
One piece:Escanor the pride of Sin

Escanor, the Lion's Sin of Pride, is mysteriously transported from the realm of Britannia to the world of One Piece. Upon arrival, he clashes with the Beast Pirates and their leader, Jack the Drought. Unfazed by the challenges ahead, Escanor embarks on a journey across the Grand Line, encountering iconic characters and facing formidable adversaries. What awaits is his adventure .

jSingh_Singh · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: "The Lion's Arrival"( Rewritten)

 Chapter 1: "The Lion's Arrival"( Rewritten)

In the middle of the day, the sun was shining fiercely, spreading its golden rays all across the land. Escanor, who's also known as the Lion's Sin of Pride, stood tall and proud, soaking in the glorious warmth of the sunlight. As he reveled in the splendor of the sun, he felt an unexpected sensation washing over him—a strange, yet oddly familiar power surged through his body, tingling in his veins. The body of escanor is like as if the very essence of the sun itself was coursing through him, filling him with strength and vitality. But now there is something new yet mysterious energy entered Escanor's body , leaving him wondering about its origin and purpose.

"You dare to touch the heavenly body of this great one," Escanor's loud voice boomed, his voice echoing with righteous indignation. His pride swelled within him, ready to repel any intruder foolish enough to challenge his sovereignty over the sun.

Suddenly, Escanor had a clear moment of understanding. He stopped and thought deeply about where this strange power could be coming from. He was puzzled because he was supposed to be really strong, having been blessed by the Supreme Deity. So, what could be strong enough to affect him like this?

Escanor, curious about the strange energy, hesitated for a moment. He let it enter his body, surrendering to its embrace. Then, suddenly, a bright light surrounded him, dazzling him with its brilliance.

In an instant, Escanor's surroundings changed completely. The familiar land of Britannia vanished, replaced by a world he had never seen before. Instead of land, he saw endless oceans and islands spread out before him, bustling with diverse forms of life..

Escanor felt confused as he looked around, trying to understand what was happening in this strange new place. The air smelled strongly of salt and the sound of waves crashing filled his ears. Despite his confusion, one thing became clear—he had been taken to a completely unfamiliar world, a place called One Piece, where everything is different from what he knew.

Standing upon the shore of an unfamiliar island, Escanor said, "What is this?"

A ship.

In the blazing midday sun, its rays as relentless as the sea's current, Escanor took in his surroundings. He found himself surrounded by the vast expanse of the ocean, with about 50 people staring at him. Among the crowd, one figure stood out prominently—Escanor, known as 'The Lion's Sin of Pride,' the apex of all races, towering over the rest like a giant among mere mortals.

Escanor glanced at the fifty pirates and then at the large ship adorned with an elephant emblem. Without hesitation, he leaped into the air and landed gracefully on the highest point of the ship. With a proud expression, he addressed the onlookers, "Pardon me, but it makes me sick to be looked down by feeble beings such as yourselves."

When the pirates heard it, they became furious, and with a roar, a few shouted, "How dare you look down on us, do you even know who we are?"

"Hmm," with a confused face, Escanor said, "Who might you be?"

Without waiting for another person to answer, Escanor pointed toward a huge man who looked like a human-elephant. As he looked quite powerful, Escanor directly talked with the leader, "I'll be staying here for a few days. Do you have any issue?"

"Yo… you madman, do you even know who you're talking to? We're the Beasts Pirates, and he's Jack the Drought, one of Kaidou's three closest confidants."


With a smile, a pirate said with a loud voice, "What… you're afraid now?"

"Why do you call yourselves 'beasts' when you're clearly human?" Escanor asked with a puzzling look.

"Enough!" A slow yet loud voice sounded as if announcing the entrance of the strongest boss. But he was not the strongest, as there were Kaido, Whitebeard, Mihawnk ,Garp, the one-armed swordsman, and the list is too long…

Unexpectedly, he was met with an unexpected challenge—Escanor, the embodiment of the sun's might, stood before them, his pride unwavering.

Jack, a mammoth of a man with a reputation for destruction, sneered at the solitary figure before him. "You think you can stand against me?" he bellowed, his voice like thunder.

Escanor simply smiled, his power peaking with the sun's zenith. "Do you think I, who looked up by everyone, have to fight an ant to prove anything?" he proclaimed, his stance firm and unyielding.

Just as Escanor said his words, Jack roared.

The battle began as Jack's crew surged forward, a relentless wave of anger and brute force. Yet, they were merely insects fluttering towards the inferno. With a poise that belied his formidable size, Escanor met them with ease; his mastery of hand-to-hand combat and his colossal strength left Jack reeling in shock. But then, Jack unsheathed his twin axes, known as "Koro."

These axes had been his saviours in countless battles, earning him many victories. Prepared for another triumph, Jack engaged in combat, only to be astounded by the sheer might Escanor wielded. After launching a series of full-force attacks, Jack halted, panting, and uttered in disbelief, "Monster..…"

With that, the battle began—a clash of titans on the shores of a distant island, with Escanor, the embodiment of the sun's light, standing firm against a powerful force of an unknown world. And as the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, one thing became clear: Escanor had arrived in the world of One Piece and was ready to carve his own legend upon its turbulent seas. 


( make sure to give you're feedback, as I'm not good at writing so that I improve )