
One Piece: Ant king Meruem Template

Before Roger execution, Kira traveled to One piece world and witnessed first hand the Pirates cruelty and the dark side of the Navy. Just as he was planning to get some devil fruits, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [The template system is bound] [Searching.... HxH Ant king Meruem successfully bound] ________ The early chapters are translation for Chinese fanfiction, but the author Abondened the work. I liked the story, so I'm going to finish it.

Floki_Star_1199 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs


"Hahaha, John, can't you handle just two glasses of wine? You're so weak!"

"Everyone, let's raise our glasses to Major Hawk, who is about to become the chief of our G15 base!"

"Major Hawk, please share with us the details of your mission on the Grand Line this year. We're either curious or trying to dig up some confidential information."

While a storm raged outside, the atmosphere inside the G15 base was lively. Navy officers stood shoulder to shoulder, holding their glasses of sherry and enjoying the banquet.

The appointment letter posted on the bulletin board indicated the impending change of command at this remote naval base.

"In truth, there's not much to say. I've had a few near-death experiences during the Grand Line voyage, but it's nothing worth mentioning."

"Do you all remember Roger the Pirate King? Yes, the same Roger who discovered the legendary Great Secret Treasure a few years ago, landed on Raftel, and was later dubbed One Piece by the World Government."

"We spent a year tracking down members of Roger's crew, and finally, during a mission, I, Major Hawk, took part in the operation to capture Roger!"

Major Hawk blushed, raised his glass, and boasted playfully.

"Hahaha, who else but Major Hawk? When Major Hawk joined the navy, I was the one who introduced him. Major Hawk, do you remember me? I'm Hune!"

"Of course, I remember you! Brother Hune, if you hadn't vouched for me back then, I wouldn't be Major Hawk today. Cheers!"

Amidst the lively atmosphere of the base, a shadow of a teenager could be seen outside the gate of the G15 base, illuminated by the lightning in the stormy sky.

This figure was none other than Kira, who had just gained power.

In both his current and previous lives, he has always been powerless.

As a person without strength, Kira had desires and ambitions that ordinary people couldn't comprehend.

In the past, he knew he couldn't confront others, so he endured, stayed hidden, and accepted defeat without retaliation.

But now, everything has changed. Kira had power. The underdog had gained strength, and his desires and ambitions were magnified countless times.

In short, Kira's main thought at this moment was to exact revenge on those who had bullied and mistreated him in the past, even if their actions were merely what ordinary people would consider normal.

"This naval base seems quite lively. I wonder if they'll be as welcoming when I arrive," Kira mused.

His muscles began to expand, and as the raindrops fell, layers of exoskeleton gradually formed around him. From Kira's back, a long tail emerged. With a wave that came almost instinctively, a subconscious movement shattered the stone lion standing next to the gate of the naval base.

A sound comparable to thunder echoed as the stone lion crumbled into rubble.

Four fingers gripped the gate of the G15 base, and with a little force, the sturdy structure crumbled like paper, torn apart by Kira.

A cold wind rushed into the base hall, freezing the naval personnel mid-banquet.

The smiles on their faces and their toasting gestures froze as they looked in surprise at the'monster' that Kira had become.


Thunderous noise followed as Kira's face, resembling a chimeric ant king, transformed into a demonic visage under the stark contrast of light and darkness.

"It seems like a lively gathering. Do you mind if I join in the celebration?" Kira asked.

Kira's tail turned into a whip, reducing the shattered gate to crumbs.

The exoskeleton on his legs swelled, and a fierce light gleamed in Kira's eyes, before he burst toward the marines.

An overwhelming burst of power emerged, almost incomprehensible in its strength. This was a massacre of the weak, a slaughter that Kira needed to purge his past self.

In his rampage, Kira shattered wine glasses with the flick of his arm, causing blood to mix with the spilled wine on the wooden floor.

Amidst the chaos, stumps and shattered dishes littered the ground, transforming the quiet base into a scene of destruction.

Kira's tail thrashed about, reducing wooden tables and chairs to debris that mingled with the corpses.

Kira wasn't invincible; he was only unleashing his murderous fury on this small, neglected base.

No longer weak, Kira effortlessly dispatched the once-formidable navy personnel. Even those who were stronger or veteran members quickly realized the danger and hurried to the equipment depot to find guns.

However, their efforts were futile against Kira's hardened exoskeleton, which shrugged off the buckshot powered by black powder.

The killing spree continued, leaving behind a trail of blood mixed with rain and alcohol in the G15 base.

The crimson stream slowly made its way into the sea through the base's drainage system.

In less than half an hour, Kira had single-handedly slaughtered almost a hundred defenders in a retaliatory rampage, leaving only one survivor.

Kira panted heavily as he picked up a piece of roasted meat from a pool of blood and stared at the lone survivor in the base.

"Why didn't you attack me during the massacre? You are also in the navy," Kira asked.

Click... Whew... Whew... Whew...

A clear photograph of Kira covered in blood and eating flesh appeared on Major Hawk's camera phone screen.

Major Hawk, the only survivor of the G15 base, stared at the photo, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, filled with murderous intent.

"Little ghost, you helped me become a lieutenant colonel, and I'm grateful for that, but now I have to deal with you," Major Hawk said.

Kira retorted, "You call me a villain who slaughtered everyone at the G15 base, but what does that make you? A villain who was about to become the base commander. Is it just a coincidence that you arrested the very person you accuse?"

"Boy, you're my lucky star!" Major Hawk laughed maniacally. Kira had seen that kind of smile before; it was the smile of someone who benefits from pleasing the wealthy.

"He may be a bad person, but are you so sure you'll be able to take me down?" Kira asked.

Major Hawk didn't answer; instead, he arranged a video call on the side and prepared himself. Pulling out his saber, he faced Kira with a face filled with sadness and indignation.

"You, a demon who only knows how to kill, I, Major Hawk of the Navy headquarters, will represent the justice of the Navy today and bring you, a villain, to justice!" Major Hawk declared, ready to strike.

Kira looked at the fully committed Major Hawk, covered his face, and laughed.

"A villain, am I? Hahahaha! Well, today we'll see who will emerge victorious—the villain, me, or the 'hero' of the navy, you!" Kira challenged.

At that very moment, lightning struck the G15 base's lightning rod, igniting a fire in the midst of a storm. Thunder rumbled as the two adversaries charged toward each other.

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