
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 105

"Hasn't Nami's illness been cured? She's had a big meal, why haven't she left yet?"

On the balcony of the castle, Lot and Zoro each held a bottle of wine and looked at the big full moon in the sky. Chatting while drinking

"There was no way, the doctor's mother-in-law said that Nami would have to stay here for two days of observation before she could leave. The injuries on me, Luffy and Sanji were not completely healed, so she refused to let us go."

Rotte shook his head and said helplessly.

"reindeer! Where are you?!"

Luffy's voice reached the ears of the two of them from below.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Luffy is looking for Chopper's reindeer to be our partner, do you know?"

Halfway through the banquet, Luffy, who had eaten and drank enough, realized that Chopper was not around, so he started his journey to find a partner again, which lasted until the evening, which was enough to show his persistence.

"You know, it was told to us when we first came here, but we haven't found it yet? Is that Chopper so good at hiding?"


Lot silently lowered his head and looked at Luffy, who was looking like a headless fly on the snow below. After thinking about it, veins suddenly popped up on both sides of his eyes. He raised his head and scanned around before pointing in a certain direction. Luffy below shouted:"Luffy! He is behind a big rock about 500 meters away in your 9 o'clock direction!"

"oh! OK! Thanks! Lot!"

Luffy didn't even ask Lot why he knew Chopper was there. After responding, he happily ran towards him in the 9 o'clock direction.

"you…What happened to those eyes? And are you okay?"

Looking at Lot who had returned to normal but covered his eyes with one hand, Zoro asked curiously.

He had never seen Lot showing such a posture before about the sudden burst of veins.

"It's just a new ability…I'm still a little uncomfortable with it now, and my eyes feel a little uncomfortable…."

Lot waved his free hand towards Zoro to show that he was fine. The swelling was gradually subsided, and he tried to slowly open his eyes.

If there is someone from the ninja world here, he will definitely know immediately what ability Lot just used, and then exclaim"White Eyes".

Yes, this is the Byakugan of the Konoha Hyuga clan. It is due to the Byakugan's farsightedness and perspective that he can find where Chopper is hiding after seemingly casually scanning the distance.

The appearance of the white eyes was beyond Roth's expectation. In his vague impression, this feeling first appeared during the day. In order to frighten the group of rabbits, he forcibly turned on the writing function despite being extremely mentally unstable. Wheel Eye, at that moment, he briefly saw some of the internal structures of the rabbit.

I thought it was just a hallucination caused by mental weakness, but I didn't expect that he actually turned on his white eyes when he tried it just now.

He was becoming more and more curious about how the genetic modification potion could strengthen him. Although he and Orochimaru were both the creators of the potion, they had not had time to conduct a clinical experiment. I don't know what kind of effect this potion can achieve in the end.

"I said to you, you are already sick, why are you still drinking? Look how uncomfortable you are again!"

Nami came with an accusing voice, and she saw Weiwei coming to the balcony behind her. Apparently

, she took Lot's behavior of covering her eyes just now as a headache caused by drinking.

Before he could wait, After Te explained, Nami looked at Zoro with a fierce expression and threatened:"If you dare to instigate Lot to drink in the past few days, the money you owe me will be doubled!"

"Nani! It's none of my business! Zoro was so shocked that he spat out the wine he had just drank in his mouth.

It was obviously Lot who suddenly came to the balcony to look for him with two bottles of wine!

"Okay, you don't have to say anymore——"Nami raised her hand to stop Zoro from trying to explain, and her voice suddenly became softer,"Quick! Let's leave now. That Dr. Gureva has gone to move things, and he won't have time to take care of us in a short time!""

Speaking of this, Nami was also a little angry.

When she first woke up, Dr. Gureva said that if they could take Chopper away, he would be able to leave without having to stay here until he recovered. But now that Luffy was about to invite Chopper on the ship, she seemed to have changed. Personally, she would never let Chopper go to sea with them.

"However, Luffy still invited Chopper down below."

Rotte pointed to the figure on the snow below and said.

At this moment, Chopper, who was being chased, suddenly stopped, turned around suddenly and shouted to Luffy who was running towards him:"I am very grateful. Your invitation! but——"

Luffy, who was laughing and running wildly, immediately stopped, his face slowly calmed down, and he looked at Chopper

"But, I am a reindeer! With horns, and hooves, and a blue nose!!"

Pulling up his courage, Chopper told him all the characteristics that made him regarded as a monster by the outside world. At this time, after Nami's instructions, Usopp and Sanji sneaked out of the castle..Now

, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was present, and they all looked at Chopper quietly.

"I really want to be a pirate! But I'm not [human]'s partner!! I'm a monster!!"

Chopper's eyes were filled with gratitude, and at the same time his eyes were filled with tears. He continued to shout:"I can't be your partner!! so…I'm grateful, thank you for inviting me, but…"

At this point, Chopper's voice suddenly became softer, with a sense of loneliness at the same time:"I will stay here forever. If you have the opportunity in the future, you are welcome to come here again."——"

Before he could finish his words, Luffy raised his arms and shouted to the sky:"Stop talking!! Come with me!!""

"…How can anyone say someone else is verbose when inviting them?…"

Zoro complained, and Lot and Nami next to him showed helpless but understanding expressions. Their captain was like this.

Luffy's words seemed to open some valve, and the tears accumulated in Chopper's eyes flowed out, and he shouted with a voice comparable to Luffy:"Oh!!"

[Can you cure his heart disease? ]

Nami remembered what Gureva had said to her during the day. Looking at the scene on the snow, she understood that Chopper's heart disease had actually been cured long ago. It seemed that he had been rejecting Luffy's invitation, but in fact he was just missing the last step. For sure.

And what Luffy is doing now has undoubtedly completed this last step.


Ten minutes later, all members of the Straw Hats gathered on the snow. Luffy and Usopp were playing with building snowmen, while Chopper, who had just been invited on board, went to say goodbye to the doctor. After saying goodbye, he would Set off with them immediately.

In the castle, Gureva returned to the ward from the warehouse and saw that there was only one Dalton left in the room. She was not surprised at all, but her eyes suddenly dimmed a little. It seemed that it was time for her silly son to set off…. boom!

There was the sound of the door being pushed open from behind, followed by Chopper's impatient voice:"Doctor Dori! I've decided! I want to be their ship's doctor and travel around the world with them!!"

"Stop saying stupid things!"

The moment she turned to face Chopper, the gloominess in Gureva's eyes disappeared. She shouted at Chopper with a dark face:"Listen up! You are my only assistant! You don't want to think about who taught you medical skills!! Do you want to be ungrateful!"

"No…no! I am very grateful to Dr. Dori, and I also like this place very much, because it is here that I got to know you and Dr. Siruluk."

Thinking that Gureva was really angry, Chopper quickly explained

"Then stay! It won't be so comfortable going anywhere else. If you're a pirate, you'll lose your life if you're not careful! Do you have that determination?!"

"That doesn't matter!"Chopa replied firmly.

"Stop being so self-righteous! Don't forget you're just a reindeer!"

"That's right! I am indeed a reindeer! But I am also a man!"Chopper didn't flinch even a step. In the past, if Gureva showed an angry expression, he would have been frightened and hid in the box.

"A brat like you can still be called a man, so stop pretending to me!!"

Facing Chopper's transformation, Gureva was filled with shock and relief, but her face was still furious. She threw several throwing knives at Chopper, and Chopper was also frightened. He immediately turned around and ran away.

Chopper was chased by Gureva and went down to the first floor. Although he was very scared, he did not forget what he wanted to do. He pulled out a prepared sled from the corner and tied it with a rope. body, and then continued to run towards the exit.

"What on earth can you do in the sea? Do you want to live by fantasy like that quack?!"

Gu Lewa, who was chasing after her, threw a few throwing knives again and asked at the same time.

"no! That's not fantasy!!"

Chopper, who turned into a beast and ran with all his strength, used all his strength to refute Gureva's words:"The doctor's research has been completed!!"


"Are we really going to leave like this?"

"Of course, when Chopper comes back, we immediately head down the mountain to Alabasta!"

Outside the castle, several people were chatting, and their attention was attracted by the noise inside the castle, and then Chopper pulled a sleigh and ran from the door.

"Hey, he's here!"

"well? what happened? Is he being chased? Just as he was wondering why

Chopper ran over in such a hurry, several flying knives suddenly passed by him and were inserted at the feet of several people, followed by Gureva's roar:"Stop!" And some of you! The bastard who dared to kidnap my only assistant! I will never let you go!"


Looking at Gureva, who was throwing dozens of throwing knives at them like a Rakshasa, the Straw Hats instantly understood why Chopper was running like this.

"Everyone, get on the sleigh! We are going down the mountain!!"

Chopper said loudly while running, and the Straw Hats also quickly took action, but the sled seemed a bit too small for seven people.

"It's so crowded!"

"Can this really sit down?"

"Don't worry so much! Come up!"

"Ouch, don't scratch my nose, it hurts!!!"

After some tossing, the group of people all got on the sled, and then Chopper pulled them onto the cable leading to the bottom of the mountain. At this time, several villagers in the village at the foot of the mountain raised their heads, and then They saw an extremely strange sight.

A reindeer pulled a sleigh rushing down from the top of the mountain. Under the reflection of the bright moon, it seemed as if it was walking on air. The sleigh was crowded with people, and there were One of them didn't seem to have time to sit on it. He was holding the back of the sled with one hand and was floating in the air. In his other hand, he was holding another person's head? Look at that position, where should it be on the head?

"It hurts! My nose won't be broken!!"

As soon as he landed on the ground, Usopp covered his long nose and rolled around on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

But this is no wonder Luffy, just look at the situation on the sled and you will know that Vivi Nami is On the left, Zoro Sanji is on the right, and Lot is squeezed in the middle. There is really no room for people to stand in the car.


After resting for a moment, everyone who was about to continue setting off suddenly heard several deafening cannons above their heads. Several people subconsciously looked up and saw an unforgettable scene. Under the night sky, the top of

Cigu Mountain was covered by Huge pink clouds shrouded the sky, and at the same time exuded a faint fluorescent light. Then, the snow falling from the sky was no longer white, but took on the pink color of the clouds. At a glance, it was extremely beautiful and gorgeous..just like…

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom in this winter country

"What a beauty…"

Everyone in the Straw Hats got off the sleigh and looked at the scenery in the sky. As girls, Nami and Vivi couldn't help but sigh softly.

"Cherry blossoms blooming in winter country…It's really great!"

"It would be nice if there was wine at this time"


Several other people expressed their opinions one after another.


At this time, sharp cries pierced the night sky, ringing in everyone's ears. Looking at Chopper with tears streaming down his face, few of them said anything. They all understood his inner emotions at this moment.

["This is the answer that took me 30 years to come up with!"

"Get out of here quackery!! I thought you could be of some use!"

"listen! This red soil is not just ordinary, it adheres to the white snow in the atmosphere and turns the snow into a bright pink color!!"]

Looking up at the cherry blossoms blooming in the sky, the man's voice rang in her mind, and tears slowly welled up in Gureva's eyes.

(This is the farewell gift I prepared for you, you saw it Oh! Chopper! You are right, that man does not live by fantasy!)


The legendary"Sakura of Hiruluk" declared the freedom of this small country, dancing in the night sky. The Merry, carrying the Straw Hat Pirates, set sail under the farewell of the"Sakura Tree". only——

"what's wrong with you?! Karoo duck!"

Before boarding the boat, they saw the Karu duck that was frozen into ice in the river. It took a lot of effort to rescue it. Weiwei was holding the shivering duck with a worried look on her face. Tears even flowed from her eyes.

How come she was fine when she set off, but turned into a frozen duck when she came back?

Miss Golden Week, who also stayed on the ship, said she didn't know what happened. After finishing the painting, she went back to the kitchen to drink It's time for tea.

The Karu duck quacked a few times, and Chopper, who had just boarded the boat, translated its words:"The man named Zoro suddenly disappeared after jumping into the sea. I was worried that he jumped in, and then It's frozen inside!"

"It turns out that it's all your bastard's fault!"

Nami immediately hit Zoro on the head with her fist.