
One Piece: Ant king Meruem Template

Before Roger execution, Kira traveled to One piece world and witnessed first hand the Pirates cruelty and the dark side of the Navy. Just as he was planning to get some devil fruits, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [The template system is bound] [Searching.... HxH Ant king Meruem successfully bound] ________ The early chapters are translation for Chinese fanfiction, but the author Abondened the work. I liked the story, so I'm going to finish it.

Floki_Star_1199 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Famous in the world

"Son of the Devil? Bounty 53 million Beli? Life or death?"

"The most powerful force on the sea, and within a week, my bounty order arrived."

Kira lay back on the boat, holding the wanted poster high. In the sunlight, he appeared almost mythical, like an ancient creature.

Sitting in a pool of blood, his face bloody, he calmly took a piece of bloodstained meat and ate it.

The G15 naval base plaque on the indoor wall added to the cruel and cold-blooded aura of the teenager.

This resulted in Kira receiving his first bounty, a staggering 53 million Beli, despite his youth. Apart from Nico Robin, who survived the O'Hara massacre two years later, no one else had reached this level.

However, Kira's situation was better compared to that of Nicole Robin. His bounty poster did not reveal his true face, depicting only an ant king. The high reward was justified by his strength and potential.

The G15 naval base, located in the remote East Blue Sea, was not an easy target for ordinary pirates. It was guarded by the base commander and even the major of the headquarters, who survived the encirclement and suppression of Roger, the infamous pirate.

(The Navy claimed to have surrounded Roger, and most internal sources recorded his arrest. Only a few knew that Roger had surrendered)

In short, Kira was an extremely dangerous villain with immense potential.

New World...

The Moby Dick, the legendary pirate ship.

A man in a red jacket, with curly hair and a chubby physique, noticed a flicker of interest on Kira's calm face when he saw the bounty.

He looked at the boy on the bounty poster with curiosity.

"Teach, why aren't you at the banquet? Found any treasure here?"

A man named Teach, wearing a lilac shirt and orange trousers, had his eyes obscured by flat mirrored sunglasses. His orange hair was tied up like a pineapple.

"Huh? Hahaha, Captain Marko, it's nothing. I just read an interesting story about a boy in today's newspaper."

Teach quickly changed his expression and handed the newspaper to Marko, as if he had stumbled upon something fascinating.

"Oh? Really interesting? Then I must take a look."

"Hahaha, it truly is! The royal family of the Great Voyage Dikyas Kingdom has just given birth to quintuplets. Isn't that amazing?"

Teach: "Captain Marko, I'm not talking about those funny little guys. Look at the new bounty! Yes, that's it."

Marko looked at Kira's photo and fell silent. The calmness in the eyes and the act of eating meat in the 'blood pool' reminded him of his former self. Especially those eyes, they gave Marko a sense of déjà vu.

"A reward of fifty-three million Beli? That's impressive! This little ghost doesn't seem very old, probably twelve years at most."

"Teach; you have to work hard. You've been under your father's leadership for so many years and still haven't made a name for yourself. Be careful not to be outdone by the younger ones."

"Let's go; let's go to the banquet. Today is a happy day."

"By the way, Teach, if you're interested, you can help me gather intelligence on the son of the devil. I believe even my father would be interested in this lost little guy."

Teach lowered his head and followed Marko to the banquet. He glanced at the photo of Kira on the bounty poster and thought, "Of course, I'll investigate this little ghost, but not for my father."

"Interesting little ghost. I hope you keep a low profile and don't come to the New World before the time is ripe."

"Captain Marko, wait for me. You have no idea how massive Moby Dick is."


Marin Fando...

"Hahaha, Sengoku, are you sure this bounty order isn't a joke? Are you sure you want to release this news now?"

"A twelve-year-old kid who just ate an ancient devil fruit has a reward of fifty-three million. Doesn't this go against your usual style?"

In General Marin Fando's office, the hero Vice Admiral Garp, who has repeatedly threatened One Piece Roger, faced off against the only remaining admiral, Sengoku, who will become a future marshal.

"It's a reward set by the CP organization. I guess it should be a special reward established by the world government to test CP9's capabilities."

"It makes sense for an intelligence agency dedicated to naval affairs to carry out difficult missions like investigating an ability with no background or source. It also serves as a test for CP9's capabilities."

Sengoku had a hint of helplessness on his face. After the Battle of God's Valley, General Zefa stepped back, and Roger became the Pirate King a few years later, raising doubts about the navy's capabilities within the world government.

Now, they couldn't wait to regain some of the authority that originally belonged to the Navy. Today's navy, despite its appearance of power, is actually weaker. The only individuals who can be considered strong at the level of admiral are the current naval marshal, Kong, and the naval hero, Garp.

Others like Kuzan, Sakaski, and Porusalino, while strong, are always one step away from the rank of admiral, whether due to a lack of merit or combat prowess.

Admiral Zefa's strength was diminished after pirates killed his family. Now he is only considered a former admiral and has lost the true power of an admiral.

"Haha, none of this concerns me. I am just a humble vice admiral," laughed Garp.

"Garp, the Navy needs someone like you to become an admiral," proposed Sengoku.

Once again, Garp decisively refused Sengoku's offer.

Becoming an admiral not only grants rights but also entails the duty of protecting Draco. When Draco is threatened, the admiral stationed at Navy headquarters must intervene. Additionally, the admiral must handle matters involving the five old stars, the highest authority within the world government. This is something Garp despises, which is why he has repeatedly declined promotion to the rank of Admiral.

Sengoku looked at his old friend's indifferent expression, rubbing his temples with a headache.

"If that's what you want, it's almost time to announce Roger's execution. You should prepare, give an interview, and provide specific information to the media."

"Now is not the time to be stubborn. Please refrain from making irrelevant comments."

"I don't know why, but I have a sense of foreboding. Ah, forget it. Just go and prepare," Sengoku sighed.

Garp nodded silently, then left the office unexpectedly, pulling out a pack of doughnuts.

Surprisingly, Sengoku did not reprimand Garp this time.

Being in a high position comes with advantages, but it also brings helplessness. Having power does not give one the freedom to do as they please.


Shout-out to my patreons Ghost, Bruno Oliveira, Chance C, and Mohammed Alshamsi . Thank you so much for your support!!

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