
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
106 Chs

Chapter 15

"Shut up!"

The hair accessory he was proud of was teased by everyone one after another, making Moltke furious. However, remembering Captain Bucky's order, he resisted the urge to kill and asked,"Go to Roronoa Zoro." Where is it?"

"I won't tell you, just a little bit——"

Luffy made a face at him

"Why are the two people still provoking?!!"

This scene shocked Nami and the mayor's uncle who were peeking around the corner not far away.

The lion's paws are bigger than its head. It's not easy to mess with at first sight!!

Isn't it better to just give in? Those two Idiot!

Just when the two of them were praying for Moltke to leave quickly, Moltke, who lost his patience, suddenly ordered the lion under his butt to attack. Under the horrified eyes of the two people, the huge lion jumped on the cage. and then chewed the iron cage into pieces.

Just when Luffy was happy that he could get out of the cage, the lion launched a pursuit and slapped the former, causing him to be blown away like a cannonball. He crashed into a house.

Then, the house collapsed and Luffy disappeared.

"Aren't you going to run away?"

Looking at Luffy who was slapped away, Lot's expression remained unchanged. He just glanced at the puppy still squatting on the spot and asked.

Luffy was a rubber man with rough skin and thick flesh. The blow just now looked real. It's quite scary, but it probably doesn't hurt at all for him.


As if Pain understood Lot's words, the puppy barked, determination revealed in its eyes.

It will defend this place to the death!

"So, just hold on until I or Luffy come back."

Lot smiled, and then said something that was difficult for the puppy to understand.

The next second after, the lion's paw fell on Lot.

It was like being patted into meat paste, and the lion's big paw pressed When it finally touched the ground, the huge force caused cracks to appear on the ground.


Nami, who had been watching, had her eyes widened, and grief could not help but appear deep in her eyes.

Dead, just like that?

That bastard just died like that?

The force could send a living person flying and destroy a building. She didn't think anyone could survive.

She didn't know why she was so sad, he was just a bastard who saved her life and then betrayed him to become a pirate.

Is it because you witnessed the death of a friend with whom you had a relatively good relationship?….

Nami thought about this, and some tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.


The mayor's uncle patted Nami on the shoulder and comforted her.

"Walk! Let's go see the kid who was knocked away. It would be best if he is still alive."

After that, the mayor's uncle took Nami's wrist, but the latter didn't resist and let him pull her away....

"snort! This is the fate of those who don't know how to appreciate others!"

After killing the last guy who laughed at him, Mao Qi felt very happy, but as the lion moved its paw away, he was stunned. The expected meat paste did not exist, but nothing!!

"Woof woof woof!!"

The roar of the puppy brought Mao Qi's attention back.

He looked at the puppy that roared at him and the shop behind it, and decided to put aside the weird thing about the kid's disappearance for the time being, and sneered:"You don't want me to Go in? Just because you are a puppy? I didn't want to go in, but now I decided to destroy this store!"


But before the lion could see it, a Xiuxiu with big paws pounced on him, and as expected, he was slapped away by the lion.


Xiuxiu, with a few blood stains on her body, got up slightly tremblingly, and pounced on the lion again.

Peng – no surprise, it was slapped away again


But it got up again and took an offensive stance towards the lion.

'Then, before I come back from the hospital, you must take a good look at this store~"

The owner's voice seemed to echo in her ears, and Xiuxiu rushed forward again.

———— a few minutes later

"It was really unlucky that the little beast was looking so closely, thinking there was some treasure inside, but it turned out to be just a few bags of dog food."

Maoqi said in an unusually unhappy tone as he walked towards the pirate group's station, while the lion under his butt was gnawing on a bag of dog food snatched from that store.

After wasting so much time, he found a few bags of dog food. , I haven't completed the captain's mission, and I still have to think about how to explain it to the captain.

I don't know where Roronoa Zoro went….

Mao Qi was thinking to himself. Suddenly, a chill came over him. He subconsciously raised his head and observed his surroundings. The lion, whose senses were more acute than his, sensed the danger earlier and left the place with a big jump.

Dang – a short knife was inserted into the place where the lion had just jumped away. It is conceivable that if it had been a step slower, the knife would have been inserted into it or Mao Qi.


Mao Qi shouted in shock.

The next moment, a figure appeared, pulled out the short knife stuck on the ground, and then looked at Mao Qi.

The latter's face also changed at this moment, because what appeared in front of him, It was Lot who had just been slapped with the lion's paw by his order, but disappeared!!

Was it some strange blinding method or was he a person with devil fruit abilities?

"What an unfortunate coincidence…I actually bumped into you on the road. It seems I can only kill you first…."

Holding the dagger across his chest, Lot looked at Mao Qi, who was waiting for him, and said in a calm tone.

Although he had just come from the refuge in the village in his true form, he basically understood what happened on the island through the information fed back by his clone.

Glancing at the pet food packaging bag that the lion had just dropped on the ground when he jumped away in a hurry, Lot's eyes suddenly turned cold. If he remembered correctly, the icon on the bag was the guardian puppy named Xiuxiu. pet food store icon

"snort! Did the brazen brat use a blind trick to escape a blow, and then choose to die again?"

Mao Qi, who was stared at by Lot's cold eyes, felt that his heart was hairy, but he still pretended to be calm and mocked.

"I hope your body is as hard as your mouth——"

Facing the enemy's provocation, Lot replied calmly and threw the short knife in his hand at the same time.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

The dagger left his hand, and Lot began to form seals. When the dagger flew halfway, it split from one into ten.


Originally, he was about to laugh at Lot's clever operation of throwing weapons, but when he saw the dagger suddenly split from one to ten, Mao Qi realized that something was wrong and quickly controlled the lion to avoid it. ——A dozen daggers were thrust into the ground one after another. The lion dodged most of them, but a few of them still made several wounds on its body.


The blood and pain inspired the lion's animal nature. It roared, opened its mouth wide, revealing its huge fangs, and then rushed towards Lot.

The two sides were less than a hundred meters apart, and in that huge figure With the speed advantage brought by it, within a few breaths, the lion came to Lot's body, its huge mouth aimed at Lot's head, and it looked like it was determined to bite off the latter's head for food.

The foul-smelling breath penetrated into his nose, causing Lot to frown slightly. While dodging the attack, he gently raised his right hand holding the knife, causing a wound to appear on his left eye, and blood splattered everywhere.

The severe pain made the lion subconsciously cover its injured left eye with its paws after it stopped. Seeing this, Lot didn't waste any time and quickly formed seals with his hands again.

���After finishing the last seal, Lot stretched out two fingers, put them in front of his mouth, and then exhaled suddenly

"Wind escape! Big breakthrough!"