
Chapter 44

We laid there for quite a while. We talked about a lot of stuff.

After a while, we went back to the house.

"What happened to you guys!?" asked Deuce

"Just a little spar." said Ace

Deuce walked to Ace and touched his nose.


"That's what happens after a little spar? You broke your nose, you idiot! The three of you come with me to the ship."


He glared at us.

We gave up and followed him to the ship.

He gave Sabo and me an ointment to put on our bruises. He started doing his doctor stuff on Ace to fix his nose.

After he was done, Ace had a bandage on his nose.

"You guys should be more careful next time."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, you can leave now."

We left his office.

"It's already dark." said Sabo

"Tell the rest to come back to the ship. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, bro." x2

I went into my cabin and went to sleep.

[3 am]


I immediately sat up straight.

'What was that!?'

I looked out of my window and saw that it was pitch black outside, but I could see something like lightning in the distance.

'That must be Enel's doing. I'll just go and take a quick look.'

I sneaked out of the ship and started using Geppo and Soru to get to Upper Yard.

I stayed far from the Island, but I was still able to see what was going on.

Four guys are chasing someone.

'Aren't those four Enel's, Priests?'

They were chasing a big guy who is smiling.

'Isn't that, Urouge!? I read somewhere that he had a fight with Enel, but who knew that that was now.'

(An: Guys, I don't know if Urouge was ever on Upper Yard and if he fought Enel at this time, but I'm going to pull the FanFiction card and say that this is what happened.)


A giant lightning bolt suddenly hit Urouge.


He fell down on the ground.




He got hit three more times.

The Priest's stopped and turned around.

'It seems like they think that he is dead, so they are leaving. He may be unconscious and extremely hurt, but he is still alive.'

When they were far away, and I sensed that Enel wasn't keeping an eye on him anymore, I made my move.

I moved at my fastest speed and appeared next to him. I put him on my back and disappeared. I headed to my ship.

When I appeared on the ship, I saw everyone standing on the deck.

"Ken, where the hell did you go!" asked Sabo

"Where do you think? I went to pay that forbidden island a visit."

"Did that Enel guy try to attack you?" asked Laffitte

I dropped Urouge on the ground.

"No, he was after this guy."

"What happened to him!? His body looks awful." said Deuce

"He got hit by all those lighting strikes."

"Do you think that it is a good idea to let this guy on our ship?" asked Mikita

"Who knows, but I'm sure that he has good information for us. So Deuce, get him back on his feet again."

He nodded.

"Robert, bring us to my office."

A shadow portal appeared under Deuce and Urouge, making them disappear.

"That Enel guy is really powerful." said Ace

"He sure is. I don't even know if I can take him."

"Are you serious, captain?" asked Laffitte

I nodded.

"But don't worry, I won't let him hurt you guys."

"Like we need your protection." said Zala

"Don't come running to me for help then."

"Wait, I was just kidding!"

I disappeared and appeared in my room. I sat down on my bed.

'Mad Monk, Urouge. He is a strong guy. He was able to take down Charlotte Snack, one of Big Mom's Four Sweet Commanders, with a bounty of 600,000,000 berries. But of course, he is nowhere near as strong now. I should try to get him into my crew. If I can teach him Tekkai and Busoshoku Haki, combined with his Devil Fruit, he'll become invincible in the first half of the Grand Line. And even in the New World, he'll be someone who'll be able to get an invite from a Yonko.'


'I should go to sleep.'

[Next day]

I woke up, and after doing my daily routine, I went to get some breakfast. I sat down at the table, and Urouge was sitting in front of me with his body full of bandages, eating some food.

"Good morning." said Urouge

"Good morning."

Mikita put a plate of food in front of me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I started eating.

"Thank you for saving me." said Urouge

"It was nothing."

"My name is Urouge. It's nice to meet you."

He held out his hand.

"My name is Ken. It's nice to meet you too."

I shook his hand.

"So, why were you being chased?"

He stopped smiling.

"Those bastards destroyed our homeland and came here after they destroyed everything."

"I see. Well, you get him next time."

He started smiling again.

"Yeah, you're right."

"But you should probably come up with a strategy. He doesn't look like the guy you can beat by just attacking him head-on."

'I guess Luffy is an exception to that.'

"Yeah, you're right, but I'm not so good with strategies."

"I can help you out if you want."


"Yeah, if you join my crew."

"Huh? But you just met me."

"Yeah, you're right. I should probably ask that after I get to know you more."

Laffitte appeared behind me.

"The police are coming for you."


"Because you went to Upper Yard."

"Oh, I see. Just stand back, I'll take care of it."

"Ken, let me take care of it. I still need to repay you."

"No, stay back. If Enel knows that you're on my ship, he'll attack us, and I don't want my new ship to be destroyed."


"Just stay here."

"Alright, I'll be praying for you."

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen.

I jumped onto the beach and saw the White Berets.

"Are you, Ken?" asked their leader, McKinley

"That's me."

"You have committed a crime of setting foot on Upper Yard."

"When did I do that?"

"Last night."

"Do you have any proof of that?"

"One of my soldiers saw you."

"That's not proof."

Conis, her father, Van Augur, and the rest came to look at what is going on.

"My soldier's word is more than enough." said McKinley

"Sir McKinley, this must be a mistake." said Pagaya

"Stay out of this, or you'll be arrested too. So are you going to come with us voluntarily, or should we arrest you with force?"

"I don't feel like going with you guys."

"Fine, be like that. Soldiers, capture him!"

My crew appeared in front of me.

"If you touch the Captain, you'll have to pay with your life." said Laffitte

The White Berets took a step back.

"Threatening a White Beret is a class 7 crim!" screamed McKinley

"Threatening the Captain is a class 1 crime." said Robert

"You bastards, I'll show you! You'll be sorry for threatening us!"

I appeared in front of him and grabbed his head, and glared at him.

I put my gun on his head.

"Threatening my family is a class 0 crime."


[To shoot or not to shoot, that's the question.]

One Piece Quotes:

"Compared to the "righteous" greed of the rulers, the criminals of the world seem much more honorable. When scum rules the world, only more scum is born."

- Eustass "Captain" Kid

"Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous?... Justice will prevail, you say? But of course, it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"

- Doflamingo Donquixote

"You can spill drinks on me, even spit on me. I'll just laugh about it. But If you dare to hurt my friends... I won't forgive you!"

- Shanks