
One Piece: Hypnos

This is the story of hypnos, the last member of the royal lunarians, a special race like the ancient giants, who were stronger than the lunarians and prayed to the god hypnos, he will go and become the top fighter of the OP world, "Repopulating" his exticnt race along the way. [Warning: Heavy sexual content from chapter 11. This may include rough sex, public sex, watersports, humiliation etc, basically everything that can be considered morally wrong and could destroy my social life forever. So, if you can't handle it don't read it and then bitch about it.]

GhostGirlLover68 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


I died, probably from a stupid reason, either truck-kun obliterated me or I had a heart attack in the middle of the street, I don´t know, nor do I care now.

As I opened my eyes, everything I could see was an infinite blank space.

"So I ended up in the purgatory, uh, I deserve it probably, I didn´t did anything good or bad in my life, in fact, I didn´t did anything on my life at all…"

"You are not in purgatory, child" said a calm yet thunderous voice, it made me feel dizzy just from hearing it.

"Oh, my apologies, this old beign sometimes forgets normal humans aren't that strong."

"Who are you?"

"I am god, I am the writer, the paper, the ink and the reader, I am the creator of your universe and all universes, and you, from all my creations, are one of the few lucky ones, ever since a creation of mine almost ended reality, i´ve started this "Pity" program, one unlucky soul gets to be reincarnated or transmigrated into the universe he desires, of course with a prize, every now and then I need them to get rid of multiversal bad apples, nothing much"


"You seemed a clever one since you accepted your punishment in purgatory, why so shy all of a sudden?"

"You are god"



"You are right, mmm, id like to transmigrate, into, mmm, the one piece world"

"Very good, I will give you 3 wishes"

"Oh, really, I thought you would just throw me at my own luck"

"Yeah, I did do the first times, 98 out a 100 died in their first month, so I though giving them some tools were better"


"For my first wish, id like to have plot armor, it shall give me the best luck, lineage and talent possible"

"A quite standard wish, not a bad one of course"

"For my second wish, id like to have the power of hypnos, the god of sleep and hypnosis, you know, ilusions, hypnosis, dream manipulation"

"Very well, a more focused wish"

"And for my final wish, id like to have infinite stamina and regeneration, as long as all my body remains id continue to stand up!"

"You seemed to have put thought into this from before?"

"Im a nobody shut-it who died in the streets, of course i´ve thought what to do in this situation"

"Very well then, id ask one last question and then set you free, what would you like your physical apereance to be?"

I made a devilish smirk

"Id like to have the appearance of the white hawk, griffin"

The god seemed to stop smiling for a second before continuing.

Okay, from now on, you are on your own, well, of course you have destiny on your side, but there will be more intervention from me, once you are strong enough id take my part of the deal and start employ you, now.


The world crumbled as if made of glass, it shattered in thousands of pieces and my mind went blank