
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 94

Reading through the news in the newspaper, the summary is that the situation in Alabasta is very unclear, and the government may be overthrown by the rebels at any time.

And this was already three days ago. At first, Nami hid it in order not to worry Weiwei too much. She only needed to let the Meili arrive in Alabasta as quickly as possible, and there was no need to worry about it. Necessary anxiety.

However, when Weiweidu decided to let the Meili find an island with a doctor first, Nami knew that she couldn't hide it.

Alabasta may not have given them time to stop on an island midway.

"Even if you say that, you have already burned over 40 degrees. This temperature will really burn out your brain."

Presenting the thermometer that had just been taken off in front of Nami, Lott advised with a serious look on his face.

"How could I have a fever of 40 degrees? The thermometer must be broken."

With that said, Nami had already lifted the quilt and got off the bed. As she walked towards the door, she said in a relaxed tone:

"You see, I can walk, so there must be no big problem. In short, now we have to sail according to the prescribed plan and move forward to Alabasta."

Creak –

Nami opened the door and went out

"oh….It turns out it's already healed!"

Luffy showed a relieved expression when he woke up and heard Nami's words.

"Idiot, she's just holding on."

Usopp retorted Luffy.


Lot looked at the door speechlessly

"If necessary, I can help you draw a color trap on her body, so that she will lie on the bed and rest obediently as you wish. All I need is that you return the paint tools to me."

Miss Golden Week, who was eating senbei in a corner, suddenly said.

Lot turned his head and looked at her expressionlessly, which made Miss Golden Week immediately shrink her head subconsciously, and then she no longer dared to say anything.

"I have to rush back as soon as possible. If I can't catch up, one million people will kill each other!"

After reading the newspaper, Weiwei crumpled it into a ball and murmured to herself


"How do you see the heading?!"

Nami, who walked out of the door, just raised her head and looked around, and immediately discovered that the Meili's course had deviated.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going straight? I have been staring at the cloud in front of me. Zoro held a dumbbell in one hand and pointed at a cloud floating in the sky with one hand.

"Look at the pointer! Didn't I already give you the permanent record pointer?! Clouds can also move!"

Nami scolded Zoro, only to feel that her already painful head hurt even more.

She just walked away for a while, and the ship went astray.

But there was nothing that could be done, because she was worried about Nami's condition. Weiwei, who was originally asked to look at the course, also entered the cabin, and the others followed. In the end, only Zoro was left outside, so the task of looking at the pointer fell to him.

Everyone thought that they only needed to look at the recording pointer. Just make sure it points forward. Even a three-year-old child can complete this kind of task.

But I never thought that Zoro would not look at the pointer.

"ah….No, my head hurts!"

Nami suddenly covered her head and groaned.

"Just leave it to me! Go and lie down!"

"It's because I can't leave it to you that I came here…"

As she spoke, Nami's nose twitched and she noticed a change in the smell of the air.

"Air? Nothing! The weather is sunny"

"Don't worry about this. Call everyone in the cabin. There is work to be done!"

Seeing the anxious look on Nami's sickly flushed face, Zoro immediately shouted loudly.

Soon, several people ran out

"Head south, full rudder!"

"Turn the sail and take the wind to port!"

Since Nami no longer had the energy to speak loudly, Zoro passed on the orders on her behalf. However, the weather was extremely clear within a ten-mile radius, and although the others were executing the steering order, they were still very curious. Why is Nami so anxious to leave this place for no reason?


Nami looked into the distance and said feebly:"There will be a strong wind blowing directly ahead, and it will be a strong wind."…"

The ship completed its turn, and Nami leaned on the railing and looked at the original course of the Mellie, feeling a little confused in her heart.

(what happened…This wind feels like a storm, but it's a little different from usual…) just as she was thinking, she noticed someone coming behind her, and judging from the footsteps, it was Lot

"As I said, nothing happens to me. At this time, the Mellie just needs to move towards Alabasta."

Thinking that Lot was here to persuade her to rest and find a doctor, Nami immediately said

"No, I have another way."

Rotte said, while getting close to Nami, and finally stopped less than a fist away from the girl, looking down at the flushed face with cold sweat streaming down her face.

"Things in Weiwei's country are very urgent, and there really isn't much time left for us to delay."

"Since you also know, what else can you say?"

"Because your condition is also urgent"

"I told you not to——"

"I said, your illness is also urgent!"

Nami's arrogant sophistry made Lott couldn't help but feel an unknown fire in his heart. His tone became a little more serious, and you could even see a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Do you want me to watch you die in front of me for helping others? There's nothing wrong with that thermometer! You have a high fever! And it's over 40 degrees, which is the temperature that can cook your brain!"


Nami lowered her head, not daring to look into Lot's eyes.


After taking a deep breath to calm down, Lot continued:"I know how you are. You don't want to embarrass Weiwei, and you definitely won't say that you want to see a doctor, so I have other ways. , the Meili was led by Weiwei and continued to move towards Alabasta, and then I took you to find an island with a doctor."

"pull…Pull me?"

"That's right! There is a small boat at the stern of the Mellie. It only needs simple modifications to prevent wind. Then you lie on it and I will pull the boat and run. When the disease is cured, we can go to Alabasta. Don't worry, I think my feet are at full speed. Run, maybe you can catch up with the Merry before it reaches Alabasta."

Three days or seven days to reach the next island?

No matter how many days, Lot will definitely find an island with a doctor.

This method is not wise, but it is also the last resort. Let Nami and Vivi There is no difficult way

"There is only one permanent record pointer to Alabasta…"

"As long as we find an island that can cure the disease first, there will always be a way. As long as you nod and agree, we can set off immediately!"


The eyes of the man in front of her already had a bit of pleading, and all the other's actions showed that he valued her. She was already so nervous just because of a fever.

He was even so nervous that he was confused and would come up with this kind of method that he would only come up with when his brain got hot.

To be honest, Nami felt happy, but this was not a proposal she had promised Lot, which she had no reason to agree to.

It wasn't that she was worried that Lot wouldn't be able to protect her on the way, but that she couldn't leave the Meili alone just because of a minor illness. Compared to Luffy's group of bosses, Weiwei does know some navigation knowledge, but she only knows a little bit, which is completely insufficient to cope with the dangerous weather of the"Grand Line".

That's right, it's just a small fever. She couldn't leave Mei Li alone just because of it.

"Sorry, Lot, I still——"

Thinking of this, Nami tried her best to put a smile on her face, and was about to refuse, but Weiwei opened the cabin door and walked out, her face full of determination.

"Everyone! Please listen to me!"

Weiwei walked straight to the second deck, and everyone's eyes were attracted to her.

"You have already asked me to take this boat, and I really have no shame in making any arbitrary demands. But my country is now in an unprecedented crisis, and I must rush back as soon as possible!"

Speaking of this, she emphasized with emphasis:

"There can't be a moment's delay!"

"Now, I want this ship to head to Alabasta as fast as possible!"

After these words fell, everyone on the ship fell silent.

No one agreed or raised any objections. They all just looked at the figure on the second deck quietly. Luffy looked serious, and he was always a nymphomaniac. Ji just blew out smoke rings, Zoro's hand holding the dumbbell didn't move, Usopp had his hands on his hips.

Lot just stayed beside Nami quietly.

"of course! Isn't that what you said?"

As if aware of the suddenly heavy atmosphere on the boat, Nami squeezed out a smile on her blushing face and accepted Weiwei's words.

But her words had no effect, and the others remained silent.

After sailing for many years Japan's partner and an exotic princess whom I have just met for a few days.

If I can only save one, then although it is cruel, the answer to this question has already been in the hearts of everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates.

1 partner and strangers 1 million people? There is no trolley problem in the world of pirates

"good! Since no one objects, then go to an island with a doctor right away! With a smile on her face, Weiwei asked calmly to the people on the deck:"Cure Nami's disease as soon as possible."…Then, off to Alabasta! Is this the [top speed] of this ship?"

"That's right, it doesn't get any faster than that!"

The expression on Luffy's face returned to normal.

"May I? As a princess, you should be more worried about the lives of 1 million citizens, right?"

Usopp asked

"Yes, so we must make Nami recover from her illness as soon as possible!"

Weiwei replied without hesitation.

"Well said, Weiwei! I'm impressed by you!"

Sanji became happy, and even Zoro said something to express his appreciation for Vivi's magnanimity.

"Did you hear that? It's time for you to go back to your room and rest."

Although Lot's expression has not changed significantly from beginning to end, it can be heard from his tone that he is in a good mood now.

"Sorry to trouble everyone…"

At this moment, Nami seemed to have reached her limit. She staggered and was about to fall down. Lot quickly caught her with his hands, but the moment he came into contact with the girl's body, the good mood that had just risen disappeared in an instant, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

(The body temperature is higher! In just a few minutes!)

"oh oh! what is that!"

Luffy suddenly exclaimed, attracting the attention of others. Following the direction he pointed, everyone saw a huge tornado, and even though the Meili was already in the sea area that was not affected, the tornado looked It was still as if they were right in front of them, and the sense of oppression reminded them of the scene when they first saw the Red Earth Continent.

The mountains connected the sea and the sky, just like the tornado at this time.

The tornado was surrounded by dark clouds, purple Thunder and lightning were rolling in the dark clouds like pythons.

Then everyone discovered a surprising fact, that is, if the Meili followed the course just now, it would collide with the tornado. By then, they would only have a dead end.

Facing them Humans only feel the insignificance of this kind of natural disaster.

(How awesome! Some people have said that there are no precursors to the tornadoes in the [Grand Line], but Nami does not just make weather predictions theoretically, but uses physical sensations to predict the weather. The weather changes! It's like she was born for sailing!)

Looking at the figure being supported by Lot, as a princess in Alabasta with a population of 10 million, Weiwei felt that she had met many talented princesses. Just full of shock

"good! Everyone, hurry up and set off!"

"Keep heading south! Let's go find a doctor!"


In this way, the Meili temporarily changed its course and began to search for a doctor.

One day passed quickly, and at this time, the Meili also sailed into a sea area where it was snowing heavily. Nami still had a high fever, The fever has even reached 42 degrees from 40 degrees at the beginning.

Lott stayed by the bed for a moment and had not slept all night. During this day, all the clones stopped their original training arrangements and switched to medical endurance. The practice of Ninjutsu.

Lot has the Yang chakra necessary for learning medical Ninjutsu, but since it takes a lot of effort to specialize in Medical Ninjutsu and its role in combat is minimal, after all, the battlefield There is no chance in the world where you can fight and heal yourself at the same time.

Therefore, the importance of medical ninjutsu training has always been at the bottom here in Lot, but now, no ninjutsu training is more important than it..

Relying on memories and the cooperation of multiple clones, in just a few hours, Lot has mastered one of the simplest medical ninjutsu.

But unfortunately, although medical ninjutsu has the word"medical", it does not The effect of curing diseases can only heal injuries.

At this time, Lott's hand, which was emitting fluorescent green light, was gently resting on Nami's forehead.

Although it did not have the effect of curing diseases and reducing fever, Lott also found that it could relieve high fever. Nami felt a cooling sensation that could relieve her headache, so she continued to maintain the output of chakra.