
Chapter 125

After we got on the ship, we immediately sailed away from the island. The log pose charged up really quickly, so we were able to immediately leave.

[1 hour later]

We were far from the island when the idiots started to wake up. It was just a sleeping drug, so there was no need to worry.

"Yawn. Huh? Why am I back on the ship?" asked Ace

Sabo replied by punching him in the face.

"What was that for!?"

"You idiot! Why did you just drink that tea like that!? Can't you be a little more careful? Anyone would realize that this situation was weird. Except for idiots like you guys, it seems."

"Tsk, shut up. I was just thirsty."

Sabo punched him again. He also punched the other idiots that woke up and started lecturing them.

[3rd person P.O.V.

Amazon Lilly

5 days later]

In the forest, you could see 3 women looking at the calm sea.

"Sigh, this is always so boring. Especially since we joined the Azure pirates, I haven't seen any marine or pirate ship in forever." said a purple-haired woman

"You should be happy that no one is trying to attack us. Even if it's boring, at least we're safe." said an orange-haired woman

"Sis, you just jinxed us. Look, there are marine ships coming our way!" screamed a blond-haired woman

"So, many! I'll go an report this to the empress!" said the purple-haired woman as she started running towards the palace

10 minutes later, everyone on Amazon Lilly was aware of the situation. Now they're standing on top of the trees, looking at the 20 ships getting closer and closer. Among them are Boa Hancock and her two sisters.

"Sister, what should we do? Should we call Ken?" asked Marigold (Orange hair)

"It's too late for that. And we won't need any help with these weaklings." said Boa Hancock

The ships stopped a fair distance from the island. And two people stepped up.

One of them is a man with a dark red mohawk and a mustache. He is wearing the standard marine uniform, consisting of a purple and white pinstripe suit with a coat draped over his shoulders. Underneath his coat lies a dark blue shirt and a light blue tie. He is of average height and very well-built. He has a katana attached to his right hip.

And the other one is a relatively straight shaped person with a long beard. He has his eyes half-closed. He wears a very long bearskin version of the standard Marine uniform cap. Like many high-ranking Marines, he has a standard Marine's coat draped on his shoulders like a cape. Under it, and over a shirt left unbuttoned near the neck, he wears a water-green jacket, with pale yellow rope-like ornaments on the chest, and matching pants.

"Vice-Admiral Momonga and Vice-Admiral Strawberry. This might be a little tricky." said Boa Hancock

"Pirate Boa Hancock and the Kuja pirates! Surrender, or we'll have to use lethal force! You get 10 seconds to decide!" screamed Momonga

The marine soldiers on the 20 ships all aimed their guns at the Amazon Lilly women.

"Huh? Are you really going to hurt me?" asked Boa Hancock in a cute voice while acting cutely scared

The marines immediately got hearts in their eyes.

"You idiots!" screamed Momonga

"Mero Mero Mellow!"

Boa Hancock started blowing hearts at the marine soldiers, and her subordinates began firing arrows at the love-struck soldiers. After they took out 5 ships, Strawberry jumped towards Boa Hancock, destroying the floor he was standing on. He took out his two swords with pink hilts and got ready to attack her when suddenly a huge sword slash came flying towards him.


He used Geppo to jump back, and he landed back on his ship.

"Who was that!" screamed Strawberry

Everyone looked at where that sword slash came from, and they saw a pirate ship sailing towards them. But it wasn't just any run of the mill pirate ship. It was the Azure Pirates ship!

"Strawberry, if Ken is on that ship, we're retreating." said Momonga

"Yeah, I know. I'm not stupid enough to go against the Fleet Admiral's orders."

As the ship started to get closer, you could see a tall guy with a cigar in his mouth and a prison guard outfit on. In his right hand is an unsheathed sword that gives you dangerous vibes.

"So it's Shiryu. This isn't a reason for us to retreat. He also seems to be alone, except for some small fry that are steering the ship." said Strawberry

"We should take care of the two leaders, and then it'll be easy to take out the rest. Who do you want to go for?" asked Momonga

"Well, Shiryu did just attack me, so I'll go and pay him back. You can take care of the Empress."

"Alright, let's g-"

Before Momonga could finish his sentence, he had to quickly put his arms in front of his face, just barely blocking a Haki infused kick to the face. He got sent flying back. Strawberry didn't have time to worry about his colleague as Shiryu appeared in front of him and swung his sword towards him.

Strawberry quickly swung his swords forward and managed to block the sword strike. He still took a couple of steps back because he was caught off guard. Shiryu and Strawberry kept trying to push each other back, but they just ended in a stalemate. They both jumped back at the same time without taking their eyes off each other. Strawberry landed next to Momonga, and Shiryu landed next to Boa Hancock.

"What are you doing here?" asked Boa Hancock

"Captain found out about this and sent me here to help you out. But it seems like the information wasn't completely correct."

"What do you mean?"

"There was only supposed to be one Vice-Admiral, so I came alone. I don't know how strong you are, but if you can't take one of them out on your own, we're gonna be in a small pickle."

She suddenly looked up and pointed down at Shiryu.

"Who do you think I am, you lowly scum! A puny Vice-Admiral is nothing!"

"What did you just call me, you bitch!"

"How dare you call me that! Bow down to me before I end your life!"

They started arguing, and it almost resulted in a fight, but the two Vice-Admirals came for an attack, so they had to stop arguing. They both dodged the sword swings from the Vice-Admirals.

"We'll continue this after we kill these bastards." said Shiryu

"You better not die before I get to kill you!"

They glared at each other one last time before they focused on their opponent. The four of them got into their fighting post, and the first ones to attack were the Vice-Admirals. They went full speed towards their opponents, who didn't look fazed.

"Soru!" x2

The two Vice-Admirals appeared in front of their opponents, and their swords are inches away from cutting them. But both swords were easily dodged.

"What is this? Why are you so slow?" asked Shiryu as if he was seriously wondering why

He suddenly ran past Strawberry, and a fountain of blood suddenly sprayed from Strawberry's left shoulder.

"Tsk. It seems like I underestimated your speed a little. But it doesn't matter since you can't use your left arm anymore. And as a dual sword wielder, that'll be a problem for you."

"Don't you dare underestimate me, pirate!"

His arms, shoulders, and swords turned black. He started swinging his left arm like he didn't just get a cut.

"But I guess you weren't the only one that was underestimating your opponent. I also got careless. So how about we get serious now?" asked Strawberry

"Hahahaha, you bastard!"

Shiryu's used Haki on his right arm and sword.

"It seems like I made the right choice to come out here. Please entertain me."

"Don't worry, pirate. I'll entertain you to death!"

They both ran towards each other and swung their swords towards each other. As their swords clashed, a huge shockwave appeared, making the ship they're standing on and those that are surrounding them shake really badly. Boa Hancock and Momonga already left towards another ship to continue their fight. And while they were fighting, the women of Amazon lily and the marine soldiers started shooting at each other.

"You're pretty good, pirate."

"Hahaha, don't think that by complimenting me, I'll show you any mercy."

"Don't make me laugh! If there is someone who has to beg for his life, it's you!"


[At what level do you guys think Shiryu is in the original story?]

Anime Quotes:

"If you die, don't come crying to me about it."

– Gintoki (Gintama)

"Shoot her to death, without killing her!"

– Spandam (One Piece)

"He's so stupid he would forget to die even if he got killed!"

– Suguro (Blue Exorcist)