
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

10 Graduation Test

6 months passed so fast.

They all trained, learned, and fought every day.

3 months ago, Hunter finally was given advanced training and started working on Rokushiki.

As of now, he can now use the 6 styles at almost intermediate levels.

Also, Hina and Smoker were much stronger months ago. Their relationship also developed, the three of them are now called the monster trio.

Hunter thought that because of him they developed their potential even more.

He beat both their asses on the daily basis.

But somehow created a bond that led them to be stronger.

Both Hina and Smoker can now use rokushiki but are not as developed as Hunter.

And a week from now they will be heading now to the four seas.

Their area assignment will be randomly drawn.

Their performance will act as a basis for the position they will be getting once they return and pass.

All of them were to hunt pirates.

All of them now are in the training room, where they were given each assigned area.

Smokers group were assigned to West Blue,

South Blue was given to Hina's group

Then, Hunter's group was assigned to North Blue.

And others to East Blue.

Also, each of them was assigned 2 Cipher Agents who would act as witnesses to their accomplishments.

But they assured them that they wouldn't interfere with anything, they would even let them die.

For now, they were instructed to wear their civilian clothes and were told not to declare that they were Marines.

They were each given fake bounty hunter identities.

And now, in front of each, their group assigns ship.

Hunter was looking around and thinking his plans were finally gonna start.

He is now wearing a white shirt, black pants, and black leather gloves. He also has a new weapon, an Odachi. He prefers to use this weapon because of how tall he is.

In the show, there were a lot of powerful swords, but he was worried that the sizes of those weapons may not be accurate. Oden was a big guy compared to Zoro, if Oden used Shuisui it would probably look more like a knife than a sword.

'This is in real life now, or are those graded weapons change sizes based on their users.' Hunter thought.



They each said their good luck and

Smoker then declared "Hunter! I will beat you this time!"

"Hina..is serious too".

Hunter then just nodded and acknowledged their resolves.

Then, finally boarded their ship.


After arriving at South Blue

Hunter and his fellow trainee were given a small ship, a map, and a small portion of food.

and they went their separate ways.

They were to meet exactly 6 months later.

as Hunter sailed to the ocean, he planned to go to Swallow Island. He plans to start his search for pirates.

and there are only a couple of days before his compass returns to function.

This time he is going to look for the coveted Ope Ope no mi.

When they drew their assignment he had hoped to go to South Blue to look for the sword Ace.

But the opportunity presented.

On the way to the island, he spotted a pirate ship

It belongs to one Captain Vince Puffypants with a bounty of 14 million, according to the list he had of active pirates in the North

On the pirate ship. Their lookout shouted, " Captain there's a small ship west of us, but it seems there is no one aboard it."

They didn't know that Hunter already used his Geppo and looking down on them.

"Are Puffypants?" he couldn't help but smile when he called out the name of Puffypants. His first pirate kill was a Puffypants

But he didn't even let them answer.

He flickered and bolted to the center of the ship, and used his Odachi and slamming it.

With a loud boom, he almost destroyed the ship.

" Ahh!! Help me!!"

" we will quit pirating!!

"Spare us!!

Hunter didn't even listen to their plight.

Some of the pirates were thrown out to the sea.

He cut the canon fodder.

He then looked to the Captain, flickered and decapitated him in one slash

The pirate didn't even have a chance to fight back. Claiming his head.

"Light work." then he returns to his ship.

'I could hasten my travel by ditching my ship but I want to take my time.'

He thought as he wanted to enjoy his travel since this was his first time traveling alone.





As days go by, he destroys a couple of pirate ships.

On the horizon, he finally caught sight of Swallow Island.


Morning arrived, and he rented a room in Pleasure Town.

Since there is no Marine base nearby, He then looks for the Bounty Hunters Exchange house.

He traded 4 heads at the house. He didn't mind if the Cipher Pol following him would report that he had exchanged it for some money.

"Mr.Town here is your bounty, your pretty good for your first time". The attendant said.

"They were weaklings" Hunter nonchalantly answered.

"So are there any worthy targets you have there?" Inquired Hunter.

The attendant then looks at the towering person, thinking 'This guy is not to be trifled with'

Then he showed two wanted posters to Hunter.

Kellie Steel-Heart and Captain Hazyjack are both with high bounties. 'What did they even do to have such bounty, this isn't even the Granline.'@

He then told about the two pirates and their territories. "Pick your target kid". The attendant offered.

But, he took two wanted posters. 'if I can succeed, I can finally buy the thing I want in the store.'

If went to East Blue he probably wouldn't have a chance to kill high bounty pirates.

"Thanks, old man" and he went on his way.

The old man thought 'he looked strong but, I can't feel an ounce of his power.'

When he arrived he introduced himself as Town.

He currently has 48 million berries.

"I don't know if those kids are here," Hunter said to himself.


He spent his day preparing for his travel.

When night arrived.

He went out of his room and then disappeared through the dark night.



Two people were talking somewhere on the island.

They didn't know that someone was lurking around the darkness of the place.

'These guys ware pretty good at hiding, I can't underestimate the lower ranking Cipher Pol'. He thought.

And suddenly the place went quiet.

A monster in darkness with golden snake eyes, his back was releasing a dark purple cloud that was slowly forming into pointed four tails.


Four tails went straight to the two people.

'It's been a while since I used my devil fruit.'

They were stabbed and pinned down to the ground. They didn't have an idea what happened.

The person who attacked was Hunter, the one who lurks in the void and the nonexistent.

"Finally I got rid of those two." Hunter exclaimed.

'Now, I can finally look for the fruit without the World Government on my tail.'
