
One piece -The New King

When the King speaks the world trembles , time stops , space cracks , waves rose just to follow the decree of the King. Follow Luca to know his journey and his ambition to be the King of the world .

Rakasa_dark · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter - 12 Whitebeard

The King's Pirates sailed across the sea,

On the ship


while Lafitte was reading a newspaper. The headlines announced bounties for the king's Pirates.

Lafitte turned to Luca, sharing the exciting news, "Captain, your bounty is a whopping 100 million Berry, a record in the Four Seas for any newcomer pirate groups captain.!"

Bashas eagerly inquired about his bounty, only to find out it was 25 million Berry, which Ruined his mood after knowing bege's bounty.

Capon bege, seemingly smug, commented positively, "It isn't much for me with a 30 million bounty, they haven't seen my power yet, but ooh lala what a poster , I look so dashing in it."

However, the bounty wasn't surprising for Luca, who had already shown his conquerors haki.

The crew's future bounties were just as important as they worked to strengthen their abilities.

Poison Q, feeling left out without a bounty, was visibly upset. Bashas teased him about it instantly feeling good about atleast getting a bounty, igniting a moment of tension.

Poison Q shot back, " if you don't shut your trap right now, I will add super glue in your breakfast .

Meanwhile, the King's Pirates bounty stirred reactions across the seas with their captain's starting bounty being 100 million berry.

However, this didn't cause much commotion in the New World as the pirates their already had bounty's over 100 million not mentioning the captain even the crew members had bounty exceeding 100 million.

The news reached the Whitebeard Pirates, with Marco sharing the news about Luca's impressive debut.

The crew was intrigued by this newcomer's 100 million bounty,

"100 million for a debut bounty? That's unheard of!."

"I thought Ace was something, but this newcomer seems to be on a whole different level."

"It's been ages since we've seen such a remarkable rise in the seas."

"How is the newcomer compared to Ace, I wonder?"

Amidst the excited murmurs, Marco interjected, "It's really strange, having such a huge bounty right from the start. This newcomer is definitely aiming high."

Ace, intrigued by the crew's statement, joked " doesn't matter if he has a bounty of 100 million, if he fought me even a million times he won't win even once."

"Hey, Ace! Don't you think it's unfair to pick on the newcomers?" Vista's playful tone echoed through their discussion.

Ace scratched his head, chuckling at the jest. "Yeah, you've got a point there, Vista!"

Thatch, the captain of the fourth team, chimed in with a different perspective. "Well, Ace might be a rookie too, but they're both newcomers. It's not uncommon for them to size each other up."

"Maybe we can invite this newcomer to join our ranks," Thatch added, considering the possibility.

Jozu, observing the conversation, pitched in with his analysis, highlighting Ace's prowess with the Flame-Flame Fruit.

"You know, Ace's Flame-Flame Fruit gives him a natural edge. He's got the potential for even stronger combat abilities," Jozu explained.

The other team leaders nodded in agreement,

acknowledging Ace's remarkable strength and his role as the commander of the second fleet within the Whitebeard Pirates.

The conversation buzzed with speculation, curiosity, and admiration for Ace's established abilities and leadership within the crew.

The Whitebeard Pirates debated the newcomer's potential and discussed the possibility of recruiting them into their ranks.

Whitebeard, observing Ace's interest, noted his curiosity about the newcomer's strength. The crew discussed the possibility of integrating this newcomer into their group, although they acknowledged Ace's exceptional potential.

But it was never bad in having more powerful people in their Family.

As Ace brought the newspaper to Whitebeard, the crew was abuzz with excitement and curiosity about the newbie pirate crew.

Whitebeard, sitting atop his throne-like chair, examined the newspaper brought by Ace.

Whitebeard's weathered eyes scanned the headlines, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Another young lion enters the fray," he remarked, his deep voice carrying the weight of experience.

Marco, always vigilant, inquired, "Father, what do you think about this newcomer? A reward of 100 million for a debut is really impressive."

Whitebeard's expression remained thoughtful. "Strength isn't just about numbers, Marco. It's about the potential, the character, the will to stand against the tides of this world."

He leaned back, his gaze seemingly reaching far beyond the horizon. "This Luca , he has such high bounty upon debut, isn't merely a display of his powers.

It's a statement, a challenge to the current system, he must have done something that is not only against the navy but also the elders"

The rest of the captains listened intently, absorbing the wisdom that emanated from their leader."Dad, do you think he'll become a significant threat?" Ace inquired, his youthful energy eager for adventure.

Whitebeard's expression softened. "He might. But a threat or not, what matters most is how we navigate these turbulent waters."

The room fell into a contemplative silence. The mention of a new challenger in the seas meant more than just another pirate crew.

It signified shifts in powers, potential alliances, and possible conflicts on the horizon.

As the Whitebeard Pirates deliberated over the newcomer, the land beyond the seas started feeling the ripples of this new presence.

The arrival of the King's Pirates wasn't just a spectacle; it was a harbinger of change in the balance of power across the Grand Line and the New World.


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