
Chapter 83

[1 day later]

We're sailing towards Sabaody Archipelago. I'm in the giant's training room doing some heavy lifting when Robin suddenly walked in. I stopped what I was doing and walked towards her.

"Are you done?"

She nodded and gave a notebook. I opened it up and started reading through it.

'Hm, interesting.'

I looked at Robin.

"Thank you, Robin. You can go now."

"No problem, Ken."

She left the training room. I sat down on a bench and started examining it closely.

'What the hell is this technique? It looks like a combination of boxing and sword fighting. A jab so sharp that it can cut through metal!? Isn't a jab supposed to be a basic move in boxing? Let's see if I can actually learn it.'

I started looking at every sentence as closely as possible.

[1 hour later]

I still couldn't find anything wrong with it.

'The only thing I can think of is that it may be teaching the wrong stances. I guess I'll have to ask deuce for some help.'

I walked out of the giant's training room and jump to my own ship. I went to Deuce's office, where I found him reading a book.

"Yo, Ken. Did you injure yourself while training again?"

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No, no! I would never!"


I gave him the notebook.

"I want you to see if these stances are doable or if they would hurt me."


He started reading through it.

[30 minutes later]

"Yeah, if you would follow these instructions, you would be destroying your own body."

"Can you fix it?"

"I don't have enough knowledge about fighting techniques to take them down and build it from the bottom up."

"You're useless as always."

"You bastard!"

"Whatever. Just give me all the books you have that are related to this."

He looked shocked.

"Are you trying to learn it!?"

"I have no other choice."

"Are you really sure?"

"Yeah, just give it to me already."

"Alright, let's see if you can be so confident after I give you everything."

He started grabbing books from his shelf and putting them on the table.

[5 minutes later.]

"With these 37 books, you should be able to do it."

I stared at those books.

'With this technique, I can create a zero sword style that is as strong as my one sword style. And I can see that this technique isn't finished. Once I've mastered everything in this book, I can further develop my own style. '

I looked at my fist.

'This martial arts technique focuses on raw power and cutting power at the same time. If I could add this to advanced Busoshoku Haki, where you can destroy internal things, it would be deadly. I could completely cut up someone's insides. Kaido would have to be careful while fighting me. But that's if I actually managed to learn all these books and the martial arts technique itself.'

I picked up all of the books.

'But I can't see how this could have been so strong that the World Government would want it. Well, whatever, I'll find out eventually.

"I'll be in my room. Call me when we're close to Sabaody Archipelago."

"Sure thing and good luck."

I walked to my room and shut the door. I put the books on my bed.

'This will not only help me learn the technique, but it will also show the weak points in people's bodies. I didn't really focus on it when I was at Marineford. Let's start with Anatomy for Dummies, I guess.'

I sat down on my bed and started reading.

[3 days later]



Someone knocked on my door.

"What is it, Perona?"

"We're about to arrive at Sabaody Archipelago."

"I see. Tell everyone to gather on the deck."

"Yes, sir."

She walked away, and I stood up.

'Let's change clothes. This suit has a lot of tears in it from all the fighting I've done.'

I started looking through my closet when I spotted something in the right bottom corner.

'What's this?'

I picked it up and read the note that was on it.

[I've seen that your suit is tearing up, so I've made something special for you, Captain.


I smiled.

'This guy is too much.'

I opened it up and took out everything. There are a pair of black boots inside and a pair of comfy-looking black trousers. On the right thigh of the trousers is my jolly roger. There is also a black belt with blue accents, and my jolly roger is also on it. The biggest thing inside the package is the cape. It's a black cape with blue accents and a huge jolly roger on the back.

'This so cool! I have my own jolly roger on my outfit! This is awesome!'

I quickly put on the new outfit and looked into the mirror. Damn, bro. I can pick up any girl I want with this outfit. Especially since I have nothing covering my six-pack. It's a bit chilly, but I don't mind it.

I put Shusui on my left hip and stored away Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri.

"Thank you, guys. You guys were great help, but we have to part now."

I sealed everything off and left my room. I arrived on the deck, and everyone looked impressed. Laffitte looked really happy.

"Thank you Laffite, I love it."

"No problem, Captain. Bring it to me wherever you need it fixed or want to change something."

"Thank you, but I have a question. Why does it fit so perfectly."

He looked away.

"It's just coincidence, Captain."

"Sigh, whatever. As long as you didn't touch something you shouldn't have."

I walked to the front of the ship and looked at Sabaody Archipelago that's coming closer and closer.

"Laffitte, make sure that the ships get coated as fast as possible and make sure that nobody finds the ships."

"This ship will be possible, but the giant's ship is a little bit harder to hide."

"Sigh. Urouge, Paulie, Dorry, Brogy, Oimo, Kashii, you guys stay with the ships."

"Yes, Captain." x6

"And Paulie, see if you can learn how to coat a ship. It will help us later."

"I will do my best, Captain."


I looked at Vlad and the wolf.

"Vlad, get on the wolf."


I glared at him.

"Tsk, fine."

He sat on top of the wolf.

"The rest of you guys can do whatever. Just make sure to hide yourselves."

I appeared underneath the wolf and picked it up.


"What are you doing!?"

"Stay safe, everyone."




The three of us disappeared. A little bit later, we appeared next to the Red Line. I place them down. They glared at me.

I pointed up.

"Your enemies are waiting for you right there. Remember, we've never met, and you don't know who I am."

"I'm not a snitch, and thank you for fulfilling your promise."

"Like I said, I'm a man of my word. Goodbye, and may we see each other again in the future."

"Goodbye, and thank you again for all your help."


I smiled and disappeared.


Anime Quotes:

(Ey guys, let's laugh a little.)

"I've always considered myself to be a true ninja…but those were just empty words, because Sasuke and Naruto were always in the lead! But now it's my turn to take the lead, and all of you can watch me from the background!"

"I love you with all my heart!.. If you were to stay here with me, there would be no regrets…because every day we'd do something fun, we'd be happy I swear..! I would do anything for you! So…please, just stay with me!"

"All I've been doing is watching you two from behind… Now, get a good look at MY back!"

(And right after, she becomes Madara's selfie stick.)

– Sakura Haruno