
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 106

Not long after returning to the Meili, although a banquet had already been held on Mount Cigum, the Straw Hat Pirates held another one specifically to celebrate the joining of their new partners. Several plates of food, several glasses of wine and drinks, The boat was filled with laughter and laughter.

Chopper's integration was also smooth. Although he was new here, he was already mingling with Luffy and Usopp, doing funny dances with his chopsticks against his lower lip and nose.

Taking the glass of wine poured by Zoro, Lot was about to drink it when Nami's elongated"um" from her throat made him put the glass down obediently and pick up a drink. Zoro's mocking only lasted for less than half a second, and he was too stupid to say anything with several big bags on his head.

Nami took the opportunity to praise Chopper's abilities, but Luffy and Sanji were extremely surprised when they heard that Chopper knew medical skills.

"You don't even know that he has medical skills, so why did you invite him in the first place?"

Nami asked a little speechlessly.

"Because he is a funny reindeer that can transform into seven stages!"

"Because it can be used as food during extraordinary times!"

Luffy and Sanji replied seriously, which scared Chopper into a cold sweat.

"Oops!! I escaped in a hurry and forgot to bring my medical tools!"

Chopper, who was so frightened that he wanted to find a place to hide, suddenly remembered that he didn't bring a doctor's most important tool with him when he came down from the top of the mountain, and he was shocked.

"Um? So what is this? on the sled…I thought this was your medical tool…"

Nami picked up one and took it with her"X"Marked backpack, asked curiously

"My backpack!"Chopper took the backpack with a surprised look on his face, and then rummaged through it. He found that the items inside were all the medical tools he had been using and some herbs that were useful for most ailments.

"Didn't you put this yourself?"

"no…It was the doctor Dori who put it there…"

Chopper's expression became complicated, and he sat down against the side of the ship….He always thought that Doctor Dolly would not let him go, but in fact, she even packed the things he needed to take when going out.

"That doctor put it in?…It seems that she has already seen through your mind…."

Nami also sat down next to Chopper and said with emotion:"What a great person…"


Chopper didn't speak, he just looked at the pile of medical tools in his backpack in a daze.


On the next day, everyone's life on the Merry returned to its usual peace. Luffy was lying on the bow of the ship basking in the sun, Sanji was busy in the kitchen, Nami and Vivi were leaning on the side of the ship to watch the scenery, and Zoro was Waving hundreds of kilograms of dumbbells, Chopper is grinding some medicinal herbs.

"Lot, um, can you – what are these things?"

Usopp seemed to have come to see Lot with something, but when he saw Lot sitting on a pile of test tubes filled with various liquids, he subconsciously asked

"Genetically modified agents."

Rotte replied as he took out the last test tube from the sealing scroll. On a whim today, he wanted to count what was in the space sealing scroll. This scroll was when he entered the wood industry's laboratory. Later, he spent a year's salary to buy it from a ninja shop. He would put anything in it that he thought was worth keeping. Most of it was some experimental results. After putting it away for so many years, he himself didn't know the details inside. There's something there.

Now that I'm counting, most of them are failed genetically modified potions that were made in order to allow myself to extract chakra. There are almost 30 of them in total.

"Genetic modification potion! Usopp exclaimed, but in the next second he regained his composure, tilted his head and asked,"What is the genetic modification potion?""

"You don't know what you're excited about—forget it, the so-called genetic modification medicine can change the genes in your body after being injected, allowing you to do things you couldn't do before, such as becoming stronger and improving your eyesight. Be extremely excellent or grow animal limbs."

Rotter patiently explained

"Amazing! So what can these potions do? Will it make me physically stronger? Or will it make my eyesight better?!"

Usopp immediately became excited, but Lot's words directly extinguished his inner enthusiasm.

"Unfortunately, none of these potions can achieve the effect you mentioned. Usopp had no interest at all at the moment, but Lot's next words made him excited again:"These potions can only give people a body that can refine chakra.""

"A body that can refine chakra!!"

Two voices sounded at the same time.


Luffy suddenly appeared next to Usopp, startling Lott. Looking at the flash in their eyes, he understood what they were thinking.

These two people have been coveting his cool-looking ninjutsu for a long time. However, Lott made it clear very early that their bodies cannot refine chakra and even if they form those seals, it is impossible to release ninjutsu.

And now there are a bunch of potions in front of them that allow them to extract chakra. It's strange that they are not excited.

"Don't think about it, these medicines were created based on my genes, and my technology was immature at the time, and their general applicability and effectiveness were very low. In addition, these medicines were failures, and I might only feel uncomfortable after injecting them. For a while, even if you can get a body with refined chakra by injecting it, you will soon die suddenly~"

After speaking, Lot's voice suddenly turned gloomy:"First, I started vomiting due to a severe rejection reaction.

, whole body spasms, followed by organ failure, immune system collapse, and pustules begin to form on the skin.

These pustules will make you feel itchy everywhere on your body, but don't think about scratching them, because once those pustules burst, they will It will spurt out pus and blood, and it will become more and more itchy, and you can't help but scratch it.

Eventually, the skin all over your body will become tattered, and you will die in pain~"

These symptoms are actually exaggerated. It's half true, but some of it did appear in the experimental animals that were injected by Lot. In short, they will definitely die in the end.


Lot's words made Usopp and Luffy have goosebumps all over their bodies. In their eyes, those potions suddenly turned into poisons that they could not touch.

"Throw them away, Lot!"

"You actually carry such a dangerous thing with you! So vicious!"

"..."Looking at the frightened two people, Lot was speechless for a while:"As long as you don't inject these things directly into your blood vessels stupidly, you will be fine even if you drink them. Oh, by the way, these things actually taste like drinks. It's almost the same, but the taste is a bit weird. Do you want to try it?"

"No way!"

Luffy and Usopp quickly waved their hands and refused. Although Lott promised that nothing would happen, they didn't want to touch it at all.

"Um? What are these two things? It looks so different."

After a brief panic, Usopp, who calmed down, noticed that among these potions, two stood out.

One was filled with blue liquid, with a piece of red fluorescence soaked in it. The piece of meat is filled with an ominous atmosphere, and one of them emits light green fluorescence, giving people a sense of vitality, which is completely opposite to the piece of meat in front.

"This is a tailed beast introduction – just think of it as something that will turn you into a monster after you eat it. As for whether you will still be rational after becoming a monster, you may not know."

The tailed beast introduction, which condenses the flesh and blood essence of the nine tailed beasts, is another experimental project in his and Orochimaru's plan to deal with the Otsutsuki crisis – the artificial tailed beast.

The power of the tailed beast mode lies in Naruto and Kirabi It can be vividly reflected in the Jinchuriki, but unfortunately, the perfect tailed beast mode is extremely difficult even for the Jinchuriki himself to master.

In addition to having a tailed beast on his body, he must also be connected to the tailed beast's mind.

Only in this way can the power of tailed beast mode be fully unleashed.

In order to simplify the premise of use, he and Orochimaru thought that it would be better to directly let a ninja become a tailed beast, and this is how the tailed beast introduction appeared. It is a pity that this The project can be said to have failed in the end. In order to use this tailed beast primer, you must have a large amount of chakra with negative emotions to activate it, as well as the physical body and willpower that can resist these negative emotional chakras after activation.

Once If the body or willpower is not up to standard, either the body will be burst by the power of the tailed beast and die, or it will become an irrational half-tailed beast, half-human monster with not even one-tenth of the power of the tailed beast.

The project has never been able to achieve a breakthrough. It was temporarily shelved. This potion was kept by him as a souvenir.


The two of them immediately stayed away from the red meat.

"As for this green fluorescent one, it is extracted from the cells of a strong man. Injecting it can use his ability, provided that you will not turn into a big tree."

Rotte picked up the reagent that exuded light green fluorescence and spoke concisely. He looked at it with a slightly regretful look. This was what the ANBU found from Danzo's underground base after his death. Wood Industry The higher-ups thought it might be useful, so they gave one of them to him to see if the reagent could be improved.

But as the strongest user of Wood Release, it was not easy to possess his power. In the end, he didn't even have the reagent. He has made great progress.

In short, the red and green reagents sound very deceptive, but he does not dare to use any of them.

"Amazing! So, Lot, are you still a scientist?! The conversation between the three attracted the attention of Chopper, who was grinding herbs not far away."And strengthening and transforming the body, doesn't this have almost the same effect as my blue wave ball? By the way, Lot, My blue wave ball has some shortcomings. Can you see if it can be fixed?——"

"It's a pity that my knowledge is based on another system and requires the assistance of some high-precision instruments. If you ask me to study and improve your blue wave ball in the current environment, I may create a three-dimensional problem. Something like that comes."

Lot's words directly cut off Chopper's thoughts.

(Scientist? Could Lot have been a scientist before??)

However, some of their words were listened to by Nami, which suddenly aroused her curiosity. She I often went to Green Town to look for Lot, but I had never seen him do anything befitting a scientist.

"Nami, look! The color of the sea over there is so beautiful! How was it formed?!"

At this moment, Weiwei's voice of surprise drew Nami's attention. After looking in the direction she pointed, she explained the principle of the formation of the color of the sea over there. In addition to these in the seal scroll The remaining items of the failed reagent have no practical value. They are all commemorative items, such as birthday gifts from some friends.

After throwing away some unnecessary things, Lot will take them out. Everything was put back one by one.

At this time, Luffy had already lost interest and returned to the bow of his ship.

"By the way, Usopp, why did you come to me in the first place?"

After tidying up, Lott remembered what Usopp seemed to have come to him for in the first place, and added that he hadn't left like Luffy yet, so he asked

"This one…Actually, I want to ask you if you can make me stronger. Usopp

's expression suddenly became a little twisted,"I heard that you became so strong in about a month after going to sea, so I wanted to ask if you could make me stronger too, of course!" I don't need to be as strong as you, just make me a little stronger than myself now!"

"...."Lot's expression suddenly became strange.

"Look, don't we just have to meet each other next?���Has a king conquered the Shichibukai? certainly! I am not afraid of him! Just for safety…"

Thinking that Lot was dissatisfied with what he said, he quickly explained

"Don't worry, I'm just a little surprised that you actually want to become stronger. I invited you to exercise together before, but you immediately rejected it. Now that you want to become stronger, I'm quite pleased, but you want to be like me. It's impossible to make a significant improvement in strength in a short period of time, and I can't do it without that reagent, but I can still teach you some combat skills."

Rotter thought for a while and decided to teach Usopp some fighting skills that he had learned out of interest when he was still a student.

"Very good! Thank you! Lot!"

Seeing Lot agreeing to teach him, Usopp exclaimed happily.

Luffy's fighting style relies entirely on his rubber body. Zoro's swordsmanship and Sanji's kicking skills both require long-term efforts. None of them applied to his situation at this moment. He finally came to ask after he thought that in addition to open ninjutsu, Lot was also good at close combat.

"Let me look at your basics first."

Rot asked Usopp to stand still, and then began to give instructions.

"Stand up straight with your feet 15 degrees apart, the same as shoulder width, and then squat slightly, okay, you did a good job"

"Then punch."

Usopp, who was on horseback, punched out. This punch didn't seem to have any strength.

"….Give me a side kick"

"Hey! Wow!"

"….Okay, you can start teaching now, I can't teach you anything anymore."

After seeing that he just stood for a while and then kicked himself down because of his sore legs, Lot immediately said

"Don't give up on me so easily!!"

Usopp quickly ran onto Lot's lap.