
One Piece: I'm Ace

After traveling through time as a pirate, he became Ace who had just eaten the mera mera Fruit. Now the world became interesting.

Love_4_you · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

"Virgo, welcome to my world, the world of fire!"

Right now, Ace's whole body is beginning to merge with the fire around him. It sounds like the sound of nature, like it can be channelled from anywhere in the flame of fire.

"Boom!" As the voice of the Ace fell, a massive explosion was heard, and a large number of fires immediately covered the entire island, making the entire remote island look like a fire burning in the sea, and the figure of Ace Si has been fully integrated into the fire.

As an illustration, the elementalization and integration of users' natural abilities into the natural environment has two very different meanings.

The ability to transform into elements of nature has the enormous advantages of nature in battle, especially the very destructive abilities of fire and magma. Once developed to a certain extent, once a massive attack is launched it will be as powerful as a nuclear bomb. Power.

But the ability to elementalize itself, which can almost be called an absolute advantage, will immediately become a greater weakness when facing an opponent who can use domination, because when faced with an opposition who can utilize dominance, elimination will only increase the range of your attack.

It's also the reason why Ace didn't turn into a fire to attack Vergo, but lit that fuel to create a fire environment, because facing a dominant master like Vergo his elementalization would not only have no effect, but would only increase the range. Beating.

In previous capability development, Ace has discovered that once the elements are integrated into the fire, Ace can cross the fire as much as he wants, and its speed is very fast, like traveling through space, as long as the surrounding fire is connected. in pieces, he can appear almost instantaneously anywhere within the range of fire, and once the elements are integrated into the natural fire, he also can control his body size, reducing his body's range of attack unlimited.

It's a fighting environment bonus against the fighting effectiveness of the natural ability user. Therefore, in a particular environment, the saying that the user of natural ability is invincible is not just a talk.

However, the remote island is full of rocks and nothing can burn. Luckily, as Ace was developing his abilities, he asked his crew to collect large amounts of fuel in various forms.

It's no exaggeration to say that once all the fuel he buried on this remote island is burned up, it will be enough to make this isolated island burn for a day and a night. The reason Ace chose the battlefield here is because the nearest maritime territory does not have it. There's no better place for him to fight than here.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the flame of fire, a handshake-shaped fire continues to emerge from all directions, bombarding Vergo's body, making the sound of a thin blow!

"It's so fast, you can't catch him at all. Are you really integrating yourself into the fire? I didn't think natural powers could be used in this way!" Vergo repeatedly resisted the attacks of wind and rain around him, while releasing his knowledge. Haki wants to find Ace's entity, but it turns out his science, Haki, is unable to capture the real identity of Ace.

No, it must be said that he captured the Ace entity, but his nerve reaction could not offset the speed Ace moved in the fire, which gave him the illusion that he could not capture the real body of Ace.

After all these long attempts, Vergo finally becomes anxious to find out that he is unable to capture the physical identity of Ace. In this hot hell, although the attack of Ace is not able to penetrate his armed defense, the natural environment is beginning to reveal. Showing the vicious side.

As a result of the fire, the oxygen around it began to decrease rapidly. Vergo's starting to be unable to breathe, and as time goes by, the temperature around him almost makes him dry. In this neighborhood, even though Ace didn't do anything, within five minutes, he would be killed by the surroundings.

"Moon steps!"

After realizing the situation, Vergo decides to retreat and release his legs, preparing to escape from the range covered by the fire.

But how could Ace let him go?

"Fire beat!"


As Vergo flew, the fire over his head immediately flattened into a large flaming handshake, casting it back to the ground.

"If you want to get out of here, stop dreaming, Vergo. When you step onto this island, you're lost." The voice of Ace comes from the flames.

"H, it's just the Devil's ability. Even if you use the powers of nature, how much can you control? Don't be too arrogant, young man!"

Vergo raised his head, his eyes under his black glasses showed an unprecedented sharpness, then he lifted his right arm and bent him to the ground.


A powerful force directly creates a big hole in the ground, and a strong airflow pushes the fire around it a few meters away.

"Hah!" Vergo took a deep breath, raised his hand, and dropped his stool!

"Boom boo bum!"

Boxes like drops of rain water keep bombarding the ground. Such terrible power caused the cracks to appear on the island soil, and then spread. Finally, the whole island began to shake under the mighty hands of Vergo.

Vergo's tactics are very simple. Since Ace can rely on an earlier arrangement to turn the island's neighborhood into a battlefield to his own advantage, then I will sink that island and completely destroy this neighbourhood to your advantage.

"Damn, this level of geographical superiority is not enough to defeat a powerful enemy like Vergo. An opponent whose powers have reached the level of a lieutenant-general will not be easy to break." In the fire, Ace realizes Vergo's attack. Intentionally, his face turned ugly.

The initial plan was to use a profitable battlefield to kill Vergo.

Because in a close fight, even with the help of geographical superiority, as long as he's away from natural fire, even for a second, he could have been captured by the opponent.

Being caught means he'll be attacked, and beaten will be very painful, he's afraid of sickness, so he wants to use favourable conditions to eat Virgo to death.

But obviously he underestimates the effectiveness of Vergo's combat.

Don't let him do this!

"Fire beat!"

Ace controls the fire to form a big cock and attack Vergo.

"Hmph!" Vergo nodded coldly, lifting up a ghost bamboo wrapped with the dominant armed force in his hand, and biting the huge box that lit it.


The Ghost Bamboo and the Fire Fist, embroidered with armed dominant energy, collided. In the crazy collision, a powerful air stream spread, causing the surrounding fires to continue to extinguish, but they soon reunited.

"Fire Flows—Fire Dust!"

Ace's figure rushed out of the fire, but his hand was tied to a burning fire around him. Then he pulled it strongly, and a large amount of fire was pulled by him, and he used his hand to attack Vergo.