
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Tranh châm biếm
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145 Chs

I was sent by...

The battlefield was silence for a moment after my last attack, Jason was lying face down on the ground without a move.

I slowly approached him to check if he was dead this time, when I got close to him I noticed that he was still breathing "Huh?...You're still alive after that?...".

"Heheh-COUGH-COUGH…I can't even move anymore, it's your win" He said while throwing a mouthful of blood.

"Then let me end your misery…" I said as I aimed my index finger at his head, ready to use Shigan.

"Before that, let me give a piece of advice…Huff…Huff…You should watch your back when you enter the New World, if you are going to do that…" He stopped for a second before he continued "No, I'm sure you will with your strength" He said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"I didn't come here out of my own will, I was sent by someone…" he said, then added "Don Chinjao" I was shocked when he mentioned that name.

"Why would Chinjao send you here?"

"You know the old man? Well, he's an old acquaintance of mine and I owe him one, so when he asked me for a favor, I didn't question him that muc-COUGH-COUGH" he stopped for a moment before he continued "I heard that the Inaki Family originates from Kano, they must have had some kind of feud back in the day…Anyway, I talked to much…do what you have to do"

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"I just felt like it… hehehe"

I looked at him for a second before I spoke "Hey! Why don't you join me? It seems like a waste for someone like you to die in this place" When I said that he looked at me with surprise before he gave me his answer.

"Don't push your luck kid, if we were t-*PUFF*" I used Shigan to put a hole on his head before he could finish his sentence.

"I don't care about your excuses…I only asked you to join me" I observed his dead body for a moment before I turned back and left "What a waste"

"Nice fight" When I got close to Calvin, he approached and greeted me.

"Thanks. Where is everyone else?"

"They went to fend off the rest of the enemies" He informed me.

"So why is that hotheaded kid still here?" I asked him as I changed my gaze toward Ian who was calmly sitting on a collapsed building with a bored face.

"Who the hell are you calling hotheaded you bastard?... I just don't need to waste my time fighting those fodders" he declared in an arrogant way. I didn't pay him any attention and changed my gaze back to Calvin.

"Let's just sit here in wait for now"

"By the way what did that Jason guy tell at the end?"


On the other side of the battlefield,

Diana was standing thoroughly with her rifle aimed at the kid in front of her. He was wearing some worn-out clothes with a hood, so his face wasn't clear. He was also carrying a huge, solid metal club on his back.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked with serious expression.

"I said my name is Yamamoto, do you have hearing problems?"

"Kid I suggest you stay away from that guy and find somewhere safe to hide" she said after she lowered her rifle.

"So, you know him?"

"Yes, he is my crew mate. anyway, stay away from him if you don't want to get hurt" She proceeded to turn her back and leave after that.

"Who said I was done speaking?"

"?!-*BAM*-*BAM*-*BAM*…What the hell is that?" She was looking at the three big rocks she just dodged. When she changed her gaze back at the kid, he had a wide smirk on his face while playing with some stones with his hand.

"I still haven't finished with you" He said then proceeded to throw a stone at her direction with incredible speed, Diana quickly brought out her rifle and tried to shoot it, but the moment she was going to pull the trigger the stone grew in size suddenly.

"What?!!" She quickly dodged it using Soru, and proceeded to move near the kid "Did you ate a devil fruit or something?" She asked him while aiming her rifle at his head. He was surprised for a second before he threw all the stones on his hand one after the other to the sky and they came crashing down as giant rocks afterward.

Diana quickly used Rankyaku to split the one falling at her direction.

*CRASH-CRASH-CRASH* The crash left a huge dust which obscured the vision for a while.

Yamamoto used the opportunity to strike her side rib using his giant club. When Diana noticed, she hardened her body using Tekkai.

The attack didn't do a lot of damage to her, but it managed to push her a few meters back "What a monstrous power from a kid!" Diana was surprised at how strong the attack was.

Yamamoto proceeded to jump on the air "Haaaa!" His Club started growing larger before he swung it downward at her direction, creating a huge blast.

"Huff…Huff…How do you like that? Onee-san" He had a smile while panting heavily.

"What monstrous power for someone your age, but it appears that it's costing on your stamina" She commented while standing calmly beside him "give up kid, you're still a decade earlier to fight me" Diana declared while holding her rifle against his head.

Yamamoto was shock at her display and immediately jumped back to create some distance between them, after that he proceeded to enlarge his club while aiming it towards her. But she easily dodged it while approaching him using Soru and then smashed his head on the ground.

"Tch, you're so stubborn. I don't like beating up kids, just stay down their" She had her feet on his back while aiming her rifle at him.

"He-hehe… you're so strong onee-san, I give up" he said while laughing nervously.

"Alright don't try anything funny" She proceeded to step back "Now, you care telling me what a kid like doing in a place like this?".

"Ah, I work for the Isami Family" He took off his hood and his face was visible. He had blond hair and reddish-brown eyes.

"What kind of work?"

"Well like a soldier, I fight the people they ask me to fight"

"Don't you have parents or something?"

"No, anyway stop asking too many questions, it's annoying" he said while he turned back and tried to leave before Diana grabbed him from his back collar.

"You're staying with me"

"Wha-Hey! Let me go!"

[Ashen and Calvin's location],

Calvin was lighting a cigarette while sitting next to Ashen before he proceeded to get on his feet.

"Are you going somewhere?" Ashen asked him.

*PUFF* he puffed smoke from his mouth before he answered, "It's no use sitting out here, I'll better stroll around the battlefield, maybe I'll find a worthy opponent" He calmly said before he proceeded to leave. When Ian saw that he went after him.

"Be careful"

"Don't worry Captain!"

(Calvin's POV),

While I was strolling around the demolished town, the sound of bullets and canon shots could be heard everywhere. While I was walking, I noticed Ian was also walking beside me.

"Stop following me"

"I'm not" He casually replied without looking at me.

"Didn't you say that you don't need to waste your time fighting fodders?"

"I'm trying to find a strong opponent"

"And if you don't?"

"I'll just fight you then" he said with a smirk.

I looked at him in annoyance before I replied "Well, even if you find one, I'll be the one fighting him"

"What-" I raised my hand to stop him before he could finish his sentence. We kept walking around the town until we found ourselves near the port.

"Looks like the old man is in the middle of a fight" I was gazing a naval battle going from a distance.

I instantly Knew it was the old man Ken since it was our ship.

"They are fighting marines" Ian pointed out. Both the ships were damaged but ours was in a worse state.

"It seems that the opponent we were looking for has finally showed up"

(Ken's POV),

A few minutes earlier,


"Ken-san the ship has been damaged badly! If we continue like this, we might risk being sunk!" One of the sailors informed me.

I'm currently taking on helmsman and captain's duties and steering the ship. I have brought with me a few men from Inaki Family to hold off the marines until the captain finishes his fight.

"We don't have a choice we can't let them interfere in the fight yet!" I shouted as I turned the ship to the side and ordered the men to load the canons.

"FIRE!!" I gave the order and they started shooting at the marine ship.



We managed to hit them, but the damage was insignificant.

"Shit! We can't hold on anymore!...Huh?!" I thought I heard someone calling my name, when I turned my head, I saw someone waving at our direction. When I checked with my spyglass, I saw Calvin and Ian.

"*Smile*…Let's retreat!" I informed everyone as I turned the ship back.

"Why so sudden?"

"There is someone who will take care of them"