
One Piece: Guardian Angel

NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!

Smol_frog · Tranh châm biếm
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79 Chs

Chapter 69: Nice

2 days later.

Kai had gotten out of his arm sling and taken off his boot as he was nearly fully healed already. He was still wrapped heavily in bandages, courtesy of Robin, but he nonetheless was already out of his slings. It was at moments like these when Kai really appreciated being in a world where common sense and logic was nearly nonexistent. Healing broken bones in 3 days was practically common when compared to other things in this world. I mean, just look at Luffy, that guy eats a few pieces of meat and goes from being half dead to in peak fighting condition in a few seconds.

Anyway, Kai was in his room practicing a new trick he wanted to learn. He started trying to conjure different types of swords and daggers out of air just like what Aokiji had done. He was already easily able to conjure the weapons himself but what he was working on now was quickly changing their shape. As well as trying to throw away and reconjure them as fast as possible. Over the last two days he had made a lot of progress and was really starting to get the hang of it.

Due to the fact that Kai had been using his devil fruit for so long he had excellent control over it and something like this was a fairly simple trick that he had never bothered to learn before as he had always had his own sword anyway. As Kai was still in the middle of making a new dagger in his hand he quickly released it allowing it to fizzle out into the atmosphere before instantly swinging his arm with a new dagger in hand. Only this one was slightly misshapen. Kai clicked his tongue and got ready to try again when there was a knock on the door.

Kai opened the door to see Robin on the other side. "We're here." She said before Kai nodded and dispelled the dagger in his hand again and walked out with her. After 2 days of sailing the Merry had finally landed back at the dock of Water 7. Kai walked off of the boat with Robin. The two went into the city alone as everyone else was doing their own things.

Kai and Robin walked towards the city which had only just recently reopened after the last Aqua Laguna. The two had their arms linked as they walked towards a seafood restaurant for dinner. Kai and Robin sat down with each other before Robin finally asked Kai.

"So what happened back during your fight?" Kai tried to just play it off by saying. "Nothing really, just a little scuffle." Robin frowned and continued to press for an answer. "You almost died. Do you know what it was like to see you in that state lying on the deck? You really scared me."

Kai felt slightly guilty even though he was fighting in order to save her and the rest of the crew in the first place. He sighed and said. "Well, I did get him to promise me that he would listen to what I told him, he also said that he would do his best to fix the marines. Ah, and he promised not to tell anyone about me. But, I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't turn out well, considering how badly I injured him and what's gonna happen in the future. I'll have to expose my strength anyway at some point so it's not the biggest deal."

Robin nodded. "Why did you hide your power so much before if you're going to show it now?" Kai answered without hesitation. "Two things, one if my dad found out about my fruit, then I don't know what would happen. It gives a lot of unwanted variables. But the second one is more important. What do you think would happen if the government and marines knew that I was admiral level strength, or other things about me?"

Robin nodded and finished Kai's answer for him. "They wouldn't let you do anything and would force you to do all their missions while keeping you on a leash. You would never have even been able to meet any of us in that case. Plus they would try to make sure you were either a valuable asset to them or they might just kill you off if they thought you might be a threat. Especially because you can read the ancient language like me. You would be forced into the same situation I was almost just forced into a few days ago."

Kai nodded. "Bingo, they would force me to read all the poneglyphs for them and get them the ancient weapons. Plus they would make me their dog and never let me out of their sight. It wasn't worth it for me at all. Either live a life I would hate or be killed for resisting. I figured I'd pick option three and never let them know about me in the first place. But now I'm strong enough to save my own ass and so are Sanji, Luffy, Ace and Sabo. Well Sanji and Luffy aren't in the best situation yet but they would probably be fine. Besides, even if they realize I'm stronger than they thought, what are they gonna do at this point?"

Robin agreed with Kai's point. "You really planned out everything from the beginning. That's pretty smart of you, and now that you got this far even if they do find out, they will either hesitate to get rid of you because of your strength or they will, for some reason, not trust you and try to get rid of you. But, I'm guessing your not dumb enought to be done in by a marine trap."

Kai smiled and nodded. "I already know them like the back of my hand, if I got tricked by them I would be an idiot. Plus I know a few people high up in the marines." Robin's eyebrow raised. "You never did tell me who your and Luffy's grandpa was. You just told me he was a marine who took you in and trained you." Kai's face sported a huge smug grin. "You'll find out soon anyway, I don't wanna spoil the fun."

Robin curiously hummed before pushing aside the thought and saying. "That's great and all but what about you. I want to know what happened to you, why were you so hurt?" Kai clicked his tongue. "Tch. Usually all the other idiots forget about it by now, even Aokiji did the same."

Robin giggled. "Fufufu. I won't let you get away that easily. You better get used to it too, because I'm gonna be around for a while." Kai had a heartwarming feeling in his chest as he replied. "Of course you're sticking around, did you think I would let you out of my sight?"

The two smiled happily at each other before Kai cleared his throat. "*ahem* Anyway, what happened was that he broke my sword, which kinda threw me off a bit. Also he had this total bullshit omnidirectional attack."

Robin looked at Kai with sad eyes. "The sword you got from your teacher, Shanks?" She said while sympathizing with Kai. Who showed a sad smile under his mask. "Yeah, I really liked that sword too. It was the only sword that I ever used and ever thought I would use. But I guess it lived a good long life anyway. It did serve its purpose for around a decade after all. Ahaha." Kai forced a laugh and scratched the back of his neck.

Kai pulled out a cigarette after doing that and went to light it before Robin offered to light it for him. Kai genuinely laughed this time. "Wahaha! You really are the best Robin. I'm truly just glad you are here and safe again. Err… I mean I'm just glad you're with me again. Without that dickhead around talking shit."

Robin smiled and giggled. "You seem a little nervous. Is something the matter now? You were so perfect at this on Whiskey peak." Kai felt a little embarrassed. He tried and failed to come up with a funny comeback and just replied honestly. "I really haven't done this kind of thing before, it's just a little nerve wracking talking to the girl of my dreams for real."

Robin had a slight blush reach her cheeks as she replied. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. I like this a lot actually, it feels more like I get to learn about the real you, without the mask. Pun intended." Kai smiled hearing her words. "I love doing this too, I don't have to put on any performances when I'm with you, you're the only person I don't need to hide anything from."

Robin reached across the table and lightly grabbed Kai's hand. "Nishishi! You have no clue how happy I am to hear that, Kai." She smiled from ear to ear before she continued. "I feel the exact same way. I'm finally able to be myself in front of you without worrying about anything. I can't explain how nice it is to feel this way."

Kai smiled and replied. "I'm happy you feel the same way. And I'll try not to get hurt again in the future. I really never meant to make you feel worried." Robin giggled and replied. "That's not what I meant, you idiot. I don't expect you to stop fighting or never get injured again. I just wanted you to know that there was someone who cared about you and didn't want to see you injured. I just want you to take care of yourself as much as possible, because I care about you and want you to be healthy."

Kai laughed out loud. "Wahahaha! You really are something else you know? I can't believe how perfect you are." Kai told Robin who just thought it was another compliment, but Kai truly meant it. He felt like Robin was perfect. He was truly happy he got the chance to be with her and he wouldn't give her up for anything in the world.

Robin was about to say something else but then the waiter came and handed the two their food. They started eating once the waiter left again and Robin asked. "So what else happened?" Kai took a bite and finished it before answering. "Well it was a pretty even fight, I can't say either one of us was much stronger than the other it was more like, he was stronger and had harder hitting attacks but I was a lot faster so it sort of evened out. If I could have used a sword or something I probably would have had the edge on him but I can't be sure. He might have had other moves he didn't show."

Robin nodded before asking in a concerned voice. "Does that mean you need to get a new sword soon, I can help if you want. I don't want you to have to fight someone else without being at full strength." Kai smiled before deciding to show Robin his new idea.

"Thanks devil-chan, you really are just perfect. Though I have to turn you down this time. I actually already came up with an idea." Kai held out his hand and a wind sword appeared in it nearly instantly. It looked almost bright white before Kai used his haki to turn in pure black after showing it off to Robin for a moment. He swung it in a circle quickly.

A few people in the restaurant around Kai's table jumped back and screamed. Kai looked around and quickly dispelled the sword. "Sorry everyone. I thought I saw a pirate. Luckily I was mistaken." Kai bowed to the people around him and continued. "Just trying to keep you all safe."

The people around him all sighed in relief and told Kai it was alright, a few even thanked him for his hard work as a marine. Kai smiled. "Sorry again everyone, please enjoy your meals." Kai apologized once more before sitting back down with Robin and setting up a sound barrier again.

Kai looked at Robin seriously before they both lost it. ""Pfft. Wahaha!/Nishishi!"" They started laughing together. "It's really astounding how dumb people are. Who would ever believe that? Plus they didn't even notice the big bad 'devil child' who is right beside them."

Robin started laughing once again when Kai started talking. "Nishishishi! Maybe your acting is just too good." Kai smiled before stroking his chin like he was seriously considering it. "Maybe I should go into showbiz." He said.

Robin was slightly confused. "What's that?" Kai facepalmed. "I forgot you didn't know. I have so much to teach you about. Wahahaha! What a wise and generous teacher you have." Kai then explained to Robin what TV's, broadway, hollywood and all that stuff was.

About halfway through his explanation they finished their meal and left the restaurant. Kai continued to explain things to her as they walked along the beach during sunset with their hands interlocked.

Robin listened intently as she was very curious about Kai's old world and the new exciting things that came with it. When Kai finally finished. "So it's like a transponder snail that broadcasts a video, but way better?" Kai nodded. "Exactly and you didn't need living snails for it to work. Just technology."

Robin found a bench with a perfect view of the sunset and pulled Kai towards it. When they sat down on it Robin leaned her head on Kai's shoulder. "I had no idea something like that was possible." Kai wrapped his arm around Robin's shoulders and held her as her head was still perched up on his shoulder.

"Yea, and there's so much more. It really is amazing how many things are different in both of these worlds." Robin looked up at Kai and asked a question that had been on her mind for a while. "Don't you ever miss it? Your old world and life, I mean."

Kai took off his mask as they were the only two on the beach for miles and he would know if anyone snuck up on them. He looked at Robin with a slight nostalgia in his eyes. "I can't say I don't ever think about it or anything but I don't miss it. I was actually pretty lonely back then. I wasn't that close to my parents. They weren't bad to me or anything, but we just kind of existed together in the same house, we never talked much at all or did things together. And as for friends, after I grew apart from some people I was mildly close with when I was younger I never really made any real friends again. Me coming to this world was really a blessing. I mean even though I didn't have a good dad at least I learned what it was like to have a real Mom. I even got to be close with Sanji and Rei, those three were the first people to really make their ways into my heart. The first time I ever understood what the word love meant was when I was with them. Plus now I have Luffy, Ace and Sabo. Three real friends that I truly care about and would do anything for. I also met Shanks and Gramps, Shanks was like an older brother and teacher and my gramps was like a real grandpa. I guess the only thing I'm missing is a Dad now. But it's not like someone would just adopt me out of nowhere now."

Kai thought for a second before laughing. "Wahaha! Actually there is a chance that could happen. I can think of someone who would adopt just about anyone. Or maybe I'll just get Luffy's dad to do it. He is technically my adoptive dad anyway. Wahahaha! I'd love to see his face if I asked him that, maybe he would just be happy I know what a dad is. Ah, I'm getting a little off track."

Robin giggled and nodded. Kai laughed again. "Wahaha! Anyway, now I have a bunch of people who I care about and who showed me how fun life can really be. They taught me what it was really like to live and that's why I want to do everything I can for them. I want to repay that kindness I was shown and help everyone live a great life and achieve their goals. So I can't say I truly miss my old life, not when this one is so much better and more fulfilling."

Robin smiled and snuggled into Kai's arms. She felt really happy to hear that, it would have been really hard for her to hear if Kai had just said that he didn't like it here and wanted to go back. However Robin also felt a little disappointed. She couldn't help but notice that Kai hadn't said anything about her.

Kai looked down into the woman in his arms before smiling. "The best part about this new life is something else though." Robin's head tilted so she was looking Kai in the eyes. Kai showed her a huge smile before continuing. "I met you here and I don't think I could hope for anything more. I've never had this feeling before, but I get it every time I'm with you. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it but I feel like I don't want to live without it now that I've experienced it." Robin had her mouth and eyes slightly open in a mixture of shock and anticipation.

She wasn't even sure what she was anticipating, almost like she was hoping and waiting for Kai to say some specific words. Her mind was racing as she tried to form words out of the whirlwind of emotions she was feeling right now. But she could only settle on one thought that constantly made its way through her mind. She smiled at Kai. "I'm happy." Was all she said as she leaned in and met his lips.

Robin moved her body up closer to Kai's as she continued to make out with him. Eventually she pulled away slightly to catch her breath and left a line of saliva that trailed from Kai's mouth to hers.

Both of them were breathing heavily as they stared one another in the eyes. Suddenly Kai leaned back in to taste Robin's lips once more. He felt intoxicated, her lips were soft and sweet. Kai felt like every kiss only made his chest feel warmer and warmer as the butterflies turned in his stomach.

Kai slipped his tongue out of his own mouth only to be met with Robins as they both had the same idea. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in closer as he felt like he was melting into the kiss. As Robin was pulled in she wrapped her arms around his neck and had one hand playing with his hair and pulling his head towards hers as they continued locking lips while dancing with their tongues.

The two split apart once more and caught their breaths. After a deep breath Kai looked into Robin's eyes and he smiled. "No wonder they call the devil's temptation irresistible." Robin giggled and straddled Kai's thigh that she was sitting on. She leaned in and whispered. "I'm feeling pretty tempted myself." She licked his ear as she finished saying that, causing Kai's body to go stiff.

Kai regained his wits and picked Robin up without warning causing her to lightly yelp. He started walking towards the city with her in his arms. Robin looked up to him and she wrapped her arms around his neck again as she leaned into his arms. "Not that I mind a handsome man carrying me away, but where are we going?"

Kai cleared his throat. "*ahem* I just thought we had enough outside time. Doesn't going inside sound like fun right now?" Robin looked down and noticed something causing her to giggle. "Excited are we?" She asked in a seductive voice which only made the situation Kai was in harder, literally.


Kai and Robin made their way to a hotel as the Merry was currently with Franky who was trying to incorporate it into the new ship being built. As soon as they entered the hotel Kai walked up to the front desk and bought the best room in the hotel with money to spare. He was in a hurry so he just left the extra he paid to the guy at the front desk as a tip.

He and Robin rushed upstairs and into the room. As soon as they stepped into the room they were throwing their clothes all over the place as Kai set up a sound barrier. Needless to say, that night they both had a ton of fun, and didn't sleep much.