
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 67

Early the next morning.

A large number of residents have already gathered on the shore of Cocosia Village, not to welcome the arrival of the navy, but to bid farewell to a group of pirates

"We are ready to get back to our old business, and we are all very grateful to you for your care these days!"

Johnny and Joseph stood on the shore in their iconic postures and said goodbye to Luffy and others on the boat.

"Isn't Miss Nami coming?!"

Sanji's focus is on the number of people already on the ship, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and him. There are only four people in total.

There are still two missing, Lot and Nami.

"Does that bastard Lot plan to stay here and live an enviable life with Miss Nami?!!"

When he thought of this possibility, Sanji's face was full of horror.


"Hello! I searched all over Jane's and couldn't find any other raw ham and cantaloupe!!"

Luffy focused more on the food. He pointed at Sanji and accused him. Yesterday, Sanji told him that there might be this food somewhere else, which made him look for it for almost half an hour at the end of the banquet.

"Hello! You bastard!"

At this moment, Lot appeared among them. When he jumped onto the boat, Sanji ran over to question him without stopping.

"Where is Miss Nami? Isn't she with you?!"

"Stay away from me, you dirty pufferfish!"

Looking at the curly eyebrows right in front of him, Lot pushed him away in disgust.

"I haven't seen her since I woke up this morning. How do I know where she is?"

What Lot said is of course the truth. Early in the morning, he went to the iron cage where Aaron was kept to confirm the situation. As he predicted last night, this fishman who had been doing evil for many years did not survive to see today. sun

"Isn't it because you dislike this perverted pufferfish and won't come?"

Zoro raised his hand and touched his chin, and said to Sanji with a mocking look on his face.

"What did you say?! Green algae head! Sanji looked at Zoro who was watching the show angrily,"If Miss Nami doesn't come, you won't have a share of any future meals on this ship!""

"Yossi, take your vote now and kick this garbage cook off the boat and let's find something else."

Sauron immediately said without politeness and matter-of-factly


Watching Sanji transfer his firepower to Zoro, Lot breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the shore.

Nami will definitely come. He is very confident, otherwise she wouldn't have said so much to him yesterday. As for why she came late, he doesn't know. Now he just needs to wait quietly.

"What! Did she keep all the money? That 100 million Baileys?"

There was a lot of noise on the boat, and Ajian and others on the shore looked shocked.

"Going on the road without taking a penny? That money was saved by Nami with all her life….."

"She said the money can be stolen again, so it doesn't matter…"Noqigao explained, with a helpless smile on her face:"I also advised her to take some with her, but she just didn't listen. She is a person who will never regret her words once she speaks them."

Just when they were guessing that Na Nami's voice echoed throughout the coast

"Hurry up and set sail!"

"She ran over, what was she going to do?"

Usopp looked curious.

"She told us to sail, but let's sail first."

Luffy made a decision immediately, lowered the canvas, and the Merry soon sailed away from the shore.

"This girl…Do you want to leave without saying goodbye without waiting for us to thank her?"

"Stop it! Little Nami! At least let us say thank you properly!!"

"Nami, wait!! We won't let you leave us without a word!!"

Ajian led the villagers to gather together and block the road to the Meili. Even if they were forced to do so, they must stop Nami.

But Nami's figure is extremely flexible, and the villagers in Cocosia Village They shuttled back and forth, and none of them could even touch Nami's shoulder with their hands, so she broke through the blockade, jumped high, and jumped onto the Meili.

Just when the villagers reached out to Nami and made When trying to save her, they saw Nami lift her clothes up a little with her hands, and then a bunch of wallets fell down.

"ah!! Huh? ? My wallet is missing!!"

"Mine is gone too!!"

"mine too!"

"And mine!!"

The villagers belatedly touched their pockets.

"Everyone, take care. laugh!"

Holding a Bailey between her hands, Nami looked back and showed a naughty and cute smile to the people on the shore.

"Little girl!! You are so brave!!"

The people in Cocosia Village shouted in unison

"You little thieving cat!!"

"Come back!!"

"Give me back my wallet!"

The scoldings of the villagers gradually changed.

"You are always welcome back!!"

"Take care!!"

"We thank you!!"

Ajian folded his arms and looked straight at Lot on the boat.

'Boy, don't forget your oath! '

Even though there was a considerable distance between the two parties, the meaning revealed in the other's eyes was clearly conveyed to Lot.

He didn't say much, he just gave the old father a thumbs up

"Goodbye everyone!! I am leaving!"

Getting further and further away from the shore, Nami raised her hand and showed a bright smile, saying her final farewell to the people of Cocosia Village.

"My sister really has hers."Nuo Qigao, who was sitting on the ground, looked at the shadow of Meili in the distance, with a helpless and doting smile on his face,"Then you should live happily!"


A few days later, the Meili sailed away from Cocosia Village and got closer and closer to the entrance of the Grand Route.

Today's Meili is still very lively.

As always, Lot separated several clones to practice. Since he was defeated by Hawkeye without any ability to fight back that day, Zoro's training time has also been lengthened. He, who was already the second most diligent person on the ship, chose to shorten his sleeping time. Try to synchronize the training time with Lot as much as possible.

In this regard, Lot just wanted to say that my child, you are still too young and do not have the talent of the Uzumaki clan. Not everyone can sustain the intensity of his training.

However, looking at Sauron's extremely serious expression and the oath he made that day, Lot did not say anything to undermine his confidence.

Nami said she disliked the sour smell of men's sweat, so she ran to the other side of the boat and took out a deck chair, lying on it leisurely and reading.

Sanji was attentive to the side, saying that he would protect Miss Nami's oranges to the death, and that he wanted to secretly steal one from the orange trees that Nami had transplanted from the orange orchard a few days ago. Got kicked down.

By coincidence, Luffy hit Usopp who was preparing chili oil bullets on the next deck, causing the latter to sprinkle the chili oil in the bottle into his eyes with a"pop" sound.

Usopp performed an acrobatic act on the spot where his eyes breathed fire, which is completely impossible for ordinary people to do. It would have been better if he ignored his screams.

"That kid was completely used by others…."

Zoro, who was wielding his sword, caught a glimpse of what was happening with Luffy out of the corner of his eye and immediately complained.

Lot said nothing about this, but concentrated on what to do with a water ball placed in his palm. The water ball kept deforming and looked like it was about to burst at any time.

The unstable form of the water ball did not last long. It exploded with a scream from Nami, and water splashed around.

The wet Lot looked speechlessly at Nami, who was holding the new newspaper she just bought and screaming"Ahhhhh!!"

And just earlier, in a conference room at the Navy Headquarters,——

"The clown Bucky is worth 15 million, the pirate fleet admiral leader Creek is worth 17 million, and the fish-man pirate group Jagged Aaron is worth 20 million!"

Every time he said a person's name, Lieutenant Commander Brannew of the Navy Headquarters slapped their corresponding reward list on the whiteboard.

"In the East China Sea, where the average bounty amount is 3 million Baileys, three super pirate groups with more than 10 million Baileys were crushed by them!"

Pressed the two new bounty lists on the whiteboard,"Straw Hat Luffy! Ninja Lot! The former has a bounty of 30 million, and the latter has a bounty of 20 million!"

On the new reward list, one shows Luffy in the ruins with his big white teeth exposed, and the other shows Lott wandering around with bandages all over his body at the banquet.

"This is absolutely unprecedented!

Especially this Lot, according to what the navy of the 25th branch lurking nearby saw, he ran on the sea in an incomprehensible way, got on the ship of the 16th branch and got off, and then ten Captain Mouse of the Sixth Branch drove the warship back to the base alone.

According to the subsequent investigation, he should have gathered all the sailors in the base together, then ignited the cannonballs that had been hidden in advance, and gathered the entire Navy of the Sixteenth Branch, including him.

Blast them all to death!


"Although there is no direct evidence, Colonel Mouse's mutation must be related to this Lot! In the battle with Aaron, he even showed the ability to split clones and control water. Straw Hat Luffy can also extend his arms and legs at will. These two pirates must have eaten devil fruits!"

"We must nip the bud of this evil in the cradle to prevent endless troubles!!"

Blannew said with a serious face.

Soon after the meeting ended, another naval admiral stood up, walked out of the room and shouted high-spiritedly towards the densely packed navy standing neatly in the square below:"You have no idea. People, you can back off now!! This is the fortress of peace in the Age of Pirates, and cowards are not allowed to exist!"

"The weakness of the people is not a sin!! Justice is here!!"

"As long as there are stubborn evil forces at sea, our navy must do our best to drive them out!!"

"In the name of [Absolute Justice]!"


The marines in the square responded loudly in unison.


"Hahaha!! We have become wanted criminals! There is still a reward of 30 million Baileys!!"

Luffy happily held up his reward list and showed off.

'20 million beli…'Lot also temporarily put aside his cultivation and looked at his reward list seriously.

It was reported in the newspaper that Luffy participated in the defeat of Clown Bucky, Pirate Admiral Creek, and Aaron's group. The events he participated in were very similar to Luffy's, except that Pirate Admiral Creek became the Sixteenth Destroyer. Branch

'It seems that someone still watched me get on that warship….'

Lot narrowed his eyes, but he didn't expect that there were other marines nearby at that time.

Soon, he had the same smile on his face as Luffy

"Look! My pictures are all over the world! Maybe it will fascinate many people!!"

Usopp pointed at the extremely small back of the head on the background of Luffy's bounty photo, and showed off to Sanji.

"It's just the back of the head! What's so great!"

Sanji sat with his hands on his knees, not looking at Usopp's expression of needing a beating.

"My bounty photos from now on will definitely be awesome! Let a bunch of beautiful girls in skirts and high heels chase me!"

"Hahaha! Do not be discouraged!"

Usopp comforted

"Get it quickly. You guys still don't know the seriousness of the matter. Our heads are being targeted!!"

Looking at the careless behavior of several people on the boat, Nami seemed worried.

"Now is not the time to take a leisurely stroll in the East China Sea!"

The turmoil caused by the reward list on the Meili was quickly interrupted by other things. Zoro, who had completed the training of swinging his sword ten thousand times today, was wiping the sweat on his body with a towel when he caught a glimpse of something in the distance. When I saw the shadow of the island, I reminded everyone on the lower deck.

"Saw it…"

As the navigator on the ship, Nami temporarily put down the bounty list and looked in the direction Zoro pointed,"I can see the island, that is to say…We are getting closer to the Grand Line!"

"There is a very famous town on that island, Roger Town, also known as the Town of Beginning and End. The former Pirate King Roger was born here and was executed in this town."

Listening to Nami's explanation, Luffy's expression became serious.

"This is where the Pirate King was executed…"

The place where the Pirate King was executed was the last island that could be encountered before entering the Grand Line. Naturally, Luffy could not miss it.

After pulling over to the shore, everyone decided to split up.

Luffy naturally wants to go to the execution platform, Nami wants to buy daily necessities, Sanji wants to buy some cooking materials, Usopp wants to buy some equipment that may be used in the battle, and Zoro wants to He went to buy two knives, but the battle with Hawkeye caused him to lose two knives. For him who is a three-sword style swordsman, his combat effectiveness has dropped by half.

Lot happened to want to buy a handy weapon, so he went with Sauron for the time being.

As for those who were unaware of the arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates, the atmosphere in the office of the top general guarding the navy in Rogge Town was a bit solemn.

In the office, the smoker Colonel, with a cigar dangling from his mouth, looked at the two figures in front of the desk with no sadness or joy on his face.

There is a man who wears a mask that makes it difficult to see his true face, and exudes a dark aura all over his body, and a girl with wavy long-haired Hailan-colored hair who is completely opposite to the former, youthful and beautiful but yet tough.

CP9 investigator of the World Government, and a recruit in the training regiment of Zefa, a former naval admiral of the headquarters.


He blew out a puff of smoke from his mouth. Colonel Smoker didn't want to see anyone from CP9 here.