
One Piece: Dark Justice Spandam

Spandam, the de facto enemy boss during the Water 7 arc. He harbors an insatiable thirst for power and madness, gaining enough strength to easily destroy the world, yet still yearning for a peaceful happiness that will never return. Caring only for himself, he disregards all others. If they don't oppose him, they can do as they please; if they become his enemies, he shows no mercy. It is the tale of a monster living in such madness-drenched darkness. *** You can indulge in more than 10 chapters ahead of the regular schedule by visiting our Patreon page and subscribing. Feel free to explore our Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/KangTL Your support will enhance our productivity in creating more captivating and wonderful works. *** [TL] - Cat tail

KangTL · Tranh châm biếm
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85 Chs

A Back of Overwhelming Power

...How did it come to this? What did I do wrong? I've asked myself that question countless times since coming here, but I never received an answer.

From my childhood, I underwent rigorous training and eventually joined CP9, the espionage agency of the World Government, where I worked as a government official.

I received high praise comparable to the genius Rob Lucci, entrusted with important missions, and everything seemed to be going smoothly... so why?

Everything went awry on that day during a critical transport mission in the East Blue. I thought it would be an easy job. After all, who in their right mind would dare attack a government ship? Besides, even if pirates were to strike, they would be no match for me in the weakest sea, the East Blue, or so I believed.

However, what appeared there was none other than the notorious Red-Haired Pirates, well-known even in the Grand Line, and often considered rivals to the Hawk's Eye.

Why were they in this place? How did they end up here? What were their intentions? Before I could even ask, the battle began, and despite my desperate efforts, I was defeated and lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I faced not the blame for mission failure but accusations of colluding with the Red-Haired Pirates, resulting in my capture and imprisonment.

With a wounded body, I shouted repeatedly, "It's not true!" But my voice went unheard. I was told that the Red-Haired Pirates, who should have been in the Grand Line, were in the East Blue during the transport due to information I leaked, and I was mercilessly thrown into Impel Down.

There, I endured harsh torture, experiencing hellish pain and suffering... yet, I couldn't do anything about it.

I am not colluding with anyone. No matter how much they tortured me, I had no information to give. No one believed me, and I had no means of escape. All I could do was cry and plead for salvation.

...This place truly is...hell.

In a highly classified special solitary cell located deep within Impel Down Level 4, often called the Burning Hell Level, the surroundings were enclosed with heat-resistant walls similar to the staff's living area. So, there was no scorching heat from the blood pool.

This cell, where there was not even a window, and with at least one guard constantly watching, was the hell I found myself in.

After days of torture, my spirit had been worn down to its breaking point. No one believed me, and I couldn't escape. If I woke up, I would be taken to the torture chamber again... It would be another painful and agonizing session.

Ah, why did it come to this? I haven't committed any crimes... Why is the world so cruel and irrational?

A guard who noticed that I had awakened approached the cell. Oh, no, I will be taken for torture again.

"...Anyone... please... help me..."

The words spilled out of my mouth as if I was forcing them, and upon seeing my weakened state, the guard's face twisted into a wicked smile as he opened his mouth.

"Hehehe, if you want help so badly, then let me—" Thud!

"Not necessary. He's innocent."

Mid-sentence, the guard was knocked sideways, crashing into the wall and losing consciousness. In my bewildered eyes, I recognized the face of the person who stood there.

"Spandam... Director?"

The one standing there was Director Spandam, who had assumed the position of CP9's Commander-in-Chief half a year ago. I had only exchanged greetings with him since I was about to leave for a mission, but I could feel a unique aura emanating from him.

But why was the Director here? As that question floated in my mind, he smiled wryly while looking at me.

"What a disaster. Let's go, we're leaving."

Without another word, the Director effortlessly ripped apart the cell door like it was made of paper, approached me in my state of confusion, reached out to the handcuffs on my hand, and with a snapping sound, they shattered. Wait, what? These are Sea Prism Stone... Huh? He did it barehanded?

"Can you walk?"

"...Eh? Y-yeah... but..."

"No problem. I've sorted everything out. Follow me."

"Y-yes, I understand... Ah, no, I mean, yes, I understand."

"No need for formalities. Let's go."

Though I couldn't keep up with the situation, I followed the Director's words and walked behind him. At that moment, I felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

Until a while ago, I was trembling and despairing, but now, strangely, I felt remarkably calm.

As we walked through Level 4, I noticed a strange scene. The ferocious prison guards, the prisoners performing hard labor, the supervisors, and even the jailers... all of them were averting their gazes and trembling slightly.

This Level 4, where the usual cacophony of guards shouting and prisoners screaming echoed, was now engulfed in an unusual silence.

The reason for this was apparent: fear. They were "afraid." The Director walked before me with an overwhelming aura of terrifying anger and pressure, and they were all trembling in fear.

Please, I prayed silently, may this absolute being's anger not be directed at me. I averted my gaze, trembling, praying that I wouldn't become the target of this overwhelming wrath. The entire prison, which I could undoubtedly call hell, was now trembling in fear before the Director, who was merely walking.


Unintentionally, those words escaped my lips. And at that moment, I also understood the true nature of the peculiar sense of relief I had been feeling. Because I could feel the Director's absolute power so acutely, I found myself reassured.

The Director's dignified back seemed enormous, as if it reached the heavens, and my instincts understood how safe it was to be behind him.

Right now, I am under the Director's protection, and that gave me an inexplicable sense of security, as if I were in the safest place in the world.

...Incredible... What a person... What an overwhelmingly powerful being...

This place, Impel Down, was undoubtedly hell for me. I couldn't do anything, and I could only cry and plead for help, trapped in despair.

But what about it? Now, this hell is bowing down to a single man. The hell where I had no choice but to despair is now simply being trampled and overwhelmed by the Director's mere presence.

To be honest, I admired him. I genuinely wished to become like him, feeling that the Director was an immensely strong and magnificent being. Moreover, the fact that the Director had just asserted, "He's innocent," and that he came all the way here to rescue me... I was overjoyed beyond measure.

For me, who nobody believed and suffered in hell, the Director is truly a savior. Without realizing it, I had forgotten the pain in my body and continued to gaze at the Director's magnificent back.


After walking for a while and ascending to the entrance of Impel Down, there stood the Warden, Magellan, who saluted upon seeing the Director's presence.

"I've prepared a ship for you. We've arranged for a doctor... I apologize for the misunderstanding this time."

Seeing Magellan deeply bowing as he spoke, the Director let out a heavy sigh. Gradually, the overwhelming aura of anger that had been present earlier seemed to dissipate.

Once the aura was completely suppressed, the Director addressed Magellan with a calm voice.

"...No, the responsibility for this wrongful arrest lies not with you or the prison side. It was my own fault for becoming frustrated and behaving childishly, intimidating your subordinates. I sincerely apologize for that. Also, I apologize again for breaking the door of the special solitary cell and knocking out the guard."

"No, it's only natural for you to stand up for your subordinates. Director Spandam truly cares for them, I see."

"Do you think so? At the very least, I bear the responsibility for not realizing the situation sooner and taking appropriate measures."

"...This encounter may not have been the best, but as members of the World Government, even if we belong to different departments, I hope we can maintain a good relationship without any conflicts in the future."

"Yes, I feel the same way. Being effectively in charge of the Judicial Island, we are likely to meet often. In those times, I hope we can count on each other."

Magellan raised his head, and they exchanged a light smile before shaking hands. Then, the Director urged me to board the ship. Following his instructions, I got on board, and the doctor Magellan had arranged treated the wounds from the torture. After that, I lay on a bed in the cabin.

Feeling a sense of relief, my nervousness subsided, and even though I had just awakened a short while ago, drowsiness suddenly overwhelmed me. My consciousness gradually sank into drowsiness as I succumbed to sleep.


I felt a faint sway and opened my eyes, finding myself in the ship's cabin. For a moment, I feared that I might wake up back in the cell, but seeing the Director sitting nearby, reading a book, relieved me, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"...Do your wounds hurt?"

"No, it's fine."

Although there was a dull pain, the injuries had been properly treated, so the pain wasn't severe. Ah, I really managed to escape from that hell, I thought to myself, feeling relieved. Almost unconsciously, I began to speak to the Director.

"Director, I... I didn't betray you."

"I know, that's the truth."

The words, calmly and decisively spoken, made my eyes well up with tears of joy. I had desperately pleaded my innocence, but no one had listened. Yet, the Director believed me without any hesitation or doubt. That brought me immense happiness.

"...Ah, damn it..."


I couldn't control my emotions well. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that the tears kept flowing as I cried. The Director didn't say anything and continued to focus on his book. His consideration was appreciated, and I kept crying for a while without speaking.

After crying for some time and feeling a bit more relieved, a sense of guilt towards the Director emerged within me.

"Director, I'm sorry..."


"For messing up the mission and damaging CP9's invincible reputation because of me..."



"If you didn't slack off on your mission, there's no way you could be responsible for the failure. Such matters are the responsibility of the superiors. Besides, it was largely due to my negligence and that of those above me that we failed to convey the information about the Red-Haired Pirates moving from the Grand Line to the East Blue."

The Director spoke in his usual dispassionate manner, dismissing the notion that I was to blame for the failure. He added with a wry smile.

"...Besides, even if you prepare for everything, everyone makes mistakes at times. The 'invincible reputation' was probably just a string of coincidences or absurd excuses to cover up failures, like this recent incident."

"...I can't imagine you making mistakes, though."

"I make mistakes too. I just knocked out a guard in front of you earlier. Now I have more paperwork to deal with."

Oh right, I did see that happen. But if that was considered a mistake, it was more because I was so inept.

"That's... I mean--"

"But well, his laughter was annoying. It couldn't be helped."


"What's the matter?"

"No... Haha, you're right. I just remembered how irritated I was every time I heard that guard's laugh in the cell."

The Director didn't think it was my fault and simply blamed the guard's obnoxious laughter. That struck me as funny, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"...Hey, Director? I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"When we get back, could you train me again? I don't want to show such a pathetic figure anymore."

For a while, I felt hopeless. It wouldn't have been surprising if I had given up on ever being a spy again. But more than the pain and despair I experienced in Impel Down... I admired this man.

The fear had completely disappeared, and the desire to work under this great man sprouted within me.

Hearing my words, the Director smiled faintly and whispered.

"...After your injuries heal, okay?"

At that moment, I made a strong vow in my heart to follow this man's big back.


Upon returning to Enies Lobby, I saw a familiar face on the pier - Jabra. When he noticed us, he hurried over and called out to the Director.

"Director! What about Fizz...?"

"No worries. I've arranged things with higher-ups. There won't be any charges for similar crimes in the future."

"I see..."

After exhaling a sigh of relief at the Director's words, Jabra seemed to notice me and awkwardly averted his gaze. At that moment, the Director turned towards me and spoke.

"Fizz, until your injuries are healed, you don't have to report for duty. You're on medical leave until you receive a certificate of full recovery from the doctor. If you want to return to your current position as soon as possible, focus on your treatment."

"Alright, understood."

"Also, you'll be compensated for this incident under the pretext of a get-well gift... and there will be a hush payment. I'll prepare the paperwork, so sign it when you're back on duty."

"Well, I don't really need all that..."

"If you don't have any absolute grudge against the higher-ups, it's better not to leave any trivial conflicts unresolved. They probably want to settle the matter with these compensations."

"I see. Understood."

To be honest, I didn't really care about the higher-ups anymore, but if the Director said to accept it, I would comply.

After conveying a few more messages, the Director turned to leave, but then turned back and spoke.

"Oh, one more thing. Be sure to thank Jabra too. He came to me in tears, begging me to help you."

"What!? Hey, Director!!"

Jabra protested in a fluster, but by then, the Director had vanished without making even a sound with his perfect Soru.

Seeing Jabra's awkward expression, I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh, Jabra, you were doing that?"

"What? Shut up! It's just that pitiful idiot who got rejected by Kalifa and messed up the mission! That's all!"

"Hah? The shy wolf who can't even confess is saying such idiotic things."



We both exchanged insults and turned our faces away. It's always been like this with him from the beginning. We end up fighting quite often... but strangely enough, we have similar tastes in alcohol and women.

Amidst the awkward silence, I mumbled with my face turned away.



"...Thanks, man."

"...Hah... Just hurry up and recover to get back to work. I can't stand not hearing your annoying jabs; it's boring."

Well, this relationship... isn't so bad after all.


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