
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
106 Chs

Chapter 29

Lot wanted to refuse, but looking at the bright eyes of the two people, it was really hard to refuse, so he finally agreed.

Until the fish was almost cooked, the two of them were still happily copying the cat and tiger seals, then slapped the ground and shouted"Water Release! Water Dragon Bullet Technique!".

Of course, without chakra they definitely can't create anything.

Even so, the two of them still felt very handsome, and they kept taking turns performing for the other person, laughing from time to time.

'At this point, the current atmosphere of the enemy is gone! Nami looked at the two big boys who looked like two children on a spring outing, and couldn't help but complain in her heart.

The fish was cooked, and the two of them, who were a little hungry after playing so much, were finally willing to sit down and eat.

"According to what you said, the leader of the group of pirates' plan to attack the village was the housekeeper, so why not just go to the villa and kill him?"

Nibbling on the fish, Lot expressed his doubts to Usopp.

Usopp was silent for a moment and then said:

"no…I have already made Keya very sad. I rushed over to beat Krahatr without any evidence. Keya will definitely try her best to stop us. I don't want her to…Hurt…"

"We have prevented the pirates from landing here. Karahatl will definitely come to check. Then we will defeat him, and then…Then he told Keya that he had something to do when he went back to his hometown and would not come back. Even if she suspects me and hates me later, it doesn't matter…."

"Ah, it seems you like that girl very much~"

Nami covered her mouth and smiled.

"have…Have it?"

Usopp blushed and touched the back of his head with some embarrassment.


Seeing Usopp acting coquettishly like a delicate girl, Lotton felt a little nauseous and quickly moved away from him.

If it were a girl, like Nami, putting on such a shy expression, she would definitely be charming, but if she put it on the face of a man with a long nose, round eyes and thick lips, Lott would feel chills standing on his head. Woke up.

But is it really possible for Nami to have such a shy expression?

Lot looked at the girl who was eating fish.

Recalling the terrifying posture of turning into a female devil when angry, Lot quickly retracted his thoughts and couldn't help but tremble all over.

No, I can't imagine her putting on such an expression.

Gazes and thoughts are fleeting, but Lot underestimated a woman's sixth sense

"…..I don't know why, but I just felt like someone was belittling me in my heart. Do you know what's going on?"

Nami asked Lot with a harmonious smile on her face. Her sweet appearance and angelic smile made people feel as if their souls had been washed.

But the premise is that she ignored her already… Precisely grasped Lot's soft little hand on his waist

"No…have no idea…"

Lot's eyes wandered and he answered guiltily.

"I'll give you a break today."

Fortunately, it seems that because there was a fierce battle next, Nami didn't really pinch her, and chose to let Lot go.

After eating the grilled fish, it was almost two hours before dawn, and it was impossible to sleep. Everyone Then he returned to the oil pool and stood ready.

But Lot was still not lazy. While on the slope guarded by his main body, he separated a clone to practice ninjutsu and seals at the back. He just waited until the sky dawned, let alone a pirate. , not even a ghost.

Instead, Lot vaguely heard a very noisy sound coming from the north.

"Hey, I heard howling sounds from the north. Are they really going to land here?"

Rotte couldn't help but ask.

Then Nami also said that she heard a sound coming from the north.

"ah? Usopp looked startled, and then showed an expression of sudden realization. He punched the palm of his right hand with his left hand and said,"I saw them discussing plans here and thought they would land here. It turns out it's in the north~ over there." There is indeed a place where you can log in"

"Go quickly! Otherwise, they will be in trouble when they enter the village! How to get to the north?"

"Just walk north along this path from here and you'll be there in three minutes! The terrain there is the same as here! Just intercept them on the ramp!"


The impatient Luffy ran out immediately after Usopp pointed out the direction, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Usopp also ran to the north behind him.

Zoro didn't think much and started running too.

"Oh no!! Our ship is also on the north side of the sea! My treasure will be robbed!!"

Belatedly, Nami thought of the ship, and a look of horror suddenly appeared on her face.

"hurry up!!"

Nami's feet were instantly full of strength, but as soon as she took the first step, she accidentally stepped on a pebble and instantly lost her balance and slipped. Unfortunately, the place where she slipped was the paved road. Oily road!

What's more unfortunate is that in her panic, she caught Lot who was a step behind when she fell, and brought him down with her.

"What are you doing?!"

Rotte turned his head in shock and looked at the woman who was pulling on his trousers and leading him down.

The road was oily and it was too slippery. He was not prepared to be pulled down like this and it was difficult to stand up immediately.

"Pull me up quickly!! My treasure is going to be robbed by those pirates!!"

Nami shouted.

Seeing that this woman was still worried about her treasure at this time, Lot's eyes almost popped out.

"You can even walk on a 90-degree cliff, so this kind of oil road must be no problem!"

"You also have to loosen my trousers before I can stand up!!"

Seeing that his whole body was brought to the asphalt road, Lot also became anxious.

He can use both hands now, but he has never learned how to use his hands to condense chakra and use his feet to"dip" on the steep road. What a technique to achieve that kind of effect on the terrain!!

"If I let go, I would fall!!"

"Take my hand!"

Lot said and stretched out his hand towards Nami, who immediately grabbed it without hesitation. With his feet freed, Lot pulled Nami to a place parallel to himself, and then used his feet and waist at the same time, After sliding down a distance, he stood up smoothly. The chakra condensed on the soles of his feet also took effect instantly, allowing him to stand still on the slippery oil road.

After squatting down and picking up Nami in a princess hug, he gave a big jump. Jumping out of the oil trap.

Nami in her arms immediately forgot about what happened just now, put her hands around Lot's neck, and gave orders with a serious face:"Well done! Now, hurry up and go to the east to protect my treasure!"

"Get down first!!!"


"people…Where are people?"

Usopp, who had arrived in the north, hid behind a tree and stared blankly at the large group of pirates climbing up the slope in front of him. He blinked his round eyes.

Not to mention the few people behind him, why were they running in front of him? Luffy—— is also gone!!