
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Tranh châm biếm
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106 Chs

Chapter 102

"This is a miracle! This is indeed a miracle!"

Siruluk said, but the next moment he denied himself:"In fact, it is not! This is a great [medicine]! Because the touch made the man's body Something has changed!"

"A disease that was declared untreatable has been cured. Isn't it amazing? In other words, there is no incurable disease in this world!! No matter what others say, I will save this country as a doctor!"

The more Hiluru talked, the more excited he became. With a"dang" sound, he stretched out his hand and slapped the pirate flag hanging on the wall behind his back."So, I will draw this [skull] on all diseases.]!"

"skeleton…"Chopper doesn't know what the skull represents

"Yes, it can turn the impossible into possible, which is a symbol of [faith]!! Raise this flag, I will fight like a pirate!"


"There are a lot of these guys at sea. If you have a chance, go out to sea!! Then you will understand that your troubles are very small!!"


In Siruluk's passionate speech, the skull, pirates, sea and other symbols that represent the"faith" that makes the impossible possible planted a seed in Chopper's heart, and he only waited for an opportunity in the future to make it possible. It takes root.

Life with Hiruluk was very happy, and Chopper thought this happiness could last forever, but this happiness ended abruptly. A year later, Hiruluk told Chopper that his illness was cured and he could leave. , and then drove Chopper out ruthlessly.

Even though Chopper was crying and wailing, he had no friends and no place to go. As long as the doctor was willing to let him stay and do whatever he asked, there was still no movement from the closed door.

In the end, Chopper even hit his head against a big tree on the side, causing his head to bleed. He just hoped that the doctor could see that he was injured and treat him again, so that he could continue to live here..

But after opening the door, Siruluk took out a gun and shot Chopper.

With a"bang" roar, a bright yellow bullet appeared on the snow at his feet, telling Chopper that Hiruluk fired a musket that could kill him, not a tranquilizer gun.

"roll! Whether it's to the ocean or anywhere!! Don't come back again!"

While shouting, Hiruluk loaded another bullet into the gun and pointed the gun directly at Chopper. This move undoubtedly told Chopper that if he didn't do what he said, he would shoot again. gun

"Wow wow wow——"

Chopper, who had lost his home, cried sadly and ran away into the distance, but he didn't realize that behind him, Siruluk was also filled with tears.


"Am I going to die?"

Despaired, Siruluk came to Gureva's home and asked for help from the doctor he usually looked down upon the most.

Gureva's answer was that he would die at 5:30 pm four days later, and said that if If he really wants to live, why not go to that distant country to see the cherry blossoms once, and maybe he can be cured.

Yes, Hiriluk was the one who was sentenced by the doctor in the story he told Chopper. The pirate was sentenced to death, but he just glanced at the cherry blossoms and recovered after being in a happy mood.

But Siruluk shook his head and said that it was not necessary. He wanted to make the country full of cherry blossoms in these last days. It could Let him, a hopeless pirate on the verge of death, be reborn, and the country will be reborn.

He also wanted to use this action to tell Chopper that he can do whatever he wants, just like People like him can make this country bloom cherry blossoms that everyone thinks are impossible.

In fact, Gureva did extend Hiruluk's life span from four days to three weeks, but Hiruluk didn't have any He refused to treat him because he could pay for her medical expenses.

Hiruluk wanted to threaten Gureva with his anesthetic gun, but was beaten to the ground by the latter backhand, but in the end Gureva still He agreed that Siruluk would treat him because he also wanted to see what Siruluk could do for the country as a doctor.

Chopper, who was hiding outside the house, also learned about Siruluk. Ke was terminally ill, and he understood why the doctor wanted to drive him away. In order to cure Siruluk's disease, he decided to go to a certain place where he heard some villagers say when he and Siruluk entered the village that it could cure all diseases. Disease mushrooms.

Before that, he had done enough homework, sneaked back to Shiluluk's home, read all the books, and finally found a book that he thought was the kind of mushroom that could cure all diseases. ——Pictures of Amida mushrooms.

The book records the place where this mushroom grows.

Chopper set off towards the place recorded in the book. On the way, he also met his former compatriots, and even though he had passed After all this time, those of the same race still hated Chopper, a monster in their eyes, so the leader of the reindeer herd launched an attack on Chopper.

But this time, Chopper, who was several times smaller than him, resolutely launched a resistance and In a head-on battle, he defeated the leader, but at the cost of a bunch of scars on his body.

Chopper set out again with wounds all over his body, and finally found the Armida mushroom on a mountain, but there was nothing like the mountain he was on. They are nearly ten meters apart. The two mountains are straight cliffs. If you lose your footing and fall, you will die.

In the end, no one knows how Chopper crossed this ravine of life and death. They only know that after a week, he returned to When he was at Hiruluk's house, his body was covered with scars, his right foot was broken, one eye was extremely swollen, and one of the reindeer antlers on his head was broken.

"Chopper! You look like this…What's wrong!!"

The moment he heard the knock on the door and opened the door and saw Chopper's figure, Hiruluk was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.


Chopper raised the Amida mushroom he was holding in his right hand and looked at Siruluk with his only open eye. Although his body was still bleeding, his face was full of happiness. smile

"this is not…Amida mushroom? Are you looking for this just for me?"

Hiluluk looked at the mushroom in Chopper's hand in disbelief. Amida mushroom was not——

"Stay alive, doctor! Doctor, I want to be a doctor!! Please teach me medical skills."

At this point, Chopper was a little disappointed but said with hope in his eyes:"Reindeer…Can I also be a doctor?"


Siruluk could not imagine that in the last days of his life, there was a non-human"human" who would do this for him, even though he had shot him so cruelly before.

"Of course you can! Chopper! Because you are so kind!!"

Unable to control the emotions in his heart any longer, Hiruluk hugged Chopper's petite body and made a solemn promise to him.


A part of the mushroom Chopper brought back was cut into a medicinal soup. Hiruluk drank it all in one gulp, and then said that he felt much better. To prove it, he jumped around the room a few times..

And just when Shilluk's disease was"recovered", the substance in the flask nearby suddenly bloomed with a pink light, which meant that his 30 years of research had finally succeeded!

He immediately took out the contents of the flask and wrapped it, and told Chopper to have a good sleep at home. He would rush back immediately after finishing his work.

And just when Chopper was happy that he had cured Hiruluk, the door was pushed open with a bang. Hiriluk, who came back, showed a big face to Chopper, extremely solemn. He said again:"Chopper! You will become a good doctor! I promise!"

After receiving the affirmation of the most respected person, Chopper couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.

Siruluk left, and Chopper was rolling around on the bed alone, thinking about the bright future in which Siruluk would teach him to become a good doctor.


On the way to find Gureva, Shiruluk learned that all [Doctor 20] in this country had fallen ill, and the residents had no place to treat their illnesses and riots broke out.

"do you know? Gulewa, there is a big commotion in the country now."

Hiluluk told Gureva about the turmoil that was happening in this country, and Gureva just said lightly that she didn't need to worry about it. Those [Doctors 20] must be fine.

And Siruluk didn't seem to have it either. He meant to delve deeper into this matter. After a pause, he showed Gureva the results of his 30 years of research, which would allow the country to bloom cherry blossom dust.

But because the amount of dust was not enough, he did not have time to go there. After completing this final step, I asked Guleva, hoping that she could continue to research this [panacea] that can heal all the wounded hearts in the country.

Finally, I hope that Guleva can teach Chopper medical skills and ensure that Chopper is A very kind person will definitely become a very good doctor in the future.

Gureva did not accept these two commissions that she saw no reason to accept, and even scolded Siruluk for his shamelessness and talked about him. He was thrown out.

Looking at the closed door, Siruluk didn't have any disappointment on his face, but was relieved after completing the most important thing in his heart. He knew that Gureva, as a doctor, was a doctor, and Doctors are all good people, and the bag of dust that was not thrown out together is the best evidence!

Shiluluk tidied his clothes and set off again. He still had time to do the last thing.

Gu, who was lying on the chair Reva looked at the bag of dust in her hand, and the more she thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Something was wrong with Siruluk today.

She had already given him three weeks of life extension, which meant that he would die in two weeks, but…

Why did he come to her today and say a bunch of words that seemed to be about the funeral? This style of giving up in advance was completely unlike him.

When he thought of the riots in the Drum Kingdom today, a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Gu Lewa's expression changed, she put the dust away, and immediately pushed the door open. In front of the cableway station that can carry people to Cigu Mountain, there was a crowd of people. These people were in need because they or someone in their family was sick. The healers wanted to go up the mountain to find [Doctor 20], but the guards guarding the ropeway station were determined not to let them go up the mountain.

Seeing this, Shiruluk took out a bomb and threatened everyone to get out of the way. Let the guards take him up to Cigu Mountain.

With the help of the bomb, Hiruluk got on the cable car to the top of the mountain.

At the same time, Gureva also rushed to Hiruluk's house and caught Chopper. Asked where Siruluk had gone, Chopper said with a fearful expression that Siruluk's illness had recovered and he should go to town now.

As a doctor, Gureva, who knew the most about Siruluk's illness, immediately denied it. After hearing what Chopper said, the latter took out the half-remained amida mushroom and happily said that it was the mushroom he found that cured Hiruluk's illness.

But Chopper did not notice. Surprisingly, when she saw the Armida mushroom, Gureva's expression changed drastically, and then she raised her fist and knocked Chopper to the ground.

"This mushroom…You stupid reindeer!! This is [Poisonous]!! If you eat it, you won't be able to live for even an hour!"

"impossible! Chopper swallowed and shouted loudly,"I checked the book and there is a skull drawn next to the picture next to this mushroom!" Dr. Siruluk said that this is a symbol of making the impossible possible! And Dr. Siruluk also said that he felt much better after drinking the medicine!"

"He's just happy for your kindness…The skull in the illustrated book means poisonous!"

Gureva raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and told the truth that was extremely cruel to Chopper. She began to understand why Siruluk just told her with such certainty that Chopper was a kind-hearted person. What a guy

"you're lying!"Chopper couldn't accept this fact.

"This is real! Remember it for me! There is no medicine that can cure all diseases in this world, that's why we need doctors!! Gulewa put her hand on Chopper's shoulder, with tears in her eyes, and shouted excitedly:"Listen up!" Kindness alone cannot save anyone!! If you want to save people, you must have the corresponding knowledge and abilities! If you don't have the ability, you can't save anyone!"


In my mind, I recalled Dr. Siruluk's various reactions when he saw the amida mushroom in his hand. What kind of mood was hidden behind that joy? What kind of mood did Dr. Siruluk have without hesitation? After drinking the mushroom soup he had cooked in one gulp, Chopper realized that it was his own hands that killed the person he respected most in the end. He collapsed and cried loudly.

"How stupid.."

Pulling down her sunglasses to cover her eyes, Gureva no longer blamed Chopper because she knew that no one was at fault in this matter.


Siruluk who was riding the cable car kept coughing, and every cough brought out a trace of blood. Even so, his eyes were still extremely determined. [Doctor 20] Since everyone has fallen ill, then he will Go and cure these doctors. Only in this way can the people at the foot of the mountain have someone to treat them when they are sick.

But when he arrived at the castle on Cigu Mountain, he realized that all this was Wapol's plan. [Doctor 20] Well, the news that they were all sick was just to attract him, Siruluk. , kill him, the person who has always been against him.

(It's really here! Can such a blind person see that there is a high probability that it is a conspiracy?! Why, why exactly?!)

Dalton, who is still the captain of the Kingdom Guard, but is already confused, looks on in shock. This man in front of me

"You have repeatedly escaped and disobeyed my king's orders. Now I sentence you to death!"

Under Wapol's order, [Doctor 20] stood in front of the city gate, and in front of them were a group of soldiers with guns drawn.

"what the hell…"

Facing these dozen gunshots, a few tears fell from Shiluluk's eyes, but he did not say any curse words. He just knelt on the ground and said slowly:"That's great….It turns out there are no patients…I really thought something big had happened to the country…What? It turns out I was just deceived….."

As if he was not the one who was deceived, the look on Siruluk's face was extremely happy.