
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 27

"Karahatl!! You've gone too far!! Apologize to Usopp!!"

Keya's voice suddenly raised several pitches, and her face, which was originally only slightly rosy, could now be seen that there was something obvious Angry.

The usually soft and frail woman was angry for the first time

"Is it necessary to apologize to such a person?"

However, Krahatl just pushed the frame of his glasses with his palm and continued to stimulate Usopp:"To be honest, you are so pitiful. You must really hate that money-grubbing father who abandoned your family and his children!"

"Don't insult my dad again!!"

Usopp said with a low face.

"Angry? At this time, you should use your bragging characteristic. For example, your father is out doing business, or that person is not your biological father.——"


At this moment, Usopp could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He shouted"Enough" and punched Krahatr in the face.


Everything happened so fast that Keya covered her mouth

"Look, he is always rude to others. Like father, like son."

Karahatl wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and continued to mock.

"I am proud to have a pirate dad!!! I am proud that he is a brave sea warrior!!!"

Usopp's voice was so loud that Luffy, who was closest to him, couldn't help but dig his ears.

"You are right! I am a braggart!!"

"But I am proud to have the blood of pirates in me!! I will never hide this!!"

"I am the son of a pirate!!"

When he shouted these words, Usopp seemed to have exhausted all his strength and gasped for air.

"Pirates are brave sea warriors? It's really the biggest joke in the world!"

Karla Hartl pushed up the frame of his glasses and continued:"I'm bragging irresponsibly all day long. In the end, isn't it just because I want to get close to my young lady deliberately for property?!"

"What did you say? I…."

"Just because your dad is a pirate…I have reason to suspect that you are the same bastard!!"

"How dare you say that!!"

His most beloved father was humiliated one after another. Usopp grabbed Krahatel's collar and raised his fist again.

"enough! Usopp, stop being violent!!"

But this time, Keya stopped her.

At this time, the corners of the girl's eyes were already full of tears, and they could fall at any time.

"Krahatl is not a bad person…He said this all because of me…"

Keya covered her eyes, making it difficult to see clearly


The raised fist tightened again and again, but finally did not fall. Usopp let go of the butler's collar.

"Get out! This is no longer a place for barbarians like you! You are not allowed to come near this house again!"

However, the latter said again.

This time, Usopp did not move his fist again, but just turned around

"What's so great! If you don't tell me, I will go out and I will never come back here again!!"

After saying that, he left without looking back. He never looked at Keya again from beginning to end.

"You bastard butler! The captain is not that kind of person!!"

"no!! You bastard!!"


Seeing Usopp being pissed off, Carrot Head, Green Pepper Head, and Onion Head couldn't help but rushed out and yelled at Krahatl.



Lott, who was thinking about things, heard Luffy's voice. He looked over and found that this guy also looked indignant and wanted to fight with the butler.

"Why are you joining in the fun!!"

Rotte grabbed his collar and was a little speechless.

This is someone else's private matter. How can you, a pirate, join in the fun?

The current situation is that both parties have completely broken up. From the current point of view, the ship matter must not be mentioned again. So Nami dragged the three children, Lotus dragged Luffy, and everyone left the luxurious villa.

"What's wrong?"

On the way back to the village, Nami noticed that Lot had been looking thoughtful, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Too strange"

"Too strange?"

"Um."Root nodded and held up the non-existent glasses frame with his palm,"Have you ever seen someone push up the glasses frame like this?"


Nami thought for a moment, shook her head and replied.

"That's how the butler held up his glasses. He held up his glasses five times since we met him, and he made this gesture every time. Moreover, his eyes were so sharp that he seemed to be targeting Usopp, but he was actually observing him all the time. All of us seem to be used to being in control of the overall situation, plus we seem to take the spotlight in front of the eldest daughter of his family….It's so weird."

Rotter summarized some of the strange things he found about the butler.

"Luffy, how about——"

He was about to discuss what to do next with Luffy, but when he turned his head, he only saw Zoro who kept yawning, and Luffy was long gone.

"What about the fool?!"

Lot immediately asked Sauron.

"Him…He said he was going to find Usopp. Zoro said casually


Lot felt his eyes twitching.

Back in the village, Luffy was not there, and there was no way to discuss what to do next, so Lot immediately said that he had to do something, and then the two groups separated.

When he first entered the village, Lot observed that there was something he wanted in this village.

So I quickly found the location – a blacksmith shop.

He showed the kunai and shurikens that he had taken out from the sealed scroll to the strong man inside, and asked,"Can you make these weapons here?" There were several kunai and shurikens in the sealed scroll. Shuriken and some clothing or equipment used by ninjas were just used as souvenirs by Lot. These things are extremely easy to be damaged if used.

The strong man just glanced at it casually and nodded to express that he could build it.

"how long it takes?"

"Depends on how many you need to build"

"Let's get ten of each kind first"

"Then three days"

"three days…"

Lot didn't know how long their group would stay in this village, but just in case, he still said:"I'll give you double the price and help me build it as quickly as possible. How about it?""

"Yes, as soon as one day."

The double price made the strong man immediately decide to postpone some orders that were not very urgent and could not make much profit. He explained some details to the strong man, paid the deposit, and kept the kunai and shuriken as reference molds. Roth I planned to go back to find Nami and the others.

But on the way, I encountered some unexpected things.