy's words, Nicholas began to consider them seriously.

The first half of the Grand Line was fine; otherwise, it wouldn't be called Paradise.

But in the New World, various environments could be deadly. Even one of the Three Great Legends, the Golden Lion, fell victim to the unpredictable environment of the New World.

Nicholas needed to find a reliable ship to navigate the New World; otherwise, it would be difficult to move in the sea areas of the New World.

"We'll go to Sabaody first, then to the Sea Forest to ask Kallet to help us contact a ship to the New World. I was thinking of crossing the Red Soil Continent directly, but I decided against it."

Nicholas spread his hands helplessly. He was afraid of ambushes. Although the Thunder Fruit greatly increased his survival ability, who knew if the World Government and the Navy would use some weird Devil Fruit to target him?

After another two days of tenderness with Stussy, Nicholas secretly arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Mr. Nicholas, according to the general procedure for arriving in the New World, we need to find the underwater currents first and then ride these downward currents to the seabed. However, our ship has its own power, so we don't need to find those currents. We just need to follow the coordinates to Fish-Man Island."

The captain in charge of the ship spoke and began to control the direction of the ship.

Soon, Nicholas felt the light around him start to dim, and the temperature began to drop. The beautiful scenery around them disappeared, and everything became pitch black. It seemed they would reach the seabed soon.

"Mr. Nicholas, next, we will enter the deep-sea currents from the surface currents, and the ship may be a little bumpy."

As the captain spoke, the speed of the ship suddenly increased, and there were slight bumps, like riding a car on uneven roads.

Nicholas looked around and found that he could only see about ten meters around him with the ship's light. Except for some deep-sea fish, there was nothing special; it was completely pitch black.

Bored, he sat at the bow of the ship and drank.

After about an hour, Nicholas saw a red light in the distance, followed by a roaring sound. There were also many bubbles mixed in the chaotic sea currents around the ship.

"Hey, is there a volcanic eruption ahead? Is it safe?" Nicholas asked. Although he had been to the seabed, there had never been an underwater volcanic eruption. The only trouble was the chaotic sea currents.

Now, it was obvious that there was an underwater volcanic eruption ahead. Nicholas didn't want to inexplicably die in the deep sea. At this depth, if the ship's membrane ruptured...

Even with the emergency escape device made from the sap of Yaruki Crimson Trees, the chance of survival in the complex underwater environment was not very high.

"Don't worry, Mr. Nicholas. This is just a small scene. We've seen much larger underwater volcanic eruptions than this one. Just wait; we have reached the volcanic area of the seabed, and it won't be long before we reach Fish-Man Island."

The captain steered the ship to avoid the chaotic sea currents, reassuring Nicholas as he spoke.

Indeed, not long after, Nicholas saw lights ahead, but they were different from the lights of the underwater volcanoes; they were sunlight.

After passing the final stretch, Nicholas saw massive, luminous roots ahead. Suspended within these roots was an island with two layers of huge bubbles wrapped around it, quietly floating there.

This spectacular sight was awe-inspiring, no matter how many times you saw it.

"Mr. Nicholas, Fish-Man Island is ahead."

Soon, the ship approached Fish-Man Island.

As Nicholas's ship approached the area of Fish-Man Island, the soldiers stationed at the connection corridor to Fish-Man Island noticed them.

"Identify yourselves from the outside ships and prepare for inspection!"

After Nicholas's ship approached the entrance to Fish-Man Island, some Mermen riding sea creatures immediately intercepted the ship.

"I am Nicholas of the Rocks Pirates, passing through Fish-Man Island to the New World and not staying long on Fish-Man Island."

When the Mermen in the connecting corridor and the Mermen blocking the way heard Nicholas's words, they were a bit dumbfounded.

After all, as one of the gateways to the New World, Fish-Man Island had timely information about the New World, and they were well aware of what the Rocks Pirates had done in the New World.

Would they let Nicholas, this notorious villain, enter or not?

If they let him in, this vicious human would be an unpredictable bomb for the entire Fish-Man Island after arriving.

But if they didn't let him in, once the other party retaliated, it would be catastrophic for Fish-Man Island.

"Hurry up and inform His Royal Highness. Just say that Nicholas of the Rocks Pirates has arrived at Fish-Man Island."

The soldiers in the connection corridor were in a panic, and Nicholas didn't urge them. He just sat at the bow of the ship, drinking by himself.


With a unique laughter, a Merman over ten meters tall, much larger than ordinary Mermen, appeared at the entrance to Fish-Man Island.

With thick, fluffy orange hair and beard, arms with flame-like tattoos, and dense body hair, the Merman held a finely carved trident and came directly to Nicholas.

"Fish-Man Island has indeed welcomed a big shot. Let him pass!"

After speaking, he waved the trident in his hand, indicating to the Mermen to open the connecting corridor.

"Mr. Neptune, if we let him in, will it be okay?"

A man whispered beside Neptune.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Let him pass!"


With Neptune's order, the passage to Fish-Man Island was opened, and Nicholas successfully arrived at Fish-Man Island.