
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 97

"We are pirates, and your disgust is natural. If my partners have caused trouble to you, I would like to apologize to you on their behalf." Lot lowered his head, his tone was extremely sincere, and after a pause, he suddenly raised his head and straightened up. Among the residents on the shore, the middle-aged man who was the strongest and stood at the front continued:

"If you are still not relieved, fire your next shot at me. No matter where you aim, I will not hide. But please help find a doctor. One of our companions is sick and she is feeling very uncomfortable. Please!"

This sentence can be said to be a complete surrender of one's life into the opponent's hands. The eyes of everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates can no longer be described as shocked.

And then, Weiwei actually knelt down beside Lot.

"please! One of our mates is really sick right now!"

As a princess of a country, Weiwei bowed her head even lower than Lot. It can even be said that she kowtowed to the bottom.

"Lot, Weiwei! You are here——"

Luffy wanted to say something else, but Lot interrupted him with a louder voice.

"Luffy! Impulse and fists don't solve all problems! As the captain, you should know this better than all of us!! Do you know the responsibilities you have as a captain?!"

In the past, Lot's reprimands to Luffy were always in private, but this time it was the first time in front of so many outsiders.

"Nami has had a high fever for three days! If you have never been sick and don't know what this means, let me tell you now, if a normal person has a fever over 40 degrees for three days without treatment, he will become a fool!"

When Lott said the last word, the atmosphere at the scene instantly fell into silence.

And a few seconds later, Luffy suddenly knelt beside Lott.

"Sorry, it's my fault. Please help us find a doctor. Please save our companions!"

Yes, impulse and fists can't solve any problems, especially now that they are asking for help. The expressions of Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji also softened.

People on the shore, look at me, I Look at you, looking at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. In the end, it was the strong man standing at the front who broke the deadlock.

"I'll take you to the village! follow me! Also, let me give you a piece of advice. There is only one witch among the doctors in our country."


The candidates to go to the island were quickly decided.

Luffy, Lott, Vivi, Usopp, Sanji and most importantly Nami will go to their village with the strong man, Zoro will stay to guard the ship, and Karu Duck will be a duck in a duck's body. The fur is just like decoration. The temperature of this island is so cold that even mucus comes out of its nose. Naturally, it is impossible to land on the island.

During Miss Golden Week, Lot originally wanted to leave her on this island, but she insisted that she would never live here because it was too cold, so he could only leave her on the boat to stay with Sauron.

On board the Meili, Zoro had already taken off his clothes and planned to have a special winter swimming training. The Karoo duck was curled up in a ball due to the cold. Miss Golden Week was nestled next to it, drinking hot tea, painting and watching her movements. , as if he was trying to draw the island in front of him. and the other side

"Did you really plan to not hide from those people even if they shot you in the head?"

At the end of the team, Weiwei asked quietly to Lott, who was carrying Nami on his back.


Rotte nodded calmly.

"But I heard from Nami that you went to sea to avenge some people….Wouldn't it be wrong if he died like that?…"

Weiwei did not say the second half of the sentence, but Lot understood what she meant, and his answer was only a few simple sentences:

"The living people are always the most important. Blindly pursuing revenge will only make you become an inhumane scum. And I happen to know a person who will not hesitate to seek revenge even if he is his master and his wife who are like family. Kill, I don't want to, and I will never become that kind of scumbag."

Rotte's tone was extremely firm.


Weiwei looked at his resolute face speechlessly.

"Wow! What a big bear!! Everyone, pretend to be dead!!"

At this moment, Usopp's screams spread throughout the audience, and then he jumped into the snowdrift without moving and began to pretend to be dead.

"It's a climbing bear, so there's no danger. Just don't forget to nod with it when you encounter it while climbing."

The man named Dalton, who was also the leader, just looked at the big white bear who was several people tall and had a mountaineering pickaxe walking past them. He introduced calmly, and then introduced Luffy and the outsiders. They indicated what to do.

The climbing bear also nodded politely, and then walked leisurely past them.

"Don't lie down for too long, remember to keep up…"

When passing by Usopp who didn't get up because of embarrassment, Lot, the last person in the team, reminded him casually.


After Lot walked a few meters forward, Usopp stood up silently, patted the snow on his clothes, then lowered his head and walked a few steps to catch up.

When they arrived at the village, Dalton took Luffy and others to his house. After settling Nami, Lot immediately asked where the doctor named"Witch" lived. If it was far away, he would go there. Carry her back.

But Dalton said that the doctor lived in a castle without a king on top of the tallest of those towering mountains, and she spent most of her time there.

And there is no way to contact her, but she will go down the mountain from time to time to find patients to treat them, and the reward she asks for is to take back all the things that are valuable to the patients.

Corresponding to this weird personality and unreasonable remuneration is the superb medical skills of this doctor whose real name is Dr. Gureva. Dalton has not seen her since she was active on this island as a doctor. A disease she can't cure

"If you want to see her, you can only stay here and wait for her to come down the mountain, but——"

Dalton said and looked at Nami who was lying on the bed,"That girl can't wait long, her condition doesn't look like she's just suffering from a fever."

"Is there a way up the mountain?"

"No, there used to be a ropeway that could go up directly, but due to some things the ropeway was destroyed."

Dalton shook his head and said with regret.

"Then, it seems that the only way left is to climb the mountain.——"

"Putting his hands on the table with a pop, Lot stood up and said slowly

"Mountain climbing, are you talking about climbing the nearly 90-degree vertical Cigu Mountain with bare hands?"

Sanji stood up and the expression on his face said"Are you kidding me?""

"Well, don't forget that I am a ninja. I just climb a 90-degree mountain. Even if it is less than 90 degrees, I can still climb it!"

Rotte said solemnly

"However, can you really climb up from your existing state?"

Weiwei also wants to stop Lot's plan. She has been staying in the room with him to take care of Nami. She is very aware of how tired he is these days. Even now, the bloodshot eyes of the man are clearly visible.

"I had rested last night"

"Do not make jokes! If you accidentally fall down while climbing, Miss Nami will die in her current state! Might as well wait here for that doctor——"

Sanji was so anxious that he had already grabbed Lot's collar.

"Will the doctor come today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow?"

Lot's words immediately grabbed Sanji's throat.


Sanji let go of Lot's collar, but still said firmly:"I don't agree with your reckless decision! Luffy, you——"

He wanted to seek help from Luffy, but the latter directly said that it was okay, and he also agreed with Lot's decision to climb the mountain.

But even so, Sanji still felt that this approach was too reckless, and he firmly disagreed.

No one could convince anyone, but no one was angry because everyone knew that it was all for Nami.

In the end, the three people who were in a stalemate decided to give the choice to Nami herself. Nami was woken up from her sleep. When she learned that Lot wanted to carry her up the mountain to find a doctor, she said without any hesitation," I'll leave it to you," and then fell asleep again.

And this scene of waking up and saying only one sentence and then falling asleep immediately was undoubtedly telling that her current physical condition was close to the limit, and she might not wake up if she didn't get treatment.

Finally, Nami was wrapped in a thick quilt and tied to Lot's back.

Since Nami's physical condition is too serious to bear the severe bumps, and in order to prevent some unexpected situations on the road, Luffy and Sanji will serve as bodyguards and escort the two to the bottom of Cigu Mountain.

"They really don't matter, right?"

Looking at the retreating figure, Dalton asked with a suspicious tone.

"Well, the three of them don't have to worry."

Usopp believes in the strength of the three of them.

"But I'm afraid that Nami's physical strength won't be able to keep up. I hope they can arrive safely…."

Now that things have come to this, Weiwei can only wish them a safe journey in a low voice.

"Go back inside, it's too cold outside."

Feeling that the wind and snow seemed to have gotten a little lighter, Dalton wanted to call the two of them back into the house, but Vivi and Usopp both shook their heads and said it didn't matter, they could just stay outside.

Both of them had already His nose was red from the cold and he was constantly white. However, he still insisted on staying where he was and watching the direction the four people were leaving. After a while, Dalton also understood the reason why they were here.

"Is that so? Then I will accompany you, and by the way, I will tell you some things about this country in the past, and that is the reason why we only have one doctor now."

Dalton sat down on the floor.


"It's getting colder! It's windy!"

"Why don't you go out wearing boots?! Even my feet hurt with bare feet! You're already wearing thick clothes, why don't you take off your straw sandals?!"

"This is my bottom line!"

"Get rid of your weird bottom line!"

Luffy and Sanji were one position behind Lot. They were chatting as they hurried on. Lot was trying to control the range of movement of his body as much as possible to prevent excessive shaking during running.

"do you know? I heard that no one in Snow Country sleeps!" boom!

"Do not sleep? How could such a human being exist?"


"But this is true, a very powerful person told me."



"No, I heard someone say that in a bar when I was a kid."

"Then why is there a bed in Dalton's house? If he doesn't need to sleep – I wonder if this group of rabbits is finished!!"

Once again kicking away a biting rabbit, Sanji finally couldn't help but speak. From the beginning, this kind of strange rabbit kept coming out of the snow to attack them.

This How could there be rabbits in the world with sharp teeth that looked like they were eating meat?!

Although the attacks were either dodged by them or blocked by Luffy and Sanji, this still made their progress difficult. The speed caused interference.

As soon as Sanji finished complaining, Lot stopped, and then the two people behind him also stopped.

Because in front of them, stood a group of tall, strong, and fierce rabbits.

"That…what are those guys…"

"White and big, yes! It's a white bear!"

"wrong! They are the parents of the rabbit that just attacked us!"

After seeing the little rabbit he just saw talking to the big rabbit, Sanji immediately shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, these rabbits, which were even bigger than white bears, came with them. The fierce expressions rushed up together.

"Leave them alone, Lot! You just have to go straight ahead!"

"That's right! You just need to take good care of Miss Nami!"

Luffy Sanji immediately rushed over and sent the rabbit at the front away, shouting loudly at the same time.

Lott also nodded and rushed towards the pile of rabbits without hesitation.

"Don't even think about meeting Lot!"

"Stay away from Miss Nami!"

The two of them just punched and kicked to create a safe passage for Lot.

But when Sanji and Luffy started to breathe heavily, looking forward, they could still see a whole area that was invisible. The pile of rabbits at the end.

And just when they were about to continue rushing down at once, the group of rabbits suddenly turned around and ran to some higher places.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you decide to retreat because you thought we were not easy to mess with?"

The two of them watched the movements of the rabbits in amazement. When the rabbits stood still on a high place and then jumped up and down together neatly, making the three of them feel the ground vibrating, Sanji and Lot's expressions changed drastically.

"damn it! These rabbits are going to cause an avalanche!!"


Ignoring Luffy's doubts, Lot and Sanji immediately changed directions to find a higher point, and Luffy hurriedly followed.

But just a few steps after they ran out, an avalanche came, and the snow fell from the top of the mountain to cover the sky. The momentum pressed towards the people halfway up the mountain, and at the same time it came with an earth-shattering sound.

"Run! Be sure to find the high point!"

"Damn bunny! I must catch them and stew them!"