
One Piece: Ant king Meruem Template

Before Roger execution, Kira traveled to One piece world and witnessed first hand the Pirates cruelty and the dark side of the Navy. Just as he was planning to get some devil fruits, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [The template system is bound] [Searching.... HxH Ant king Meruem successfully bound] ________ The early chapters are translation for Chinese fanfiction, but the author Abondened the work. I liked the story, so I'm going to finish it.

Floki_Star_1199 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Roger's execution

"One knife to pieces!"

"A knife flow cut off!"

"One cut!"

"Little ghost, can you only hide?"

After Roger became the Pirate King, Major Hawk was transferred to the Grand Line by the Navy Headquarters, where he became a major. This move demonstrated his potential and strength. It's important to note that the Navy at the average G15 base could not compare to his level.

However, despite his reputation in swordsmanship on the Grand Line, Major Hawk always came up short against Kira. Kira effortlessly dodged every move and style Major Hawk used. The floor of the G15 base was riddled with sword marks, most from the naval corpses killed by Kira. Kira, on the other hand, remained unscathed. There were a few close calls when Major Hawk almost harmed Kira, but it seemed as if Kira was simply toying with him.

Unable to land an attack, Major Hawk grew increasingly frustrated. The hero he had expected seemed more like a fool being played by Kira. Trying to regain control of the situation, Major Hawk put his defensive posture aside and asked Kira, "Who are you? This part of the sea shouldn't have someone of your strength."

Coincidentally, after getting up, Major Hawk happened to block the camera's phone worm, which may have been a deliberate move.

Kira replied playfully, "Who am I? Just a poor soul in need of some killing."

Major Hawk mocked Kira, asking if it was time for intermission. However, Kira expressed no fatigue, leaning in to taunt Major Hawk with a smile.

In that moment, a series of gunshots sounded as Major Hawk took the opportunity to aim at Kira's vital points and fired several shots. Although Major Hawk knew the gun would not have an immediate effect on Kira, the speeding bullets would still have an impact.

Seizing the moment, Major Hawk swiftly transformed his defensive action into an attack, far surpassing the previous speed of their confrontation. The wooden floor cracked as he closed in on Kira.

"Little ghost, let me give you some advice. Never let your guard down in battle."

"You don't stand a chance. Go and die!"

"It's a shame to resort to such underhanded methods with someone as talented as you. I could have nominated you for lieutenant colonel in the Navy Headquarters or even given you the opportunity to study further at the Naval Academy."

"Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you ate the Devil Fruit? The sea is vast, and the area you're in is merely a small part of the world. All you can see is the sky, which is as wide as the mouth of this dry well. Little ghost, you should thank me for allowing you to see a wider world in the last stage of your life."

As expected, there was no feeling of flesh being cut, and Hawk's knife seemed to pass through the air instead.

With his eyes closed, Hawk imagined he was using his 'merciful' sword to kill Kira, but in reality, Hawk was launching a surprise attack.

Kira was already moving, and the buckshot hit his exoskeleton, but he didn't seem to care. When Hawk attacked him, Kira only took a half step back.

However, that half step allowed Hawk's attack to miss Kira.

This was Kira's final opportunity to defeat Hawk, a major in the Navy Headquarters.

Was Kira hesitating? Was he playing with him? Kira didn't think too much about it.

The trick before was just Kira testing his own strength.

He needed to know his position in the sea's food chain.

In the world of One Piece, strength equated to power and influence.

And Kira needed to know where he stood in this vast biosphere, this mysterious environment.

Major Hawk? A major who appeared like a colorful peacock, showing off his abilities?

A major who used sneak attacks to take down his opponents?

Through the battle with Hawk, Kira had a rough idea of his position in the food chain.

He was stronger than the major in the Navy Headquarters, and he could even defeat him. As long as he didn't encounter someone as strong as a vice admiral and their bounty wasn't over 100 million berries, he could escape unharmed.

And mind you, the progress bar of the Ant King template had only advanced by 1%. Kira was only fourteen years old, with plenty of room for growth in terms of his own strength.

With this level of strength, it was easy to imagine just how much potential Kira had.

"I've had my fill of this game of heroes and villains."

"If you don't have something new to entertain me, then I'm sorry to say that your heroic journey ends here."

Kira remained calm as he took a step closer to Major Hawk, confidently stepping on the back of his own sword.

Hawk, snapped out of his fantasy, looked at the monster before him, Kira, who was now stepping on his own sword. He couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he realized he was unable to pull out his own blade with his own strength.

Snap! A series of gunshots and a sound like a whip cracking followed.

The G15 base fell into silence, but then the sound of footsteps resonated. It was a person!

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, a slender teenager covered in blood emerged from the G15 base. He carried a makeshift bag made of sails.

Stepping on the crimson-stained rain, he slowly made his way towards the warship at the harbor.

Kira had triumphed. The victory was effortless, just a flick of his standard long knife, reminiscent of a whip.

Gazing out at the turbulent sea, Kira stood on the warship's deck and retrieved a top-secret document bearing the naval seal from his pocket.

In February 1500, One Piece Roger was apprehended. Following consultations between the Navy and the World Government, it was decided that his execution would be a public spectacle in Loguetown.

''Date of execution: May 20, 1500, in the sea calendar.

''Place of execution: Loguetown in the East Blue.

''Letter of Appointment: Major Hawk of the Navy Headquarters was appointed as the commander of the G15 base on March 18, 1500.

''Job description: Safeguard the sea area near the G15 base and ensure the safety of civilians in the World Government's allied countries.

''Investigate the identity and background of Captain XXX, a pirate. Investigate the identity background of XXX, a Naval officer. Investigate the identity background of XXX, a Naval officer..."

Kira glanced at the stormy sea, then shifted his attention to the picture of One Piece Roger.

"Is it already 1500 in the sea calendar? I almost forgot that One Piece is set to be executed in Loguetown this year.

"There are still two months left. I must go see it. Since I've arrived in the world of One Piece, how can I pass up the chance to witness this historic event?"


Shout-out to my new patrons Ghost, Bruno Oliveira, Chance C, and Mohammed Alshamsi . Thank you so much for your support!!

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