
BBQ and Blood!!

In the early hours of the morning, Jack was wandering the streets of Secon, taking in the view of the beautiful city.

Looking out to the sea, he could see all the Sea Trains, and it occurred to him that if all of the Blue's had these things, connecting each and every island together, it would make life a hell of a lot better.

Trading and commuting would skyrocket, people wouldn't be losing their lives as often do to storms and attacks, and it would help the education of everyone around.

Jack had thought about putting schools on every island, but if he could just put schools on a few of them and have people go back and forth on the trains, it would save him a lot.

'We'll store that away for later.' He thought as he continued on his way. Eventually he came across Makino, Soran, and Garp, at a restaurant eating breakfast. The scene, naturally caused him to smile. Garp was basically a father to Makino, and Jack knew for certain that if her life was ever threatened, Garp would kill whoever was responsible.

Soran was a different story. Jack knew her and Garp talked, but he didn't realize that Garp already saw Soran as his own grandchild, willing to set the world on fire for her. 'These two have their own plot armor.' Jack thought as he mentally chuckled.

Both Soran and Makino were like sisters to him, and he actually enjoyed it. He didn't think he would become so attached to people in this world, but it was inevitable. After all, what was the point in becoming the strongest and changing the world if he was just going to be alone? That sounded like a boring life.

"HEY BRO!!! Come eat with us!" Soran shouted happily with a smile that could melt Aokiji. Walking over to the table, Jack sat down before he asked, "Where are Selene and Apis?"

Not losing her smile, Soran answered "Selene is with Luke doing some training, and Apis is with Robin and Smokey. Apparently she wanted to know about some dragons, and Robin said she would help her do some research. No idea why Smokey was with them in the library though."

After saying the last part, Jack couldn't help but notice how Makino started choking on her coffee, giving Jack an idea as to why Smoker was in the library with Robin. 'Whatever. As long as they're both consenting adults, they can live their lives however they want.' Jack thought, a little happy that Smoker actually got with someone. He figured the guy had a thing for Hina, but apparently they were both just really good friends, and had trained together for a few years.

"Well that's nice. I'm glad everyone's enjoying themselves." Jack said before he ordered a cup of coffee. "Where's Nojiko?" Makino asked, curious as to why she wasn't with him. The two of them were by no means attached to the hip, or had to be with each other 24/7, but whenever either of them didn't have plans, they were almost always together.

"She's actually in the resort kitchen, believe it or not." Jack said, getting a confused look from Makino and Soran, while Garp just nodded, thinking that everyone would be in the kitchen if they could. "Why is she there?" Makino asked curiously.

"She's practicing her baking skills. Nami's birthday is in like three weeks, and she wants to do the cake. I offered to teach her myself, but she said she'd rather not go through any kind of training from me for awhile. No idea why, everyone always learns super quick when I teach them." Jack replied, getting an eye roll from both of the girls.

"So what are your plans for today?" Garp asked, pausing only for a moment before he went back to devouring the food on the table. "Nemo and I are gonna go fishing for a few hours, then I'll most likely start preparing for the BBQ. Don't know why I invited everybody and their dog, but I can't take it back now." Jack answered before he took a sip of his coffee.

"Truly a drink befitting of the Gods!" Jack said, his mood slowly coming back. The power of coffee is truly amazing. "That sounds like fun!! We should go fishing when we get back to Foosha!!" Soran shouted at Garp, her smile almost being infectious. "Of course!! I'll show ya how to punch a fish so it stays perfectly intact to be eaten later." Garp said, agreeing to take Soran on a little fishing trip of their own.

After Jack finished his coffee, he made his way to the docks and got a small boat ready, equipped with some bait and fishing gear. He was just pulling out a chair to sit down after he had finished everything, when Nemo walked aboard the ship.

"Hey! Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long?" Nemo said, his towering figure blocking out some of the sun. "I haven't been waiting too long. Now before we head out, I was gonna see if you wanted to use this little trip as a little training exercise?" Jack said, causing Nemo to go rock stiff and cold sweat to start pouring down his back.

"I-I'd rather we didn't!" Nemo answered back, doing everything in his power to not start running for the hills. He had went through Jack's 'Training' a few time before, and he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy. Although the results were always catastrophic, the pain and mental trauma just wasn't worth it.

Seeing Nemo's response, Jack waved his hand lazily towards him as he spoke, "Oh don't get your panties in a twist!! There will be no pain, hell I won't even lift a finger towards you!" Jack said, trying to get Nemo on board.

"What kind of training?" Nemo finally asked after a few long moments of internal struggle. "Well, you being half fish-man, I was thinking we should try and get you acquainted with water battle. Start you off with pushing the boat, then we'll see if we can't get you to be able to manipulate the water like the fish-man army does. It would also help to see if you would be able to learn fish-man karate." Jack said, earning a thoughtful look from Nemo.

"That actually sounds really fun!" Nemo answered excitedly. "Of course it does!! Honestly all my training is super fun, you people just don't know what fun is!" Jack said, almost sounding hurt.

With everything ready, Nemo jumped in the water and began pushing the boat out to sea, while Jack sat leisurely in his chair eating a bowl of fruit. After a little more than an hour of pushing the boat, Nemo stopped when he felt something approaching them from under the water. Looking to where he felt the presence, he saw a massive Sea King coming towards them.

"HEY JACK!! We got company!!" Nemo shouted before he climbed a rope back onto the ship, only to see Jack looking at him like he was an idiot. "You do realize we came out here to fish right?" Jack asked, sounding as though he was talking to a child.

"Of course YOU would think a Sea King is just a fish!" Nemo mumbled, annoyed at having to deal with Jack's view. To normal people, Sea Kings were monsters that divided the world. To Jack and everyone associated with him, Sea Kings were seen as an extra large order of food.

When the Sea King burst out of the water, it didn't even get the chance to view it's 'prey' properly before it's head was separated from the rest of it. After cutting the things head off, Jack stored everything inside his inventory before he sat back down in his chair. "Alright, let's keep going. I wanna get at least another Sea King or some rare fish before we head back. Anything else is just a bonus." Jack said as he signaled for Nemo to begin pushing the boat again.

They spent the next few hours fishing and training, and got quite the large haul. Two more Sea Kings were added to the pile, six large Tuna's, and 3 fishes that were suppose to be considered a delicacy. Nemo had also manages to find a sunken ship, which had a small treasure chest, and to Jack's shock and delight, one of the 21 Great Grade Swords.

Considered among the highest quality blades in the world, second only to the twelve Supreme Grade swords, these blades are well known for their incredible power and possessing great balance in terms of strength, sharpness, and durability. In the hands of a capable swordsmen, they can even stand up to the Supreme Grade Swords in combat.

Not about to question their good luck, the two of them finished their day and went back to Secon to prepare for the BBQ. "Make sure you take care of that, and give it a good polish." Jack said as he split off from Nemo, who became the new owner of the blade.


As the hours went by, Jack had prepared and roasted a full Sea king, brought out a large quantity of alcohol, and purchased hundreds of ice-cream sundae's for desert. Makino had put out chips, juice, salads, rice, and Sea King burgers. "Can I please eat now?!!" Garp asked, almost pleading. This was like his own personal hell. He was surrounded by food that smelled and looked as though it was cooked by the divine, and yet he was told he had to wait for another 10 minutes.

Jack didn't really get why Garp looked so tortured by having to wait, after all, Makino wasn't being sneaky when she passed him a few dozen samples to 'Taste Test.' Sighing towards Garp, Jack figured he may as well let the man dig in. "Go ahead, just make sure you don't just eat all of one thing. Gotta let everyone at least have a taste of everything." Jack said, causing Garp to vanish from where he was, only to reappear at the tables.

(Whitebeard POV)

"Alright, let's head over to the BBQ!" Whitebeard shouted, getting cheers from everyone. The last few hours have been the best hours he had experienced in over a decade, and now he was heading to a BBQ prepared by someone the world feared.

'I wonder how good of a cook the little monster is...' He thought as his sons and allies made their way to the other end of the harbor. Along the way, the people of Secon gave them all a wide birth, staying clear of the Emperor and his entourage.

If the people didn't know any better, they would think that Whitebeard was going off to battle, backed by a veritable army. When they finally got to Jack's ship, Whitebeard couldn't help but marvel at the sight. The ship was truly something else to behold, it's size rivaling that of his own, and yet the comparison would be like night and day.

As they all made their way aboard, the feast put out before them was magical. He had celebrated countless times in his long life, been to places and tasted things most people could only ever dream to try, but before him now looked like the greatest feast he had ever seen.

"Don't just stand around!! Help yourselves!!" Jack said, breaking everyone out of their stunned states. It didn't take further prodding for everyone to rush to the tables and start dishing up. Before any chaos could erupt, Garp and Rayleigh stepped behind the tables, Garp going to the food while Rayleigh went to the alcohol.

"Alright you brats!! If you spill any of this stuff, you're gonna be dealing with us!!" Garp said as he cracked his knuckles, while Rayleigh just let out an evil chuckle. "What kind of bouncers are these?!!" Someone shouted, sounding as though he was gonna piss himself.

Tasting the food, Whitebeard was in his own little world as he savored every bite. He tried every kind of food available, tasted some of the drinks, and when he finally got to the desert he was more than satisfied. 'I could die happy.' Whitebeard thought, feeling as though he was finally in heaven.

"Pretty good, right?" Soran asked, bringing him out of his stupor. "I can't remember the last time I've had something so good." He answered as he finished off the last of his desert. "Yeah, Jack says that you can make anything taste good, you just need to figure out what foods complement each other." Soran said as she walked over and sat beside Nami. At least he thought that one was Nami.

The food was amazing, but the BBQ didn't really get exciting until Luke started a brawl. Whitebeard was feeling so good at the moment, he just couldn't help himself when he jumped off the ship and onto the docks where the brawl was taking place.

Luke was zapping around, using people as either clubs or human shields, laughing like a lunatic all the while. Marco and Jozu teamed up and put Luke on the defensive, but then Garp had to join in. Whitebeard and Garp clashed fists, and were also put in a stalemate until Rayleigh joined in.

There fun lasted for a good 15 minutes before Jack joined the fray, at which point strange things happened. People began to disappear from the fight, or were launched away without any clue as to how it was done, the only clue he had to go off of was Jack laughing his heart out. After another good 20 minutes of everyone trying to escape Jack, they all settled down back on the ship to some music dials.

"This was one hell of a BBQ!!" Thatch shouted, getting cheers from everyone, even the stick in the mud, Sengoku. The man refused to have any fun whatsoever. "I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves!! Now get off my ship!!" Jack shouted, ruining the mood, but everyone complied nonetheless.

Just as he was about to leave the ship, Whitebeard couldn't help but overhear Jack asking Garp, Rayleigh, and Sengoku to look after his ship and a few of his crew members, which piqued his curiosity.

"Are you planning on going somewhere?" Whitebeard asked, not even bothering to hide the fact that he had listened in. "A few of us are, yeah." Jack answered. Before Whitebeard could question him more, Sengoku spoke up, "I'd like to come along with you. He was the one that killed Rosinante, and I'll damn well finish what I started with Virgo."

Jack looked around to his crew, who in turn just gave him a nod of agreement. "Alright then, we'd be glad to have ya. Just make sure not to act before we're all in place, and make sure you write out some letters to Garp and everyone else that knows you." Jack said, handing Sengoku a pencil and a few pieces of paper, stumping everyone who wasn't part of his crew.

"Why does he need to do that?" Whitebeard asked, not understanding what this was about. "One of Doflamingo's top executives has a Devil Fruit ability that lets her turn people into toys. Once you become a toy you literally become her slave, and the rest of the world will forget you ever existed. Your friends, family, all of them. To them, it will seem as though you were never apart of their lives. I don't know if it effects pictures, but I know it doesn't effect letters. There are thousands of toys in Dressrosa, so all of those people are currently suffering as toy slaves." Jack said, dropping a huge bomb on everyone.

"Do you want us to go with you?" Whitebeard asked, wanting to end Pinky just as badly as Jack did after hearing what he had been doing all these years. "No, don't worry about it. You Emperor's are constantly under observation, and it would most likely scare him away if you showed up. With a small group of us, we can get in the city without anyone knowing, then start assassinating the higher ups. There are three of them that must be taken out before we do anything, otherwise they could literally kill thousands of people." Jack answered, explaining why having Whitebeard along wouldn't really help all that much.

"Well then if Sengoku's leaving, I'll stay here until you get back. The government wouldn't dare move with me here." Whitebeard said, getting a nod of thanks from Jack. "We'll be leaving tonight so we can get into the city without being seen under the cover of darkness, then we'll rest for a few hours with Viola. Tomorrow she can give us the exact locations of where the executives are, then each person goes after a certain target. If all goes as planned, by tomorrow night Dressrosa will be rid of that pink retard." Jack said, then went inside his ship to prepare, which was the signal for everyone else to get going as well.


(General POV)

After preparing everything, Jack rounded up the small group of would-be assassins, then they flew towards Dressrosa. They didn't find anyone else along the trip, and they didn't bother to stop anywhere, so the trip was pretty boring until they actually got to the city a few hours later.

Luke had already informed Viola about their plans earlier, so when they got there, they were all given rooms to sleep in for the remainder of the night. When the Sun finally started to rise in the sky, Jack was already awake, sitting at a table, with everyone else, going over their targets, where they would be located, and how best to deal with them.

"How do you know all of this?" Viola asked, shocked at the amount of information Jack had on each of Doflamingo's Executives. "Research, and a little bit of spying. How do you think I knew about you?" Jack said, getting a glare in return from the woman. "Don't bother questioning how Jack knows all of this crap. I assure you, it will only give you a headache." Luke said, brushing away her concerns.

"Back to business. We all know our targets, where they are, so now you all need to read up on their powers." Jack warned, causing everyone to pick up the papers in front of them with all the information on their targets.

"I'll deal with Pinky and Sugar. Luke will take Pica and Trebol, however if Sengoku can take care of Diamante first, then he can handle Trebol. Pica is too much of a risk to not take care of first, so that's your top priority, got it?" Jack said seriously, looking straight at Luke.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it. I'll take him first. Can you explain the part where it says, 'Don't get distracted by laughing at his voice'?" Luke asked while pointed to the paper. Jack actually chuckled for a minute before he answered, "Pica is huge. By huge, I mean, Whitebeard huge. Anyway, his voice sounds like a little tiny girl screaming at the top of her lungs."

There was a pause as everyone digested that bit of information before Smoker tried to trade targets with Luke, who in turn held the paper closer. "I'm actually intrigued as to what he sounds like now." Luke said, a feral grin on his face.

"Alright then. Smoker, you take on Senor Pink and Gladious. Senor Pink might be your only real problem because the fucker can run away like you wouldn't believe, but use his pride to stop him. He is extremely proud, despite how he dresses like a baby. Nemo, your target is another half-fish-man like yourself named Dellinger, only he craves bloodshed and tortures people for entertainment. You will also be taking on, Giolla. She's a creep, just warning you.

Tedi, your opponents are gonna be Machvise and Monet. With your strength, Machvise shouldn't be too difficult, but Monet is a Logia user just like me, Luke and Smoker, so be sure to keep your Sea Stone beads on hand. Most Logia rely too heavily on their power, so it shouldn't be a big concern.

Lucian, the last two people are Baby Five and Buffalo, but this is where it gets complicated. Buffalo is a walk in the park, but Baby Five is actually innocent. Kind of anyway. She has an awesome Devil Fruit, but has been manipulated since she was a child. She has still committed some grave crimes, but I'm hesitant to kill her. If you can take her alive without risking your own life, do it, but if not, don't hesitate to end her." Jack said, getting a nod of understanding from the wolf mink.

"Check your stuff, we leave in 5 minutes!" Jack said before he started checking his guns.

Five minutes later and everyone was already out the door and heading for their respective targets. Jack knew that once Sugar was taken care of, everyone would know they were being attacked, the toys turning back into people being a dead give-away, so he had to detain Pinky before he did it.

He could just kill Pinky first, but he wanted him to know that everyone associated with him would be in Hell waiting for him. Plus he didn't feel like a quick death would be good enough for Pinky, so he went to Pinky first.

Getting into the castle was like Childs-play, and with the information he got from Viola, going through the castle to Pinky's room was faster than he would have thought. 'I really need to recruit her, no matter what price she says.' Jack mentally thought as he crept through the halls as a shadow.

Getting into Doflamingo's room, Jack quickly activated his void domain, canceling all Devil Fruit powers, then faster than the eye could see, he appeared next to a sleeping Doflamingo.

The sleeping man in question, upon feeling another presence in the room with himself, started to stir from his sleep, but he felt different. Without his powers, Doflamingo was wondering what was happening to him more than he was paying attention to the other presence in the room, so when Jack appeared next to him and cuffed his wrist with the Sea Stone training brick he used to 'Train' Luke and the others, he wasn't really paying attention.

"WHAT TH-?!!" Doflamingo shouted, but stopped abruptly when he took notice of who was standing next to him. "Sparrow...." He whispered, hardly audible to hear. Smirking at him, Jack said, "The one and only!! Now.... open wide!" Jack's voice went from mocking to damn near murderous.

Doflamingo was so lost in his own thoughts at that moment, that when Jack appeared next to him and cuffed his other wrist, he didn't even notice. When Jack slammed him down into the ground, he reacted by unleashing his own Conqueror's Haki, but it didn't even have a chance to spread out before it was drowned and overwhelmed by Jack's own Haki.

Caught off-guard, Doflamingo took in a deep breath, but Jack took that moment to slam a hand over his mouth and forcing the Sea Stone beads down his throat. "You just wait for me to come back now." Jack said as he quickly brought out two more training bricks with chains, cuffing Doflamingo's legs, then took off to where Sugar was.

Along the way through the hallways, Jack came across a few of Doflamingo's soldiers, and needless to say, they were quickly dispatched. By the time he got to Sugar's room, Jack didn't even bother to continue with his stealth.

Slamming the door down, Jack marched inside, and without waiting, Jack killed the woman, who because of her Devil Fruit looked like a ten year old child. This was the main reason he chose to take care of her. He didn't want anyone else to feel as though they were killing a small child, which wasn't too off considering her mentality sometimes shifted to that of a child due to the influence of her Devil Fruit.

However Jack knew she was evil from the anime, when she got extreme joy out of turning people into toys, and taking immense pride in her work. She didn't suffer any pain, Jack devouring her in black flames in an instant, then faster than he thought he could, he brought out the crates of fruit. It took only a few minutes before a fruit started to change into the Hobby-Hobby Fruit, at which point Jack went around the castle to where the others were.

The first place he went to was to where Sengoku would be dealing with Diamante. It was pretty much a leisurely stroll, knowing there shouldn't be any other problems so long as Luke had dealt with Pica, which was almost guaranteed.

After walking for a few minutes, Jack came upon the mangled body of Diamante, who was still breathing, but unless Trafalgar Law personally showed up to fix the guy, he was a lost cause. With his Haki active, Jack could tell there was a large portion of Sea Stone beads inside Diamante, thus making it impossible to use his Devil Fruit power.

"God damn!! Sengoku really wanted you to suffer huh?" Jack said, marveling at the man's brutality. Jack guessed Sengoku wanted him to suffer for as long as possible, which was fair, the man owed all of Doflamingo's crew a debt to be paid in blood, and knowing who was here with him, the man would get it in spades.

"Let's finish you off, shall we?" Jack said as he poured a bottle of green liquid down the man's swollen mouth, and after a moment, muffled cries of agony filled the room once more. Jack sought to end it quickly, but there was no reason the man had to get it painlessly, so a bottle of poison that lasted for a minute sounded like the perfect thing.

Once again, Jack collected a Devil Fruit before he went along his way, getting to the place where Luke should have dealt with Pica. Walking in the room, Jack was greeted with a scene he didn't quite expect, although given Luke's history and personality, he should have.

Inside the room, Sengoku, Smoker and Tedi were standing off to the side watching as all of their targets were strapped to a very long table, being used as objects for Luke's torture. Every single one of the victims were filled with Sea Stone beads, and a few of them also had Sea Stone cuffs on, most likely to be on the safe side.

Pica, Trebol, Senor Pink, Gladious, Machvise and Monet were all in different states.

Pica had what looked to be a chair leg stuffed down his throat with a tube beside it, probably the only reason he's actually still breathing, while he was missing his eyes and legs.

Looking at Trebol, Jack didn't even understand how the man was still alive with how disfigured he was. All the man's limbs were bent backwards so it looked like they were opposite of his torso, his eyes, ears, and tongue were all removed, and he had a broom handle stuck inside his gut.

Senor Pink looked like he got the shit kicked out of him, and was still huffing smoke from his lungs, telling Jack that most of this was caused by Smoker. There were a large number of broken bones, but nothing as bad as Trebol.

Gladious was straight up gross. He was basically just a torso with a few small puncture holes through him. 'Not sure if that was Smokey or Luke.' Jack thought, turning his gaze to the next victim.

Machvise was a large man, but it looked as though someone had taken a bit of his height away from him. His legs were missing and large claw marks ran down his chest.

Monet on the other hand was still experiencing Luke's torture. "You all think you have the right to control others, to use them as you see fit!!! Well, now you get to suffer the consequences before you get sent off to hell!" Luke spat out venomously as he ripped her leg off.

Her screaming was muffled when Luke stuffed the corner of the table cloth inside her mouth. "Scream to someone that gives a damn!" Luke shouted, then went to remove an arm. Before he could continue the gruesome scene, Jack pulled out a few crates of fruit before he unleashed a small wave of dark fire that encompassed the table, and the unfortunate victims on it.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!!" Luke yelled, mad at the fact that his anger could no longer be carried out on those who deserved it. "Calm down! I know they deserved it, and they had a lot more coming to them, but we still have to make sure Nemo and Lucian are alright, then we gotta take care of all the foot-soldiers, make sure the citizens are calmed down, then make sure to restore King Riku and his family. The people are probably in an uproar right now, so we need to deal with this shit fast." Jack said, calming Luke's anger.

Everyone knew he was right, so instead of waiting around, they all moved out to handle the grunts. After getting the Devil Fruits, Jack moved throughout the castle and killed anyone associated with Doflamingo, then went back to check on the man himself.

Walking into the room with Sengoku in tow, Jack saw Doflamingo struggling to get out of the chains, but it was something most people would find impossible. "Hello Pinky!! Having a good time?" Jack asked, his tone sounding as though he was mocking Doflamingo, which it was.

"YOU!!" Doflamingo shouted, hate plain for all to see. "That's right, ME!! Here to dish out what should have been given to you a thousand times over." Jack said smiling. Then without further explanation, Jack slammed a fist into Doflamingo's gut, doubling him over, then he stomped on his leg, crippling one of them after only a few strikes.

After the first leg, Jack stopped and allowed Sengoku to take over, who in turn broke the other leg and one his arms, while the remaining arm was sliced off. Without his Devil Fruit ability, Doflamingo could do nothing in retaliation, after his 'roughing up' Jack got rid of the blocks, but still left the chains on, then started to drag the man down the halls and outside.

Arriving outside, Jack already found King Riku, his daughter Viola, his son in-law Kyros, and his granddaughter Rebecca all standing beside each other, with Luke and the others, while all of the citizens were gathering beneath the castle. Turning on a large video screen, Jack's image could be seen across the whole city.


Jack went into detail about Sugar using her Devil Fruit, then explained how everyone was being manipulated.



Jack paused to let the people digest his words, and he didn't have to wait long at all. The people all over the island started shouting "RIKU!!" "RIKU!!" "RIKU!!"

Turning to look at Viola, Jack smirked as he said, "The Adventurer's have done what we promised. I do hope you will give Dark Phoenix a positive review. HAHAHA!!" The woman in question was practically crying her eyes out as she nodded her head in thanks to Jack.

With all that taken care of, Jack pulled Doflamingo over to the edge of the castle so he was in the view of the camera's, to which the people all began to curse and shout for his death.



Jack went on and on, building on the peoples anger and hate for the wrongs that were done to them, and after he fanned the flames enough, he let King Riku speak. The man definitely knew how to speak to a crowd, because in no time the people were all shouting his name again.

His soldiers that were either turned into toys or gladiators came forth and pledged their loyalty once more, along with a large group of citizens who wanted to try and make amends to their king for how they treated him in the past. The royal guard of Dressrosa was growing by the minute.

Jack picked a few people who he knew were die hard loyal to the king from the anime and gave them all some Devil Fruits, and Kyros even got Doflamingo's Devil Fruit after he was publicly executed by Luke.

The Fruit in question could be used to create a false leg out of the string, thus replacing the one he lost when he escaped from the chains that bound him all those years ago.

Jack was sad to see that Baby Five didn't make it, but it was better her than Lucian, and after hearing how she fought, he understood there was nothing he could have done. He did manage to get her Devil Fruit though, which he kept for later down the road.

"Well, we gotta get back to our own, but you know how to get in touch with us if you ever need our help in the future." Luke said as he waved goodbye to Viola.

As Jack and the rest of his group boarded their boat, most of the city was there to see them off. "I cannot even begin to thank you for everything you've done for us!!" Riku said as he bowed his head towards them in thanks. "Don't worry about it king!! After all, one day the Adventures Association will be spread all over the world, and with your permission, we would like for there to be a place for them here in Dressrosa." Jack said, his wolfish smile sending chills down everyone's backs.

Everyone but Luke was now on board the ship, and when Jack looked towards him, he noticed him Viola whispering something to him. "You better come visit me often." She said, getting a laugh from Luke who confirmed that he would indeed come visit.

"Would you get on the damn ship!!" Smoker shouted, getting a few laughs from everyone around them. After Luke boarded, they shot off back to Secon, everyone of them feeling as though they did their own good deed for the day.

A few hours later when the island started to come into view, everyone was stunned at the scene before them. Dozens of ships were spread around the island, most of them ripped apart, while some were burning. Looking closely at the ships, Jack inspected the flag and recognized it as Big Mom's.

"What the hell is going on here?" Smoker asked as he scanned the area.

Cliffhanger bitches!! Enjoy!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts