
One Piece - The Fisherman Tale

Joseph Tempes risked his life every day in his profession as a burglar, and after escaping the crime scene after a successful burglary, the grim reaper finally caught up to him. He had a quite unique experience at the gate of life and death, and got sent to the One Piece world with the news that his wife was also reincarnated in the One Piece world. Can Jospeh meet his wife before he loses his sanity?

MerchantOfDeath · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Year 1

It was sudden, it was brutal.

When I took my first bite of the fruit, it was like electricity coursing through me; a mastery over power that boiled with a primal wild . My eyes dulled, and colors began to run together in shaggy lines; a loud sound of whistling static rang through my ears. I sank to my knees as the earth shook beneath me, weak under the pressure of so much power. I felt my muscles bulging becoming larger than they ever should have, stretching the category of flesh holding them. The cracking of bones, the shift in size and mass then started to make me grow: I was soon taller than 30 feet.

My hands grew thicker and my nails had hard black claws, my skin changed to a rough greenish color. My face began to twist, my mouth expanded into a savage maw and crude teeth sprouted forth like thorns. I was a full-on orc at that point—an Orc Chief, no less — the ferocious giant of raw muscle and unrelenting dominance.

I rejoiced in the raw strength surging through my newfound body for a moment. I was invincible, a natural disaster ready to obliterate anything in my way. But then, the madness set in. My mind detached, and my animal instinct took over any logical thinking that I had left. Body consumed by blind rage that eradicated all conscious thought.

I roared, a deafening sound that echoed across the island, and charged into the forest. Trees snapped like twigs under my massive feet, and rocks shattered beneath my fists. I wanted to destroy everything, to tear the island apart in my fury. My mind was no longer my own—I was a beast, driven by the insatiable need to dominate, to crush, to kill.

But as the hours passed, the rage slowly subsided, leaving me exhausted and disoriented. My body shrank back to its human form, and I collapsed on the ground, drenched in sweat, gasping for breath. The transformation had taken everything out of me, leaving me weak and vulnerable. But in that weakness, I found clarity.

That was not an average Zoan, It was a Mythical Zoan fruit — the Orc Orc Fruit model: Chief orc. The zoan gave me amazing strength, durability and regeneration speed but it came with a catch. Each time I changed, it was the same–I would transform and go feral as a monster that was destroyed out of anger and frustration. That could never happen again. This power needed to be harnessed, I had to keep the beast at bay or it would destroy me.

Year 2

I retreated to a cave deep in the mountains, far from the island's predators and dangers. Here, I began my training. I found an old, tattered manual on basic axe combat in the shack where I had discovered the Fishing System. The book was ancient, its pages brittle and yellowed, but it contained valuable knowledge. If I was to control the power of the Orc Chief, I needed to master its natural weaponry: the axe.

For the next year, I devoted myself to training. I hunted wild beasts for food, using their bones and hides to craft weapons and armor. My days were spent practicing the stances and techniques described in the manual, and my nights were consumed by grueling physical training. I pushed my body to its limits, building muscle and endurance, until I was a warrior in both mind and body.

But it wasn't just about strength. I had to master my mind as well. I meditated for hours, focusing on my breathing, trying to center myself, to find the calm within the storm. I needed to find a way to remain in control during the transformation, to channel the beast's power without losing myself to it.

The first few attempts were disastrous. I would transform, only to lose control and rampage through the forest, destroying everything in my path. But slowly, gradually, I began to gain control. I learned to focus my mind during the transformation, to hold onto a shred of my humanity even as the beast took over. It was a constant struggle, a battle of wills, but I was determined to win.

Year 3

By the end of the third year, I had become a master of the axe. My swings were precise and deadly, capable of cleaving through the thickest trees and boulders with ease. My body was a weapon, honed and sharpened through relentless training. But more importantly, I had learned to control the Orc Chief within me. I could transform at will, and while the rage still simmered beneath the surface, I could contain it, and channel it into my attacks without losing myself to it.

It was time to face the predators of the island.

I had avoided the two apex predators—the colossal bear and the giant orangutan—for years, knowing that I was no match for them in my previous state. But now, I was ready. Armed with my axe and the power of the Orc Chief, I set out to hunt them down.

The bear was first. But I discovered it in the mountains, where its large shape loomed above rock-strewn land It roared when it spotted me, a gauntlet I was all too willing to pick up. I shifted, a growl breaking with power from the Orc Chief burst through me as I rushed at the creature. A brutal and bloody battle ensued. The claws and teeth of the bear would through flesh to bone, had it sunk them into anyone. However, I was faster, stronger, and more talented. I brought an axe down with all of my might, killing the beast.

The orangutan was next. Later he followed it into the abysmal woods where it reigned king. It was bigger than the bear, with arms that were tree trunks and a growl that could shake the earth. But I was not afraid. Again I shifted form and rose against the creature. A trial of his might was mighty, having a clash among titans; however, I became successful in guiding my war axe through his back from the top to bottom spine.

With the two predators defeated, the island was mine. I was the apex predator now, the Orc Chief, ruler of this savage land.

The Final Test

With my dominance established, I returned to the sea. I had not forgotten about the Fishing System and its mysterious rewards. I had grown stronger, but I needed more. I needed a way off this island, a way to find Emily.

I spent months fishing, using the skills I had honed over the years. I caught strange and powerful sea creatures, each onemore challenging than the last. And finally, after weeks of patience and perseverance, I caught something trulyextraordinary—a baby Sea King.

The creature was massive, even in its infancy, with scales like steel and eyes that glowed with an eerie light. It thrashed and fought, nearly pulling me into the depths, but I held on, my strength and determination unyielding. When I finally pulled it onto the shore, I felt a strange sensation in my pocket. The orb I had found so long ago was glowing, brighter than ever before.

My fingers probed in my pocket and I removed the orb of my first uncommon lottery ticket. It gleamed with a gold light, golden light and I knew this was the gift that I had been paid for. When I ripped the ticket in two, a ship appeared on the horizon in what seemed like an explosion of light.

It was a great ship, big was not the right word for the size, it was massive; with black sails and a hull of shiny dark wood. The boat sailed towards me like it was gliding in the air and cutting through the waves effortlessly. Name of the ship etched on its side:

The Black Orc

Keeping with the theme.

I had my ship. I was ready to leave this island and find Emily. But more than that, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. I had the power of the Orc Chief, the skills of a warrior, and the patience of a fisherman.

I boarded the ship, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. The open sea awaited, full of dangers and adventures. But I was not afraid. I was the and I would conquer whatever lay ahead.

As the ship sailed away from the island, I looked back one last time. The place that had once been my prison was now my conquered domain. I had survived, I had thrived, and I had become something more than human.

The future was uncertain, but I was ready. With The Black Orc beneath my feet and the power of the Devil Fruit in my veins, I would carve my path through the world. I would find Emily, and together, we would face whatever the world had to throw at us.

The journey had just begun. Just as this place changed me, I will change this world.