
One Piece : Dimi

this fanfic is inspired by various novels on this platform, also english is not my main language so please excuse me for any mistakes i make... this story is only a test and is in the draft stage for now, if I still like writing it after about 20 chapters then I will try to improve it. thanks for reading!

Gurarararara · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3


Dead or alive

Nico Robin


'I'm so fucking fucked! Fucking...' Dimi swore in his mind as loud as he could!

He started to run a third time but suddenly a sound from the system was heard.

[Ding! A mission has been generated, the marines are here for you, and the only way for you to survive is to decide between the following three choices:

1/ Escape by boat before the marines arrive. Difficulty /Difficult

2/Hide. Difficulty /Difficult

3/ kill as many marines as possible and escape. Difficulty /Variable

rewards will be given according to your strategy and efficiency].

''I choose option 3!'' Dimi shouted without even a second's hesitation. I must hurry!


Dimi was back on the highest point of the island, during his run he had wasted all his system points on buying various skills and items, as well as weapons...

He had only a few minutes left before the marines docked, but he was already ready!

He had chosen his shooting position, he was lying on the ground, and he had a full body suit, he had also planted some mines along the way to get up here...

he had prepared various explosives and grenades of all kinds just in case...

He also bought a sniper rifle just for the occasion, his new Mosin-Nagant model 1891, firing 7,62 mm, with that even at a 1-kilometer distance he was sure to hit his target! maybe...

The rifle was not equipped with a scope but with a suppressor.

'Okay, I can do this... I just have to think that they are rabbits... the only difference is that they are 800 meters away... damn it... come on, take a breath and concentrate! '


the warship had just docked in the port.

''Did you understand?!''

A man with a captain's ensign spoke to his men on the deck of the ship.

Many of them had disgusted faces, but they did not dare to question the orders...

what kind of 10 to 12-year-old child could be a threat to the world government?!

''well, gentlemen... guuuh! Bruggh...'' the captain's eyes widened as pain filled his throat and he could no longer speak, suddenly he collapsed to the ground holding his throat! BAM!

''Captain!'' all the crew members cried out at once. ''What happened? Quick, get the doctor! ''

a man approached the captain who was still holding his throat, and as he looked at what had happened he too fell face down on the floor with the front of his head bursting!

A sailor who was more responsive than the others began to shout. ''Quick! Hide your...'' but he too fell dead with a bullet in his head.

The sailors instantly became disordered without orders from a senior person to guide them through the 'storm' that fell upon them, men began to drop like flies one after the other, chaos ensued for over two minutes when someone finally shouted. Hide, we are being targeted by one or more snipers!

All the men took cover at the same time, but even as they ran for cover some of them were shot to death!

This was extremely shocking to these people, as they could not hear the sound of a gunshot anywhere, which meant that the person must have either been far enough away that the sound of the gun was not audible or the person had a way of hiding the sound of the gun, probably a Devil Fruit.

After five minutes everything was silent, no sailor dared to speak or take his head out of its hiding place for fear of being dug a hole!

A total of 15 sailors had died in the space of 10 minutes.


''I'm glad I took those two skills...'' the skills Dimi was talking about were in fact, {rapid calculation} and {trajectory calculation}.

On his first shot, Dimi had miscalculated, which led to shooting the captain in the throat, but after that, all his shots were in the head, precisely between the two eyes...

Dimi got up and ran to the other side of the island, once on the beach he pulled a RIB out of his inventory and it appeared in the water, he climbed inside and started the engine...


as he was moving away from the island Dimi heard an explosion in the distance, immediately a smile formed on his face as he imagined all the marines panicking about the mines on the path to the top of the mountain...


he had only buried two mines and both had already been detonated, so he sped up, hoping to get as far away from that damned island as possible!

Dimi had also bought a map of East Blue, so it wouldn't take him long to get to Fuchsia village...

and even then, with the speed of a motorboat, it wouldn't take him very long to arrive.


Dimi had already been at sea for a whole day, then he thought of the chest that his mother had left him, he searched for it among all those he had stolen before, and finally, he found the chest that matched his key.


The box opened, Dimi's eyes looked surprised because all that was in the box was a notebook...

he took and opened the notebook, and when he saw what was written on the first page his doubts were founded.

[Nico Olvia]

the name was handwritten in very nice handwriting, he turned the pages and was surprised to see that the notebook was in fact Olvia's research on pongeglyphs, also there were many notes on how to read and understand them...

he went through each page carefully, and finally, he came to the last page of the notebook...

there was a long text written in ancient script, but the first words were written in English and said clearly.

[To my dear children.]

All the rest was not readable, so Dimi put the notebook in his inventory and moved on to other things for the moment...

he still had to find the island of Dawn, even though in the manga it didn't say so, but it would take at least a full month to travel East Blue from one point to the other, but fortunately, Dimi was only two or three days away from his destination...


He had been running out of fuel and money for two days now...

but at that moment, a system message rang in his ears. [Ding! Congratulations to the host for escaping the marine in a single piece and without being spotted, you killed exactly 19 marines:

15 killed by gunshot

4 killed by explosions

reward calculation in progress...

reward calculated!

You have won :

4,500,000 Berry for killing a marine captain with one shot.

300,000 Berry for killing 18 sailors cleanly.

a free lottery round for escaping undetected.

Thank you for your participation]

''yes!! finally! thank you system!'' Dimi shouted at the top of his voice into the vast ocean of East Blue.

He bought fuel and filled the boat's tank a few seconds later, after which he stepped on the gas in Fuchsia's direction.

He activated his lottery trick, and this time he won an Ability...

{unfailing courage}

''okay I can work with this.'' he wasn't disappointed it was the opposite, because this way he'll be able to face his fears more easily and not panic unnecessarily.