
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 103

Even though he knew he had been deceived, even though he was pointed at by more than a dozen guns, Siruluk did not show the slightest anger or panic, but only the relief that a big stone fell in his heart. What he said made the doctors and Dole present feel I couldn't help but feel moved.

Compared with such an open-minded person, Wapol is so despicable and shameless. He clearly used a trick to deceive a good man who serves the country and the people, but his face is full of smugness.

"Ha ha! Something big is really happening! There's no need for a crappy doctor like you! Fool! Shoot this traitor to death!"

Wapol gave his final orders to the guards.

"stop! You don't need to take action!"

Hiruluk raised his hand to stop the guards. When he raised his head, everyone saw that he actually showed an extremely confident smile at this moment.

Do you think he can survive? Or has he already? The open-mindedness of accepting his own death?

Dalton didn't understand. He wanted to prevent the guards from carrying out Wapol's orders, but could he, a guard captain, really save the man in front of him?

"When do you think people will die?"

Just when everyone was wondering what Siruluk was going to do, he just asked a simple question. The cold wind howled, but the sonorous and powerful voice still reached everyone's ears clearly.

"When the heart is hit by a bullet? no!"

"When a terminal illness strikes? no!"

"When you drink poisonous mushroom soup? no!!"

It seemed like he was asking the person in front of him, but every time Siruluk asked a question, he would immediately deny himself. Finally, he gave the answer to his original question:

"It's time to be forgotten!!"

At this moment, Chopper, who learned the truth, had already rushed onto the cable leading to the top of the mountain.

"Even if I die, my dream will come true! The injured hearts of the people will surely be healed!! Siruluk took out a flask and poured the liquid inside into a wine glass. He looked at Dalton with a smile:"Why are you crying, Dalton?""

"….Is the same true for countries?"

Why did he cry? Dalton didn't know. When he saw this man saying these words, a certain string in his heart was touched, and tears flowed out involuntarily.

In the past, Wapol's He will faithfully execute orders. As the captain of the Kingdom Guards, this is what he must do. But in fact, he has been confused in his heart. Since the death of the old king, he has vaguely noticed that something is wrong with this country, but this is not right. He had never had a clear definition.

But now, he knew that the country was sick, very sick, and the cause lay with Wapol, whom he was loyal to.

"Hehe, as long as there is a [successor], that's fine…"

Siruluk smiled calmly

"Hello! Dalton, why are you crying? Hahaha!"

Wapol's ridicule sounded, but Dalton ignored it. At this time, he had already burst into tears.

"A monster is coming here soon, it's my son, don't touch him!"

(Don't worry, Chopper. Your mushrooms can't poison me!)

Hiruluk slowly raised the wine glass, as if he was paying respect to the heaven and earth, and to his tumultuous life. He looked up to the sky and laughed. He shouted in an extremely cheerful tone:"Really! What a wonderful life!!"

After that, he raised his head and drank the liquid in the cup.

The next moment, the explosion sounded, and the air wave caused blew the people on the opposite side down. When they stood up and looked at where Siruluk was originally, But there was only a shallow crater made by the bombing and a hat he had been wearing on his head.

"Hahaha! That fool! Disappeared automatically! What a madman! Blow yourself up!"

Wapol raised his head and laughed, his face full of sarcasm.

At this moment, Chopper climbed to the top of the mountain. He heard the explosion and what Wapol said. He looked next to him Not far away was a hat and a crater with traces of the explosion. He understood what had happened. He instantly lost his mind and turned into a human form and rushed towards Wapol.

"It's a monster! Shoot him!"

Noticing Chopper's rushing figure, Wapol immediately gave the order

"Wait a moment!"

Before the guards opened fire, Dalton, who had eaten the ox-niu fruit, transformed into a bison and rushed forward, blocking Chopper's charge. The guards behind him could only react after seeing the figure of their captain. Put down the gun

"Get out of here!"

Obviously, Man Niu was much stronger than Chopper. Dalton easily knocked down Chopper, controlled him on the ground and could not move, and growled:"Even I can't beat them, you can't possibly beat them. of! As for them mocking Shilluk's death, I apologize! Don't overestimate your capabilities! Otherwise, you will just die in vain!"

Looking at Chopper's tearful eyes, Dalton's tears also fell on his face. He said with great sincerity:"I don't want you to become a victim of this country!! please!"

As if he felt Dalton's sincerity, after a stalemate for a while, Chopper turned into a beast, took Siluluk's hat and ran away.

Dalton, who did not obey the king's order to kill Chopper, was killed by Wa Bol issued an order to arrest, and Dalton, who decided not to help others anymore, resisted for the first time. Even if his resistance ended in being imprisoned, he did not regret it at all.

Chopper after escaping After setting up a tomb for Siruluk, he waved the pirate flag that had been hanging in Siruluk's house and begged Gureva to teach him medical skills.

"I want to be a [panacea]!! I want to be a doctor who can cure all diseases! Because there is no disease that cannot be cured in the world!!"

After saying the same thing as Siruluk, Gureva, who had always been expressionless, turned her attention to Chopper:"Doctor Doctor, please call me that from now on."

This is the story between Siruluk, Chopper, Gureva, Wapol, Dalton and others


The camera returned to the present, and Luffy's fist landed on Wapol's face with great speed, sending him flying out for more than ten meters. When he was helped up by his two men, his nose was bleeding like crazy. Wow, one of the front teeth is missing.

Seeing Luffy coming up so easily and knocking Wapol away with one punch, Gureva curiously asked if they knew each other.

Luffy said that he had only met him once and that he just felt that he deserved a beating.

"Hey, did I say you're not cold?"

Sanji paid attention to another thing, that is, he couldn't bear the cold and found some thick clothes to put on. Luffy was still wearing his iconic shirt, shorts and slippers, so he couldn't help but curiously asked

"ah! It's really cold!"

Luffy, who was belatedly aware of this, was reminded by Sanji and hugged his arms suddenly.

This scene made Wapol and the others extremely angry. They had been saying harsh words from the beginning. As a result, No one was listening. Just when they were about to use action to attract attention, Luffy turned around and ran into the castle, muttering about finding some thick clothes to wear.

"What a shame!"

Wapol was so angry that he immediately ordered his men to attack. Chopper immediately turned into a human form, and Sanji was also ready for a fight.


"What are you doing?"

Awakened by the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, Nami looked sleepily at Luffy who was squatting in front of a box and rummaging for something and asked.

"I'm looking for something thick to wear since I have to go out and fight later."

Throwing away one piece of debris after another, Luffy replied without looking back.


(That was obviously a box for medical tools. What kind of clothes are you looking for there, you idiot!)

Nami covered her face and thought Luffy was a little cute for being stupid. She looked up and looked around, and finally fixed her gaze. There was a piece of thick clothes placed on the end of the bed, and then he motioned to Luffy:"You can take that one and put it on first.""

"Eh? But isn't that Lot's dress? What if I wear it and wait for him to wake up?"

Luffy scratched his head. He saw the clothes as soon as he came in, but he didn't move after knowing that they were Lot's clothes.

"It's okay. You can put it on first. When he wakes up, he can wear mine or ask the doctor here to borrow one."

Nami waved her hands indifferently, then remembered something, and quickly shouted to Luffy who had stretched out his arms to grab the clothes:"If you are fighting, keep your voice down!"


Luffy, who had already run out of the room, was nowhere to be seen. He could only hear his voice. I don't know if he really listened.

After Luffy left, Nami took a look at Lot and found that he still didn't want to wake up. After the sign, she lay down again, planning to sleep for a while, but not long after, the roar of cannons rang out one after another, which made Nami lose all sleep. She stood up suddenly and subconsciously shouted:"Don't let me Did that idiot keep his voice down when he was fighting?!"

After that, he angrily wanted to find her coat and put it on, and then went out to see what was going on.

At this time, Luffy was on top of the castle tower. He was holding a flagpole, and there was a flag floating on it. A pirate flag.

In order to protect this flag, Luffy withstood many bombardments from Wapol. He smiled and shouted towards Chopper below:"Look! This pirate flag will never be broken easily."


Looking at his body covered with black scars from the cannon but still smiling and the intact pirate flag belonging to Shilluk in his hand, Chopper was extremely shocked, just to prove to him that once the pirate flag flew He will not fall down easily when he rises, but he is willing to bear the bombardment with his body on the spot. pirate…

Are they all so powerful?

"Little ruffian! Since you want to protect that broken flag so much! I'll let you watch as long as you can!"

Wapol Lift has been transformed with devil fruit abilities.���The right hand of the cannon roared, wanting to fire again


Chopper rushed over and waved his fist at Wapol. Although he was finally blocked by Jace Marimon, who combined his two subordinates with his Devil Fruit ability, it also interrupted Wapol's firing action.

"here you go! reindeer!"

Luffy clenched his fists and made a sound of approval, then slammed the flagpole back to the top of the tower.

"What a poor little guy——"

Jess Malimon, who was standing in front of Wapol, taunted Chopper, saying that a little monster who no one dared to approach wanted to save the country.

"Shut up! Even if I am alone, I will fight!!"

Witnessing Luffy's every move, Chopper, whose inner fighting spirit had already been aroused, was not affected by Jace's words. He shouted with determination:"As long as the doctor's flag does not fall! Then I won't fall!"

But the moment he finished speaking, Luffy's voice came:

"You have a partner! I am your partner!"

Luffy used the elasticity of the rubber to fly over and directly blasted a hole in the snow, knocking Wapol and the others over.

"Hey, reindeer, can you handle that guy?"

Luffy, who landed on the ground, did not immediately deal with Wapol. Instead, he pointed at Jess Marimon and asked Chopper.

"A piece of cake! Clean up this garbage!"Chopper said very confidently, and then even more confidently said that he would be able to kill Jess Malimon in only three minutes.

Jess Malimon was ridiculing him, feeling that he was moving at this time. Chopper could be crushed into meat paste by moving his feet.

Chopper didn't say anything about this, he just took out a yellow pill, bit it into pieces and swallowed it.

"Hehe, now we have something good to watch!"

Gulewa took out a bottle of wine and took a sip, and said with a smile.

"I want to fight!"

Sanji, who was pinned down by Gureva and whose waist injury recurred, reluctantly raised his hand and tried to crawl away from Gureva's control.

The battle between Jezmarimon and Chopper began. The former looked down on Chopper. He soon suffered a loss. After eating the blue wave ball, Chopper was able to use the most basic human, beast, and human-animal forms of the animal fruit, and also developed several other powerful fighting forms.

Even after using various With weapons such as bows and arrows, sledgehammers, and axes, Jace Malimon failed to dominate the battle, and was even fooled around by Chopper, who used various forms flexibly.

Before the last moment of three minutes came, Chopper successfully found After catching Jess Malimon's weak electricity, he transformed into a human form and used his wrist strength to strengthen, and directly knocked out the enemy in seconds with a [Carved Hoof Cherry Blossom].


Luffy's eyes were shining as he looked at Chopper, who had transformed back into a petite human-animal form after the effects of the blue wave ball had passed. He thought to himself that he could transform so many times. It's so handsome!

But when Luffy exclaimed Afterwards, several people discovered that Wapol disappeared at some point. Looking at the situation, it was obvious that he had slipped away when Luffy wasn't paying attention.


"You are part of the Straw Hat Gang, right?"

At this time, Wapol, who saw that the situation was not good, sneaked into the castle and planned to swallow all the weapons in the arsenal to strengthen himself. He discovered Nami and said with a sinister look on his face.

"No, no, no, I have no idea what happened!"

Judging from the look on the other party's face, it is likely that he is the person Luffy said he wanted to fight. Nami, who had just put on her clothes and wanted to go to Luffy, immediately denied it.

But even if Nami used her realistic acting skills, Wapo I didn't believe it and rushed forward. Nami, who had no fighting ability, could only scream and run back in shock.

But unfortunately, she accidentally tripped over something while running. Nami fell to the ground, looking at the fat figure approaching her with claws and teeth, and felt creepy.

"Hehe, you can't escape, just be obedient and be eaten by me!"

Wapol smiled sinisterly, and at the same time stretched out his hands to Nami, but just when he was about to touch Nami, a foot suddenly appeared from the side and kicked him away.

"What the hell, why did I wake up with a hippopotamus standing at the door?"

Touching her head and yawning, Lott appeared in front of Nami with a confused look.

At this time, Nami realized that she actually ran to Lott's ward while escaping, but it was precisely in this way that she was able to escape Wapol's damage


The danger was eliminated and Lot also woke up. Nami suddenly stood up in surprise and joy to save Lot.