
Failing Before it Began!!

(Whitebeard POV)

Today started out so peaceful and quiet, the only sounds were people moving about their everyday in the background. But all good things must come to end, however the quiet peaceful day didn't just end, it all went to shit when the alarms across the island went off.

At first Whitebeard didn't understand what was going on, after all no one in their right mind would attack the island right now, at least he thought he should be enough of a deterrent. His presence here pretty much guaranteed that, so whatever was happening caused everyone to get into position in a hurry.

"Marco, can you see what all the commotion is about?" Whitebeard asked, to which his son obliged. Turning into his bird form, Marco flew high enough into the sky that he could get a proper view of anyone approaching the island, and what he saw made him catch his breath.

Almost 50 ships with Big Mom's flag were coming towards the island in a crescent battle formation, surrounding the portion of the island with the city. His gaze swept across all the ships, and to his relief, Big Mom didn't seem to be here, but the lead ship belonged to one of the three Sweet Commanders, which just made him all the more wary.

'What the fuck is Smoothie doing here?!!' He thought before he decided to report back. Landing back on the deck of the Moby Dick, Marco shouted, "It's Big Mom's fleet! She's not here herself, but Smoothie is! I didn't see Katakuri or Cracker either, so I think it's just her, and I don't think she knows we're here."

After giving his opinion on the matter, Marco waited to see what Whitebeard's order would be. "Let's g-" The words froze in Whitebeard's throat as cannon balls began raining down upon the approaching fleet at a speed the approaching fleet couldn't follow.

Looking to the origin of the heavy fire, Whitebeard saw Garp standing on the deck of his ship while his crew members were bringing hundreds of cannonballs to him. "Don't let the fleet approach any further, and if they attack, answer in kind!" Whitebeard shouted as he took off towards Garp's ship.

Jumping aboard Garp's ship, Whitebeard shouted "Damn it, Garp!! I could have had them retreating without any battle!" Garp didn't seem to listen nor care about his presence as the woman he learned was Jack's girlfriend, named Nojiko approached Garp and whispered something to him.

It was bad, and Whitebeard only guessed that because Garp started smiling like a madman. "BRING OUT THE BALL AND CHAIN!!" Garp shouted, followed by the ship making a buzzing sound. What Whitebeard saw was a cannon ball that was almost half the size of the ship attached to a massively large chain.

He didn't even get to ask what was going on before Nojiko touched the giant ball, at which point it began floating into the air. "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Garp laughed like a villain as he jumped through the sky, dragging the giant ball of death along with him. When he got in range of the ships, they started firing upon him, but they were far to slow to ever get close to touching him.

What he did was grab the end of the chain and swing the ball horizontally in an arc, destroying 4 ships in a second. This was truly something only Garp could have accomplished with his abnormally large strength. Honestly if Whitebeard hadn't watched Garp go for a swim just a day earlier, he would have sworn the man ate a Devil Fruit that gave him strength.

Seeing all the carnage Garp had caused, Whitebeard didn't want to be outshined, so with a powerful thrust, the air around him cracked. What followed was the sea rising, blocking the path of retreat for all the attacking ships and massive waves towering over even the island. With another powerful punch, the waves were stopped as though time was frozen, then came crashing down on the ships, ripping a good 6 or 7 ships apart.

The surviving members of the attacking force were momentarily distracted after surviving the terrifying ordeal, that they failed to notice a large assortment of boulders and trees flying towards them or the young woman floating in mid-air.

Whitebeard watched in amazement as the woman used the trees as spears, shooting them at ships at blinding speeds, some of the make-shift spears going right through and out the other side of the ships. The boulders functioned the same way, only they were just harder to block and caused more damage when they struck the ships.

The fight, if it could even be called that, had only been going on for about 10 minutes, and since then, 16 ships of the 50 had been destroyed, and it didn't look as though there were any survivors on those ships. Whitebeard was about to stop all of this needless bloodshed, when the commander of the enemy fleet sent a massive burst of power towards Nojiko.

Not being quick enough to intervene, Whitebeard watched as the beam of energy crashed to where Nojiko was floating, but to everyone's astonishment, Nojiko vanished. Smoothie's gaze frantically searched the battlefield, but it was as if her opponent had teleported.

"What a joke!" A voice rang out, getting everyone's attention. Looking around, Whitebeard spotted Nojiko floating in a relaxed pose, like she didn't have a care in the world. This seemed to infuriate Smoothie, because she began to frantically stab her own underlings and absorb their essence, causing herself to grow in height. She got so big, it looked as though her ship would collapse in a few seconds if she didn't reduce the weight she must have put on. "Let's hope you can actually put some speed behind this attack, because if you really can't keep up, I'm afraid this will be a boring fight." Nojiko said, causing Smoothie to become more furious than she already was.

Like this, Nojiko got Smoothie so angry that she had finally had enough and unleashed all her gathered power, sending a beam of energy that looked as though it would divide the island in two. Instead of doing what everyone expected her to do, Nojiko didn't dodge the attack. Instead she met the beam of energy with a Haki coated Ball and Chain!! As the two bringers of death collided, a sonic boom rang out across the sea, halting the entire battle as everyone watched on to see what would happen next.

The Ball and Chain looked like it was struggling for dominance for a good 40 seconds, but by that point the energy was already dissipating, whereas the Ball and Chain was still as strong as ever. Winning the battle of Wills', Nojiko sent the metal monstrosity towards Smoothie, who did her damnedest to deflect the ball, but it kept coming at her, and her ship could not take the amount of stress she was putting it through.

Shrinking back down to her regular, still taller than average height, Smoothie began evading the ball, which ended up costing her a ship. She could only take refuge for so long before Nojiko sent the ball of death at her once more, destroying even more ships in the process, and all Smoothie could do was run.

Whitebeard's crew now joined the battle, meeting the enemy on their own ships, which would have earned them a good thrashing from Jack if he had watched that. Why would you ever meet someone face to face when you were dominating them completely at range?

It was just stupid because now Whitebeard and Garp could no longer continue their ranged attacks, but that didn't seem to deter the old monsters. On the contrary, they made it onto the enemy ships in record time, beginning their own little beat down, although not near as fast as it was going before.

Any enemy ship that tried to get past whitebeard's crew were dealt with by Tashigi and Rayleigh. Rayleigh was having a blast, reliving some of the better days of his life as he cut the smaller ships directly in half, while letting the human fishes swim to one of the still intact ships, then repeating the game. It actually got to the point where all of the remaining enemy ships were ordered to stay away from the island at all costs.

"HOLD STILL!!" Smoothie demanded as she took a chance and jumped onto the ball of death and ran up the side of the metal ball, putting her in range of Nojiko. With a desperate cry, she swung her sword in a overhead slash, trying to cleave Nojiko in two, but the sword met nothing but air. "You lack form and technique, rushing in with brute strength alone. Your body is unrefined, leaving your speed and stamina sorely lacking. I would pity you, but there's no point in wasting that on a corpse." Nojiko taunted, sounding more like Jack after each word.

She dodged for a few more minutes before finally she decided to take the fight seriously, and within a perfectly timed moment, Nojiko appeared behind Smoothie and fired two shots in quick succession. Each bullet pierced through Smoothie's kneecaps, eliciting a wail of agony from the woman. She started to fall from the sky, but Nojiko used her power to bring one of the ships below where Smoothie would fall, letting the now crippled woman land hard on the wooden deck.

Hovering a few feet above the ship, Nojiko spoke, "I was told your mother favors you above most of her children, and how you like to drink the life out of people with your Devil Fruit... You had everything, yet you turned out like this. Such a shame. Do take comfort in the thought of your mother joining you in whatever hell you end up in."

Smoothie looked outraged, but for the first time since the battle began, there was a flash of fear in her eyes. "You killed him... and killing me too will only enrage mamma even more." Smoothie said, trying to get the words out louder, but it was only loud enough for Nojiko to hear.

Cocking an eyebrow, Nojiko asked, "Who do you think I killed, and why do you think it was me?" If looks could kill, Nojiko would have been incinerated, her ash frozen, then sealed away in the deepest part of hell.

Outraged, Smoothie shouted, "Perospero!! My oldest sibling!! And he was killed by your guild yesterday in a surprise attack!! I know because it was recorded and sent to us by the marines!!" A look of understanding finally dawned upon Nojiko's face.

'So she is out for revenge because Luke killed her brother, eh?' Nojiko thought as she rubbed her finger along the grip of her pistol. 'That lunatic said there was no one important or high up on those ships!!' Nojiko thought, wondering how the hell the first child of Big Mom didn't qualify as important.

Not wanting to be bothered with this little drama anymore than she had to, Nojiko stared coldly into Smoothie's eyes as she spoke, "His end would have come sooner or later, and because of your actions, you have weakened your family considerably. None of your crew members will be leaving here alive, and that is all on you. But don't you worry, we'll send the rest of your family to meet with you soon!"

Finished with her words, Nojiko raised her pistol into the air and fired three times in the blink of an eye. All around, the battle ceased as everyone turned to the ship and watched in horror as Nojiko ended one of the three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom pirates.

"S-Smoothie... SHE KILLED SMOOTHIE!!" One of the members of Big Mom's fleet shouted in disbelief. Everyone was still reeling in shock when arms sprouted on the backs of everyone else present before they snapped their necks.

"I thought that would have been harder." Robin said in a calm voice as she surveyed the battle field. "Was that woman really one of the three strongest members of Big Mom's crew?" Nojiko asked disbelievingly towards Marco, who was still in a daze at how easily these people just slaughtered a group many times their number, and the group was by no means weak compared to New World standards.

"This outcome was already guaranteed the moment they showed up here. I mean really, there is Garp, Whitebeard, and the Dark King!! If the stuck-up bitch would have known that, I'm sure she would have ran with her tail between her legs." Jozu said, saying what everyone was thinking.

"So what do we do now?" Nami asked curiously. She had been watching the show from the sides with Soran and Makino, their help unneeded for the situation. "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get back to my massage." Nojiko stated, then without letting anyone tell her otherwise, she flew off back to the resort.

As soon as she was out of sight, Marco walked his way over to Nami and asked, "Not to sound rude or anything, but what the hell happened to her for her to become like that?" Before Nami could answer, Robin beat her to it.

"She is Jack's girlfriend, and as such she is around him more than any of us, other than maybe Luke. She trains just as much as he does, and on top of that, she has a Devil Fruit that makes her weightless. Combine that with the Rokushiki techniques and you get her. She's held the seat of the fourth strongest among us since the very beginning, and if Smoker ever stops training, she'll surpass him."

Everyone present took in that bit of information, and it only prompted another question. "You don't think she'll get stronger than Luke if he stopped training?" Jozu couldn't help but ask.

There was a small fit of laughter from Nami, Robin, and Tashigi before Tashigi answered, "You've fought him twice now, and not once was he going all out. His Haki is downright monstrous, and his swords move unlike anything you've ever seen before. He has also mastered the all of the Rokushiki techniques to a degree that none of us besides Jack have reached, and he knows the Six King Gun, and Life Return. Add those to his ability to move at the speed of lightning, and unleash destruction on a level that not many in the world can reach. So no, I don't think Nojiko could ever reach his level."

"What kind of monsters are these guys?!!" Someone who had been listening in the back of the crowd shouted. "Don't worry about it. Anyway, we'll leave the clean-up to you guys." Nami said helpfully as she and the others began making their way back from the resort.


(General POV)

It wasn't until a few hours later that Jack and the others showed up to see the aftermath of the battle that had transpired. All of them rushed to the resort as fast as possible, only to find everyone perfectly healthy with not a scratch to be seen.

"It seems we missed quite the party!" Luke said as he entered into the room where everyone was lazing about. Nami glanced up from the magazine she was reading and said "It wasn't anything special, but I wish you would have been here, after all it was your fault it happened."

Everyone cocked an eyebrow at that, wondering how it was Luke's doing. Seeing their questioning gazes, Nami rolled her eyes as she said, "Oh, come on!! Just yesterday he wiped out some of Big Mom's ships, and we haven't really been keeping under the radar about where we are, so it was only natural that someone would come here. Although given the fact that Big Mom wasn't here with all her forces, I'd wager a guess Smoothie came on her own."

Nojiko took that moment to confirm what happened, and how Smoothie got the info from the marines about Luke destroying Perospero, and how she took it upon herself to come her and get revenge.

Jack and the others who had been to Dressrosa got the full details of the battle, and Jack couldn't help but show a proud smile towards Nojiko. She answered his smile with one of her own, but made no move to get up from her chair. After all, it would be rude to leave in the middle of a manicure and foot massage.

"Well, I for one am glad that everything worked out okay, and that no one got hurt. And Luke can't really be blamed for this. Let's just say it was the marines, chopping it up to them trying to pit us against an Emperor. Tomorrow, Luke and I will pay a special visit and let them know of their defeat, while also crippling their numbers down a bit. We'll make sure they don't try to mobilize against us for a few months at the minimum." Jack said, getting a cheer from Luke and a few understanding nods from the others.

"Luke, aren't you a little worried you might be a little too messed up in the head?" Tashigi asked, sounding like she was genuinely worried for his mental health. Waving a hand in dismissal, Luke answered, "Calm your tits, Tashigi! I may come off as a murderous psycho who loves blood and slaughter, and while that is true, I still have my reasoning. So long as I live my life without regrets and can face my family in the afterlife, I will be fine. So stop worrying about me."

A few people around the room looked a little surprised at those words. They had no idea Luke thought like that, and it was kind of reassuring for them. What no one knew, was Luke and Jack got together as often as needed and gave their thoughts on the actions they had taken up to a point, making sure both of them were still sane, and still tried their best to do right by the innocent of the world so no one would ever have to suffer like they did.

"Whatever. It's not like it matters at this point! Let's just enjoy the last bit of vacation we have left!" Nami said as she stood from her chair and made her way to the baths. As she left, Smoker walked over to Jack and asked, "Are you sure you and Luke can handle everything on your own tomorrow? After all, this is an Emperor we're talking about here."

Jack wasn't offended by Smoker thinking he and Luke might not be enough to handle themselves, on the contrary, he was happy that Smoker cared enough to be worried about them. "Awe, I love you to, Smokey! If you keep this up, Robin will have some competition!" Luke teased, earing a blushing Smoker for his reward before the guy walked off, mumbling about 'Perceptive Lunatics' and some other profanities.

Following Smoker's lead, Jack and Luke made their way back to the ship, Jack making sure the Pearl hadn't been damaged during the attack, but he was just being over-dramatic considering Smoothie and the rest of the Big Mom pirates didn't even come close to the Pearl.

"So what exactly are we gonna be doing to Big Mom?" Luke asked once they were alone in the dining hall of the ship. Pulling out two beers, Jack tossed one to Luke as well as a bowl of chips and dip, taking a few bites before he said anything.

After a few moments of contemplation, Jack answered, "Burn her ships, kill a few of her commanders, and if we can, cause her pain. The old hag will eat just about anything, so we get some Sea Stone inside of her, and poison the majority of her fleet."

The both of them were strong, but neither of them held any grand illusions about being able to take on Big Mom and her entire force in their home territory. If the two of them went in guns a blazing, they could sure take out an absurd number of her troops for sure, but they would never hold out against the entire force.

"Are there any among her crew that you think are innocent?" Luke asked, his face calm as ever. "I honestly couldn't tell ya. I know most of them are not worth saving, but I never paid attention to the innocent side of the bunch. I know that everyone of them are extremely loyal to the fat cunt, and none of them think she can be beaten, and are always trying to stay in her good graces. Although I'm not sure that last part is due to respect or fear that she'll eat them." Jack answered, causing Luke to shudder.

He was a sick fuck himself, but he didn't think he could fathom someone eating their own child. A person he hated or didn't know... maybe if it was the only way to survive, he might. "I don't know if that story you told about her eating the woman who raised her and the other children in her orphanage were true, but if it isn't, you got one fucked up mind. And that's coming from me!" Luke stated before he took a sip from his beer.

"It's true. It's also how I learned that if you ate someone who had eaten a Devil Fruit, it would be like you ate the fruit and gained it's power." Jack said, taking a bite of his own chips. "Is there anyone in her base who is innocent?" Luke asked again.

"Her castle, yeah I think so. On their ships, I don't think so. We won't be using lethal poison though, just stuff that will either make them sick for a few weeks, put them on the shitter for a few days, and other stuff they should be able to recover from." Jack said, getting a nod of approval from Luke.

"Works for me. Now, what do ya say we actually take some time out of this resort and relax for a few hours?" Luke said as he stood from his chair.


The next morning, Jack and Luke shot off in the direction of Totto Land, Big Mom's territory. With their speed, they reached the outskirts of the Archipelago in a few hours. The islands surrounding Whole Cake island were ruled by the officers of the Big Mom pirates, who were all Big Mom's children, the exception being one or two unfortunate souls who just so happened to catch the eye of an Emperor and chose to stick with them.

"Are we really gonna go to every island in Totto Land?!!" An exasperated Luke asked. "Of course not!! Even at our speed, it would still take days to go around, plant explosives, the poisons, and kill off the trash every now and then. We're just gonna hit the islands that are in a straight line from here to Whole Cake Island.

This way we don't leave the citizens without a way to transport their goods and completely fuck the economy, because Big Mom and her crew would just take the ships from the people if they didn't have anything else to use. We're just making so she can't come in full force if she wants to attack us, and believe me, she will!" Jack said, explaining what they were trying to do here.

The two of them split up, Jack giving Luke a large bag full of explosives and a few jars containing laxatives and other horrible concoctions. The bombs would have to be remote detonated at a different time, otherwise the rest of the Big Mom pirates would be on full alert, and Jack didn't want that.

Without being noticed, the two of them went from ship to ship, planting bombs in places that wouldn't be searched anytime soon, while helping themselves to anything a value they happened to come across. Next they made their way into what counted as a base of operations for whoever was in charge, then mixed the contents of spice jars, drinking water, while again, taking everything of value.

They repeated the same thing on 6 more islands before they finally reached the Whole Cake Island, and only had to get rid of 36 unfortunate souls who happened to come across them. It wouldn't be until after Luke and Jack were already done here that the missing people in question would be presumed dead, considering none of the bodies were left to be found.

"Alright, now that we're here, we can set off the explosives. They'll serve as a distraction for when people call in for help, saying they're under some enemy attack. I'll go to the docks and start burning the ships, while you just cause as much chaos as you can. Above all else, make sure they know it's the Adventurer's attacking. We don't want them to go to Secon for any of that revenge shit, and if they're stupid enough to come to East Blue, we'll massacre them."

Jack paused for a moment then added, "Remember about Katakuri, and Brulee. Katakuri has Observation Haki comparable to ours with that fucking future vision of his. I hate to admit it, but he might have me beat in the distance he can see into the future. Brulee can teleport you to a mirror world, so either kill her fast or ignore her altogether." Jack said, causing Luke to get serious.

In most of his fights, not many were ever a threat to his life, so he never went all out, but now it seems that would not be the case here. Kizaru was never a real threat because the guy never once got serious during their fight. He was super lazy and used the maximum amount of power that was needed to keep Luke at bay, but even then that costed him a finger.

Luke thought he had driven Kizaru away, but then Jack had filled him in on some facts and it had ruined his good mood. Although, now he had been working on a new technique that would put even Kizaru on his toes, and he was thinking now would be as good a time as any to test it out in combat. "If I run into Katakuri, I'm gonna go Ultra, so if I run out of energy or something, I'm gonna need you to get me out of there, okay?" Luke said, getting the 'okay' from Jack.

That being said, shit officially hit the fan when Jack appeared above the harbor of Whole Cake Island, while Luke detonated every explosion they had set up to this point. "COME ON OUT, BITCHES!! The ADVENTURER'S ASSOCIATION IS LIGHTING A FIRE UNDER YOUR ASSES!!" When Jack said to make sure they knew the Adventurer's Association was responsible, he didn't mean it like that, but it worked too.

Howdy, all!! Sorry for the long wait, I moved away, and couldn't be bothered to write some stuff for awhile, but I am still writing, and hoping to try and pick up the pace a bit more. Also, I started a new Fan Fic, only this one is about the video game, Borderlands!! There are no chapters on here yet, as I am gonna try and work my way up to a few chapters before I begin posting, but I will still try to make this book the top prioity. Anyway, Enjoy the chapter! Or don't, I really don't care!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts
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