
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs

Dragonville War iii

Ice and bones kept clashing with one another making a mess inside the throne room as the battle between Lami and Endo kept escalating.

It was a scene straight out of an epic fantasy novel, with the fate of the kingdom at stake and both sides unwilling to back down. Lami wielded her Naginata with grace and Endo kept producing more and more bones to use as weapons, determined to come out on top.

Alexia and General Wolf watched in awe as the two powerful fighters clashed, their move precise and calculated. The sound of metal and bone echoed throughout the throne room, each strike creating a shockwave that shook the foundation of the castle.

Endo's body started to get thinner and weaker with every passing moment as he kept on producing and manipulating bones. Lami wasn't looking much better either as she was covered in cuts and bruises but thanks to her cultivating techniques she was able to keep fighting.

' This guy is no joke, if he was able to use Haki he would have more advantage on top of his fruit,' thought Lami as she continued to dodge and slice the bone attacks from Endo.

" Your body looks like it's getting thinner is that normal?" asked Lami as she realized that Endo's Devil fruit must be taking a toll on his body.

Endo gritted his teeth not wanting to show any weakness. ' I should end this quickly before I run out of stamina to create more bones,' thought Endo as he blocked Lami's attack with a bone shield.

Meanwhile, General Wolf watched with concern as he saw that Endo was getting weaker, ' We need to end this soon before his Devil fruit causes any more harm to himself,' Wolf was interrupted by Alexia who sent a heavy and powerful blow that sent him flying across the room and crashing into the next room.

" Don't go getting distracted, little wolf," taunted Alexia as she walked toward Wolf with a smile. Wolf got up and charged toward Alexia and the two kept throwing blow after blow at one another, the intensity of their battle rivaling the one between Lami and Endo.

The battle between the two spills out of the throne room destroying everywhere they went. The castle walls shook with each of their strikes, the once Grand Hall now reduced to rubble from their fierce fighting.

As the battle raged on Alexia and Wolf knew they had to end soon since they were causing too much destruction across the castle.

Wolf took an opportunity as Alexia slipped and launched his claws toward her ready to end the battle. But moments before the claws could make contact, Alexia countered with her Qi-coated fist that was heading for the claws.

' I'm still not proficient at coating Qi," thought Alexia as she sent a fist to intercept claws heading for her.

Their attacks collided creating a massive shockwave that destroyed all the windows and glass in the area, sending glass shards everywhere.

The two fighters were sent flying in opposite directions from the impact, leaving them both heavily injured and barely conscious.

Lami who was engaged in an intense battle of her own with Endo noticed the shockwaves coming from the battle between Alexia and Wolf and knew that Alexia was facing a tough opponent.

However, Lami was not worried about Alexia as she had full confidence in her abilities and thought that this was a way for Alexia to gain battle experience. Lami turned back her attention to Endo and she noticed that his moves were now slowing down and he was becoming more sluggish.

" Looks like you're running out of steam," said Lami as she held her Naginata and prepared to Launch her final attack.

< Ice Domain>

The throne room was filled with ice as Lami used her Qi to create a wave of ice that spread across the room. Endo was trapped in ice and Lami saw this as an opportunity to strike.

Lami swung her Naginata at light speed creating a powerful gust of wind that froze everything in its path. The area around Lami started to cover with a thick layer of ice that slowed down the movements of Endo leaving him vulnerable for Lami's finishing move.

With one swift movement, Lami charged toward Endo ready to deliver the final blow that would end the battle once and for all. " Time to end this," said Lami as she sent her finishing blow toward Endo with all her strength.

< Eternal Fangs>

However just as Lami was about to deliver the finishing blow she suddenly saw several sharp bones protruding from Endo aiming toward her. Lami quickly used her Naginata to deflect the bones and avoid getting hit.

Unfortunately, the number of bones produced was too many for Lami to handle as she was soon overwhelmed and hit by a few of them. Lami was pierced by the bones, sending her flying backward and crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

The impact left Lami struggling to stand up as she felt pain shooting through her body but she refused to give up as she held her Naginata tightly and prepared to continue the battle.

Outside the castle walls, the battle between Olivia and General Arrow was reaching its peak as Olivia had killed all the soldiers from Endo's army leaving only the general himself.

Olivia was exhausted but she knew that she was close to victory as no one will distract her while she fires a powerful shot toward General Arrow who was still hiding deep inside the forest.

Despite her fatigue, Olivia used Qi sense to locate the general's position and carefully aimed her arm at him. Her arm transformed into a sniper rifle and she fired a single shot toward Arrow.

The shot was powerful enough to penetrate through the thick trees and strike General Arrow in his shoulder, causing him to fall in pain.

Olivia used her quick speed to move closer into the general's range and pulled out a different rifle that was designed for close combat.

She pointed her rifle toward Arrow and said, "Checkmate," before firing a shot toward Arrow. The shot didn't hit its mark as Arrow was able to dodge out of the way and dropped a grenade at Olivia's feet.

The grenade caused a loud explosion that sent Olivia flying backward causing her to crash into a nearby tree. Olivia winced in pain as she picked herself up and prepared to continue to fight.

Arrow was able to take advantage of Olivia's weakened state as he unsheathed his short sword and charged toward Olivia. Olivia reacted quickly as she transformed her arm into a short rifle and aimed toward Arrow and fired.

Arrow quickly sliced and dodged the bullets that were being fired toward him. He used the trees to stay hidden from Olivia and returned fire with his arrows.

The sound of gunshots echoed throughout the forest as the battle of snipers was approaching climax.

On a different battlefield, two figures were on their knees gasping for breath as they looked at their opponent with determination in their eyes.

The battle has been a long one as they fought with the soldiers from Endo's army and now they were left with the general.

*clang* *clang* the sound of an axe and knives meeting, filled the battlefield as Delta blocked and parried an attack from the general.

Delta and Amelia who were fighting against General Block had finally reached a stalemate and they were determined to come out victorious against the general.

The general was also exhausted and he knew that he shouldn't underestimate the two young women in front of him.

With one swift movement, Delta charged toward Block with her knives drawn and Amelia supported her from the back as she continued to send lightning bolts toward the general.

Block parried Delta's attack but the lightning bolt was too overwhelming for him as he dodged to the side and failed to block Amelia's attack.

Amelia's attack hit Block in the back and caused him to scream in agony but he refused to go down without a fight. Block slashed his massive axe toward Delta but she was able to dodge and send her knives toward his chest with precision.

The battle ended as the general fell to the ground defeated and Delta and Amelia let out a sigh of relief.

" It seems you have improved Amelia, I should thank Lami for that," Delta said with a smile.

The battle between Amelia and Delta versus Block had come to an end with the girls emerging victorious.

As they stood there catching their breath they heard gunshots coming from the forest. " It seems Olivia is still at it," said Amelia with a smile.

Olivia and Arrow were currently engaging in a close-quarters sniper battle with Arrow taking cover behind a tree while Olivia was moving stealthily through the trees trying to get a clear shot.

The intensity of the battle kept escalating as Olivia and Arrow exchanged shots each trying to gain the upper hand.

Arrow created another explosive arrow which he aimed near Olivia looking to take her out by surprise. But Olivia recognized the arrow and fired a bullet to intercept the arrow just in time causing the arrow to explode harmlessly in the air.

With the arrow defused the general had no other way to defeat Olivia who was now closing in on him. Arrow knew that he was outmatched from the very beginning and with an air of defeat he surrendered to Olivia, bringing an end to the battle.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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