
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 78

Being targeted!!

The moment they saw the big eyes moving downward, the only thing that came to everyone's mind except Luffy was the word"done".

If you provoke a huge whale on the sea that is not qualified enough to squeeze its teeth, you will not be able to escape no matter how hard you think!

"asshole! Are you not convinced?! ha?!"

However, Luffy continued to provoke

"Stop it, you idiot!!"

A few people kicked Luffy over.

And in the next moment, the whale suddenly opened its big mouth, and then took a sharp breath.

The next second, strong winds blew around the Meili, and the dark There was a piece of water deep in the whale's throat, like an abyss, and the Meili drifted inward uncontrollably.

Then, as a large amount of seawater flowed into the whale's throat, a huge whirlpool was formed, and the Meili was sucked into it by the vortex. There was a 180-degree inversion, and everyone on top tried their best to grab whatever they could to stabilize their bodies.

But Luffy was thrown out for some reason, and when he was about to fall into the sea, he He stretched out his arms and grabbed the end of the whale's teeth exposed above the water, and used the strength to jump onto the whale's head.

"How…what to do! Luffy

, who was sitting on the head of the whale and gasping for air, had a very ugly expression,"Everyone was eaten!""

The whale closed its mouth, and the sea calmed down again, but the Mellie was nowhere to be seen. If nothing else, it would have almost reached the whale's stomach by now.

"Hello! Spit it out! Give me my partner back!"

Luffy hammered the whale's body under him vigorously. He finally managed to recruit so many reliable partners, how could it end just after he entered the Grand Line!

Luffy was anxious and angry, but the whale was not immune to it. Affected, he even started to sink, planning to get into the sea.

After realizing the whale's intention, Luffy became even more anxious, but soon he caught a glimpse of something like a door not far away from him. He went After opening it, he found that there was actually a downward passage below. Seeing that the water was almost reaching his feet, Luffy got in without hesitation.

On the other side, on the Merry

"what do you think?"

"What do I think? We were indeed swallowed by a whale."

"But is this really inside the belly of a whale?"

"It's so big. Although there is an old saying in my hometown that the prime minister's belly can hold a boat, this is the first time I've seen a whale live in its belly."

"The man called the Prime Minister is so powerful, his belly can actually hold a boat!"

"No…Usopp, the fact that his belly can support a boat is just an exaggerated metaphor, not that his belly is really that big…."

On the side of the ship, several members of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at the scene in front of them, their faces either serious or in disbelief.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, there were several seagulls flying, and what was even more outrageous was that there was a small island not far in front of the Mellie, and there was a house on the island.

"This is an illusion!

"I must be dreaming, it seems – it hurts! Why are you hitting me, Lot!"

"Well, it seems like it's not a dream."

Withdrawing his slap, Lot nodded firmly and said to Usopp who was covering his face.


Usopp was about to take revenge when a huge squid suddenly emerged from the water and appeared in front of the Merry.

"It's the Squid King!"

Usopp and Nami screamed.

Just as Lot was about to kill the squid, a few harpoons pierced the squid's head. The lifeless squid floated in the water and was connected to the harpoon. The rope slowly dragged it back

"There seems to be someone inside"

"It would be great if someone"

"The man who lives in the belly of a whale?"

The end of the rope sank into the house on the small island. The inside of the house looked pitch black, making it difficult for people to see the scene inside.

The three of Rote, Zoro, and Sanji seemed to be talking casually, but in fact Everyone was on guard.

What they had seen since being swallowed by the whale was too strange.

Just when Usopp suggested that we should blow up the house with cannons first, an old man came from Walking out of the house, he glanced around at the people on the Meili with sharp eyes.

After the old man glanced at Lot and others, he didn't say anything, just pulled the rope and dragged the squid to the island, and then turned his eyes After being cast on the Meili, the two sides just looked at each other. No one spoke immediately, and the atmosphere seemed to become a little tense.

Several people on the Meili swallowed their saliva and lived in the belly of the whale. People don't think simple, and the old man stared at them without saying anything, and his appearance of an outsider made them dare not act rashly.

But then, the old man made a surprising move, I saw him suddenly walking under a coconut tree, lying down on the deck chair, reading the newspaper, looking very leisurely.

"Say something, you bastard!!"

Sanji was so driven crazy by this move that he shouted and questioned the old man.

"want…If there's a fight, we'll be with you!! asshole!!"

Usopp shouted at the old man with great force. In fact, he had already hid behind the three most capable people on the ship.

However, in the face of this provocation, the old man just looked at Lot and others calmly, and then He said in a low tone,"You'd better forget it, people will die.""

"…Ah? Who do you think will die?"

After hearing the old man's words, the faces of Lotso, Ryu, and Sanji became solemn. They all thought they had encountered a ruthless person. However, the old man's next words were,"It's me."

"You are talking about you!!!"

I was fooled!

I was completely fooled by this old man!!!

Sanji was so angry that he couldn't help but kick people!!

"Forget it, don't be impulsive…Hey, uncle, tell us who you are and where are you?"

Zoro stopped Sanji and asked with a harmless smile on his face.

"When asking others, it is polite to tell your family name first, right?"

The old man turned his attention to Sauron and said matter-of-factly.

"That's right, I'm Luo Luo——"

Following the old man's wishes, Zoro was about to say his name, but the old man interrupted directly,"I am Crocas, the keeper of the Twin Cape Lighthouse. I am 71 years old, Gemini, type AB." Not only did he When reporting your family, you also told your age, constellation, and blood type....

"I'm going to chop him!!!"

This time it was Zoro's turn to be unable to hold back any longer. He put his hand on the knife at his waist, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"You two should respect the old and love the young. As the old people get older, talking to them will always be a bit tiring."

Rot waved his hand to signal Zoro and Sanji to calm down, then looked at the old man with a smile who lowered his head to read the newspaper, and said softly:"Hello, old man, my name is Rote, and she is Na. Mei, these are Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp. Then we just crossed the Red Continent, and then we encountered a huge whale. After being swallowed by it, we came here. Can you tell us where this is?"

The old man raised his head and looked at Lot, who looked at him calmly and generously. The two looked at each other like this for two minutes, and Lot was very patient and did not rush him.

Old man, speaking slowly is normal, after all. No memory——

"This is my home"....

I dare you to look at me for so long just to say this!!

Lot, who kept a smile on his face, crushed the armrest with a click.

"don't be angry don't be angry"

"We understand how you feel."

Zoro and Sanji patted Lot's shoulders and comforted him. At this time, they understood Lot's mood very well.

"Old man, I'm really sorry. We came here accidentally. Can you tell us how to leave?"

This time it was Nami's turn, with a cute smile on her face

"Don't waste your time, this old man is sure——"

Lot waved his hand, hoping to stop Nami from wasting her efforts, but the old man answered directly as soon as Nami finished speaking.

"This is inside Rab's belly, and the exit is over there."

As he spoke, the old man pointed to a large iron gate not far away that looked like it was hanging in the sky.


"It is the name of the whale that swallowed you into its belly."

The old man and Nami answered each other fluently, and each question and answer seemed extremely harmonious.

"I hope you can speak well!!"

Feeling that they were being treated completely differently by the old man, the three people who had been fooled gritted their teeth and shouted in unison.

"It's actually in the whale's belly…"

"Look, those clouds and those seagulls are all painted!"

"It seems to be true…"

The three of them were not just chicken-bellied people. After a brief moment of anger, they put aside the old man's affairs and turned their attention to what was going on in the whale's belly.

"Wait, if this is the belly of a whale, isn't the Meili floating on stomach acid now?!!"

Nami realized something was wrong and her face became panicked.

"quick! Let's get out of here right now!"

After Nami's reminder, several other people also reacted and realized that something was wrong.

As a wooden ship, the Meili cannot withstand the erosion of stomach acid.

Naturally, there is no wind and waves in the whale's belly. Lot planned to do what he did in the windless zone again, and when he used wind escape to drive the Mellie, the entire hull began to shake violently, and the ocean made of stomach acid also became turbulent and churning.

"How…what happened?!"

"Isn't this the belly of a whale?"

Usopp yelled in confusion, holding on to the armrest tightly. He didn't want to be thrown into the stomach acid.

"It's starting, Rab is hitting the red soil again!"

The old man named Crocas suddenly said to himself with a solemn expression.

"Hit the Red Earth Continent?"

Nami shouted subconsciously.

Krocas didn't explain much, but jumped directly into the stomach acid. He didn't know why he went there.

"Did he just jump into stomach acid?!"

"Don't���He did it! Be ready to take the helm once Sanji and Zoro lower the sails, we have to leave!"

Rot grabbed Usopp who was holding on to the railing and leaning his head out to look at the ocean of stomach acid, and ordered him to go to work.


Usopp responded quickly and ran toward the rudder of the ship, while Lott ran behind the ship, preparing to use ninjutsu in advance.


Climbing to the mast, Sanji and Zoro each grabbed a rope and jumped off. The sails were deployed smoothly and Usopp was in place. Lot immediately started to use ninjutsu, and the Meili headed towards the big iron as fast as possible. They drove towards the gate.

However, after the Meili approached the big iron gate, they faced another problem, that is – they couldn't open the big iron gate!!

"In order to resist gastric acid corrosion, this door is made of steel from head to toe…."

"what to do? Even if it's blasted with a big cannon, it won't be able to open it…."

Several people gathered at the bow of the ship, looking at the towering iron gate with ugly expressions.

If we stay longer, the damage to the Meili's hull will be greater, and we might have to find a place for major repairs after we get out.

Just when everyone was worried about how to open the big iron door, several figures suddenly flew out from a small door next to the big iron door.


One of the several figures attracted Lot's attention. The figure wearing a straw hat looked so familiar.

"ah?! It's Lot!!"

Luffy, who was still in the air, heard Lot's voice and looked over. When he saw the Merry, his face suddenly became happy,"Great, you are all fine!!"

Luffy stretched out his arm and grabbed a certain part of the Merry, trying to pull him onto the Merry.

However, he forgot that there were two people in the air, and one of them He happened to be standing in front of him


No accident, Luffy slammed into the person blocking him. After the person screamed, he smashed towards the Merry at an extremely fast speed.


Lott, who was thinking about whether the small door could be used, heard the screams. As soon as he turned his sight, he saw a figure shooting towards him at the speed of a cannonball. He was unable to react in time with a full body of fire. The question mark on his head was directly knocked away.

The two of them rolled on the deck and flew out. They stopped when the back of Lot's head hit the back of the ship with a"clang".


Lott, who subconsciously wanted to shout out"It hurts", just opened his mouth, and felt something soft covering his entire face, and it suddenly became difficult to breathe.

Before he realized what had happened, his breathing became easier again. However, with a"pop" sound the next second, he was slapped on the face.


A woman's voice sounded in his ears.

Lot looked up and saw a blue-haired girl with a high ponytail crossing her arms and looking at him with a look of shame and anger.

This…This man actually opened his mouth just now!

"What are you doing?! woman! You'd better give me an explanation!"

Rotte, who was completely confused about the situation, just wanted an explanation.

"Why do you women like to slap others? So is the female navy in Rogge Town! I obviously didn't do anything!"

Feeling the burning pain on his cheek, he shouted angrily

"What do you think happened to the female navy in Rogge Town?! What did you do to her?!"

Nami grabbed Lot's cheek and pushed his face toward her, staring directly into Lot's eyes with horror.