
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 85


Nami, who came back, was squatting in the corner, crying softly, feeling sad for her tragic fate that she didn't know where to go next.

"One of the Shichibukai, I don't know what kind of person he is…."

"He must be a knife user, like Hawkeye!"

"…Idiot, just because we are both Shichibukai, it doesn't mean we use the same weapons."

"No matter what, I'm so excited."

Unlike Nami, Rotor, Luffy, Zoro and the three of them were chatting happily there.


Weiwei looked at the three people, then turned to look at Nami, who was in the corner and no one was paying attention. Finally, she walked over, knelt down and said carefully:"If…If you don't mind, I have 500,000 Baileys in my little vault…"

Just when Weiwei wanted to compensate Nami as much as possible because of the guilt in her heart, Ikarem, who had been away for a while, came back, but he was dressed a little strange at the moment.

He was wearing the same clothes as Weiwei, that is, he was a middle-aged man.

The young man was wearing women's clothing, with makeup on his face, and his hair was combed into the high ponytail style Weiwei had before letting her hair down.

Not only that, he was also holding four dolls in his hands.

From the rough lines above Look, they correspond to four people: Luffy, Lotus, Zoro, Nami.

"Don't worry, Princess Vivi! I have a plan!"

Ikarem revealed his plan. He would disguise himself as Princess Vivi with this makeup, and then take these four dolls and use the Alabasta permanent record pointer to walk back in a straight line to attract the pursuers of Baroque Studio. Luffy and others took the real Weiwei on another route

"So please, please protect Princess Weiwei!"

On the coast, before getting on the boat, Ikarem asked sincerely again.

Then, the five people on the shore watched Ikarem's boat sail away.

"he's gone…This uncle is really interesting…"

Luffy, who put his hand on his forehead and stared into the distance, sighed.

"I have always trusted him…"

Staring at the shadow of the ship, Weiwei murmured in a low voice, and at the same time thought to herself – we will definitely meet again in Alabasta!

However, just when this beautiful thought arose in my heart, accompanied by a violent explosion, the sea surface burst into flames and thick smoke billowed, dyeing the surrounding sea surface and the dark sky red, and even they who were far away on the shore were stunned. The shadow illuminated by this light is lengthened


Everyone's expressions became extremely gloomy at this moment.

Ikarim's ship was in the light of the fire, and everyone was silent at this moment.

"very good!"

Woke up from his stupor, Luffy blew out a stream of white air from his nose, and shouted to Nami with an extremely rare and serious expression:"Nami!! Let's record the pointer!"

"good…alright! Already full!"

Nami, who was woken up by Luffy, lowered her head and glanced at the record pointer on her wrist, and said quickly

"Take that girl and let's set off!"

With that said, Luffy turned around and left, deciding to wake up Sanji and Usopp immediately and set sail for Alabasta.


When passing by Weiwei, looking at the silent expression of the blue-haired girl in front of him, Lot comforted her in a low voice, and then followed Luffy's footsteps.

With an explosion and fire of this magnitude, no one would think that Ikarem would have a chance of survival.

And the person who had grown up with her since childhood died in front of her like this. They, a group of strangers she had just met, could not give any substantial comfort, and she could only figure it out on her own.

Lot understood this feeling very well.

That kind of unforgettable pain, no outsider can give you any help


Luffy, Zoro, and the other three were walking away.

Nami put her hand on Weiwei's shoulder, thinking that the girl had completely lost her ability to judge because she was too sad and didn't know what to do next.

However, in her eyes, When he glanced at her face, Nami couldn't help but trembled in her heart.

Weiwei was indeed in great sadness, and her heart was so painful that her whole body could not help but tremble slightly.

However, even so, she still did not shed a single tear.

She just bit her lip tightly, and even though a trace of bright red blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth, she did not cry loudly.

Nami had also experienced the pain of a loved one dying in front of her eyes, so she knew that it would be anyone else at this time. , crying on the spot, or even collapsing and passing out due to the severe blow. However, Weiwei just stared at the sea of fire, with a bit of determination and hatred in her eyes full of grief.

She must return to Alabasta and send everyone at Baroque Studio, including Sand Crocodile, to a naval prison!

Even if she is the only one next, she must fight to the end, for Alabasta!

"Do not worry about it!"

Inwardly amazed that a princess could be so strong, Nami hugged Weiwei and made a firm promise:"We will send you safely to Alabasta! No matter what happens! We will definitely accompany you to Alabasta!"

"They saved [East China Sea] with just five people! It's just a [Shichibukai]! He will definitely not be their opponent!"

When Nami spoke, the person she spoke to, Luffy, was dragging Usopp and Sanji towards the direction where the Merry ship was docked, while Lot and Zoro returned to the Merry ship first, doing Ready to sail


"It hurts, it hurts!!!"

"What to do? pain! What to do?! What are you doing, you bastard?! Luffy!! Hello!!"

"let me go!! What happened?"

"My nose will fall off!!"

Draged by Luffy, they kept bumping into various rocks and wooden boxes along the way. Sanji and Usopp were wailing all the way. The former didn't explain, so he just dragged them back to the Merry.

"ah? They fell asleep again!"

Stopping on the shore, Luffy looked back at Sanji and Usopp, and found that they fell asleep again at some point, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Ignore them both, just throw them up!"

Looking at the two people who were obviously in a state of unconsciousness, Lot said without sadness, and Luffy immediately grabbed their feet and threw them directly to the Merry.

Just like that. At this time, Nami and Weiwei also ran over, and luckily, the Karu duck that Weiwei had been looking for on the way here also arrived on the ship early, even earlier than Lot and Zoro..

As soon as everyone arrived, the Meili, which had been ready to sail, immediately sailed away from Whiskey Town.

There was no other way, not to rush.

According to Weiwei, Baroque Studio has nearly 2,000 employees, and like Whiskey Town There are several such studio members near the gathering place. If they all rush over, there will be at least hundreds of people.

If they are surrounded by hundreds of people in boats, it will be completely impossible for the Meili to break through, so We must leave quickly before those people come over.

The boat returned to the sea through the canal, and Sanji and Usopp also woke up at this time.

But as soon as they woke up, they started yelling why they had to leave. Whiskey Town, they haven't had enough of the party yet!

"Hey, please explain to them…"

Zoro, who was upset by the noise, said to Nami

"Well, leave it to me!"

Nami smiled and patted her chest, indicating that it was wrapped around her, and then walked towards Usopp and Sanji. Within three seconds, the two people became completely silent.


Looking at Usopp and Sanji who were covered in bruises and passed out, the other people stopped talking for a moment, and then silently withdrew their gaze, not daring to look at their miserable state.


"It's foggy…"

Looking at the thick fog rising from the sea, Nami narrowed her eyes and worked hard. She could only rely on the navigator's own experience when sailing on the sea while shielding her sight.

"Please be careful when sailing, don't hit the rocks."

Suddenly, a soft voice came to the ears of everyone on the boat,"Ah – how good it is to escape from the pursuers!"

As if she was happy that they could sail safely and safely, the tone of this soft voice was a little higher.

"Who are you?!"

Looking at the place where the sound came from, Zoro held the handle of the knife. Sitting on the railing on the second deck was a black-haired man wearing a purple cowboy hat, with his legs crossed, his right hand supporting his chin, and his demeanor looked very elegant. Woman.

When did this guy get on the ship?!

As if facing a formidable enemy, Zoro's sword had already been partially bladed.

"I just met Mr.8 there, Miss Wednesday."

Without answering Sauron's question, the black-haired woman focused on Weiwei and called her code name in Baroque Studio, and Mr8 was the code name of Ikarem.

"Could it be…It was you who took Ikarim…"

Weiwei's face was shrouded in shadow. She just saw Ikarem. Doesn't this mean that the woman in front of her killed him?

"Haha, that man is really interesting. He actually thought he could evade pursuit by holding four dolls."

Without answering Weiwei's question directly, the black-haired woman said lightly with a smile on her face.

"Why are you here?!"

Clenching her silver teeth, Weiwei shouted out the black-haired woman's codename:"Ms. All Sunday!"

"Wait, Ms., who is her partner on Sunday? Are you also on board?!"

Nami asked subconsciously.

According to Weiwei, people at Baroque Studio all travel in pairs. If you see a lone employee, then another employee must be nearby.

"She is Mr.0's partner, and Mr.0 is Crocodile Crocodile!"

Weiwei revealed Ms. Quan Sunday's status.

"etc! In other words, the Shichibukai are on this ship!"

Nami was immediately shocked.

"No, Crocodile will not leave Alabasta easily. Only Ms. is on this ship all Sunday, and before that, Ikarem and I only found out the true identity of the boss by following her!"

Weiwei explained.

"To be precise, I let you follow me on purpose."

Ms. Quan Sunday said calmly

"What, she is such a good person."

Luffy, who crossed his arms and nodded, said with certainty.

"We already knew that you deliberately let us follow you! And you told the boss that we know the true identity of the boss and our true identity!"

And Weiwei's words made Luffy pouted and looked at Ms. Quan Sunday with an unkind expression,"What, he turns out to be a bad guy!"

"Shut up first!"

Seeing Luffy jumping around, Nami couldn't help but punch him on the head.

"What exactly is your purpose?!"

Weiwei asked the doubts that she had had in her heart for a long time.

She had known the true identity of her and Ikarem for a long time, but she still allowed them to lurk in the organization for so many days. She couldn't figure it out at all. What is the woman planning?

"this…I see you are very serious…I can't help but help you…."

Ms. Quan Sunday looked at Weiwei with great interest,"Princess, do you think you can really make an enemy of Baroque Studio and save the kingdom?"…? You are really too stupid!"


These extremely sarcastic words flashed in the mind of Ikarem, who made an agreement with her before boarding the ship to return to the motherland without incident, causing Weiwei to shout angrily:"Don't underestimate me!"

Under Vivi's roar, Zoro pulled out the knife completely, Luffy clenched his fist, Nami picked up her stick, and Usopp and Sanji, who woke up at some point, also held a gun and a gun. With slingshots, they were all aimed at Ms. Quan Sunday's head.

"Hello…Do you know anything?"

Usopp, who had just woken up, had no idea what was going on. Just looking at the tense atmosphere, he did not hesitate to stand on his partner's side and face Ms. who was obviously on the other side..Quan Sunday took action. Seeing Sanji do the same thing, I thought he knew something, so I couldn't help but curiously asked.

"No, I just sense that lovely Ms. Wednesday might be in danger."

Sanji also shook his head, indicating that he didn't know anything.


Surrounded by so many people, even with a gun pressed to her head, Ms. remained calm and unhurried all Sunday, and then said,"Don't point such dangerous things at me…."

As the words fell, Sanji and Usopp suddenly flew out one after another.

"Devil fruit user?!"

Looking at the two people who fell in front of them from the second deck, without seeing any signs of taking action, they all began to wonder whether Ms. Quan Sunday was a Devil Fruit user.

"what happened?!"

The next second, the two unsheathed knives on Sauron's waist suddenly flew up and fell into the sea, causing him to jump into the sea quickly.


Luffy also suddenly fell to the ground.

"How…what happened?! Why are they all so sudden?——"

All four men suddenly had an emergency, causing Nami to subconsciously look at the last one, Lot, and then she saw an unbelievable scene.

Roth, who had been silent since the beginning, actually looked at Ms. Sunday with an extremely horrified expression!

His face was even covered in cold sweat! Don't dare to move your body

"How can it be?!"

Nami also panicked all of a sudden. She had never seen such an expression on Lot's face.

Is this woman so scary?!

Did Lot get scared?!